02-1146CouncilFile # (71i. � ��1{(� Green Sheet # 114020 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA `S Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 Whereas, under Council File O1J53 the Council approved the purckizse of certain property held by Frank M. Frattalone, REF, LLC, and F 2 & R Development for the sum of $3.2 millions under the terms and condirions negoriated by the Ciry Attomey's Office, and 3 4 Whereas, the proper[y's purchase was funded by various grants from the State of Minnesota totaling $32 million, and 5 ( Whereas, the terms and condirions negotiated by the City Attomey's Office for the property's acquisition have added costs to the land 7 purchase in excess of $32 million, and 8 q Whereas, funds are available in various CIB contingency budgets to cover the additional expense so that the City can fulfill its 10 responsibilities under the land purchase agreement; 11 1z RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital 13 Improvement Budget Committee, that Yhe 1999 Capiial Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Councii is hereby 14 �rther amended in the following particulazs and that the projects shall be closed out from the capital projects ledger; 15 16 17 18 19 Financing Current Amended 20 Budget Changes Budget 21 Trout Brook Corridor Acquisition 22 C99-3E015 23 State of Minnesota 900,000.00 - 900,000.00 2A State of Minnesota Metro Greenways 500,000.00 - SOQ000.00 25 StateofMinnesotaMnDot 1,80Q000.00 - 1,800,000.00 26 Land Lease 34,000.00 - 34,000.00 27 1985 CIB Contingency - 3,408.28 3,40828 28 1986 CIB Contingency - 55.13 55.13 29 1998 CIB Contingency - 22,207.22 22,207.22 30 1999 CID Contingency - 19,15310 19,15310 31 2000 CIB Contingency - 48,222.89 48,222.89 32 2001 CIB Contingency - 31,951.16 31,951.16 33 2002 CIB Contingency - 1,651.92 1,651.92 34 3,234,000.00 126,649.70 3,360,649.70 35 36 37 Spending 38 39 Trout Brook Corridor Acquisition 40 C993E015 41 AcquisirionofLand 3,234,000.00 126,649.70 3,360,649J0 42 43 Page 1 of 2 . Cou�cilFile # Q7„���y,� _ Green Sheet # 114020 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Capital Improvement Bonds 925-9�cx-0565-70104 1985 CIB Contingency 1986 CIB Conringency 1998 CIB Conungency 1999 CIB Contingency 2000 CIB Contingency 2001 CIB Contingency 2002 CIB Contingency Trout Brook Corridor Acquisirion 925-9z�x-0565-73338 Cuaent Budget 3,40828 55.13 22,207.22 19,153.10 48,222.89 31,951.16 50,000.00 174,997.78 Changes (3,40828) (55.13) (22,20722) (19,153.10) (48,222.89) (31,951.16) (1,651.92) 126,649.70 Amended Budget 48,348.08 48,348.08 Requested by Depaztrnent of: �n,i�r - _ , d�.�.t� �f��� �+( � b/UZ ��aycaieu. - Page 2 of 2 DEPAR'1'MENi/OFFICFICAUNCd D ti QJIIiA1ED O� �\`�� �, FinancialServices < «s�G�- - GREE SHEET N�• 114020 CUNT4CTPERS�NkPHUNE O DEPARTMENTD UR � CITYCUUNCII. LoriLee,6-8822 � cinnrronaer W L�� � aTrc�xs MUSTBEONCOUNCp.AC�ENDABY(DA'IL� �2 FWl+NCW.SERVI(;FSDIR p FWANCW.SERVICESACCT. �� Oq MAYOR((1RA55LtiTAN[) � TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[7RE PAGES: 1 �(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACR NREQUFSi Amend the Trout Brook Co[ridor Land acquisirion budget so that the city can makes it final payment and meet the terms of the sale and pwchase agreement rzECO�onnrnus: npp�o�,e(a) or��a(n) PERSOPiAL SERViCE CONIRACTS MOST ANSWF.R THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ruwN¢vG coMwSSCON 1. Has this persoN£um ever �wrked mder a wnnact forihis depamnent? w Cm Conm[m'Ee YES NO Clvn. SEavtCeCObmfiss�ox 2. Has fhis person/Eum ever been a city empioyee? A STAPF YES NO -- �. iuea uus ye[su�uunu puaarsa u axw not nonuauy yusaeaseu uY mry cur[em ciry empmyeer YES NO 4. Is ihis person 1 fttm a targeted vrndofl YES NO (Erylain all yes answers on Separate sheet antl attach to green sheet) INRIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE, OPPOR'NNIiY (Whq Wha4 Whm, Whae.PTy} The sale and purchase agreement specified that the city make tivee installments for the land payment: $800,000 on August 1, 2001, $2.2 million on Dec. 31, 2001, and $200,000 on or before August 1, 2002. The contrac[ also specified that 8% interest accrue on the outstanding balances starting on Aug. 1, 2001. Total interest costs were approximately $93,000. The interest costs, plus costs for professional services and real estate taaces, puts the project over budget by $126,700. ADVANiAGESLL�APPROVED The temvs of the agreement will be satisfied and the project completed. nu� �� 2uo2 CITY ATTORNEY D]SADVANTAGES IF APP0.0VED: None. ' DISADVANTAGESOFNOTAPPROVED: The seller would sue the city, incumng additional costs. roT,u.nmourvTOVruaNSncr�orv $126,649.70 rnsrmevenvesunceren�cmc�eor.e� ves No e�mumc souxce wcnnrr �uurvmex FINANGW. QJPORMATION: (EXPLAN