263214 WHI7E _�CITY CLERK � [[['''���(� PINK �-�INANCE CO1111C11 �o��� B�UERY�MnEP�AR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File � NO. ��� � � un 'l Resol io � .� . . Presented By F ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHE�EAS� House File Nc9. 33�1 has recently been introduced in the House of Representatives of the State Legislature ; and WHEREAS, H. F. 334i is a bill for an act relating to obscen.ity, defining pertinent terminology, preventing the dissemination of obscene material�, prescribing penaltie� and amending several sectiona of Minnesota Statutes 1.971� Chapters 617 and 609; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Supreme Court has recently issued an opinion, Stat_e v._Welke, defining "obscenity" in �uch a way as to authorize the City of Saint Paul to prosecute purveyors of obscene material as defined in the decision; and WHEREAS� there is a ,great need within the City of Saint Paul for explicit state guidelines in the definition of terma involved in the dissemination of obscene material so as to �acilitate the detection of violations of the law and promote proseeution thereof, now, therefore , b� it R.ESOLVED� that the City of Saint Paul does hereby manifest its support of H. F. No . 334i and urges its enactment into law; and be it FURTHE R RESOLVED� that the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit copies of this Resolution to the legislators who i:ntroduced H. F. No. 3341 . COUNCILMEN � ~` Yeas� �t�Nays � Requested by Department of: Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith U Against By x�a8�x Roedler �e�eae� Mme.President �r Harit MQR g 1974 Form Approv by � Att rn Adopted by Council: Date Certifie sed by Coun ' Se y BY � By Approv by Ma Dat 1 1974„ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBt1SHEa MAR 2 3 1974 - . , , � �� , . C �= o7lP3a', . - . ; , ! ,. ,. , � ? ..� ,� , , . L ClTY OF SAtNT PAUL � � QFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY March 5, 1974 R. SCOTT �AVIES To the Honorable Council of the City of 5aint Paul : Re : Request �or Resolution Supporting � Legislation on Pornography On March 1, 1974, your body took action requesting that the office of` the �City Attorney prepare a �'resolution supporting the strongest proposed legislation on pornog— raphy, It was requested that such resolution be presented to the City Council on Tuesday, March 5, 1974. Attached hereto is a l�tter to the Mayor and the City Council ad— vising them of the application of the recent Minnesota Supreme Court decisions on pornography, which were filed by the Minnesota Supreme Court on March 1, 19?4. This letter, interpreting the Supreme Court cases, points out the definition of obacenity which the Supreme Court will give to any legislation prohibiting the sale or distribu— tion of "obscene" materials, in the absence of legislation defining the specific conduct to be included within the term "obscene . " As you can see by the definition given to "obseene" by the Minnesota Supreme. Court, it is a very restrictive definition, and it'is difficult to envisage any legisla— tion being more restrictive than this case Iaw and still � remain constitutional. Certainly, the specific conduct prohibited by t�ie interpretation given to the term "obscene�� by �he Miniiesota Supreme Court is more restrictive than. the types of conduct whieh are prohibited by your recent amendments �to the liquor ordinan.ces pertaining to types of conduct which can be allowed and prohibited in liquor establishments . City Haq, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 . ' . 