263220 ° WHIr'E - CITV CLERK PINK• --�FINANCE , CO1111C11 26322f� . CANARY - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PALTL B��1E �MAYOR File NO. , t • � � rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. ����Q . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO TWIN CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A PARKING RAMP ENCROACH- MENT I•NTO MINNESOTA STREET BETWEEN SIXTH STREET AND SEVENTH STREET. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That pe rmission and authority are he reby granted to the Twin City Federat Savings and Loan Association to construct, operate and maintain a parking ramp encroachment below sidewalk grade in the easterly ten feet of Minnesota Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, extending in length from the southerly line of Btock 4, City of St. Paul Proper, northe rly for a distance of 140.43 fee t. ' Sgction 2.. That the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Twin City Federal Savings and Loan Association, its assigns and/or suc- - cessors in interest for the construction, operation and maintenance of said parking ramp encroachment, subject to the following te rms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct said parking ramp encroachment entirely at its oam expense, under the supervision and to the satis- faction of the Department of Public Works and in accordance with the approved plans and spe cifications of said permittee on file in the Department of Publi:c Works and identified as Public Works Project Number E-1182; b. That the permittee shall pay the costs of all eaginee ring, inspec- tion and administrative se rvices� rendered by the City of St. Paul because and on account of this permit, which costs shatl be accounted for under De ar men f Publi Work P � N mB E- 82• COUf�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �;bx�tButler Public Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith g ��laa Roedler Against Y Daniel J. D n r , i rect r DOL Tedesco �t�, Mme.President $p��ul1 t Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy �,--._.,,,� Approved by Mayor: Date Approved �ty Mayor or is o to Council ,,` By By ... � �.�� . � ` . � � � � � 263220 -2- 4�ra? �.�.syo c. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this Orciin- ance and any subsequent Resolutions passed in relation to said Ordinance; d. That said permittee, its assigns and/or successors in interest shall take out and maintain during the period of this permit a comprehen- sive protective public liability insurance 4�hich shall remain in force and effect as long as said parking rar�p or any portion there- of is maintained anG located on the public right-of-way of Minnesota Street. This liability insurance shall fully indemnify,_hola harmless, and defend the City of St . Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgnents, suits or expenses on account of all claims of whatever nature arising out of �or connected with the construction, maintenance, operation and/or subsequent renoval of said parking ramp encroach- ment. The liabitity insurance shall be issued by an insurance company 1 icensed to do business in the State of h1innesota and the premium and all exp�nses incidental thereto shall be paiu promptly by the permittee initiatly and upon renewal . A certificate of this insur- ance policy shall be submitted to the Office Engineer, Department of Public lJorks, and must be of a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Before any ex�iration, said permittee shall deposit with the City of St. Paul a new certificate to replace any expir- ing insurance. The permittee and the City shall be named as jointly insured wi.th limits of liability indicatzd as follows: Bodily injury insurance (including death) in an amount of not less than $250,000.00 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one person, and, subject to the same limit for each person, in a total amount of not less than $500,000.�0 on account of any one accident. Pro- perty damage insurance in an amount of not less than $iS0,000.00 for all damages to or destruction of property in any one acci- dent, and subject to that 1 imit per accident, further subject to a total of not less than $200,�00.0(� for all damages to or destruction of property during the policy period. The insurance coverage shall automatically be restored �im- mediately after the occurance of any accident or loss from which liability may thereafter accrue and the City �of St. Paul shall be notified at least 30 days in advance of the cancellation of the insurance coverage by the issuing in- surance company; . � . , . 