02-1156Council File # 6'a„ � \�5 (� �vh��.c�,— �c�, \S'� 3.00a� Green Sheet # � V � qd RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA -� 0 35 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the Malt On Sale (Strong), Wine On Sale, and Restaurant {B) licenses 3 (License ID No. 20010000419) held by Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant and 4 located at 510 Snelling Avenue North in Saint Paul are hereby suspended for a period of ten (10) 5 days �� �. 12•�]-a-�2�-W �s� Tannarv 1 „?(ln? .� � ° _. , , .�^� , 6 �n �nno J�q-,�> for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance. Tlus Reso utron and 7 the actrpn taken above are based upon the facts contained in the Oct 10, 2002 Notice of 8 Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee didnnt�n e facts of the violation. .�� �'O o'� ��osc. d.a.a�y,5 �0�.� 5�'e.•. Srer o�.Pc.r:oc` e a-`� r�t�cr��h5 ov. � cav.�.�l�ov.1 �-ha�' ha �.-.a-ti� v ` � � � �. �ca \ � � \ , `d.��CV�s f`�2.. a e. �w�0;�.� \Y�S�..rqv'G.E� a.r�se.. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Byc Appr By: Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council : Date �J s�.� �5( a0 e�� � By: C�u.�.� �- �,� DEPARTMENkYOFFiCE/COUNCII,: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 200290 LIEr No� 2�, 2002 ' O�. •\\S t CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: IN1TTaLnATE mTTlaLnwTE Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEPARTMENT DIIL crrr covrrcn. MI7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �Ir'N — CITY AITORNEY _ CTIY CLERK FINANCIAL SERV DIIL FINANCL4L SERV/ACCTG DEC 11 2002 (consent) F MAyOR(ORASST.) _CIVII.SERVICECOMMISSION ROi7TING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGIVA7TJRE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnoN �QuES�n: Adverse action against the licenses held by Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant, located at 510 Snelling Avenue North RECOMMINDAI'[ONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION I. Has this person/firm ever worked under a convact for this department? CIB COMMTII'EE Yes No CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/fitm possess a skill not norntalTy possessed by any wrrent city employee? Yes No Eaplaio all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INIITATING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTIJNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): Licensee had a lapse in its liquor liability insurance ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ps�� �q,G?�. y?'G� 3���'��� aa Council action necessary to enfarce licensing and insurance requirements. �.. _ � ��� , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IFNOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for failing to maintain required liquor liability insurance. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 1RANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTR'TTY NUMBER: ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) I:\USERS�PANGBORN�gewsM1ee[- alm}roi mmpi B.wpd CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor December 3, 2002 Amafu Yeshidagne Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant 510 Snelling Avenue North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY O�" ��S y ManuelJ. Cervames, CityAtmrney Civi[Dirisiox 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 65/ 166-87l0 I S West Kellogg B[vd. Facsimile: 651298-5679 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 " RE: Malt On-Sale (Strong) and Wine On-Sale Licenses held by Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant for the premises located at 510 Snelling Avenue North in Saint Paul License ID #: 20010000419 Dear Atnafu Yeshidagne: As requested, we will lay this matter over for a public hearing to give you an opportunity to explain the lapse in your liquor liability insurance coverage to the City Council. The matter is now scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday, December 18, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey Couniy Courthouse. Public hearings begin at 5:30 p.m.. - If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, `� � ��� Virginik'D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: � _ cy�idErson Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, NfN 55104-1832 ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ManuelJ. Cervantes, CiryAttorney 0�.�`5 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL crverD;,�.sran Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 400 City Ha[1 I S Wert KeTlogg Blvd. Saint Ppu/, Minnesota 55101 � November 27, 2002 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Amafu Yeshidagne Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant 510 Snelling Avenue North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 Telephone: 657 266-8710 Facsimile: 651298-5619 RE: Malt On-Sale (Strong) and Wine On-Sale Licenses held by Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant for the premises located at 510 Snelling Avenue North in Saint Paul License ID #: 20010000419 Dear Ms. Yeshidagne: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 11, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts conceming the lapse in your liquor liability insurance have not been denied. As indicated, this matter has been place on the consent agenda portion of the City Council meeting during which no public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office is for a ten day suspension of your licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, " C,�c��,,.,� Virginia . Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Community Organizer, Hamline Midway Coalition, 1564 Lafond Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104-1832 UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER a? Licensee Name: Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant Address: Council Date: Violation: Place: Presumptive Penalty: Licensed Premises 10-Day Suspension of Licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Ten- Day Suspension of Licenses Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License information 4. Certificate of Insurance, issue date 9/19/02 5. 9/13/02 letter from Kris Schweinler to Atnafu Yeshidagne 6. 8/8/02 letter from LIEP to Atnafu Yeshigagne 510 Snelling Avenue North Wednesday, December 11, 2002 Lapse In Liquor Liability Insurance 7. Notice of Cancellation, mailed 7/30/02 CITY OF SAINT PAUL RnnAy C. Kel[y, Mayor OCYOUeI lO, 2002 Owner/Manger Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant 510 Snelling Avenue North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 OFFICE THE CITY ATTORNEY Mnmre(J. Cervnnres, CiryAttorney \` e G 0�• y Civil Dicision 400 Cip' Hall Telepkone: 651 266-87l0 /5 {Vest Kellagg Blvrt. Fncsimile: 651298-56l9 SninlPaad, Minnesotn 55l02 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: Malt On-Sale (Strong) and Wine On-Sale Licenses held by Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant for the premises located at 510 Snelling Avenue North in Saint Paul License ID #: 20010000419 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has recommended adverse action against the licenses held by