4 ' Mayor and Council Page Two March 5, 1974 . ��A defendant may be convicted under this, or like ordinance or statute, if the trier of fact may find under the evidence : (1) That the material depiets or describes , in a patently offensive way, sexual con- duct as explicated above; (2) That to the average person, applying con- temporary community standards , the domin- ant theme of the material, taken as a whole , appeals to the prurient interest in such matters ; and (3) That the material , taken as a whore , lacks serious literary, artistic , political , or scientific value . " The Court clearly stated that the above definition was their interpretation of "obscenity, " made in the absenee of additional legislative enactment� and as such was subject to future change by the legislature : "Of course , if we have today misperceived legis�ative intent or if it at any time may become the legislative intent to abolish any or all restraints upon obscene publications , • the legislative body will manifest its intent by other enactments . " . State v. Well�e thus grants the City of Saint Paul the authority to prosecute purveyors of obscene material - as defined in the decision - under Minnesota Statutes , Sec. 617 . 241, or under the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Sec. 476.01. Both the state statute and the city ordin- ance prohibit the sale or exhibition of obscene materials . r It will be the policy of this office to proceed with any such prosecutiona in a manner which will protect the due process and first amendment rights of the parties in- � volved. If probable cause exists to determine that a particular establishment is selling or exhibiting obscene materials , we will proeeed with the appropriate judicial remedies . If an establishment is prosecuted and convicted, A. � ♦ � � Mayor and Council _ Page Three March 5, 1974 ' � we will then be in a position to recommend to the License Committee that such establishment have its license re— voked after proper hearing. , On Friday, March 1, 1g'74, the License Committee an d the City Council recommended that the "F1ick Theatre" be prosecuted by this office for operating without a license. As stated by a representative of this of�i�ce at that meeting, it is our- opinion tha�t prosecution on that basis would fail for lack of sufficient grounds . We suggested in the alternative that an application be made to the court �or a probable cause hearing to deter— mine if that theatre is displayin.g obscene materials. This is in keeping with the policy of this office as stated above. Application for complaint may be made by having the Vice Unit appear in this office, where procedures will be established for proper commencement of legal a'ction. If you have any questions , please contact this office. Very truly yours , r-'�. � �/ � .c•r, R. SCOTT DAVIES City Attorney -��'��� PIERRE N. REGNIER Deputy City Attorney �'; 1! i�„,_ . i ,� ' , . - ' � �� �. � C ITY OF S�AI NT PAUL , OFFICE OF THE CITY ATT�RNEY March 5, 19?4 R. SCOTT DAVIES