263282 WH17E - CITV CLERK (1�{��(�� CA ARY - DEP RC MENT CO1111C11 . '�j C) V BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. Co cil e olutio � Presented By �CENSE CONIMLTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application for the transfer of Class D-Original Container� Off Sale Ma.lt Beverage and Cigarette I,icense No. 3389, expiring January 31� 1975, issued to Irene �. Hoye at 1231� Payne Averiue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Leo F� Hoye Liquors, Inc. at the �ame address. TRANS FE�, (Individual to corporation) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: �mt Butle r ;�, Konopatzki In Favor �.�i� � �Roedler Against BY Tedesco � � , Form Approved by City Attorney A�6p��r��fi'��1: 4`� te �e e a � F 19�-�t Certified P y Council Secretary By / By Approv �by Ma r: Dat 2 S 1974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P�����+�� �IAR 3 0 1974