02-1148Council File # CZ.—\1y� Resolution # Green Sheet ,� �,.�'1�(�.1,,, 2 C� Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��, Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RESTRUCTURING OF A STAR LOAN FOR THE STRAUS BUILDING WHEREAS in December of 2001 Sherman Associates, Inc purchased for $13 million the Straus Building-located at 350 Sibley Street with the assistance of a$678,672 STAR loan; and 7 8 WHEREAS the Straus Apartsnents Limited Partnership with Sherman and Associates, Inc., as general 9 partner, or its successors and assigns (hereinafter refened to as the "Developer"), intend to renovate the 10 vacant, unsafe, historic Straus Building into 49 units of rental housing and 8,575 squaze feet of first floor 11 commercial space; (the "ProjecY') and 12 13 WHEREAS the Developer agrees to provide 10 rental units affordable to households at or below 30% 14 of the area median income (the "AMI") and 11 rental units affordable to househoids at or below 50% of the 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I\_ �I .�'Ti .l WHEREAS the $11 million project cost will not be complete without the STAR loan; and WHEREAS the existing $678,672 STAR loan has a first mortgage position, 20 year maturity, 6% interest rate and is additionally secured by a personal guarantee of George Sherman; and WHEREAS the City Council is being asked to act on the financial restructuring of the STAR loan because its "risk rating" will be down graded from "substandard" to "doubtfui" because the City is being requested to assume a second mortgage position behind a$4,250,000 HiJD insured first mortgage. NOW THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota that the new terms and conditions of the $678,672 STAR loan will be reshuctured as follows to allow the financing of the Straus Building project: 1. At closing, the Developer shall pay the STAR loan's principal balance down to $400,000.00; and 2. During the first year of the amended STAR loan only, the Developer make interest only payments; and 3. After the first year of the amended STAR loan, the Developer shall make monthly principal and interest payments, for each month thereafter for 10 years, in accordance with a 10 year amortization schedule based upon monthly payments; and 4. The interest rate of STAR loan will remain at 6% per annum. 5. The personal guarantee of George Sherman to repay the STAR loan will remain in place until said loan is paid in full. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director of the Deparhnent of Planning and CARI.SOAP\STRAUS\Ciry Co�nal Res STAR 39 Economic Development by and through her designee, and the Office of the City Attorney aze hereby 0���t� 40 authorized to negotiate and agree to any documents necessary to effectuate the above-described loan 41 restructuring on terms and conditions which do not substantially differ from the foregoing. CARI.SOP.P\STRAUS\CiTy Council Kes STAR 07.- \\�\$' Requested by Department o£: Adopted by Council: Date U�_ �� ��0�-- c Adoption Certi£ e by Council Secretary �— � By: Approved by f7a��r: Da,te By: CARLSOAP\SIRAUS1C�ty Council Res STAR Plannin & Econo ' evelo ment By: � ' �� Approved by By: Form Approve � B Y' Approved by By: DEPARTh1ENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: ZO�LIE)Z PED November 25, p7.-\\�1.y 2002 CONTACT PERSOAi & PHONE: . 'rs inlTTnLruA'rE Allen Carlson, 266-6616 � s nsrna��n�nrr Duz crrY cL�uc MIIST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �IGN December 11 � 20�2 E�1MBER 4 CITY ATTORNEY McCall _ COTJNCIL Bostrom ROi7TING 5 FINANCIAL SERV DIIL 2 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG ORDER 6 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 TEAM LEADER } TOTAL # OF SIGNATiRtE PAGES 1_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR STGNATiJRE) AC'I'ION REQUESTED:Sign the attached resolution approving the restructuring of a Star loan for the Straus Building located at 350 Sibley Street. RECOIvAg,NDA1TONS: Approve (A) or Reject (A) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'1'RACTS M[JST ANSWER 7'HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMbIISSION 1. Has this person/fum ever worked under a coniract for th�s depaztment? CIB COMIvIITTEE Yes No CIVIL SERVICE COMNIISSION 2. Has this pecson/ficm ever been a city employee? ' Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skil] not