To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul : On Friday, March 1, 1g'74, the Minnesota Supreme Court handed down two decisions which direetly affect the City of Saint Paul. In State v. Welke , S. Ct. No. 43554, and State v. Carlson, S. Ct. No. 43238, the State Supreme Court interpreted recent United States Supreme Court decisions on obscenity and applied those decisions to existing municipal obscenity ordinances . Because the future policy of this office in prosecuting purveyors of obscene material must be shaped in aceord- ance with these opinions , it is important that you be aware of their holdings . In State v. Welke (to which State v. Carlson was a com- panion case in which the bulk of relevant opinion is contained, the Court measured a City of Minneapolis ob- scenity ordinance against the test of constitutionality enunciated by the United States Supreme Court in Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973) and its companion cases . Although the Minneapolis ordinance did not define the term "obscenity" in the precise language of the constitu- tional test formulated by Miller v. California, the Court nevertheless upheld its constitutionality and construed it in such fashion that future prosecutions of obscenity cases will be valid if the material giving rise to the � prosecution is "obscene" according to �he follo:sing defi- nition, stated by the Court in the opinion: ._ "We now authoritatively construe and hold the word �'qbscene, ' as used in this ordinance and like legislative enactments regulating or pro- � hibiting obscenity, to embrace articles and publications which are patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sexual acts , normal or perverted, actual or - simulated, and patently offensive representa- tions or• descriptions of masturbation, excretory functions , and lewd exhibition of the genitals. " City Haii, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 . �;�; �/�� ����i . March 15, 1974 Representative Jacobs " State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: - Attached for your information is a Resolution of the St: Paul City Council, Council File No. 263214 in support of FiouBe File 3341 which is a Bill for an Act relating to obscenity. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:mjf Attach. � � �-����� r �, � _� March 15, 1974 �► Representative Lombardi State Capitol . St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attached for your infornzatfon is a Resolution of the St. Paul City Council, Council File No. 263214 in support of House File 3341 which is a Bill for an Act relating to obscenity. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:mj f Attach. � .� �1`� . �. .� March 15, 1974 Representative Vento State Capitol St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Attaclied for your information is a Resolution of the St. Paul City Council, Council File No. 263214 in support of House File 3341 which is a Bill for an Act relating to obscenity. Youxs very truly , � City Clerk � AB 0:m�f Attach. ° , ° f ' . - , .. To the Council Page Two March 5, 19?4 If this body has any further questions regarding pornography legislation, this office will discuss those questions with you at any time . Very truly yours, i� �� ` R. SCOTT DAVIES City Attorney . � ` �� ���� PIERRE N. REGNIER Deputy City Attorney Attachment ^ ,.. . ._ . , ; ;. _ , uissemination..o��0�scen� i�I�� =r�-�ls - Per.a1 �.y: _ � ���4 ���.3�4I-�ntroduced by t�enta x(S�c.Paul) Lo,.