262987 WHI7E — CITY CLERK CO1111C11 25298� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY — DEPARTMENT BtalE � �MAYOR File NO. � � + � oun 'l esolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WfiEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul held a public hearing on January 10, 1974 to determine whether City monies expended on the Saint Paul Police Band, the Saint Paul Police Choir, and the Saint Paul Police Pistol Team is an expenditure for a public purpose; and WHEREAS, The testimony received at said hearing indicates that all of the above referenced groups appear at civic and public functions representing the City of Saint Paul as a whole, and not representing any individual of the group or any individual citizen of the City; and WHEREAS, Testimony 'received at said hearing indicates that the primary function of the above referenced groups is to appear at such public events on behalf of the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, The testimony received at said hearing indicates that the City of Saint Paul directly benefits from the appearance of these groups by the goodwill and excellent public relations which are establ.ished by �ch appearances; and WHEREAS, The testimony received at sa�d hearing indicates that the City of Saint Paul also,.directly benefits from the appearances of these groups by the communication, understanding, and rapport which is established between the citizens of Saint Paul and the Police Department of the City of Saint Paul; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, THAT THE CO�N�iL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, based upon the facts and evidence presented at the hearing of Jant�ary 10, 1974 has determined that the Saint Paul Police Band , - COUNCILMEN � � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �x Butler Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Ar�ainst—� By � Roedler • ���=' Tedesco Mme.President �i3f�r I�Urit Form Appr by City torney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E - CITY CLERK �)C�JI■Q� PINK - FINANCE TT t �- �' CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl} L COUI1C11 r.,rUr�.�JV B�UE" =�MA.YOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 . the Saint Paul Police Choir, and the Saint Paul Police Pistol Team serve as a benefit to the community of Saint Paul as a body, and th�.t the duties and functions of the above groups are directly related to the functions of City government and that these groups have as their primary objective the accomplishment of a public purpose; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL hereby determines , based on the above, that members of the Saint Paul Police Department who must attend the scheduled practice or appearance with the Saint Paul Police Band, the Saint Paul Police Choir or the S�.int Paul Police Pistol Team while they are on duty as police officers may be paid their � regular wages during such appearance5 provided that such wage payment shall be subject to the approval of the proper City officials. � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �c Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �� Hunt Adopted by Council: Date JAN a 4 �� Form Ap o ed by C t Attorney � Certi ' d P sed by C cil ary BY .,._ By Approved Ma r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBUSHEO � � 1974, - - -_ _ C= � �, , „ �j,r, . _, w � �,G� . '�-�x 7B^fl14B9 �i64!l5i9lB mu� p�e CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL OITY HAI.I. AND QOIIRT HOIIi4E VICTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 6S102 MICHAEL H. SIRIAN Councilman P H O N E s i 2 � 2 9 s-s s o s Legislative Aide December 7, 1973 The Honorable President and Members of the St. Paul City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Council President and Members: RE: ST. PAUL POLICE BAND Please be informed the following motion was adopted by the Management and Personnel Committee at its November 29, 1973 meeting: The Committee recommends to the City Council approval for the continuation of the St. Paul Police Band. Committee Members Butler, Konopatzki and Levine and Chairman Tedesco made individual statements that the Police Band serves the public good. Yours truly, y' • �l���� Victor J. Te co, Chairman Ma.nagement and Personnel Committee � � �,I. �, � ... �' , � _�. � � � � .��.�"'..�yv�: , ��� .� ' " � �� � ; } ��}° ;, ��.,,� �. December 12 , 1973 Mr. R. Scott Aavies, City Attorney Room b47, City Iiaii Saint Paul, �[innesota Dear Sir: The City Council requests that }ro� prepare a Resolution concurring in the recommendation of the Management and Personnel Committee and providing for the continuation of the St. Paul Poiicc� Rand. It was sug�est�d that you refer to the minutes of the Mana�ement and Person- nel Committee £or any facts necessary for this ?tesolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:mjf January 10, 1974 �1r. R. �cott D�vie�, City Attorney �oon� 647, City �ial1 Saint Paul, ;!innesota Dear Sir: ihe Citp Councll toclay adopted a inotion requestin� that you pre- aare the proner resolution providin� for the continuance of the Police I3and. Councilman TedeRco, ClYairman of th� �iana�e!n�nt and Personn�l Committee said the Committee heard evicl�nce of tha find and worthwhi�e service of. the Police Bnnd and he said it helps the image of the Police nepartment and per�iorrls a public servicP. Mr. Bob Plaster, th� President of tiie Folice Sand and Mr. Wally Grun referred to the Resolution of the Cauncil congzatulating the Police Band for 50 y�ara service. Councilman Tedesco also aaid the Committee a�rees that the band aerv�s a public need in providing �ood will on behalf of the citiz�n�. Letters of inclividu�la and �rorn�s were noted in support of the band and Councilman T�desco said he would turn these over to your office. Yours very truly, City Clerk �,BO:m�f z � � � �7 t�ovemher ^3, 197� C.ouncilman tTictor J. Tedesco Chairman, Management and Personnel Cor�mittee Room 701 , City Hall St. Aaul, '�innesotr� Dear Sir: The City Council today discusged certain oroblems in connection with the operation of the police band and the general quegtton � concerning the problem of the police b and was referred to the Management and Personnel Commit�ee for stuciy and determination on a public purpose. Yours verq truly, City Clerk .A�iO:m�f