263��� � � _3_ �J'rQ y� �.��o e. That said permittee further and expressly agrees and shall undertake to fuily indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from any and all liability, suits or demands, including the legal defense cost thereof, for bodily injuries (includi�g dea�h) or property damages, including loss of use, arising out of the construction, maintenance and/or future removal of said parking ramp encroachment; f. That the permit hereby authori2ed may be revoked by the Councii of the City of St. Paul at any time by Reso.lution, and said permittee there- upon shall , at its own sole cost and expense, remove said parking ramp encroachment from within the public right-of-way of Minnesota Street and shall restore the street right-of-way affected thereby to a condi- tion and in such a manner as is satisfactory to the Department of Public Works including, but not limited to, the following operations: I . Remove the structural wall from within the street right-of-way, Ii. Break up the floor sl�b, III. Construct a retaining wall at the Minnesota Street right-of- way line to properly provide lateral support for the street, IV. Back fi11 the void with an approved granular materisl, V. Restore any roadbed disturbed to a condition similar to the adjacent construct�on, VI. Construct new curb and sidewalk. g. That, subject to the terms of Paragraph f. above, this permission and authority shall continue for the life of the existing parking ramp and shall terminate upon the removal or destruction of said parking ramp; 'h. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish ' and deliver unto the City of St. Paul a Surety Bond in the amount of � Twenty-five Thousand tTo�lars ($25,000.00) , for said parking ramp en- croachment, made and executed by said permittee and/or its successors in interest as Principal, and a Corporate Surety Company duly autho- rized to transact business in the State of Minnesota as Surety, to and in favor of the City of St. Paul as obiigee, conditioned upon the per- mittee and/or its successors in i�tsrest complying with the terms and conditions of this ordinance, and also conditioned that, in the event the permittee and/or its successors in .interest fa�l to maintain, re- pair or replace the ramp encroachment to a reasonable standard of safety, or fail to remove said encroachment upon order by the Counc'rl, the City of St. Paul may undertake the maintenance, repair, replacement or removal thereof and may recover its reasonable cost incurred thereby from said surety, which Surety Bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said parking ramp or any part thereof remains in that por- tion of Minnesota Street as shown on plans on file with the Department of Public Works. The Surety Bond shall be in such form as shall be approved by the City Attorney, and shall have such Surety as shall be approved by the Director of Finance and Management Services; . 26322� .� ��� � � ' -a- d� �issyd i . That said permittee, its assigns and/or successors in interest shall compiy with the terms of Chapter 216 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as amended, pertaining to street obstructi�n, in the prosec ution of any operations involving the construction, maintenance and/or removai of said parking ramp; j. Permittee shail secure a sidewalk construction permit from the Depart- ment of Pub 1 i c Works ; k. That all bond and insurance documents shall be submitted to the Depart- ment of Public Works Office Engineer; 1. That said permittee shali notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works when the construction, operation and maintenance of said parking ramp encroachment shall make necess-ary the closing of Minnesota Street or Sixth Street or part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureauin furnish�ing, installing and removing�bar�icades , signs and other control devices shall be paid by the permittee and accounted for under the Department of Public Works ProJect Number E-1182; m. That said permittee, upon the inception of said construction , shall , �prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete . any work in said public street by no later than July 1 , 1974, said work including, but not limited to, all pavement, curb and sidewalk restoration necessary to restore said street to its orginal condition; n. That constructioh within the right-of-way of said public street(s) must be performed by a Contractor approved by the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works ; o. That said permittee shall coordinate all work involving existing utility installations , public or. private, with the affected utility company or agency; p. That said permittee shail , during the term of this permit , restore and repair all property, whether public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation, maintenance and removal o.