�oardi*(i.ir.o I�an,:s}" :Sac��b� x(Co.^.•:: • ` . ' Rapids) Sher:yood x(P."tne R:i^�!er.} t-lanr. x(�tiindom) l.v.I:i:ll.rl:� or. Cx�:�,�?Q • PAGVE-':''LI.ZOIl CZi7C�. CO1'AE�.I.�Oi1Se �VUVFILLJ i�11TiILP.SOI,Q SL'(2t��al.P.J IJ/l� .��'�CLIO.r:J 617�26; b.17.27; 5�!7..292� SLl�JC�i., 7� 617,295 a?]� Ch:_p�e:C 609, hy �ic'd�,_u ' sec�.ians; ciJl� r�:y�°cils T��innesota S���lltcj I9��.� J�i'.i.y.0i1 O�`�.�=�� T°�c L— , ' ' ing to obscene r::a�erials, D�scz�ioe� �iaxiou� o;sc�.-_� IiI�LE:Tl:.1S in d�- tail. I�?akes it a gros; nzsclemearior to cLi.ssernira�� o�_�en;; �:,ate:cia2s> Lis�s exemptions :�ron penaltv az dl.sseminaiin� �t�sc�n:, r:iateri�ls. � Provid�s 'Chat exei;��t�ons fox notion p�ctur�� �.h��a�r�. enn?o;�e�� �oes noi. apply to 1^�n��ers or sup�rviso�s, Afa::es o�her cha;�gese :'� iJ1�rlU�1UC:CiS V�' VGl1GlJ���"LWtlUitl�U1� .�cti�.v✓.>> . _ . Si�er��:ood, Afann , Co:�panion S.F. FcS�,•uary 15tr., 197=� Re£. i.a S. Co�;�. . Rel. �o Co�,. on Crirr� Preven�ion and Correc�io?s RS�p,�o:I�.ce� by Fii:�Lr IPS I.EGiSLI.'t'I�'c` SEF:VICE `; � A b�:.l fo� an a�t . � t � � ��la:ing �c ob�ceniry; p'�ev�ntir�� �h� . : , aisse�i;���t��n �� o�sc�ne ma���J a�.s ; �• prescribir�r� �enat�ies ; anA�d�nu 5 . t�i�nn�sota ,sra:�.uies 1971 . Sec�iar,s €, b�7a26r 5I7o27S 5�7e292� Svbdld'1S�,n:� � � � 6�7 . 29� �nd Chan��r o09, bY adding '� , se�'�lon� ; �'�p°a11n� ��ii.nnz>o�a S�;a�a�es _ � �. ��7a0 aSv��t`..�.�TS �7j� � ��t�. a . �1J U� .Ld L-i"liC�a�'-•lJ UA flflr.. 1JP..17i�7SJi"l�Vru ;��/i� J•�G 1J�1��1L Vd� �. liar ��� �' il � � � �j S�c���n 7. . �1�n��sota, S�atu�es �97i� , C'a�a���x� 609� i� 12 a;a�nd�� by addi.n�1 a snctio� �� reada . _ . �� � {60�, 591] [D�FZtiZ�10;dStt � Su�div�s�on I $ :'o: �ha • �.�..�.�..�... � a� . purposes af s�ct�.ons 1 �0 3 the ��rn� d���r.ecl i� tnis ' M�e�rnwv`�w�wxws+�ra+owa�Y�wsr.o- . wsr�+ . -�u,w�+m� '� sec'ti.on huve the r�ean�n�s git►en them , _ �,�.�,.�.a._..,.,_,..�.................�..... ...-...,,...,r..,.. z�, Sit�d, 2a ��I3'lss���.�z�a4��� i��aras t4 }tno��int33.y tr�at�u��c�ur°, � ' . , P�ae�ew�.�ak.+�.v.��s.a.1�ww+rrw�.w++.�w"`��rr.u..v�wnvr..on4vsn+w'r�rn.✓r+rw«�w��.ww� s'w�.+�+�+�s'n'�"� . �.7 �.ssue, pu�l3.sh, ��'�n'�, se11, len�, g�v� atva;�� d;.s�t:i.bu�e' �,.�...�.,......r...,.r.m......_..,.,.,a..�......._._.....�—. .�,.�...,�._...,. ,. � p� � circu�.ate , �:r�nsr���, ehhib3.t , presen� mate��a7. �x �a �f��� : «�.�.,..�...............,...,.r._..,.._.....-,,..-.,.,.,...r..�,...�...-,.�-.,»-.�.-..,,�...,�.... �� or a��ee �n d� �.hw sara� os' o�he:��:�se pxo4�ire , . . - ,�.. � -.. ,.......,��..r._............,.......�.,......„. ,'!�� ►SU�'J��d jo 1tj�icZ�^��c`la.�� m�:t�ns any �3'�.J7f'�� i�lu°:�£s � V�SLI��, b..,,...,..........,.....�....�......r.-,... .ti�.W`...v..M...............�.M._..e......�,..s..,4,..e...-.�......,...,.e..�, . . :,� �, rY���s�nta�ion� o� �ac:ur�d z���;o;°C1�,Yl��q �;�c� �.nclud�� buL 1s n4� �--.___.-�»...._.�.....�.,......,_....�..,....r........,.w,...�...._..,_.a..�.._...,.�.,.,....._....��.�.��.......�.,.w..�.. w� �.J.rni:.•�r� to boo�:s , m�zraztres , wxi�Zng; v r.tjxus , - ,.._.._.�...a�.....e....._.�,......._..._.o___....�......___._._-..-..r..-.-�---.-.�._.....