Fasika, Inc. d/b/a Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant for the premises located at 510 Snelling Avenue North in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On July 13, 2002, the Office of LIEP received notice of the canceliation of liquor liability insurance for your establishment effective August 31, 2002. You were advised that you needed to obtain replacement coverage. The coverage was received on September 19, 2002, showing a lapse in coverage from August 31, 2002 until September 17, 2002. If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. The recommendation of the licensin� office is for a 10-day suspension of your license pursuant to the penalty matrix contained in St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Page 2 Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant October 10, 2002 �����V On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Monday, October 21, 2002, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts of the violation. The matter will then be scheduled for the St. Paul City Council and placed on the Consent Agenda during which no discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty wil! be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, '�� 4—� ��-X -k-fi. U Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COITNTY OF RAMSEY ) O'� -\�s b AF`FIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CL,EMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on October 11, 2002, she served the attached NOTICE OF VTOLATION placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant 510 Snelling Avenue No. St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. / � %��/J'. ��/�� — -- .� �' i 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this i lth day of October, 2002. /� e � ,�- • ��c- n c;���� � f � ' a'^'� � C:ti . LvS�RIL • L p• 7 i:Ginri'• � U91 �C -�,i�`i:' Notary Public K��;;''; v �::: r co�:i�; ; ���: � � -.... e.. 'iJ=.4.i.Fi "�i, <l�i� License Group Comments Text Licensee: FASIKA INC �BA� FASIKA ETHIOPIAN RESTAURANT License #: 20010000419 10/11/2002 O3 -��Sl. 10/11/2002 insurance lapse. To CAO for adverse action. CAR 09/19/2002 Rec'd new liquor liability with lapse in coverage (8/21/02 thru 09/17/02 are the lapse dates). IAB 09113Y2002 Gave Kris No Liquor Service letter to hand deliver. LAB 09/12/2002 I haiked with Atnafu Yeshidagne and told him he could not sell liquor until we receive a replacement liquor liability certifipte. LAB 08/OS/2002 Sent letter requesfing repiacement Iiquor liability insurance. LAB 07/�3/2002 Redd pncellation of liquor liability policy #CL118104A with United Siates Liabiiity Ins. effective 12:01 a.m. on 8/3�/02. LAB 05/02/2001 Adopted Resolution 01-443 - Approving the appliption with wnditions for Wine On Sale, Mait On Sale (Strong), and Restaurant caa 04/�8/2001 Gerry Strathman to recommend approval with conditions to City Council 4/25. qa 04/�1l2001LegHrgsched: 4M8/01. pa 02/t2/2001 - Notification response date 03/30/2001, notices mailed 02N2/2001: 82M & 38EM. JL oa -�u� ���,����fi���� Trr+e� r aa+�+�r t' ucansee �' u,o+fiptl s e� �o-eetr jn suea r�; st�r� <oa. � Qrecmx,, �a _.._..� �� � CitY a6h .��� r ;�.; , .�K.''�M;... �;- � y ,. � —' ����� .'_.- ^x--f�P:�c>� � __ _ R¢stn++vt(9)-mo4�ctiro UCenseP/iKCtl O6t[22Iq1 WATI72tl03��.5105idE.Ltk)AVEN STPAII.,k 4(651)606.47b� NAneOnSMe Active LicenmPrtted 062572Q]I O4A9720D9�itO5M1�LN(3A�EN STPNA�N d �651)_6A8-3147 "'� ._ _. _ '__'..,....,.."____.._.._......___,...._____..__-•---..._,___,._........,.�' __"_. '_"' ........,_" ' . Entertahrnr!