261023 WHITE - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 ��j�'�3 PINK �- FINANCE CANARY'- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiIL BLUE - MAYOR , File NO. ' y `l ��s � rd n�nce ,�� � ,� Ordinance N 0. _ Presented By '�-�- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Council File No. 260540, amending Section 60. 05F of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to zoning restrictions of fast food restaurants , drive-in restaurants and other drive-in businesses . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Council File No . 260540 is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting the following in lieu and in place thereof: Section 1. That Section 60. 05 f. of the �aint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting entirely all of Section 60. 05 f. and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 60. 05 - Gommercial Districts . f. That no permit shall be granted for any f�.11ing station, auto sales lot , retail ice store , fast food restaurant, drive-in restaurant, or any otY�er drive-in business place in a commerciaT or light industrial district in any case , except upon a public hearing before the Council at least ten days after written notice to the owners of the several descriptions of all property within t�ree hundred (300) feet of th� borders of the site proposed to be used for a filling station, auto sales lot, retail ice store , fast food restaurant, drive-in restaurant, or any other drive-in business. Any filling station for which a permit has been granted by the Council must be completed within six m.onths from the date of such permit; if not so completed, the COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��"4 nE���/%�—�!�G!�'� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WN17E - CITV CLERK 26���� PINK FINANCE TT COU11C11 CANqRY= DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1 L � BLUE � -MAYOR , File NO. � � , . ►�� ' _ • •► , � ' r in�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. permit shall be null and void; provided, however, that when practical difficulties prevent completion within said period and for good cause shown, the Council may extend a filling station permit, whether expired or not, without additional notice for one or moresix—month periods . "Fast Food Restaurants and Drive—in Restaurants are subject to the following conditions : (1) The site shall be limited to a lot having Gommercial , Light Industrial or Heavy Industrial zoned property within three hundred (300) feet of the site . (2) Pdints of vehicular ingress and egress shall not be onto a street located in a residen- tially zoned district. (3) Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall � be located at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets and at least sixty (60) feet from any abutting resi— dentially zoned property. (4) When the site abuts an alley which also serves residentially zoned land, no access from the site to the alley shall be permitted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effeet and be in force thirty days after its passage , approval and publication. Yeas B�tlerLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y �� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President &xl�e�r-- Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ���� '�"� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITV CLERK �v��/�3 1 pINK - FINANCE TT COUI1C11 CANARY - GEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA l.1 L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. _ • t . r n�nce Ordinance N 0. _ Presented By • _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Couneil File No. 260540: amending Section 60.C15F of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , pertain3ng to zoning restrictiona oY fast food restaurants , drive-in restaurants and other drive-in businesses. THE COUNCIL OF THk; CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectfon 1. That Section 1 of Couneil File No. 2605�o is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting the followin� in lieu and in place thereof: Section i. That. Section 60.U5 f. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting entirely all of Section 60.05 f. and substituting in lieu and in place ttiereof the follo�ving: 60.05 - Commercial Districtg. f. That no permit shall be granted for �ny �illing station, autp salea lot, retail iee store, f�st food restaurant, drive-in restaurant, or any other dri.ve-in businegs plaee in a commercial ar ligtit industrial district in any case, exeept upon a publie hearing before the Council at least ten days after written notice to the owne�s o� the aeveral deseriptions of all property within t�.ree hundred (300) feet o� tPie borders of the site praposed to be used for a �illing statio�., suto ssles lvt, retail ice store, fast Yood restaurant, drive-f.n restaurant, or any other drive-in business. Any f3.11ing station Yor which a permit has been granted by the CounQil must be eompleted within six months from the date vf such permit; if not sa eompleted, the COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - /�•l..Y C O��V��QiI.