�....._r ,;,;: 1�1/r�.'a�r�.S�;1'�'nLS � C.��.X'CU.I�I'5p pY'�ri�S � 3T'iO��OT't ?��,��L`X^S � .�................�...y...,�.........,�..M....»-w..�.......,.........._....,....,.n.._.�....-...... .,,�.........ti........M.. . �:�3 p�a�nh?.e�s , nes�rspaz�ers , p�.rtures � Pha�v�:aphs , dra�rrin�s r . d..,�..,.. ........_..-.m.,.�:'.....,...,�..,....r..�..,............-....,.....r.......,.�..�..�......�.....,...o..�w,.....,.,.,.....�..,. . �:� SCl1.�.1�i.�.1�'eS J 'CdC�� �_�' Vt�,x 2 x�CO�a:E.�15s a P}���'S � 0�' �rl�G'c.'S a � ,.�...,.,.a.,,�..,�.,..,.,,..............,�...,._....-�..,�.,,.,.,�,.�......�............._.�...,,...,.a...-.-�..,�>,...,_:..�.�....v..., �;� S�;bd, �� . �'i•�ud�.�y�' m�a�s ci�� sho�Nin� o: �h� ;u�,:�n r�a'? .q.,.__.........�...........�.......,.�....,n..:..�.e.....�......,,..,..,,..,�.�.,...,..v.. . ,�� �.- femaJ.� qe;?3.��?.S , bubi� are� nr bu�to::F:s '�r;,th 'le�S �ha:1 G .,..,,.�.._.�.�.».._...............�._..,.,......,....,...,..�.�,..a,...�....,.-.�,.�-..__.._..._......»r>.......a.�..Y..�._._.�._.�..............�,........_.,.�r . ..,':� 3°.12�.�.�j (?'���i�UC.' 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,�......�.�....»....�...,�,......�......,..............�..a.....,.-.,.,,,...�.......,...,..,�..,,.....:...........-.�...._....�.�.,....,.....�.�.... 1� o� , or zeason �� kl:c•,J, or a be?ie� ot qr�aund fo;. belie� � .�.....,..,.....,........�.,�....,..W-.,._....,....�.�..,,,,�...�y....,�......,�..,._.....,..,...._..,..a.�.a.�......,..�...�.. ?..7 � which �}�aM�ants �ur�her �nsE ec'c�or. or S.r,ctt�t.ry ox bo�h� ,�n...��....�,..�......�.....�-,..�..�,..�........,.�....,.�..�.�..r...�.r......».��.. 28 S�L e 2 8 r��Y12�=�50 i a S�a�u��s 1971, Cha.ter 509� is _ . __ . _ _- ._ _ --_ _____ ..____._. _ . _ _ ti:. .. � _ , .._ ._ __.._.__. . __ _ _ --. _ : __ : .... _:�..., � � ' . _ _ - �s���4 . � - _ _- �- . ��y� '__ . '. ' , _. . . . . � . . . 1'fl♦ JJJ�Y _ � . . ` a amend�� by aac,i r�� a s�:,f:�.an �a :ead ; � �? �609v6`�2a [t�?'SS�1�'.�2�f1T'IQP: 0: fl�S����'i^ i�;n1ER.ir,� 3 PR�:iZ�iT�.�; �'�,j4Aui�'� � �t j s un?a°.�r�:�l ia� a p��s�:� �o �..,.�,.,,.,�........�._.,�-�....,,a.�.,.�.,...... _...,........� �f :�»oo��.n41y di.s:er3.naC� an,� r��a�i.�:r`.a�. ti��'r.ir�� is ��sc�n� � � .�.,�._._._._...d._..- -..,.,......�..r.y...._,...,. ..r..-„-..�....-,. .�.._..._.._�,.. 5 pQ:son �`��atirq �.hi s s`c��.c�n �,� r,ui l�y o� a grc�ss �......_.,�.�.r....�..........W�..,,... .n.,...r..Y..a.,�..... ,....�............ . f3 I'i'��S d c'P?c'�t T10. , , , .. ' �..�....�.,�...,�.,. ] �S�Ca 3a P�jnn��oea St��ut4: 1�7Z� Ch���?�e� 6�9a �S �3 am�nd�d by addin� � sec�ion �4 �ead; 9 [505.9 593� C���i��:i�;uS, � �'nP �03.�c��.�in� a�� e��r:n; z.��r�i - . � P,..,�.,.,..�.�.....,......�..,a....,�e...�.., .,..,�..�....,.....�,,...... �0 �he p:oVis�.ons a� seLtions ]. �0 3 . � . .�.,........_..,__.._........�,..,�...._.....�.....�.».,..�..�..�...,.,.,.......e.,.,w:..,.-....._....... . 1t ta) �.reca�n��:ed and es�-�b3.�.shed sChooJ,s � �hu?'ch�s� ,..,..�...,.....w....�............�.-..y.,ti....r..�..�..._...,...,.,...a�..�......��r..,��.m.>�.�,.,, �w>? ruset�rr�s, ne�:ica], C.LSitiiC� a hosp�.4�;7.s � nub�.�c ?�b��r i es t � .�.,._............_,�.....,.��..,..,..�.�.,.p........�,._....��..�..,..,.d..........,._,.,.......,.,_,.�,...,,._.,w.w,,...�.