-Terc�,CMpktaLkenSeExpFtl(ontktaMSO8R8I2C10208tdp2(q2�di0SNELLN6AYEN , s �(851)B46�d747 Erdahakrnmt-TemCarpdeLkmsa6ptdtontleteM509113l100208115l10023105M3LNOAVEN � (851J646.47a7 O� r"d � Type � �,� � �a � te� ! �� r. a,� sveet a StreetNeme: Street Type u�a r�2 «Y State: YJarQ Oist Casicit LJCensee: ' OBII S�s Tax kt; :';[:�. ��� LiCmses A.GKLNC �' DBA ASAC4ETHOPIANRESTAURANT � � �.T,� � �.� l � � �s 1 f' �kmsee C unom�i ' arojeUPeu�Ma: asUNCJON coRP7� p � � Ativorse Action Commm9s oaxmR N `; uas �— i ' LkCt15DGTWpC01fiRRNS: ZP 55104 i 9t1002 ReNd new 6quw IadYy wih Mpu h mage Cb121A2 iMU Q717A2 eretM kpax tle1C5). ,.„. ._ �;�aWie_ ! 3R�2 Oave itris No LiQnr Servka kttato hmJ 1?B �rtccra�nw�rr CIXM�er1S� Ma60nS�e(54ot� t 06725Rfpt OdA7R003 N f445A0, � Restarart(�-mqeVpnt2saets R O6R2li0pt 04A1R003 , N 5+{SpAO ' v+AnaOnSde :C 067151Xq1 OdlIT1t2003 N T1,365A0 __ '. ''_` cr"":.:r:::.:.-_: =-r_�,:.::. ""..__._,......__�-._._._._ , �200�. ' . ' "_" . _ ...._.._"'_.__... .._ "_""..: . .. _.� .—'_ 0200f :' Lkrn¢e # 10000419 Save CMngesta WstGy � „s.'.:QI{ ��r� `°; Ceiia! �� "";. ..._-. .'� . J . _ . L�� � 4:09 �����Y L�� a TY� ��I�I� I�.�I��II �, a�� DBA ASMP.EiMOP1ANRESiAUtMiT §tre ttt She L�mm ticeraee � Lic TYP� I Nwanca I BwW � Rec�F¢rt'cNS, S1(E LlttnStE Wme. ASi(A NC � �p DBA ASKAEffdOPIANRE5TAUiMt� � Seles T� Id 718845 Nonfrofit r Wwkets Con'K � �qx�as..._: AA CaYract ftec'd OAOA00f7 AA Tra'r�Ng Rec'd � C[y. AA Fce Colaied AOA000 dscaa't Ra'd (� hU+NAGffi10.5(651)2313337iC*��+`1 C• :.i��: x_ _. `µ'' _° ,,,,. _ ?„J � Lixnx Adrta � Bact$Oind ClteCk Re4�Etl [� 0200C '.Lkcnfe# 10000619 . : .. , .. .. . .... , ' . .. . ` . ,,. .. . _ . . � .'� ; �.. �� ��_��BREatestt.: �U�aaasu_w.'fS�Q':;�Qeow.._�: �x�:;= ��,N���� 'aa�ern.';�: 0.Aei Licrose Tc — i)tltlr_TyP� ��A�rve"�i InedFFe �w�estNeme ;.��,`-.�YSiNar�e .„�":="�e .:`�a .;,"wtb �: MmlToGortact 8usness 02�0'IR00100A0.UOO�YESHDAG�E A7NAFU PRESDINf (651)6i6-97i7(95'i�{'LlcmSeAtldess O'�--\�.S L � � T � `�'�'����) ._.������f� '�� Lk�� A�AP1C '. ury"'_ f�'�st°.F�ss'."".,.".0 DBA ASK4E7yppWN � �� � � �,�, � �T�, �.� I � I�=1 �: L�atte T1'�: On Sde � � hsuronce TYPQ �kT!? ���Y h5vence "' ".� Po6cyi: '_ 05513595 . — _' � py —�_� Canpeny PAII SU2PLUS LM5 NS CO V Arkkes� . . ... . _..____. _`__'__ „ Pha,e f. �— � lutt � :�Zel'�jea Hr«u.e: snermvz uena�rw,BS r�.anceRerd nsrmos I —; E�yaalbrc �+Y8I20p3 300,�0 •�2 EVENT 8 TOTAL lMT Days To Cancet �g`p CaMinuous � �°�°k pm,�ppp pyt�su[d � "_._.._...�.,.____....._._.._.,.'___ CencdRec'd � t N�' � 3: '. j Agcxy. �tOUI.IETTE AGEIVCY NC . AhYesx 481-815TAYEPE,MMEAPqJS 55 437-2 7 1 7_.__...,. ' flwfref. 76�7�.9151 Cottact AQ(ERT 0200C � '�v�' �. `ee�a - �CeiT:":==, ' � :j',�'��S � to13 „_» : ' Lleetwe # 10000419 Seva pierges W FistuY 17 ,".�,q{ .; ..�d z f: �:� n=;� C „c� �u ` Sep I9, I2:59 ra1 by: Annette B�=ndtsen (13:06) Pg 2 of 2 �K363Y7 ��\`S� _ .:.:. ..:.:�.; � ' �GERT�FIC�►T� �F :It'�SI�F�ANCE _ , SSUE DAiE (M1MI�D�Yq ': - _ -::' ' _ :.. _ : ` : : . t_ . : ` : .. _ .. t . : .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. •, :::::::.....:::.::_.:. _::=::::=.:=;.;:.:,:_:-.,•.;.:_•.:_.:=:_:.;:_=.;:_::.;_.;...;•.;.;.-;•.;_:.:::_:_:: 09/ 9/02 _._ ,. _. .._... _......_. . _ � 1 vAOOUCFV THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON TNE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERT{F{CATE R BROUILLETTE AGENCY INC DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND Ofi ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE r POLICIES BEIOW. 1481 81ST AVE N.E. