02-1155Council File # Q'i -�� 55 Green Sheet # 100 3�l �- Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,�9Da' ',� � �` � ��il� .'�V�J`'� Committee: Date WHEREAS, Brandon D. Davis has appiied for a taxicab driver's license in the City of 2 Saint Paul; and 4 WHEREAS, Brandon D. Davis was sentenced in Hennepin County on September 20, 5 2001 for misdemeanor conviction of Disorderly Conduct based upon his actions on August 9, 6 2001, while performing in his capacity as a dispatcher for ABC Tazi, located at 2838 Stevens 7 Avenue South in Minneapolis. His actions involved the use of force and the threat of use of 8 force against two co-workers; and 9 10 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) does not permit the licensing of ll any person who has any misdemeanor convictions in the previous three years involving the use or 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 threat of use of force; and WHEREAS, Brandon D. Davis was sent a Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application based upon these actions; and WHEREAS, Brandon D. Davis has failed to respond to that Notice. Now, therefor be it RESOLVED, that the Taacicab Driver License Application submitted by Brandon D. Davis, is denied. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter ue based upon the facts contained in the October 2, 2002 Notice Of Intent To Deny License Application letter to the licensee and the Minneapolis Police Report MP-01-227598. The applicant did not respond to the Notice. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Reguested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date BY� ` I � ' Y �� �1✓ v DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.• 200292 LIEP Nov 27, 2002 ' ��'��� COIVTACT PERSON & PHONE: Il�TI7�UDATE IN1TTALNATE Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � DEPARIMENT DIIL crrY covnrcn. MIJST BE OPI COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E� �IGN — CTl'Y ATIORNEY _ CRY CLERK FINANCIAL SERV DIIL FiNANCTAL SERV/ACCTG DEC 11 � ZOOZ �CO175EI1t� g BER MAYOR (OR ASST.) _ CML SERViCE COMMISSION ROi717NG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'[JRE) acnorr �QuES�n: Adverse action against the•t�icab driver license application submitted by Brandon D. Davis RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACIS M[JST ANSWER TfIE FOI.I.OWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a co�tract for this department? CIB COMMI'I1'EE Yes No � CNb SERVICE COMMLSSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explaiu all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATTNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNTTY (Who, What, Wheo, Where, Why): Applicant has misdemeanor convicrion on September 20, 2001 involving the use of farce and the threat of use of force against two co-workers at ABC Taaci located in Minneapolis �A'. ,"'1 it� ": ADVAN7'AGES IF APPROVED: �" Council actionnecessary to enforce licensing requirements for taxicab driver applicants. ,� ��� �� � ��s�� �. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � `�*� � - ' � None. � .,�:.,- -� � _ , ri; � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for failing to abide by licensing requirements for taxicab driver applicants. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ WSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCI.4I, INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) I:\USSRS�PANGBORN�gemaM1eet-almhoi mmpl B.wpd Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DATE: December 10, 2002 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jerry Blakey - Ward 1 Councilmember Chris Coleman - Ward 2 Councilmember Patrick Harris - Ward 3 Councilmember Jay Benanau - Ward 4 Councilmember Jim Reiter - Ward 5 Councilmember Daniel Bostrom - Ward 6 Councilmember Kathy Lantry - Ward 7 FROM: Peter Pangborn Legal Assistant City Attorney's Office RE: Withdrawal of Item # 24 From December 11, 2002 Council Agenda Please withdraw item number 24, Resolution 02-1155 - Concernine adverse action aeainst the taxicab drivers license a�lication submitted by Brandon D. Davis from the consent agenda for the December 11, 2002 Council meeting. Mr. Davis has now requested an administrative hearing to contest the facts on the matter. If you have any questions, I can be reached at ext. 6-8776. Th y u. i �� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MnnuelJ. Cervanles, CiryAttorney O CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Division Ran�ly C. Kelly, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall Telephone: 651 266-8710 . 