263224 . ������ CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCI�, FILE N�. FINAL ORDER � / B ��.� ; ,. �{;'` ,�`t,�r�-f'-� Y File No. ���� In the Matter of ��"� �x��� �� � �+a' �tR"N�# f�i� ��#M�'� �. �tl�, il� �t�it�► o� a st� � s�b, #•lli1S ��."� �� •—__"' � • 'F �+4.��. P . ... t i'�'�� � �J Hii�. �ci. . . . , � � . +r.� , Y: 3 _ �. i _.� . . . �+ w'�' ��M� . �. r� �, � �P��`.�. ,::� � , �A ��� ��� �i� �� �sa i�'`�r �� � �_, inaimiias si�hE o! r�e+�a! i!''Li�lrt� `�rt ttr�t stti,��et �! �r tlser�ol., accasi� b� a�cc+natioa�s th�s�ot or eonwCr�cti�t of sle�s�, i.a ths . w�d�Qing, pavia= a4d !a�►t�n►in� ot Cla�v�laad Aveaue at sandd�s 3tsNt Acq�ir� pirs�eunt w�msats ibr str�t�t and highvay puspot�s oa, orsr aad uross tht l�ollo�eias d��csib� lands: lbore parts of Lota 1 a�d 2, Elock 50, St. Aathoay Park Nosth, Ranasy 1 Caist�, l�ie� saatbuat�rly o! a lias d�escribsd as foliav�: Easia�iag � at a poiat o� th� �rtl� Iin� ot aaid Lot 1. 134.04 f�et East af th� aartln�tst cos�er ot said lat; th�uc� southwsterly to a poiot on th� �outh lis� e! said Lot 2, 100.00 f��t �tut af tb� �t.haest cora�r of ssid lot� " tM�c� �outhMesterl� to • point on rhs sautL 1� ot Lot g, aaid pi�t b�iw* th� iatiia�ctivn o# �� sowtb lins o! 3.oe 2 aerd the �o�rth ri�ht- '� o!-Ma�r lios o! Clanr�la�nd Av�us u op�n�d b� t�� Cit? o! St. P�al, ��= , . under Preliminary Order ��V 1,�� approved F�g 1 `3 19�4 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice `"° thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The;Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed ir�prove- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. , `�� v �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date l�AR 1 3 197�4 Yeas `' Nays Certif d P ssed by ci S retary R 1 4�'!�lY Butler KOnOpatsk� In Favor By Levine Nkey'edi4�; Against Rpedlea ' . Mayor Tedescw� Hunt �PUBLtSHE� ��� �� 1�74 i ._- � �inanca Dn t. ,� � a v� ►✓.ca y,y�'1,i i-:� V 1w NO: Y " ,(�`� � : p y , � 4+�. +� d _;�� O1"IrICE UF T�IF �fA'YOI2 � .. �, � � • Date: JUN z J S9� ����'��;r�� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER �� �/D �`��� AD;Y,INlSTRATIVE ORDER, �t, purs�ant to Administrative Order 11a. D-�26, dated - February 13� 1973, th° P.epart ,;�L;, f:�cor.�r.�endations (copy attached), as submltted by th� Cepar-tr.tient of Publ ic k'orks ccncernir.� an investi�ation of tmproving � 'CLEVELA!;D A�lE:.tJE at Scudder_;Street_ � City Project i:o. P-d3L8)� is hcreby approved. ; ,- The Ce�a�tr.ent of Finance and t:anag�nt Services is hereby authorized� in con- juncttan �r1ih the DeTartr.,ent of ?u�I ic Works, to hold publ ic informational meet- Ings tn L��e affecicd neic�htw�haod� pursuanL Lo Resolution C.F. 25�491 , approved August 2Z , 1972, for ti�z purpose of exQiaining Lhe need for acqatrtnc� additional right-or"--�•ray and to 1n;ern the ne�ghhorhood citizznry of the nature oF the prapas�d str.��t tnp;ove;7ent. T,e �epa�t:aent of Finar,ce and ttanagsr.�ent Setvices ' ls fu�Lher authoriz�d to schcdule this proj�;ct ��ncluding land acquisitton) for a public hearing herar� thz City Ccuneil . Ttie addi�ionai rtght-of-rray to be acquired ts detafied as foliows, and is fvrt`�sr shown or� the Department of - Puhl ic t�'orks Easer.+ent �raNtng t:o. 22�7� Dra��r t:o. 4, dated �ebruary 14, 1973 and S1oae Ease.�nt Drawin� t�o. 22�33, 53o�e Ara�+�r tao. 2 dated February 5, 1973 (copjes �.. �attach.