262991 WHI7E - CITV CLERK �62991 PINK - FINANCE COUt1C11 BLUERV- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. Counc 'l Resolution Presented By LICENSE CC�tMITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOI,VEDs That Application M 11315 for "On Sale Liquor" license� applied for by the Civic Center Authority for the Civic Center Complex (].l�3 West Fourth Street)� be and the san� is hereby granted �.n accordance with the Laws of Minnesota, for 1971, Regular Session� Chapter No. 1�98� and C. F. No. 255594, 5eptember 3, 1971, that the bond filed by the licensee is hereby approved and that the City �lerk ia directed to issue sai� license. ON SALE LIQUOR ESTABLISHI�IENT (Special) RENEWAL COUIVCILMEI�t Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �[ Btl't1CI' Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith � Agalnst By � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� Hunt �aN � � �974 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' a ed by Co r S ry BY By Approve M o : Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBL{SHED JAN 31 1974