75G3'estKelloggBlvd. Faaimi(e:651298-5619 Saini Paul, Minnuala 55702 i November 27, 2002 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Brandon D. Davis 893 Fry Street, # 4 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Davis: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 11, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter, in that the facts concerning your fitness to be licensed as a tasicab driver in the City of Saint Paul have not been denied. The recornmendation of the license offic� will be for the denial of your tasicab driver's license application. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, � �������� Virginia D`3'almer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Councii Secretary Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP Reid Soley, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER o�-�� Licensee Name: License: Council Date Brandon D. Davis Taxicab Driver's License Application Wednesday, December 11, 2002 Violation: Fitness for licensure as a Taxicab Driver based on misdemeanor conviction involving use and threat of use of force St. Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of Taxicab Driver's License Application Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Intent To Deny License Application 3. BCA printout 4. Minneapolis Police Report MP-01-227598 5. License information 6. Taxicab Driver License Application AA-ADA-EEO Employer OFFICh �F THE CITY ATTORNEY MrsnuelJ. Cervrsntes, CityArtorney d� ���5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy� C. Kellyt May�or civi! Dir;sion 400 Ciry Hnl1 IS West Kellogg B(vd. Saint Pn�d, Nfinnuotn 55102 Telepqone: 651266-87! 0 Facsimi(e: 65! 298-56l9 October 2, 2002 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION Brandon D. Davis 893 Fry Street, #4 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 RE: Application for a Saint Paul Taxicab Driver's License Dear Mr. Davis: The Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection has recommended denial of the taxicab driver's license application you submitted. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: You have a misdemeanor conviction for disorderly conduct for which you were sentenced on September 20, 2002. A review of the police reports shows that this incident involved the threat of force and the use of force, and re�ulted in injuries to another person, Pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16(e)(4) you are not eligible to be licensed as a Saint Paul cabdriver as you have a misdemeanor conviction within the last three years involving the use or threat of use of force. If you do not dispute the above facts, you may withdraw your application at this time. Altematively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council to dispute the recommended denial ofyour license application, you will need to send me a letter admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. The matter will then be scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council to determine the disposition of your license application. You will have an opportunity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appear there for you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I�vill schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). If you wish to have such a hearin�, please send me a letter stating that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Page 2 Brandon D. Davis October 2, 2002 ��,•��� If you have not contacted me by Monday, October 14, 2002, I tivill assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is alloFVed and the recommended denial of your application will be imposed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, (/ y�K�CC— � � Ct�iv�v� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Rich Jents, LIEP . Reid Soley, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer o z-��ss STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COiJNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CL,EMENTS, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on October 2, 2002, she served the attached NOTICE OF IN'I'ENT TO DENY LICENSE APPLICATION placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Brandon D. Davis 893 Fry Street, #4 St. Paul, MN. 55104 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of October, 2002. Notary Public °[?.nR .P P9.:uG�.qRi3 ��!r. F.tP�n3�90TA 'r`" CQ:'s1 :•S5lQiv `%:i':s:;S JAri ?+ s(� STATE OF MINNESOTA py ��$S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECTION 1246 UNIVERSITY AVE, ST PAUL, MN 55104 - 4197 www.bca.state.mn.us (651) 642-0670 TTY (651) 282-6555 Date: 2002/09/12 Name: DAVIS, BRANDON DANIEL DOB: 1972/07/09 SEQ #: 2209 This letter certifies that a search has been made of the criminal history files maintained in Minnesota by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. The search was performed by Name, Date of Birth and verified by the fingerprints that were submitted. The result of this search indicates that a record has been found based on the above search criteria and the information is attached. This does not preclude the possible existence of additional information located at county or city levels. If you have questions about this record please contact the telephone number above. STP_YE OF MTNNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION COMPUTERIZED CRIMINAL AISTORY/ IDENTIFICATION SERVICES 12?6 UNIVERSITY AVE, ST PAITL, MN 55104 - 4197 (651) 642-0670 TTY (651) 282-6555 0 7.. ��� F********�c**:F*****:F*****�k**�k****k*****:F�k********:k****ic*:F***:k************:E******:F �DULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT C ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADULT ADUL F*k:k:F**�F**:F**:F*******:F9F:F*:F*k**�t*kie******:t*:Fki;**:F:k********i:k********:F*****:F�t�k**i:* The following data was obtained from ADULT records maintained at the BCA. SAME: DAVIS, BRANDON DANIEL BIRTHDATE: 1972/07/09 >TATE ID NUMBER: MNO2405370 FBI NUMBER: 27310WB1 )FFENDER STATUS: Single State Only ;EX: M RACE: Black HEIGHT: 6 FEET 00 INCAES WEIGHT: 220 POUNDS SKIN: Light Br EYES: Brown HAIR: Black BIRTH PLACE: Minnesota PHOTO AVAILABLE: N COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP: USA (United States of America) dCIC FINGERPRINT CLASS: iIGAEST CONVICTION LEVEL: Misdemeanor 2EPORTED ALIAS NAMES: -------------------- �AVIS, BRANDON DANIEL 2EPORTED DATES OF BIRTH: ----------------------- L972/07/09 3CAR5, MARKS, AND TATTOOS: ------------------ PAT L ARM TAT R ARM PRCD EARS SC FACE 3RREST: 1 ARREST AND CONVICTION INFORMATION �RREST DATE: 2001/08/10 INTERSTATE TRANSFER: �ONTROLLING AGENCY: MNO271100 MINNEAPOLIS PD �OCAL ID #: 91003609 �RREST COUNT: 1 CASE NUMBER: 01227598 3TATUTE: 609.713.1 �AARGE: Terroristic Threats-Reckless Disregard Risk �ISPOSITION: OUTSTAND WARR OFFENSE DATE: 2001/08/10 �OMMENTS: WAFtRANT �RREST COUNT: 2 CASE NUMBER: 01227598 3TATUTE: 609.223 �HARGE: Assault-3rd Degree �ISPOSITION: OUTSTAND WARR OFFENSE DATE: 2001/08/10 :OMMENTS: WARRANT ARRE$TEE NUMBER: 0 MOC/UOC: A9B02 SJIS NUMBER: MOC/UOC: A3252 SJIS NUMBER: ;TATE ID NUMBER: MNO2405370 FBI NIR•�IBF,R: 27310WB1 �OURT DATE: 2001/09/20 MNO27015J HENNEPIN CO DISTRICT COURT �ONFINEMENT AGENCY: MNO27043C HENNEPIN CO WRKF�SE-ADULT CORR ?ROBATION AGENCY: MNO27013G HENNEPIN CO PROBATION OFF �OURT COUNT: 1 CASE NUMBER: 01227598 SEN'L'ENCED: 3TATUTE: 609.713.1 �HARGE: Terroristic Threats-Reckless Disregard Risk PAGE 2 �l'�\S$ MOC/UOC: A9B02 �ISPOSITION: DISMISSED PLEA: SJIS NUM: :OURT FILE NUMBER: KX01066040 CONVICTION LEVEL: �OURT COUNT: 2 CASE NUMBER: 01227598 SENTENCEDc 