�....,_...,,,o.....,.,.,......,,. ,�,�-� C�Jti'Ci t'lii'�cii�d� aae�cies Or CJ��85{�-�TO�%�X°Fli'c^,1'l�'i.8� :�ppTlSO?"£Ci . .,.. ._...._..,...a.�..--,.-...,..�...,...,.�.......a.,.,...,s....,�......_........,....�...,�.�,e,�.._..., -.e..r�.....y.,......,..,.,.� �� O�'(';clfl�Ga��OT25� A���OriS c,�'��fI:�l {.:l �h�a� C2p�3C�tv c'35 �r!p].oye�s ........:,._,.�.._......._...,..........__._...............-- - ......-a....�...,...........,..._.,... .�.....�.,...�.� _..,�......r-.........» i� , dx aqca�„; Q� tcre osnan��.aations � �nd a 7.icens�d prys�ci�r. t�r �......,.._.......,..............,........._........ �..�.....�...._..�.r...�...�..q...�,.e...�,�...__r..,Y........,.....�...�o..�...�...�....�. �.ti p's�ctiiatx�.st ti�;ht1� enctagc�d tn n�.s n_r���ic� , �or �he puxpos� ...,,,...._....�.�...�........�.....»..�......,,,_..,M,..T..,......._.......�........_.............._....e..._.,.......,..�..,.,�.........�...�..V..�,.�.,�..�..�..� �7 0� thi.s s��c��on �'recoc3niz�d �r�c, �s�a�l�.sr�ct'� shatt ;��Lan �, - «,.._..�_,...,.�........,...,.�.,._..._.,.,..a...�.....��.��e.�.......�.....,....n,....a.,.�,.._.......,....,,._��_._.�.._....�.�._.....�,,._.e.�r.....,..,..v. �3 schooa hav9.ng a %u�.l ��t;,�� �:ucult�,� �nd �iv�r�sf�i.��d . n� wasa.�w�+r.�+.Mr.�rwK+r+J��+'+�+uv�.'bf+�aw�++wa.+s�.wws+ln.wrt�fwuw+rws»�+�n.���n.r+wr.a�.vww��rw�q . � � . a�� 4urricu7i�m � a churcri a;�:Ii:Ca�?ci r.�.th a na�iat�ax or recio:�a1. ,.�. .�...... --,..,.......,...�F.�,r.,4.,..,...__.�._._.,,b.._-,.............�.�.�...�.. ..v.....,..�....�,w...,�..�.,:_,e._...m.,�...�...a. ;�;1 ciez�or„�n«�ion; a mnc:ic�Zl c1�n;�; �a��risic a;. lsc�nsed �.,w...e..._._..�...,..,,..��........�...,+,.w�.�.,�...�...,..,..,,......yw�..a..h..�...�._,.,..e..�.�..�.�.ti.......�.�...�...,.,, .?� nhysic�f a;�s ox �.�ychia�.R°�sis ; and tn . �he case o� al i other � �..m.._..�....�..�..�....�..,....,,...�.....,�.....»....�....e._..,m...,..,,.�.,..,....,o.r..o..,....._�_....m..�.......�....._..�.--- _, ?" e;:e,;,pL nL'q�niza��o�s s���ll re�e~ o:�lY t� i��o�a tax exe�?� �..�..,_....�..._�...,...._.....,...,..,......r.._.,,.�. ,.. n �..�..M..o.._�.y..,..�....._,,.,.�....�..o,e....4�.,.,,..�..,, ;:.'� 0��'lc1i7�.7,.3'�{Ot1S !�1}31 CY1 �i e &U�1rOI''�nc; , �fl 'Ai1JJ.� O" �.t�1 [��x� b�' �'i.c�X ..,..._........r...�.r.................._.,...._..........,..._.,_......�.�.._..,.....,..............m..-......e,.�.-.......,.......�...-._.� ...,,,..,....._......._..,....,... .;F, �un�s or ��rhlch rece3,ve ai z���s� o.z° �nAr� �r'. th�ar su�p�x�. ......w...�.._...,,�........,... .,_�.,..,..,.w.....w ti�..�.,_._.�.,...�� �,...�,.�._._..�...o.a..,.�....,� _ _?.:: �xor'. publ.icly d<>;�a�t�!; �unds , s....._.�......�...e._...�....._......�....,�.�....e._.,.�.�....,�..,_........,�,.�,., �>t7 ��? 1:8i::�UIi pi CL;��'° 1:13C:1,�i1� O13�i d�0',°S � stage�7ands y ��............,...a.._,.r.__...�.....��_...�...........�.�.......r..�.,y.�.._..,..�..�...�»..,. ,?7 cashiers , doo�f1�'ilr ust:e�s , �o;�cession emplcy°es and any � �.�............,._,......,..,..,�,a...,�.Y �.,.�....._.,,......._. ri..-.,�........r.,�......,. ?,8 � o�:�f�; enploy�4 regul.��7.y err,��oyed by t��� o��rn�� ar o��ra�o� .� ....,.�....�,...�,..,._.}...-..�,.,......,..,...�...d.�,..,..,.�.�.,r,+....,,.,�.....�...�......�...,�.�..�.,...w...�..