263272 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 2s32"�� CBLyRY= piEYAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, An Ordinance, C.F. No.�(�5�, granting permission to Bethesda Lutheran Medical Center, 559 Capitol 8oulevard , to construct, maintain and operate an underground utility and pedestrian tunnel across Como Avenue between Park Street and Capitol Boulevard, has been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul , and will be adopted on L� g►�?� , to be effect ive eventual l y on 1�1y,�.1 loclQ�� ; now therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective, the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to Bethesda Lutheran Medical Center, for the construction of said tunnel , subject to the same conditions and requirements estabiished in Ordinance C.F. No. 2�3�� , pending before the Council of the City of Saint Paul , informal approval of the construction of said tunnel being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption and approv�l of said Ordinance. r �m COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �* Nays ��x Publ ic Works Konopatzki � [n Favor Levine Meredith 0 Against BY D nie . or , ir tor M E Tedesco Mme.President�iit�4x Hunt Adopted by Council: Date �AR ?-' � �47t� Form Approved by Ci At orne Certified s by Council Secreta� By i � i i Y Approved y Ma�r: Date ?+ � 74 Approved Ma o to cil � ,. By gY �ususH� MAR 3 4 1974 . ' NT� °� ♦ 4 �i* �. .�� �: ����'�2 ... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cspitai of Minnesots DEPARTMENT OF PU6LIC WORKS 234 Ci4y Hap i Court Houa 55102 Daniel J. Dunford, P,E. Di rector � February 28, 1974 The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall BUILDING Re: Ordinance-permit for the construction of a pedestrian tunnel under Como Ave. , between Park St. and Capitol Blvd. , Ci ty ProJect r�o. E-1173. Dear Mayor Cohen: Attached is a proposed ordinance granting permission to Bethesda Lutheran Medical Center to construct , operate and maintain an underground tunnel in Como Ave. for utility and pedestrian purposes. This tunnel will connect the haspital to the hospital parking ramp. Through this ordinance, the permittee will be required to reimburse the City for expenses incurred due to this project. These expenses are estimated at a sum of $600.00. Also attached is a proposed Resolution, permitting construction , prior to the final adoption and approval of the ordinance, provided that all the requirements of the ordinance are met. Yours very truly, �4a1��L e .. Daniel J, ford Di rector of Publ i c 4Jo ks IJAH/MJE/dkt Approved: Attachments � i �-' _, Frank D. Marzitelli City Administrator � y '"%� ` ^- ..�� -,-e Ir` I�._ f 1 T�Iarch 21, 1974 Chief of Police Richard Rowan Publi.c Safety BuiZdinQ 101 E. lOth St. , St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir; The City CouiYCil has pendinp� befoi•e it an ordinance �rantin�, I3ethesda Lutheran Medical Center perraission to construct and operate an nndergrourid ut3lity and pedestrian tunnel acro,ss Como Ave, between Park St. and Capitol Blvd. and, at today's Council :::eetin�;, a resolution was adopted authorizin� the Director of Public Works to issue a permit for the tunnel, ` sub�ect to the sar��e conditions, as set out in the ord:inan:ce. Councilr�an Meredith questioned whether the Police Dept. had been notified af this proposal and he referred to sECUrity problems in tunnels of this type and he requested that the ` matter be brought to your attention for your information. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:�mw