�r3). �Acquire Len�rary easements tn tha lands necessary for siopes, cuts and � fitts tnctudin� right af rer,aaval of tatecat support fro� subJect lands or ', rer.,ainder ther�of, occasiQned by excavatians ttiereof or construction of � ' sjopes, in the ��idening, pavi�g and inproving of Cleveland Avenue at � , Scu�der Street. - . �� ' Pcquire perrs3nent easementr for street and hI hwa c�r ' �' � � g y p poses on, over and �' ' . across the fotiowing described lands: � � � �' / Tt��s>>�•narts of Lots T and 2 Slock �0 St. Anthon Park North Ra+�ssy � ;�< <: . ��- ( s ► Y r • Co�nty�lyir�g southeasterty of a ltne described as fallows: Seglnning ,� � r at a �otnt on the north line of said Lot i , 134.00 feeL East of the � , � ����/��' tl��rtEx�rest corner of said loL; thance south�lester)y ta a poTnt or� the �' so;,sth 1 ine of said Lnt 1 , 10�J.00 feet �ast of the Sauth�.fest corner caf said lot; ther,ce sauth���sterly to a point on the so�ath 1 ine oF Lot 2, �.-. � � ` said potnt being Lh� inLersection of Lhe soesth iine of Lot 2 and the ' ; ,•, �,r��R tk�rth right-of-xay iine of Cteveland Avenue as op�ned by the Ctty of , i'�'��� , \ St. Paul Cou:�ct 1 FI � T a �r � . 33, aPAroved l.ovmet�er l3, i.,2�+. .!;; ���'''-f , ��� , ,L�,��� � �Q 1 ; � �:'`,� ^r � . . � �' �, . �������" , � � JAN1974_ � . _ . �� � �c��� ��- r`'-''F=�fVED . . � � ._�_,� co APPROVED AS TO FORM . �Mr",, (�[pT, OF `� ��,�'�lNANCE �,`"" ' I ti l 6�8 �c,�,'o��' . .�. "� , . i _ . � '.. �..- �^�Y.' Assistant City Attorney Department Head t�o�� � . �/ � . . ' � - �,,,.,,,_ _ . . .. �,r � "� � . � - . � = -� , _.�._: . . .. Date � -.` , M . . Administrative Assistant to Mayor ~ '_ - _ / /-- .1' r.--,'�.-�'---- —- — c.x�... - �;:'�<: . � . •. . � . . .. .. . . . . . . . . �,`�'y ,�.: � � � . . . .. .1'. ..�, � . �s3 �,�,�, ,�t' �1(7' a � 26���� � .• o �• ... _ . .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ': Capital of Mim�e:ote � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Ci� Haq tc Cou� Hcua b5102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD D i recto r ,��, � . January 17, 1974 ±'� �' � - � Mr. Robert Trudeau Director of Finance Room 109, City Hall BUILDING Re: P-0308 Cleveland Avenue at Scudder Street ( Includes S-1515) Dear Mr. Trudeau: . Attached are copies of our recommendations to the Mayor, including Admini- strative Order No. 708, directing a public hearing to be held. Council Resolution No. 262463 and Preliminary Paving Plans are attached. . Council Resolution No. 262463 vacated the public atley and part of Cleveland Avenue, as petitioned by the University of Minnesota, and acquired the neces- � sary right-of-way for this project. The revised project includes S-1515, a storm sewer stub to be placed prior to the paving of P-0308. This stub is part of a storm sewer to be completed ` . later. The cost estimate of this revised project is as follows: 1 . Paving P-0308 A. Right-of-Way Acquisition $ 00 (not applicable, see Council Resolution No. 262463) B. Construction Contract Construction $23,660 Engiheering 2,960 Inspection 480 Traffic Bureau 2 000 Total ,1 0 � � � � ..t�.� . _�;; I► - - , r.s;rr :a Y .� x�r �;��'a�,y�� �*��,'�';t.�4µ3� ^_�y„ .�_: � 4 +��.__ . . � ' �. � .. <1, t;, b. - . �° . ��y M3�,`�'�.Z .. .� • . . � � � . . � r . .� . .. . ' . . ' . i; f" . ..� � . . � . . . . . ' . " . .. .. .. . : ' �':'; , 26�,�� �� Mr. Robert Trudeau -2- Janusry 17, 1974 �� �.: �: 2. Storm Sewer S-1515 , �,v�. Contract Construction $18,000 Engineering 1 ,50Q Inspection 500 s' � Total 20,0 0 ,. ,. , F}. 3. Total Project Costs ; . � � � � � � . . � � . - E P-0308 Paving Total $29,100 5-1515 Storm Sewer Total 20,000 $ �k' : Total combined project costs $49,100 Please set up the public hearing for this project. Yours very truly, � � � � � � Daniel J. Dunford Director of Public Works CLT/KBJ/�k � `� � �r,�t �c�e�'1� �i� '. �", �' ;".�' �c `�.,?v�4�" - t, � Attachments N ti� // �2 � . �, , �: � ,� � r. t � ,,�� �i C,;'"`- '� , � ! ��_�t�.� ,� � � ,.- � ; d t„� �'. ,� F� `,. cc: C l aude L. Thompson ) � �3�, �:+.�� y J. William Donovan _ _ . ' Watter A. Hurtley ' David M. 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