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55432-2111 coM>nr�v �erreF A ST PAUL SliRPLUS LZNES INS CO GO.V,�AN+ B INSU3ED LETTER FASIICA� INC. DBA: FASIICA ETHIOPIAN COMPANY LETTER C RESTAURANT , , 510 N. SNELLING AVENUE COA�PANY icrrFa D SAINT PAUL MN 55104 iE rEa v E COYERRGES " ' - - _ ._.,. ..... .. ....... .. . _._ . . . .. :... .... . .................. -. .....:.�.._�:_� iNIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED 6ELON1 HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE IYSURED NFME� ABOb'E FOR THE PO_ICV ?EFIOD INDICATED, NOTW�THSTANDING AN} REQVIREMENT TER.V, OR CONDITIOP: OF ANY CONiPACT OR O'HER DOCVMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS I CERTIFICATE MAY BE IS>UED OR MAY PEfiTAIN THE INSURAVCE AFFOaDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBEC HEREIN IS SU5JECT TO AL_ THE TERMS. EXCLUSiONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH FOLIGI�S. Uh11T5 SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCEJ 3Y PAIO CLAIMS CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMOEfl IPOtICY EFPECTIVEI pOLICV EXPIRATION �TA I �0.TE{MM:�[1(YY� ` DATEyb1M:D•J%YY) IIMITS 1 GENERALLIAO�LITY GENEFA�Af;aF`cGATC j COMMCRCIAL GENERAL LIABiLITY PROOII^TS.COAf�'OP PCG 2 CLAIM3 1AADE O OCCVH PEPSCNFL d A��' INJVRY ��OWNER'S 6 COGTRACTOF'S PFOT EFCr� OCbJAaENC'c 3' , FIIE OAM1tAGE fA �v one luel S MEJ ExPeta<_E t>r� p.. r,x'ix) 5 0.UTOM1tO81LE LIABI�ITY CJUdI4EU SI'vC+LE A`JY AUTO LI'd.i A'_L OWRE� A'JiOS °This insurance is issued pursuent to COJiLY IN�V�•� IaCHED'J;ED AUTOS Minnesota Surpius Lines nsuranca Act Tfte � POf � s Hiweu Fu i os (nsurer is an e6gible surp us Gnes insu ( bU� µnun v iv�uvv NoN-owueo nuros is not otherwise licensed by the State f ♦ IPer,r�iticiq F GA.4AGE LIABILItY A+linrtesota. In case of insQlvency P'f3 n{ of datms is not guarantegd � PPO�EFiY DAMGGE E%CESS LIABILITY EdCN Of.C�IFRENCE JFIBRELLA FUHM ACGfEChTE I 3 pi HER THnN UbI�RELLA FORM . . . . .. .: :. . .. . .. . . .. . �.. _ .. .. .. . .. .: �.. .: . �. .. . . . .. . . �. : �.. .. .. . _..: .: � . � :..:: : :.:_.. ::_::::: : WOHKEF'S COMCENSATION STATUTORYLIMiTS '::}':':.,..:: ANO EiCr pCt:IDEN' I I I D,SEASE FOLiCYL1.Y,R ; EMPLDYERS' LIl�BILITY DI5=4SE—EAY EMPLOI'EE 5 OTHEP A LIQUOR LIABILITY SF05513195 09/18/02 09/18/03 $300,000- BI PER EVENT/$300,000. TOTAL LIMIT OESLflIPiION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLESlSPECIAI ITEMS RESTAURANT BAR LOCATED AT: 510 N_ SNELLING AVENUE; ST: PAUL, MN 55104 CERTlFlCA7E�NOtDER?:�.�:� ���:'-?_..:°_'<,:._°.'�:_:.:_:i':;:°:{'::: _:.-';:".CA R*ezcept.S.�:Bry"s_�for:;ro.F=aa�ant:pi.pee;�iu�: NGELI.ATID SHOVLD ANV OF TMe ABOVE DBSCR�BED POLICIES BE CANCEL! E7 BEFOR� THE EXPI.4ATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUIV3 COM'ANY WILL XXR'6RC'2R%ISkX XX � MAIL �*_ DAYS WRI7TEN NOTICE TO TH? CE�TIFICFTE HOLDEF NAMED TO THE ' LEFT.X'XX7FXtX6��CX2C7SF4}CX343CY7C3'CX�X7t-X$534i�CXX2i1C1SX7.WK�'�IWNXX3F.M'dft CITY OF ST. PAUL � ,�g�pp�(§��q6�3�!xv�45�$ERkRRRF}Y�{4t�k�XX}p7c�C3R'k`�FK,4P�R�R�#�4{F27d7F��X DIVISION OF LICENSES & PERMITS ,���� ��—D'CJGLt�'c-C_�.bQ-in"2�PrC51dBRt 350 ST. PETER STREES $300 PUTHORIZCOREPHESLNT4T�VE ST. PAUL� MN 55102 ab ... . ....:...........:...... .: .. . . : :. .. :: .. . .. . . . . :. . .. :. .: - "::�:�25=S(719D};%�',? :. :.......... ...... .,: ..:. ,.:. -_ - OFF[CE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ` c ENVIRONUfENTAL PRO"fECTION O,. �ty` RogerC. Curtis, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Ke(!y, Mayor LOWRYPROFESSIONALBU/LDNG Telephorse: 65l-266-9090 350 St. Peter Stree; Suite 300 Facsimile: 65l-266-9124 SaintPaul,Minnesola55702-/5!0 Web: www.cislpaul.mn.us/liep September 13, 2002 Atnafu Yeshidagne, President Fasika