noxmalty possessed by any cuaent city employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet IMTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why) See attached memorandum nuvarv�rac�s iF errxovEn: Pernuts the complete project fmancing to renovate the vacant, unsafe, historic Straus Building into 49 units of rental housing and 8,575 squaze feet of commercial space. nisnnvnNZasES u�' nrrxovEn: The risk rating of the loan will be downgraded from "substandard" to "doubtful". nisanvntvracES � No1' nerxovEn: The STAR loan principal balance will not be reduced from $678,672 to $400,000 and it will take 10 years longer for the loan to be repaid. TOTAL AMOIINT OF'i'RANSACTION: COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NOMBEIi: Q EC E I V E� rnvnivc�v. mn+o�rioN: ��i.nm> 1 � NOV � h �Qt�2 K:�Shared�Ped�CARi.SOAPVSIRAUSSCity Cowcil Gan Sheet 202162wpd , - ' r AN .. ..y.. P;' Ss b,. b z � � Faciis b�._��`l�' Interdepartmental Memorandum CITI' OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter FROM: Martha Fu11er Allen Carlson� SUBJECT: Approval to Restructure the Financing of a STAR Loan for the Straus Building Purpose Staff is requesting authorization to reshucture an existing $678,672 STAR loan on the Straus Building, in order, to finalize the fmancing package for the renovation of the vacant, historic Straus Building located at 350 Sibley Street into 49 units of rental housing and 8,575 square feet of first floor commercial space. Background Sherman Associates, Inc. (Developer) purchased the Straus Building in December of 2001, in part, with the use of a$678,672 STAR loan. Total project cost to renovate the building will be $11 million. Tax exempt conduit multifamily housing revenue bonds will finance $4.25 million of the project. The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, Family Housing Fund, Ramsey County, Metropolitan Council and District Energy are providing $3.209 miilion of the financing. The Limited Partnership is contributing $2.993 million of equity. The only contribution the City is making to the project is the STAR loan and issuance of the bonds. Financing Structuring The current $678,672 STAR loan has a 20 term, 6% interest rate and is collateralized by a first mortgage on the vacant building and personal guarantee by the Developer. The Developer has agreed to pay down the STAR loan to $400,000 at closing on the fmancing. In addition, the term of the loan would be shortened from 20 years to 10 yeazs. The first year of the loan would be interest only payxnents. The personal guarantee to repay the loan would remain. The interest rate will stay the same at 6%. The loan will be subordinate to a HiID insured first mortgage of $4.25 million. Page 1 of 2 Staff is requesting the City Council to act on this item because the "risk rating" of the STAR loan will be downgraded from a"substandard loan" to a"doubtful loan" for the following reasons: • The security on the loan will change from a first mortgage position to a subordinate d�" ��� position. The after construction value of the project will not be sufficient to cover the HUD first mortgage loan amount and STAR loan; and • In order to foreclose on the STAR mortgage the City must obtain I�[.JD's consent; and • Repayment on the loan from project revenues can only come from "surplus cash" as defined by I�CTD. PED Credit Committee The PED Credit Committee recommended to the D'uector the restruchiring of the STAR loan as stated above. PnblicPnrpose Restructuring the STAR loan will complete the financing of the project and fulfill the £ollowing public purposes: • Redevelopment of a vacant, unsafe , blighted historic building. • Add 49 units of new rental housing to the City's housing stock. • Add 10 units of housing affordable at or below 30% of the AMI and 11 units affordable at or below 50% of the AML Other Actions The HRA Board of Commissioners will be acting on the issuance of multifamily revenue bonds for the project at its December 11�' meeting. Recommendation The Director recommends the attached resolution be approved with the terms and conditions as stated above. Attachments Resolution Authorizing Financial Restructuring of STAR Loan for the Straus Building K.\Sharedu'ed\CARLSOAP\STRAUSS\City Council STAR 121102.Aq�dADA-EEO Employer Page 2 of 2