� presence of said parking ramp encroachment provided for herein ; q. That said permittee shail notify in writing the Construction Engineer of" the Department of PubTic Works five (5) working days before construc- tion begins and notify the same said Enginee.r when construction has been completed to allow for a final inspection; r. That sahd permittee� and/or its successors in interest shall submit proposed plans and specifications to the Department of Public Wbrks for review and approval of any intended structural repairs or major maintenance work�on the parking ramp encroachment, before any such work may be carried out. Upon completion of such structural repairs approved by the Department of Public Works , permanent reproducible tracings shall be furnished to the Department, show•ing the work done and marked with any "as built" changes , as welt as any reproducible shop drawing tracings of the same; - WHI7E - CITV CLERK � ��(-�^�� PINM - FINANCE COl1AC11 V 4 CANARY �,DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BkU� ' -�AYOR File �O. . �. 1 . ,." •w • p , Ordin�znce Ordinance N�. `��1� Presented By " Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -5- s. That said permittee shall determine the strength of the existing wall in Minnesota St. between Sixth St. and Seventh St. by suf- ficiently exposing steel reinforcement for inspection,by the De� partment of Public Works and the permittee. The permittee shall- then furnish to the Department of Pubiic Works engineering calcula- tions which indicate the structural strength and load bearing cap�c- ity of the wall, hased on the findings of said inspection. If, upon review of such calculations, it; is deter�nined by the Department .of Public kJorks that additional buttressing or structurai reinforcement of the wall is required to insure compliance�with the current edition of the American Association of State Highway Officials (A.A.S.H.O.� Specifications as amended, permittee sh�ll pranptly prepare and fur- nish to the Department of Public`Works such plans and specificatinns addenda as necessary to-provide for such additional construct,ion, to the compiete satisfaction of the Department of Public Works bef0re permit may be issued; t. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all, documents of record that are a part of the ramp encroachment pro,ject � or incidental to its construction including, but not limited to, ad- dendums or changes of work that are approved by the Department of Public Works, "as built" plans, and trac)ngs; u. That said pe rn►itte� shall, withln five (5)� days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file its writfien acceptance ther'eof, specifically agreeing to aii the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the City Clerk. Section 3, That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thtrty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pubtication. COULVCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �t4�f,� �!'r' � Pub 1 i c Wo rks Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith ' � Against BY � ` 8� Roedler Daniel J. ford, Direct r (DOL) Tedesco Mme.President Ho�tiet Huht Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 ? 1974 � Form Approved by ity Attorney Certified Pa y Council Secretary BY B Approv y Mayor: Dat 74 Approved by Mayo fo Submission to Council By By PUBUSNED APR 61974 , . .i�� . . ' +.'. ` .. � �.. . - ' .. . . � .. - . . . �If . • _ ." .. .- .� ,.. . . . . .. .. , , � , _i , . . • . , . . . . � . . . � ' � � � . . � .. . � . . 'i . _. ' 1� �r � .. . . ` . . . . . Y '.• � . . .�. . � . ' . . / � . � ' , v . . .. � � y _ �' � � �.�1�2--� �j � _ . � . � . � 1� . �µ; _. . . . . . . . . . , . � _ .. , � ;'. �, . . - t � . . . � . , ' . - . .. . . . . ,����i . . . . . .. . � - � , . .. . . . � yi i � . � . ... . . . . � .`: . � � � e � . . . . � .,. � .