Inc. dba Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant 510 Snelling Avenue North Saint Paul, NN 55104 Dear Mr. Yeshidagne: It has come to our attention that the liquor liability insurance you are required to h2ve and keep in force while holding an On Sale Wine and On Sale Malt (Strong) license in Saint Paul was cancelied effective August 31, 2002 and the Office of License, Inspections an3 Environmental Protection has not received proof of replacement coverage which is required by Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Please be advised that there should be no service of alcohol at 510 Snelling Avenue North until this office receives a current liquor liability certificate effective August 31, 2002 and expiring April i, 2003 with your licensing date. If you have any questions, I am available at 266-9110 during regular business hours. Your replacement certificate can be faxed to 651 266-9124, attention Kris. ' Sincerely, Kris Schweinler Senior License Inspector KS/lab enclosure AA-ADA-EEO Employer ,� CITY OF SAIIv'T PAUL Rnmdy C. Kelfy. Hlayor Au�ust 8, 2002 Atnafu Yeshida�ne Fasika Inc. dba Fasika Ethiopian Restaurant 510 North Snellin� Avenue Saint Paul, NN 55104 Dear Atnafii Yeshida�ne: OFFICE OF UCENSE, INSPECTIOVS AVD ENVIROV�tENTAL PROTECT(O�' Roger C. Gvtis. Director O� r `�` ` LOLVRYPROFESS10.VdLBC7LD1,�"G Telephwie. 6�7-2G/-)Ulti 350ST Pe�erSrreet,Suiee300 Facsin�ile. 65/-?55-9111 SairtlPaul.Nlennetotn5Jl0?-IJ10 {4'eb �vvnrcistpn�d.nw.us7iep LIC ID: 20010000419 LIC EX: 4J03/2003 It has come to our attention that the liquor liability insurance you are required to have and keep in force �vhile holdin� an On Sale Wine and On Sale Malt Liquor license at 510 North Snellin� Avemie will be cancelted effective 12:01 a.m. on Au�ust 31, 2002. Please send a replacement liquor liability certificate to this office beforz the cancellation date to the above address or it may be faxed to 651 266-9124, attention Laura. Also be advised that no alcohol may be served after 12:01 a.m. on Au�ust 31, 2002 if we do not receive a replacement insurance certificate or reinstatement notice by the cancellation date. Please call if you have any questions. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of LIEP Laura ! 651 266-9102 Enclosure Ll, ! L(, �'U'-t 1 I ,• •`' NOTICE OF CANCELLATION, NONRENEWAL OR CHANGE IN POLICY PREMIUM/COVERAGE NAMEAND. ADDRESS OFINSURANCE COMPMYY UNITED STATES LIABILITY INS. CO. 790 SOUTH WARNER ROAD NlAYNE pA �gp87 N.UdEAND . FASIKA,ANC ADDRESS DBA:FASIKA ETHIOPIAN RESTAURANT OF INSUR:D 570 N. SNELLING ST. PAUL h1� 55104 KIND OF POLICY: LIDUOR LIABILITY D���V � 'ruGAIIVW�IPoUtRNO.:GL718704A — "c DATE OF NOTICE: 08/37/2002 12:OtAM (DAT7 (HWF-STi.•iCTrOTIMCATTHETDOP.'cSSGFTeV-�N«��� NAILING: 07/30/2002 rvqtvtc ANU AUUHtSS OF AGEi�Ti°ROKER: BURNS & WILCOX, LTD 60 PLATO BLVD EAST SUITE 210 ST. PAUL p.iN 55107 (Specific information concerning the cancellation or nonrenewal has been given to the Insured.) TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER: , You are nolified that lhe above pohcy is canceiled or nonrenewed effectiv= on and ater the hour and dale mentioned above. This rolice is being provided to you as you hz been provided with a cedificate of insurance on the 2bove policy. Any interest you may have in Ihe above policy is terminated. �,';t „ � . . .�% :'^fiR=O .. E ENTA IVE NA�AE AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER CITY OF ST, PAUL 350 ST. PETER ST. k3G0 ST. PAUL titN 55102 zooz t � �nr cI�IT I�II Q$11IHJ�2i (E)GU 8811d (Ed.1-0O) uk��Fen��:nsoasur,cn>��vrces �ac .; is9- CEATIFICATE HOLDER'S COPY Pz' 1 cf