2001/09/20 3TATUTE: 609.72 MOC/UOC: N3030 �HARGE: Disorderly Conduct �ISPOSITION: CONVICTED PLEA: Guilty SJIS NUM: �OURT FILE NUMBER: KX01066040 CONVICTION LEVEL: Misdemeanor 3ENTENCE ?RONOUNCED SENTENCE : 30D ?ROBATION : ly �ONDITIONAL CONFINEMENT: 4D =INED . $250 �'IOUNT OF FINE STAYEb . $250 �OURT COSTS OF _ $3. PER REST/COST EXEC SENT STYD THE USE OF THTS RECORD IS CONTROLLED BY STATE AND FED FRAT , REGULATIONS. IT IS PROVIDED FOR OFFICIAI� USE AND MAY BE USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE 12EQUESTED. THE RESPONSE IS BASED ON INFORMATION FURNISHED BY TFIE REQUESTOR AND COMPARED AGAINST DATA MAINTAINED AT THE MINNESOTA BCA. THIS RESPONSE IS ONLY BASED ON FINGERPRINTS IF FINGERPRINTS ACCOMPANIED TAE REQUEST. THIS DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE EXISTENCE OF OTFIER CRIMINAL INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE CONTAINED IN OTHER LOCAL OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. BECAUSE CHANGES MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME, A NEW COPY SHOULD BE REQUESTED WHEN NEEDED FOR FUTURE USE. Dispatched : 1B:35 Arrived: 18:40 Cleared: 20:15 Entered: OB/09/2001 19:55 By: 012 Case REpOAT Minneapolis Police Department CCN #:ASp-01-227596 Created: OB/10/2001 07:38 PAGE #: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solvability : 100 Assign to: �� ��� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original CCN : Mp-00-000000 Pct: OS Sqd:510 O££icer: 00271 Bantle Supervisor ID: Incident code: Zncident code: Address . Occured From : Reported , Dispatched . Location . Ro1e/Name Arrest Addrs Charges Charges O£ficer O£ficer -------------- Disposition . Reported By . Addxess . DOB. , Race/Sex . Nickname , Emp. Status . AC Phone(Ext): Med. Treatmen: Prior Injuxy : Juv Dive=sion: Force Used . Eye Color , R/L Handed . Hair Color . Hair Length . Hair Style . Complexion . Teeth , Appearance . Speech , ----------------------------- Sporny Asst. O££icer: Lennander Entered ID• 1. ASLT3 609.223 Attempt: Aslt-sgn£cnt Bd Rte: 2. THREAT 609.713 Attempt: Terroristic Threats 2838 Stevens AV S Minneapolis MN OB/09/2001 1815 To: 09/09/2001 1845 08/09/2001 1954 1835 Arrived: 1840 Cleared: 2015 ------- Colclough 4123 - Homicide '-------------------------- Arxestee ------------------------------------ A 001 Davis , Brandon Daniel DL:MN D 283B Stevens AV S Mi.nneapolis MN 1 4 ASLT3 609.223 Aslt-sgnfcnt Bdly Hm Citation: 1 4 TF�2EAT609.713 Terroristic Threats Citation: Bantle ID#: 00271 Call Number: 510 Lennander ID#: 040B1 Call Number: 510 --------------------- Arrest Disposition --------------- Booked County Arrested Date: 08/09/2001 18:45 MPD#: Reported Date: OB/09/2001 19:54 893 Fxye ST Apt. 4 St Paul MN 55104 -------------------- 0091003609 7/9/1972 Age: 29- 29 Hgt From : 511 - Build: ST Other/Mixed Race/Sex: Male FI:651-644-6671 No No No No Brown Le£t Black Short Curly/Wavy Medium Normal Friendly/Gentle Regional �---------------� Victim ------- Role/Name ; V 001 Ness , Cindy Ann Address : 5725 43 AV S Mi.nneapolis MN DOB. ; 7/7/1955 Age: 46- 46 Hgt From : Race/Sex : White Sex: Female Nickname . Emp. Status . Victim O£ : ASLT3� AC Phone(Ext): H:726-1143 Avail. Date . . To: . DL: - Build: � Case REPORT Minneapolis Police Department Created: 08/10/2001 07:3B ______________________________________________________ Employ/School: Title: Emp/SCh Addr : AC n/a- Med. Treatmen: Yes Prior Injury : No Juv Diversion: No Force Used : No Injury Locati: Head/Neck FOREHEAD, NOSE __________________________________________ Vict ____ CCN # :MP-01-22759B Role/Name : V 002 Gedi , Abduwahid Abdu Addsess : 314 Hennepin AV S Apt. 1405 Minneapolis MN DOB. : 1/1/1975 Age: 26- 26 Hgt Fxom : - Race/Sex : Black Sex: Male Nickname , Emp. Status . Victim Of : THREAT AC Phone(Ext): A:242-3214 Avail. Date . , T _ Employ/SChool: Abc Taxi Title: Driver Emp/SCh Addr : AC-Phone(Ext): n/a-788-1111 Med. Treatmen: No Prior Injury ; No Juv Diversion: No Force Used : No ------------------------------------------ Witness ---- ° Role/Name : W 001 Strouts , Scott Jerald