�......,.._._.m.. i _ __ _ _ _ _ . ► _ _ _ s _- �6���4 . _ _ � _.. _ ._ _ _ ____. � �- -- � _____-- --- ��-3�� --- � . -- � _.. - - .. . . r�n ;..� . '�. : , • '-:�l .,� � o� �a mot�on n�,cture th�a��re , i� such pe��o:�a o� �ez�sons ha�re •�-__,_.___�... _.._.. ,...........�..,.�....�..�..,...,,.r.�.,.._..w..__.....�.....�.....��.,�,..4,,,...�...�._ � T10 �',QrSd;;G�. �in�ncial int�re�r �.Il �7`1-^, r�P1::L'�C�xT]iT'i2C14 � �..----- ----...e........,.. ._....,�.....-.,.�.._.A,.....,..........�.,,--...,�.�.........,.........,....,..,�.,��..M...H_...,......,.,,..» ; �r�set;ted o�khei t'r?an �n� saJ.ary o� r�aa�, a� fn a:��� �he��:-� ,F........,..._...- -- �_,.,.�....+.._...,�...�.......�..,-,�.,.......,�.._...�.....�._._.���..._..�...........r._.�._.., . e r�: pl�ci t�here �uch ernp�.oyeA has :�o flr;anci.at i.n�:ez�es� �,.17°;� o e....,...._�.�.,..,.��.......�,,.a.,.�....,....,_..�..,.,..._.......�..s...,....,....�....a�...._..e�.,,...�_..�,., . 5 h�s ser�':zces ar�e abta�.ned 50�.2.1'y' ��� aai���y o�• S�;ar� ,� fi:�is ,._,.............._.,..._.a--- -.....r..�.�._...�. ._.,..�.��...�... . n �:<er?nC�.on c?o�� no� a���y �a �he manaa�� 04 any r1oM,��n �..�.�_..�__._..._--.�,.._.�..��.-.�:..,,..�.a..,..........,.�..�._..,..-......�..........�.A....�.....,. _ 7 pic�ure thCat.re o� ta �.ny o�i�e� �ersc�n o� enp�.�ye� ;Yho ri�s .� ��.�,..�...�...,,,.....,..,.,,....,..,,,, .K,..�...�,., 2 r;:anaqe?'ia�, or su�e�'v�.so.�y dui�,ea � . �,.,�..w.,_...�.� --- - ---- --.-...�....b,...__��.. 9 r5i'.�.' � `Sto i'.117�1i:`v�7''..� wli:a�t:��,.`�a�' d.7 / � I �.�7�ti.�S�+1 UA 7 3�v f �J "�+ a�znded to rea�; . ? ;; 6�7,2b t1hAXLxNG At�in CAF�xtYYtJG 0�'iS�taNE 3�SA3.'T�:R, � �v�T'y � . �2 ���son who shal� d�posit a� caase �o �L CIQpONi�ed i� a:�y '� .� �OS1'G°�Of��.C�' �.I1 '�h� SL�c3�i.f.'o Oa }��..c�Cf.' �.1� C2Zt�xt,;� OZ cZI1�' �'X�:L�S �:s �'Q�ipciil� G� Ql'�.��� ��;'iril�tl �c�w�"!�7' C?� pE'.�'aGt1 ::�i y:. ��'c7,r.s�or�at{onv f2T1� 0`� �7'1�' i�X��.C�.?� �z' �ti.il�l'S�,(S Sp'�C���E.'� �,� � S �����-a�:--�-:,�-;��x sec��ons ], to 3 a� tr�s ac� ax� �17a25j o� . . ,., - �; aa�y c3.A cu�ar� boo:., pa�p��,e�� a�i�����.��:n�n�: a� r.a��icr N�i 8'@�c?`�,;ii��J t�..r1L'Y��(jy V,�,i:�1 ��1�.' '.te.21��..��1� t);� 318'1s.27s� �71@ :��i�l@ y :% C'pI7VE.';jBC� i?�7 P1d;�. V �'Xpr'�'^.55P Ga iYa c�Y:4P O`�,"C`>vb I1r�T1i�£X' r n� iti��� �:� aha�.i, �r.o,�r�ng�.y �. ��r:t�.Wu��� zece:�v� �n� �a�� ;��.i.� �ai�;�n� �o �?; c�3rry o�^ �onv�y �.'�, �z' shaJ.� knn�v�nc�l� ^ax•ry c�� ct�nvey thL °ir, �am� b;� expx��sss or S.ra any n�nex mann�z� �,;�cp:: by ?�tn�ted .'!�� 5�c�tns ma�.�� sh,al�. ba qu�.l.z.y oF t-� mJ.s�ern�ez�c�A , xhc r:•: pzov±stons ot �Y:±s setixion and sec�.�oi� C�Z7,r �� �hZ?� naw b� �� :?s cons�cru�d �o a�plX 'co an {�at�.ut,a Qr �.ns�x����r�� use�i b�r ,=+��) Z+litr�CJ.M1iC±U:3J.. �,C�fii.�L.�,(J.:.TI t'w l:..ni��L .�..LZZ�f 4,1 ��j� 1.f1�:.�.i �.�,l.L ��.4.�Q�. a.i' • . ='�% p�°5r�'n���,Ori� .:o� ��� Cl1T'� o� pie°J�tZ��.4ri a'� d�.Seclse, . �?5 Se.:3 �, t:�n:-��so�.a �ta�utas 1.971 , ��c�:��n ��7 .?7� ,�s � .. , _ �� . _ _ • � __ _ _..-_ _ _. . __.. . _.__ __ . ..... _. . __ ��t_1���� ` i _ _ - _ . . _ __ . _ �! i��� ' ' • • ;1.� S:i�L 1 - � C�I�t@ildi�cl �CO 3'2d�e � r 517Q� / LS7��:11"�,LR ��iHf\:1lia1j0 Ly�r✓A�Uli.� ,YIV�`� Vr �11U�r�i7rs �'� u�f�i4� . . . � � :Rt,1�S.C�?d3. 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