�CL'rd[.i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 6 CANARY - UEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR • '� O� in�n�e Ordinance N0. Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�e 2. permit shall be nu12 and void; provided, however, that when practical di�ficulties prevent completion ca�.thin said periad and for good cause shown, the Couneil may extend a filling �tation permit, wheth�r expired or not, without additional notice �ar one or moresiX-mQnth periods. "Fast Food �teataurants and Drfve-in Restaurants are subject to the following conditions : (i) The site sh�ll be limited to a lot having Commercia� , Light Industrial or IIeAVy .-.� Industrial zoned property within three hundred (300) feet of trie eite. (2) Pvints �f vehicular ingresg and egress shaZl not }�e onto a street located in a residen- . tially zoned district. (3} Pain:ts of' velzicular ingress and egress 9ha11 be located at least sixty (60} feet from the intersection o� any two (2) streets and at least sixty (6U) feet Yrom any abutting resi- der�tially zoned property. (4) When the aite abutshan alley which aleo serve,� residenti�l2y zoned land, no aoee.�s from the site to the alley shall be permitted. Section 2. Thfs ordinance shall take efYeet and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Yeas Butler Na s Requested by Department of: Y I�Ftt�t- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Ro�dZer Tedesco Mme.President Be�t.�er...� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� � . Certified Passed by Council Secretary By G By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK ' � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAZNT PAITL � Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ������� � • � �j � i r n�nce Ordinance N 0. t Presented By ''`----'�""``�r`�'�c'�_ . , - '� - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinanee amending �ouncil File �i'o. 260540, ssnending Seation 6c�.05F ai the Saint Paul Le�islative Code, pertainisg to zonfng restrictions oi iaat �ood restaur�ants, drive-in re�taurants and other drive-in bua�ine�a�ss. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY UF SAIATT PAUL DOES ORDAINt Sect#nn 1. That Section i o� Counoil File No. 2b0540 fs emended by* deletia�Q tha same in its eutirety end substitutin� the following in Iieu and in p�aee thereoi: SeQtiau i, That; Seation 54.05 t", o� the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by de�.eting eatirely all ai Seetion b0.0� I. and sub�titutin,g in iieu and in glac� thereo� tbe following: 6U.05 - Cammercfsl �istriet�o. f. Th�t no �y�r�it sha11 be �ranted far a.n.� .til2ing station, at�to �ales 3ot, retail iee stor+�, Y�st food restaurant� drive-in re�taurant, or any ott�er drive-in busine�rs plaoe in � co�merc���►T or �i�ht industrial district in any ca�e, ezcept upo� � public he�ring belare �he Counci� at least ten days after writter� notioe to tbe awners vf the several de�ariptivns ot a12 propeFty �ithin t�ree hunc�r+ad (3UU) Yeet of the borders of the site propaaerd �u be u8ed ior a �illin� station, r�utu s�les Iot, retail iQe atore, fas�t �acad re�taur�nt, drive-in restaur�nt, or any oth�r +drive-in busineae. Any tilliag �t�tion ior �hich a p�rmit has been �ranted hy ths Cou�cil �anst be completed w3thin sis mon�h� fram the date o� suoh permit; if na�t �o Qaupieted� the COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date —, � - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'''``�����`'t'�� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK � � � (((����1 PINK - FINANCE GITY� OF SAINT PAL} L COUIICSI �h��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. U �� BLUE - MAYOR .. • ,��' �` r in�nce Ordinance N 0. � rresented Ey `'� �`'� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Fage 2. permit ��all be null and void; prov�ded, hawever, that when p�setical difgi�ultie� �arevent +�ompletion within �aid period and tor ��aad c�u�e ehorru, the Couneil may extend a Yillin� station permit, whether e�gir�d or not, without additiona3 notice for one or �are sl�c-month periode. "Fast Foad Itest�uarsnts and IJrive-in Reataurants are sub�ec�t to the to2lo�ing conditions; (i) The e�.te s6a11 be l�.�ited to � 1ot having Co�merQinl, Li�gbt T�dustrial or Heai►y � Indu��r�.al zc►ned proparty w�,�Ct��,n three hundred (300) #eet of th� ��te. (2) P,�int�s o� vehi+�ul�r fsgress and �gre�as �ha1l not be o�to a street IoQated �.n a residen- tiallq 2oned d3atrict. (3) Points o�' +vebieular ia�ress and egress �ha��. be 2vcated at les�t sigty (60) 1e�t t'rom the intersection o.