Address : 98 Hawthorne RD Hopkins MN DOB. : 4/30/1958 Age: 43- 43 Agt From : Race/Sex : White Sex: Male Nickname , Emp. Status . AC Phone(Ext): H:952-930-3829 Employ/School: Abc Taxi Title: Owner Emp/Sch Addr ; AC-Phone(Ext): n/a-414-5144 � Med. Treatmen: No Prior Injury : No Juv Diversion: No Force Used : No -------------------------------------- RelationshiPs ---- Relationships: A 001 Employee V 001 Relationships: A 001 Employee V 002 Relationships: A 001 Employee W 001 -------------------------------------- Modus Operandi --- Crime Element: Psrest(s) Made Victim Locati: At Work Crime Locatio: Other Business ABC TAXZ COMPANY Victim Was : Threatened o�.-��ss PAGE # : 2 ��____��___�__��_���__ DL: Build: ------------------ DL: - Build: Case REPORT Minneapolis Police Department CCN #:MP-01-227598 �}�"� Created: O8/10/2001 07:38 PAGE #: 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Victim Was : Hit/Assaulted Weapon Used : Co�ents TELEpHONE __________'_____________________________ p Data ________________________________________ O££icers were dispatched to an assault. Upon arsival, we met with victim 1 who was bleeding, She stated that AP1 hit her in the £ace with a telephone. Officers met with victim 2 who stated AP1 made several threats against him. AP booked HCJ. JUDICIAL PROBABLE CAUSE: THE COMPLAINANT, BEING DULY SWORN, SWEARS THE BELOW FACTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF COMPLAINANT'S EINOWI,EDGE AND BELIEF AND CONSTITUTE PROHABLE CAUSE TO BELIEVE THAT THE BELOW-NA2�D ARRgSTEE COD4IITTED THE OFFENSE (S) DESCRIBED HEREIN. COMPLAZNANT'S SIGNATURE NOTARY SIGNATURE AND STAt� SiJBMITTED UNDER OATH BY SZGNATURE OF NOTARY A.B.,Peace Officer License Nvmber , Hennepin County, Minnesota. My license expires on June 30, OFFICERS WERE DISPATCHED TO THE LISTED BUSINESS ON AN ASSAULT. UPON ARRIVAL, WE WERE MET BY VICTIM 1 WFIO WAS BLEEDING EROM A 2 INCH CUT ACROSS THE FOREHEAD AND Hp.D A BRUISED AND SWOLLEN NOSE. VICTIM 1 STATED THAT A CO-WORKER (AP1) DID THIS TO HER. pARAL�DICS WAS CAI,LED TO THE SCENE AND BELIEVED THAT VICTIM 1 WOULD NEED STITCHES ON HER FOREHEAD. OFFICERS AZ,SO SPORE WITH VICTIM 2 WHO STATED THAT AP1 THREATENED TO KILL HIM SEVERAL TIMES. VICTIM 2 TOLD OFFICERS THAT HE BELIEVED "100$" THAT AP1 WAS CAPABLE OF CARRYING THESE THREATS OUT. AP1 WAS BOOKED ACJ ON TERRORIST2C THREATS AND ASSAULT 3. PC AUTHORI2ED BY SGT SPORNY #6732. ----------------------------------------------------------°------------------------- END OF PRINT FOR Case MP-01-227598 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT FROM SUPSRVSI BY EMPLOYEE # 96986 09/24/2002 09:39 Printed 09/24/2002 09:40 Minneapolis Police Department PAGE: 1 � Case Supplement Case: MP-01-227598 Supplement: 1 �7`���� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF OFFICER I,ENNANDER, #4081; 8/9/O1 AT 2008 HOURS; CCN: 01-227598; TYPED By CT On 8/9/O1 I was working squad 510 with O££icer Bantle. At 1835 hours, we were dispatched to 2838 Stevens Av S, which is ABC TAXI, on the report of an assault. Upon arrival, 0££icers met the victim in front. She was bleeding £rom the forehead. She told Of£icers she was assaulted by the dispatcher who was still inside the business. Officers were directed by another P$n,loyee to the Dispatch office where we found the male, later ID'd as AP1 DAVIS, speak on the telephone. Of£icers approached hi.m, told him to stand up and place his hands behind his back. He was then handcu££ed behind his back. At his desk, which is the desk on the south side of the room, I observed blood on a telephone and on a silver (in color) pair of scissors. Of£icer Bantle and I walked him out to the squad car where he was placed in the rear. I stayed with AP1 and identified him while O£ficer Bantle spoke with the victim and witnesses at the scene. Of£icers determined that AP1 had assaulted victi.m 1 and had threatened another victim who is a cab driver at the company. Officer Bantle spoke with Sgt Sporny who authorized PC for AP1 AP1 was booked at HCJ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Printed From