02-115CouncilFile# O��\\5 Green Sheet # l 03R S Cl Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WAEREAS, Irish Embassy Pub and Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Irish Embassy Pub & 2 Restaurant, located at 1305 West 7�' Street, in Saint Paul, has requested a waiver of the 45-day 3 notice requirement for issuance of On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the West 7`� Federation has agreed to the waiver of the norice requirements; 6 and 7 8 WHEREAS, tkie Council finds that the application is in order and there aze no grounds for 9 denial of the license and that failure to grant the waiver and the consequent delay in approving 10 the license would cause exceptional and unusual hardship to the license applicant; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the licensee agrees that in the event a complaint is received priar to the 13 expirarion of the 45-day period and the complaint provides a basis for adverse action against the 14 license, that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection may direct the 15 licensee to immediately discontinue all operations until a public hearing is scheduled, and that 16 the licensee shall comply with said directive; now, therefare, be it 17 18 19 20 21 22 RESOLVED, that the 45 day notice requirements of §409.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby waived and On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses are hereby issued to Irish Embassy Pub and Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Irish Embassy Pub & Restaurant, located at 1305 West 7`" Street, subject to the agreement stated above. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: By: �`� `^'�"" � � �C ' _ Fosm Approved by City Atto BY: ��//r!/4�a � cZ�/�.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �-�w .(� dCG1'}. -»f`_, OFFICE OF LIEP Date: T�- �toger curtis, Director January 16, aooa GREEN . SHEE �,, 266-9013 NO . 10 3 8 5 0 1 EPAATHL'NT DZRECTOR 3 ITY COT)NCZL � ITY ATTORNEY ZTY CLERR ust be on CounCil Agenda by: sT Dxascmoa IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. s Soon as Possible mx (OR ASSISTANT) TAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the 45 day notice requirements o£ 409.06 of the Saint Paul egislative Code be waived and the On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses be issued to Irish Embassy Pub and Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Irish Embassy -Pub and Restaurant, located at 1305 West 7 Street. COHI�NDATZONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJHCT (R) BRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NOST ANSWER TH8 POLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICH WMMISSSON 1. Has the person/fixs ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMNaITTEE BUSINESS AEVIEW COUNCIL YES NO � STAFF X West Seventh Federa[ion Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COORT YES NO Does this person/fizm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PPORTS WfiICH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? Cusxent City employee? YES NO laia all YES anawere on a seDarate aheet aad at[aeh. '' INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The West " Seventh Federation has requested this action. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��. CHRISTOPHER B. COLEMAN Cwnc�lmember CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM February 6, 2002 TO: From: RE: Council President Dan Bostrom .��'S�K�7C-�:Ti7 Suspension Item C'�.�;�.� b� � � ba_►�s NANCY HOMANS LeS�tianve A�de Attached please find a resolution I had intended to bring in under suspension at today's City Council meeting. I had planned to bring this in at 530 p.m., preceding the public hearings, as I am unable to be present for the 3:30 p.m. meeung. It now looks like I may be unable to make the 530 meeting, also, due to a work conflict. If I am unable to be present, Pat Harris will bring this item in under suspension. Thank you for your palience. Attachxnent c: Council Members Gerry Strathman Nancy Anderson CITY HALL ` SUITE 310B SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 INTERNET: ward2@cistpaul.mn.us 65]/266-8620 '�' Prinred on Aecycied Paprs CouncilFile# O��\\5 Green Sheet # l 03R S Cl Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WAEREAS, Irish Embassy Pub and Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Irish Embassy Pub & 2 Restaurant, located at 1305 West 7�' Street, in Saint Paul, has requested a waiver of the 45-day 3 notice requirement for issuance of On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the West 7`� Federation has agreed to the waiver of the norice requirements; 6 and 7 8 WHEREAS, tkie Council finds that the application is in order and there aze no grounds for 9 denial of the license and that failure to grant the waiver and the consequent delay in approving 10 the license would cause exceptional and unusual hardship to the license applicant; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the licensee agrees that in the event a complaint is received priar to the 13 expirarion of the 45-day period and the complaint provides a basis for adverse action against the 14 license, that the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection may direct the 15 licensee to immediately discontinue all operations until a public hearing is scheduled, and that 16 the licensee shall comply with said directive; now, therefare, be it 17 18 19 20 21 22 RESOLVED, that the 45 day notice requirements of §409.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby waived and On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses are hereby issued to Irish Embassy Pub and Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Irish Embassy Pub & Restaurant, located at 1305 West 7`" Street, subject to the agreement stated above. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: By: �`� `^'�"" � � �C ' _ Fosm Approved by City Atto BY: ��//r!/4�a � cZ�/�.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �-�w .(� dCG1'}. -»f`_, OFFICE OF LIEP Date: T�- �toger curtis, Director January 16, aooa GREEN . SHEE �,, 266-9013 NO . 10 3 8 5 0 1 EPAATHL'NT DZRECTOR 3 ITY COT)NCZL � ITY ATTORNEY ZTY CLERR ust be on CounCil Agenda by: sT Dxascmoa IN. & MGT. SVC. DIR. s Soon as Possible mx (OR ASSISTANT) TAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: That the 45 day notice requirements o£ 409.06 of the Saint Paul egislative Code be waived and the On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses be issued to Irish Embassy Pub and Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Irish Embassy -Pub and Restaurant, located at 1305 West 7 Street. COHI�NDATZONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJHCT (R) BRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NOST ANSWER TH8 POLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICH WMMISSSON 1. Has the person/fixs ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMNaITTEE BUSINESS AEVIEW COUNCIL YES NO � STAFF X West Seventh Federa[ion Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? DISTRICT COORT YES NO Does this person/fizm possess a skill not normally possessed by any PPORTS WfiICH COUNCIL OBSECTIVE? Cusxent City employee? YES NO laia all YES anawere on a seDarate aheet aad at[aeh. '' INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The West " Seventh Federation has requested this action. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��. CHRISTOPHER B. COLEMAN Cwnc�lmember CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM February 6, 2002 TO: From: RE: Council President Dan Bostrom .��'S�K�7C-�:Ti7 Suspension Item C'�.�;�.� b� � � ba_►�s NANCY HOMANS LeS�tianve A�de Attached please find a resolution I had intended to bring in under suspension at today's City Council meeting. I had planned to bring this in at 530 p.m., preceding the public hearings, as I am unable to be present for the 3:30 p.m. meeung. It now looks like I may be unable to make the 530 meeting, also, due to a work conflict. If I am unable to be present, Pat Harris will bring this item in under suspension. Thank you for your palience. Attachxnent c: Council Members Gerry Strathman Nancy Anderson CITY HALL ` SUITE 310B SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 INTERNET: ward2@cistpaul.mn.us 65]/266-8620 '�' Prinred on Aecycied Paprs