263012 WHITE -°CITY CLERK ' �^���^ PINK -;FINANCE �� •1 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL CO1111C11 � � BLS11£. -YMAYOR•• File NO. � � � . � CA G-73-0167 Orclin�nce Ordinance N 0. �J��2- _.� Presented By 1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordina.nce Granting Permission to Irving W. Levine� 1640 Hillcrest Avenue� Saint Paul� to Maintain a Garage on a Portion of Ma.calester Street Abutting Lot 1, Block 7, Hardenbergh Heights . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby grant permission to Irving W. Levine and his successors or assigns to ma.intain a portion of the garage located at 1640 Hillcrest . Avenue, Saint .Paul, Minnesota, (Lot 1, Block 7, Hardenbergh Heights, as shown on the attached certificate of survey) on a portion of Macalester Street, subject to the following terms and conditions, and the Director of the Department of Public Works is authorized to issue the necessary permits: A. Tha.t said permittee shall pay the costs of publi- cation of this ordina.nce and, further� pay all costs of administration and inspection incurred by the Depa.rtment of Public Works in regard to this permission and authority. B. Tha.t said permittee sha.11 during the term of this permit restore and repair all property, whether public or private, dama.ged or which may be dama.g;ed due to the construction and maintenance or presence of the garage on a portion of Ma.calester Street. COUNCILMEN Yeas �1,�@r Nays Requested by Department of: � Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY �pc�c Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President � H�11'� Form Approved by Cit Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' sed by nci e etary BY B .�__ . Y Approved by ayor: Date Approve m i to ouncil • By � WHITE -�CITY CLERK �����^ PINK . - �.INANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council i CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 �v BLIy� iMAYOR' Flle NO. . � ♦ , ` Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �S��Z- _ Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . C. That said permittee, his successors or assigns, sha.11, at their sole cost and expense, remove that portion of garage located within Macalester Street and restore the public street to the complete satisfaction of the Director of the Department of Public Works whenever the City Council sha.11 determine that public necessity so requires, and the Council sha.11 by resolution order the removal thereof. The City Council sha.11 provide the permittee, his successors or assigns, at least 60- days time in which to remove the garage and sha.11 pro- vide notice of hearing prior to adopting the said resolution ordering removal thereof. • D. That said permittee, his successors or assigns, sha.11 fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint - Paul� its agents, officers and employees� from any and all dama.ges� claims, losses, suits or expenses on account of any claims of wha.tever nature arising out of or connected with the construction, maintena.nce, existence or removal of said garage on a portion of Macalester Street. E. That said permittee sha.11 furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of $1,000.00, conditioned to comply with al1 of the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify the City from all liability, costs and ex- penses tha.t may accrue from, be occasioned by, or arising out of the permission and authority granted herein, and the obligation to remove, at the permittee' s own cost and expense, the garage if and when the City Council should so determine. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Bntler Nays �C Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �C �'� Form Approved by C' y A orney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv by 'ssi o Council By By WHITE• -�CITY CLERK CQl](1C11 2����2 PINK •-AINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUAE. -+TIANOR' File NO. ♦ ' r � • / Ordin�nce Ordinance 1�0. �S�bZ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. F. Tha.t said permittee shall within 30 days from the date of the adoption of this ordinance file with the City Clerk his written acceptance of this ordinance, an agreement to be bound by the provisions and terms and conditions thereof without limitation. Section 2 . This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas HI�EY` Nays � Requested by Department of: � Konopatzki In Favor Levine b Meredith Against BY �c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President,�,c �� F E B 15 1974 Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by C' y ttorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By 1 Approve �M Council °-�..rnvPscl Mayor: t By . � �UgItSHED �� �� �I�T� .� . � „ � • 26��12 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFfiCE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR ,7anuary 30, 1974 FRANK D. MARZITELLI 'I'0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen FR: Frank D. Marzitelli � RE: Pern�ission to maintain gaxage on Macalester Street Abutting Lot 1, Block 7, Hardenbergh Heights I have reviewed the above referenced orclinance with Daniel Diuiford of the Public Works Departsrnazt and am in agreeqnent with same. Your a�proval and su}amission to the City Council for action is reccen- mended. This orclinance should arn��r on the January 31 Co�cil agenda. 'Imank you. ��,/ca Attac,h. City Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota ss�o2 r A � � O'NEILL, BURKE, O'NEILL AND DUCKSTAD LTD. A"I'I'ORNEYS AT LAW 80 WEST FOURTH S7REET JoHN s.sURKE�JR. SAIISI'PAUL,MINNESOTA CABLE.wDRE55 JOSEPH T.O'NEILL 55102 OBOD PATRICK H.O'NEILL - JON R.DUCKSTAD TELEPHONE BRIAN F.LEONARD March 5, 1974 �g�2�227-�J505 Mr. A1 Olson, Council Recorder Office of City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Irving W. and Annette Levine Dear Al: Enclosed find the signed acceptance of the ordinance adopted February 15, 1974. The performance bond should be returned to us shortly and we will forward it to you immediately. Also enclosed is the statement covering the publication fee with our client's check in the amount of $32.40 attached. Very truly yours, O'NEILL, BURKE, O'NEILL AND DUCKSTAD, LTD. ✓,,..., By .�.� ,J J 'sep T. O'Neill JTO:vt Encs. cc - Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Levine cc - Mr. Jerome J. Segal cc - Councilman Patrick Roedler � � '+ � t � � �/� Y Fet�ruary ?_5, �-97k N2r. Trviri� ti�T. Levine 1640 �iillcrest Ave. ::�t. Paul, Minnesota � ' Dear Sir: � We enclose a copy of Urdinance No. �.5562, ,�;ran�in� you perinission to maintain a portion of the �arage Iocatcd at 1640 Hillcrest Ave. on a portion of .dacalester St. ; also a �>ill ir� the sun� of �32.1+0 to cover the cast of publicatiot� of this ordinance. �7e call yaur special attention to Paragraph E which requires the filing of a bonci in the acnount specified and also to Paragraph F which requires the #'ilin� of an acceptance of �he terrns of the ordinance. The acceptance must ��e filed in �his office� Room 386, City Hall, within 30 days after adoption of the ordinance. If not so filed, the ordinance becomes void. Yours very truly, City Clerk �mw Encs. . .,. . _1_,�,�v 'L�' Saint Paul, Minnesota Februsry 25, 19'7� To the Honorable, the City Cc>uncil Saint Pau]., Mir�►eaots La.dies and Gentlemes: We, the undersi�ed� do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditiona of Cotiancil File No. 263012, being �rdina.nce I�o. 15562, adopted by the Conncil on February 15, Z97�• � � /l � ��"Cil/✓Y[iC/ x� fi ' 1 , � r � �� ���� � � lst '. 3/ . . � ' -,; '�"�'��!�.�.�� ,. k . . . �y .,�_ ;Adcygtgd �� Yeas �� . . , .. .. , fi� . �.. �, � c� r K4NOPATZKI �G6��1f4 LEVIl� - 1+�RBDITF� O ROIDI.ER TEDESCfl Mme PRESIDffi� (Ht7NT)