SUPSRVSI By Employee # 96986 09/24/2002 09:40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------=--------- Printed 09/24/2002 09:40 Minneapolis Police Department Case Supplement Case: MP-01-227598 Supplement: 2 STATEMENT OE OFFICER BANTLE ON 8-9-01 AT 2008 HOURS, JAC TYPING: PAGE: 1 �� ��� On 8-9-01, I was working Squad 510 with my partner, O££icer LENNANDER. At 1835 hours, we were dispatched to ABC TAXZ, 2838 Stevens AV S, on a report o£ an assault. Remarks of the call stated that "CINDY, an employee" was assaulted by a Dispatcher whose name was BRANDON. Ambulance was also being dispatched. Upon arrival, I immediately observed a female, later ld'd as victim 1/ NESS, sitting on the front steps o£ the business. She was holding a towel on her £orehead and crying. i observed that there was blood all over her face and dripping down £rom under the towel. She also had blood on her pants, shirt, and hands. She told me that a Dispatcher by the name of BRANDON hit her across the face with a telephone. She said BRANDON was still inside the building in the Dispatch area. O£ficers entered the building and were directed by other employees to the Dispatch area. This is a room on the NE corner of the building which contains two desks separated by a divider. As I entered this room, I observed a male seated at one of the desks (le£t side £rom door). I said, "Are you BRANDON?" The male replied, ��Yes." At this point he was placed in handcuffs without incident. As he was being handcuffed, he made a spontaneous stateinent that he struck victim 1 with the telephone in self de£ense because she was attacking him with the scissors. As we were handcuffing, I observed that there was blood on the desk to the right of the door opposite where BFiANDON was seated. There was a telephone on this desk, which also had blood on the receiver and hand piece. I also observed a rolodex which was on the floor with its cards scattered near the right desk. I briefly inspected both desks. On the right desk, which was later ID'd as victim / NESS', I observed a yellow handled pair of scissors which was in a round pencil holder at the back of her desk. On AP/ BRANDON DAVIS' desk, there was a silver pair of scissors lying on the'outside edge. AP/ BRANDON DAVIS was placed in the back of our squad. I returned to the front o£ the business and spoke to victim 1/ NESS. She told me that she is a call taker for ABC TAXI and her desk is on the right side of the Dispatch room. She said that AP/ DAVIS sits at the desk on the left side. She said that at approx 1820 hours, AP/ DAVIS was yelling at a driver who was later id'd as victim 2/ GEDI. AP/ DAV25 ordered GEDI to sit down in the Dispatch area and stood above him yelling. Victim 1/ NESS heard AP say to victi.m 2, "I will fuck you up and I will make sure all the other Dispatchers will fuck you up." AP continued to yell at victim 2 for several moments, at which point victim 1 intervened and told victim 2 to leave the of£ice. At this point AP came over to victim 1's desk and pushed her with both hands and stated, "Shut the fuck up , you £at bitch " They then both were yelling at each other and calling each other names. AP1 next picked up the rolodex and threw it at her. The rolodex missed victim 1 and scattered on the £loor near her desk. AP then came around and picked up victim 1's phone striking her 1 time across the forehead and nose with the hand piece. After being struck with the phone, victim 1/ NESS called 911 for an Ambulance. She also called the owner of the Company/ witness/ STROTS. She began to tell STROTS what had happened when the phone was disconnected for an unknown reason. She stated that witness called back and BRANDON answered the phone. At this point she started yelling that she had been hit and that she was bleeding. Victim 1 then £led the office area to the front of the business. I asked victi.m/ NESS if she had assaulted AP with scissors. She i.mmediately denied this and started crying. I asked her if she had any scissors. She stated, "Yes" and that they had a yellow handle and were on her desk in a pencil holder. I asked her if AP had the scissors. She stated, "Yes, and they were silver." She also mentioned that she observed AP cutting pieces of paper with those scissors on the previous day. As 2 was getting victi.m 1's information, witness/ STROTS arrived on the scene. He stated that at approx 1830 hours, he received a phone call at home and could hear victim 1/ NESS screaming, ��Help me Help me I'm hleeding" after which the phone went dead. He immediately Printed 09/24/2002 09:40 Minneapolis Police Department PAGE: 2 ' Case Supplement Case: MP Supplement: 2 Q'y �t�.� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- called back and AP/ DAVIS answered. He asked DAVIS what was going on and DAVZS stated, "That £at bitch is getting in everyone's face." He could also hear victim / NESS screaming in the background_ He said the phone went dead a second ti.me at which point he immediately drove to the business. Victim 2/ 6EDI was out driving his cab upon our arrival. I asked witness/ STROTS to call him back to the scene which was done. A short time later victim 2 arrived at the business. Victim 2 told me that he and AP/ DAVIS got into a disagreement over the radio regarding how calls were being dispatched. Victim 2 stated that AP became very angry and ordered him to come to the Dispatch area. Victim 2/ GEDI reported to the Dispatch area where he had observed AP/ DAVIS and victi.m 1/ NESS sitting at their desks. AP ordered victim 2 to be seated and then stood over him. Ap was extremely angry because victim 2 was disputing how calls were being dispatched. With his hands raised in the air, AP yelled, "2 will fuck you up. I will kill you." He then said, "I can £uck you up 3 ways, 1-2 will kill you, 2-I will kick your ass, or 3-I can keep you from getting any dispatched calls." He then said if you continue to disagree with me over the radio, "I will break you in two". It was at approx this point when victim 1/ NESS intervened and told victim 2 to leave the Dispatch O££ice. I asked victim 2 if he believed that AP could carry out any of these threats. Victim 2 imm ediately stated, "I am 100� positive that he is capable o£ doing this." After taking statements, I returned to the Dispatch area�and took pictures of victim 1/ NESS' desk and bloody phone. It should be noted that another employee had already cleaned up the thrown rolodex. The phone was collected as evidence and property inventoried. I also took photos of NESS' wounds. The camera was also property inventoried. HCMC responded to the scene and advised NESS that she may need stitches to close the cut on her £orehead. She refused transport stating that she would be going to ABBOTT NORTHWESTERN HOSPITAL on.her own. PC for Assault 3 on victim 1/ NESS and Terroristic Threats on victim 2/ GEDI by Sgt SPORNY #6732. AP was booked HCJ where Victim Notification Forms were completed. Victims given blue card. --------------------------------------------------------------- Printed From SUPSRVSI By Employee # 96986 09/24/2002 09:40 -----------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------- License Grdup Comments Text Licens!ee: BRANDON D DAVIS �BA� BRANDON D DAVIS License#: y0p�0004211 09/�3/2002 To CAO for review c'.•ecord chedc. CAft 09/09l2002 Canceied. RS 08/02/2002 Sent letter. Prov. lic. will soon expi2; must renew or be pnceled. RS 17i19/2001 Sent IeHer. passed exam; must exchange prov. lia for regular. No cost RS 10/052001 Sent letter re Nov. dasses. RS 09N3f2002 � 7"t� p Z _\�SS �����.�i�i�� Tv�. r a�, r� � u,�� � ne �as s3 — S�eetW@e: Y StCeel TYPC W> "'"' "- + QFetliorc <Ari_ ' ' .:r � � wl` �t � ����-� '',=.�%;- � :c= �,-��^� �.. ' M ���.^�e� o�. -�`ss � T m` - .� � ' � �, � �. Licerese s� r. �,�. Qrd Stred4 � Str8etN0.mC � StreetTypc tx,e ha: �r. � , wo�x ' Dlaf Caaxit �'��.. ��bense¢ � �. DBA I =. oan �arna�oaaws — - Lkrnm � Lic. TYDce l hsarence � BoM ' RMuFCneNe � r u�„ r urnr� i arieaF�a� asr,aoN,cora� _ � j P,dVYSfCAfbO(ICOmTdiS _._ RY f 0]CancebqebwetlPw.9cmoemm¢.RS _'" '_"_'" ""'__.._... ST Oirectiat �— i avr ua r �� i za ss�a �aci� a ca�dea. tts 12 Sud klter. Prov. ic. wk soan e�r� mut be arKNetl. RS licensoe Cammerts d� Orivar • R OB7132�02 08718t2f103 N S4UA0 abLYiver(Ptovisbnep }2 09A7fiAI 0&072002 N E40� .. .....,...._ : � ' ' Tatafl S80.DC ._. �� ,:��'.'