263002 WHITE - CITY CLERK 26���2 PINK - FINANCE COl1IlC11 BLUERY -MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. r ounci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREASs The Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursua.nt to La.ws 1963, Cha.pter 881, as amended, is authorized to issue general obligation bonds for urban renewal and neighborhood development purposes and also for code enforcement project purposes under certain terms and conditions as set forth therein; and WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul ha.s requested tha.t the City Council provide proceeds of such bonds in the amount of $2, 127,322 .15 which will be used to pay tha.t part of the pro j ect cos ts f or pro j ects de signa.ted Neighborhood Development Program Minn. A-1; and � WHEREAS� The Director of the Department of Fina.nce and Mana.ge- ment Services ha.s requested that the City Council provide the sum of $917,677.85 for purposes of pa.ying those portions of the public improvement costs incurred by t�.e City as part of its Pha.len Area Project Minn. E-2 Code Enforcement Programs in lieu of assessments therefor; now, th�xefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Counci� of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the issua.nce and sale of general obligation bonds of the City in the amount of $3,045,000.00 in accordance with the authority provided by Laws 1963, Cha.pter 881, as amended, for the purposes as set forth above; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized and directed to initiate the proceedings and prepa.re the appropriate documents, looking toward the sale of such bonds, and report all such action to the City Council Subcommittee on Fina.nce and Sinking Funds. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas B1�it1CT Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith U AgainSt By � Roedler T�eate� Mme.President� �t Adopted by Couneil: Date JA N 2 9 1974 Form Approved by �ty cto e Certi ie sed by C nc' retary BY By Appro y x : Date Approved by Ma r f Submission to Council gy By PUBLl�NED F�� � 1974 . .. .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 2s��(�2 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION 113 CITY HALL ROBERT W.TRUDEAU SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 Director January 25, 1974 Members of the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: Re: Sale of $3,045,000.00 General Obligation Bonds as authorized by Laws 1963, Chapter 881, as amended. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has requested that the City Council provide proceeds from the sale of bonds in the amount of $2,127,322.15 to pay that part of the project costs for projects designated as Neighborhood Program Minn. A-1. I, as Director of Finance and Management Services, am requesting that the City Council provide proceeds from the sale of bonds in the amount of $917,677.85 for the purpose of paying those portions of the public im- provement costs incurred by the City as part of its Phalen Area Project Minn. E-2 Code Enforcement Programs in lieu of assessments. The total requested as detailed above is $3,045,000.00. I will appreciate your consideration and approval of the attached resolution authorizing us to proceed. Si c rely, �._----.� �� � � � ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director, Department of Finance and Management Services RWT:ja cc: Mr. Jerome Segal Mr. Clemens Schleck