%�- . . . ' '. . . . . . . . � . . . � � .. . , - . , � j . . , . � . . ' ' -- ' , , , � i � ' - � _ _ ` , , . • , , - - � � . . � � , � . , ;. , , : ` ; . . ,` . _� . • . , � Aprii 9� 1974 • _ , ' i _ ' / r_ , . .. , . 1 , . . ' . . .. . ' , . . ' . . . ' . . ' .' .. . . /, . , . `. .. . • . . � ` . . .. . . . . . � . . . . � � . � . . . . ✓ . � 'I . . - . � " . . . . , � , . 1�rin City l�dsra}r Ss�ri�s �` . � , � Loaa.A�soci;aCion - . Hinn�sot� asNd 31x'th �trsats , �` � � St. •Paui. Dtinne�ota SS1Q1 " , . • ; � _ � . � - , f . C�nl.ttaa�in s . � - � • � , . : �_�ncloae a copy of Ordi�ice, �o. I�59Q, as�d Couneil Fils No. . , � . 26�305, B;anLi�'To+�;�ssw�tl�loat to c�t.�ru�t, opsrat� and'utin- tain `a park�ang ra�i lt�Cx�BCtpMat ihto 1�ii�Deiota SCtvlit l�ett�rASn . , SisCh S�rat�d Ssveath Str�et; alsb bi11 in ths `wn o! $118.26 • % to cavs7c ths;F.oist o! pnbli.catiaa of the ox�di,aaa�+e aad resolµtiort. - . ,., .. � il� cs�i} ��r sp�aial 'ette:rtian, Eo Pa�lagra�h �. Saction 2 �hicb _ _ ' , t�equ�s tlye Yi�istg of a bc►nd� ifi the amo�sot ,�eaifitd � -tfis . �iling of aa a�asptaaca o# tha`et�s'�at thts �ordi�s. The , � acceptaaees mw� be �iled;`in ��Ms,o!l�ic�, gc�d�a 38d, �it� Hs�l � �vi�hin S deys. I�f ,uQt so fiZed. tht�arclit�ce belcvMS v�did. � • ' - Yov�rs it�i7 tru17. - . , i : , � . � , � � City Cl,ark , � " . ' � ' . . . . . . .. . . .f�. . � ` � � . . . . _ � . ' � . . _ ' -�� � � - - . . , . �i . . . . . . . � . - . . , . . : . $IIEr . a , , � � � � , ,t . j . . , . . / ` - . ' I � � \ . , _ ,. , , t. , , . i '. ., • i ` , . � ' . , . . _ � 2�3�2� DEPARTME�T OF PUB�IC t�ORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL, MlNNESOTA MEMO ROUTING SLIP ��� e J. Se I INITIALS CIRCULATE rs�� � ty At �Y DATE FILE C 1 Frank^n. Marzitelli� iNFOR- City Asiministrator J MATEONND Room 365 C i ty Ha 11 � �`� ,�-�E' � RETURN Lawrence D. Cohen PER CON- Mayor VERSATION Room 347 C i ty Ma 11 � � � �, �� � � SEE ME � � FOR SIG- �-�� �� � ° f�ATURE i REMARKS: � - J.J.S. - Please approve as to form the attached Ordinance F.D.M. - Please approve, the attached letter and Qrdinance L.D.C. - Please execute the attached Qrdinance � � .. �� � ._._� '*h\ � l� � . ♦ '1�.... .'_ �/ 1 fj � -,`7 r' - � f� , --- _� ,,, - ,.�dAT�:�� FROM: c � , /�. Daniet J. Dunford, Direct �!% --� . , � � � � � ������' � , ��z41 FORM 1009 (4-70) DOL/dkt . �,�tT � ` • , � �r 7� a ~ 26c����� .• �, .�_ „� ... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minne:ote DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hsll i Courl Hou� 55102 Daniel J . Dunford, P.E. Director January 25, 1q74 The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall BUILDING Re: Twin City Federal Parkinq Ramp at Sixth St. and Minnesota St. City Project No. 74-E-1182 Dear Mayor Cohen : Attached for your consideration and approval for submission to the City Council is a proposed Ordinance authorizing �ermission for the Twin City Fed- eral Savings and Loan Association to construct , operate and maintain a parking ramp on the Northeast corner of Minnesota Street and Sixth Street. The parking ramp will be in two levels , with the upper level at street surface. Thp 1�wPr level will e�ctend its facilities by ten feet into the Minnesota Street riqht- _ �wav• The upper level will be ent� re y on private property. The reason that the ramp will be encroaching in Minnesota Street , is that there is already an areaway, and Twin City Federal would like to include it in its facility. By doinq this , they can increase the capacity of the lower level parking by 25 percent. The roof structure of the lower level that is in Minnesota Street will act as the sidewalk slab and is desiqned to meet the standard loadinq criteria. In the future, should the City Council wish to revoke the permit for the operation of this ramp within the public street , the structural stability of the ramp is designed to permit the facility to be terminated a�- the property line. All costs and expenses will be assumed by the permittee and complete sat- isfaction by Public 4Jorks is a requirement of the Ordinance. lJe would appreci - ate your review and approval . Please call me if you have any questions . Yours very truly, � WAH/RJM/dkt Attachment C��2c.�� � � �"� Daniel J. Du ord � Director of Public Works cc : Walter A. Hurtley App�ved . �f�,,i � .��� _ r''nk D� Marzite�l) i�.i City Administrato � � �` `�'� ��' ,� � �. �� � l�t 3 � � ( 2.nd '��l�l 3rd '� ��ZL� ��- Adopted ,�7 �-� , �_ '� Yeas ' ` Nays ,:.„�"� Ko�oPA��� 26322� _ -� �� � MEREDITH ROEDLER � TEDESCQ PRESIDENT (HUDTT) 6 -