._., - .. ,. . oa.-�`ss Tra ` �I��1 �. t �I ....o..��..,�...�.,.,.0 -- ___ � � DBA DDA115 Sh� Licmttt L� � Lk:TYP� `�kW.erce-j---�-- F�=� ! S1R: LicenueNeme. '_' " __' _ . °9alqY,VSe.'.-:i _"__'_"" ' ._".' -._�....,,..._ ...u: Qre OBA: DMVIS �� SaYS7sYkt [[. AYn-Ptott'��M1brYa('aCanR� .�:�!.'„�.�,',��,�.-;� AA�ortr�x%ReC¢ p � MTreHngRec'd ADA000 � AAFe¢Co9ected F DistototRM2r WB To Ca-lecf . BecK9'dntlChetkRWUreC���" Ai�ar�LXb��a"�=Att�? -Y�e�Etiv,e��::,.•`. L`eit.Nme: h7ra�..,Nmra: �'� .;�.:91s�`%wm , 'r Ma9 To Catad 9uY�essM09A7f2061 WAOAO�DAV� 6RAMON C) (�1 t" LkenseAtldress TAXICAB DRIVER LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUB7ECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspectio�s and Environmental Protection 350 Sc Paa Suat, Sui[e 300 S�intPaui.Mimcsop 55102 (6SI) 2669W0 Fu (651J 366-9124 Wcb:www.cistpavLmtiusniep O� r` LICENSES ARE NOT 1RANSFERABLE PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED VVITH EACH APPLICATION APPLICAI�TT MUST BE PRESENT TO APPLY Applicant Informafion: NameandTitle: . �t�s^-�rr 1�ia :'�., - ; _- _ _- ,.� ..s �-'<.?�,__- ri ��.1_ - _.-. . _. .: :._ , ._ . _. _. ,., ... - . __._.___�;r..__z_..cc.-.r__.:=�:_.,,.:_'_z.'. . -. First Middle , (Maidrn) , Last Home Address: " �`�S `�- ? �Y'r.'� _: " Stree[ (Y., Name, Type, Direction) . � � � �; �✓,� �:rC: � a� �`.�,;, CiTy Sta[e Mail To Address (if different than home address): S[ree[ (#, Name, Type, Direction) City State '�;;� _ Title . t� � Zip+4 Zip+4 a.t ,�' Home Phone: ( Ea�l 'l �{i i a�?��, _-�.:. . ..:. _.._. �I �.� �a .._� � •��; . - DateofBirth:c�;'=/-7`/'��-;PlaceofBirtfi: ,^�1F-�'r. } j• r , .; ; > , Driver's License # !✓ ���.� �; =7�sf �'! �`� : % �� Exp. Date �'� � " �% -���-`s ' � Are you a citizen of the United States? "' ° `i� � � i � If you are not a US resident, you must provide proof of work authorization from the US Immigration and Naturalization Service. Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for k �,'�•..' fit,�,-.^�t' '� • J7ir� ��' 8 Do you own or lease the cab you drive? LL� "' =• i�' What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab? [,-- ��� ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and conect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, conhibution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. I also hereby state that I have read and understand the rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 376.16 (Taxicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul Legislative Code) and Chapter 376.17 (Taxicab Driver TraininQ Course of the Saint Paul Legislative Code). 06/19/2001 ��r\VS 1���`��� ,�`''%I�����1131 BRANDON DANIEL DAVIS 893 FRY ST #4 5T PAUL, MN 55704 ��� �-�Paa � "h Sta[e Re.c6rd Check - HyperTermina) aFEFL TO: *' �L�.�F.S. DF,2T•.%Eb'. 7�SC'EId CGi�IERr'L�Z SP?QU3 COMA�RCSPI, 5TATU8. VAL2D 7-G9S-13�5-54� STATUB:'ViaLID S: TYPE:,1 8EN20R: D:,YlBIM-MOE: 3:��'I�IVING-WILI�:,97 CORRECTIVE I,ENS: � BATCFtr 2�01?5219C3D86 DUPI, BA`FCH: 200075z + faiiE.: nR�.PIDQN D"�TS�i DAV2�; BTATH DATE.,Q7%09j1� DDR: 39:� �FRY '�T �� CITY:,3T P�LiI,� 3P;�,551fJ:. 2,2NG ADDR: ES,�E$i. B3Pa HEI6HT; �-i1 E SIISPENS � t �I� TSSUE. DAT�: U71 �Di 2fjfl1��(Gl)�DL EXP2RE DATE: C19/119t'200,°�I 3 I2t� OG: Ed1 � INFO: �OUNTY: a �:.r�;�rr.• L ,1�IC15�'':4 p3D WT c-F. S DRV uJt� AB �-Z5-84 758 �Z� � e'SL�� L'dfi P,S,PT-Q (L'ULj � V_ZiI�2D� FOR ?TEA UP•P?Er1 26,11L1. '?o?i�,j�u a-ai-s� �si 3r %T REQUEST: LALtT :iESTTSCT:3 riCC'ESS�' TO � $EASOPIAL SNFC State Recnrd Check - Hyper7etmina! .. L�.P..,. �L� li]J09? 9i_n ST: DRS'GER� S,SC7Td3E C�i-II�SEz,C2�?L � COII'II�RC2AZ. STATUS: i�R=.SdL"�OIQ �DAPSSEI, Pi.t�*JSw r,,rm � L�3-_S—�:7 .i51 X.� SPSC�U=F:Y ' 09,`i3/2C1D 11:�6:2 fiEI,P: PE1GEcL 09i1�i2�8TAT: +:AI,ID � TH2S RECC�RD �AOLUS C�PdV2CT242dS AYdDiO.�lr2TATSflP3u tf�STH2P7 THE P:-,�T � iSAk°