� any two (2) s'��eets �nd at leest e�fx�Gy (60) feet from any abuttin� resi- degt�ieZly zoned property. {�} 1�'t�en the site abvt� a an alley whi�th al�o eerves reaidentially zoned landt no aacess from the site to the a2l.eg shall be persitted. �eotion 2. Thfs ord#nanee shali �ake eft'ecst aad be in force thir��► days sft�r its psesage, agprc►val and pu6liCation. CO�UN�C�LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 6I�tx•�» Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedl�x Tedesco Mme.President B�Liw�.� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretury BY ' - �C"�-� � ' -�-`""`'«� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 /V� PINK - FINANCE CANAr;Y - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL ti �►�3 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. „�„ Orc�in�nce Ordinance N 0. � _ :� � -....,.. � _, 3 .'`, i, ��.. '��_,� �y`, . ��` ' k . .�::'..��... Presented By __ Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By . Date - An 4r�din�na�s amencii.ng Council File No. 26U540, amending �eation bU.UyF oY th� Ssint Paul Legislative Code, �ertaining to �coning re�str�o�ian.e o� 2ast iaod restauran�ts, drfve-3n reatat�r�nts and c►th�er drive-iu bu�i�esee�a. THE COUNCIL 0�° THE CITg QF SAINT FAt7L DOES UAD�I,IN: Seotion i. Tbat Section i t�� Counafl File Na. 260541} i� an�euded by cleletin� the same i.n �ts e�ntir�ty and �ubst�itutin� the iallQwing in l.feu and in place thereu�s wS@Q��QII �w ����*:`�S6Gf'.�f1A ���d5 t• O� ��1$ .5'��I1�'. P�tl�. Legislative Code ia �mended by c3eleting entirely aII c�� Seation 60.05 2. and subetitutt�ng i». 3,f�u and in place thereo#' ths �'a].lowin;g: �►U.05 - Go�merai8l �istriete. Y. That no �ermit ahall be granted �or any fill�n,� eLation, auta sale� 14t, reLail ioe �store, �ast food restaurant, drive-in re�taurant, or any other drive-in buei�ss� pl��e in a oom�e�cial 4x l��ht industri$1 dietriat in any case, egcept upon � publfa hearing before the �QUn�zil at least ten days ,a�ter writte� �►otice to tbe own�r� af the a�evernl deacriptia�� c►� �3.1 pro�e�ty within t�ree &undr�d (34Q) �eet o2' Lhe bord+�rs o� the aite pro�ose�3 �v �e ueed for a tillin� e�tat�on, auto s$lea lot, retail i�a� atore, iast ivod restaurant, �r#�ve-in re�taura�t, ar an� other drive-in busise��. Any filling station tor �hieh a p�rwit hae b�en granted by the Counail must h� co�pleted w�,t4in siar mvnthe iro� tt�e date oi sueh per�it; if nat sa campieted, the COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith AgaiClst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � - Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY � ' ��'rT'��'l" ;� `� f�'�j'�"'' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY I By — — — WH17E - CITV CLERK 26��►'�IV �PINK - FIIyANCE �' � �7� � C01111C11 � \CANAF<V - DEPARTMENT CITY -0� SAINT PA l� L '@LUE - MAYOR File NO. 1' �;' OrGLin�nCe Ordinance N0. � Y � Y"��.;'.,P' , J�..�t Presented By `` - � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�e 2, pex�mit ahsll be null. and vt�id; provided, however, that when practiQSl diffia�ltie� preve�at co�pletion wlthin �aid p�riad and ior gc�od caus�► ebown, th� �auncf l may e�c�end a fillittg etati,on permit, whether e�pi.rr�d or nat, withau� �dditional �►otice Sor ane or more aix-month periods�. . "Fast Faod H�st�urants and Drfve-in 8estauran�s er� �ub�ect to the follawin� �eoadition�: {i) �'#,e site shall be limtted to a lot havin�g C�rmmerci�l, Lat��t Iadu�trisl or Heavy . = Zndastr3al zan�d praperty withia three hundred (300) �'eet a�' the site, (�) P�int� of v��iaular ingress and egre�s �hall not be OBtO a stre�t loaated in a residen-- t3ally zoned distriet. (3) Pu�nts cai" vehiQUlar ingress and egxess �hail be located at l�ast eixty (5U} ��et �rvm the interseatios o� sny two (2) stre�te and at 1na�t si.gty (60) Yeet from anx �but�i�a� res3- der�tially zo�,e� pro�erty. (4} When the site abuts an siley wb,iat� al�o s�erves r+�sidentially ZOIIQC� land, no ac�t�as� �rom the stt�z ta t�ie alle�► ehall be permittad. Set��fon 2. This 4FCI�.II8I�Q8 aha11 teke efiecrt and be in toros thirty daye after it�► pas$�ge, apgraval and pubi�.�ation. COU[�CILMEN Yeas ��'��''� Na,ys Requested by Department of: Heert- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By � Rae�il�rr Tedesco Mme.President Bat•lRa�a... Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �-,,, -- , • Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ���' �'���s`"X �� �'��f����� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gY By ���. 5, �.9'T3 P�.axut3ng Basx�. t�ara�c�e �3u�.].d�►� 7�� � we�a�a ste. st. lf�aul, Gen�lemens Th� City f,lawncil toda�y gav+e F3r�rt Re�.rliztg �nd rer:l�rred to the Pleaning Board far reviar�r aud r�ca�amez�dat�.an fihe a�ttaahed ordinstsce, Cauncil File �ica, �1Q23! amead9,t�g Cbc�nc31. 1'�1.�r Nr�. 260540� �sud3ng �e�t�.an 60.05�" o�' the �egi�ll.e��iv�e �Cbcle, �r- '�+�� to scoz�iaag reeficrr�.ationa nf fss� fc�nd r��aurat�t��, dr�ve-in restauraats at�d other driver�.n busin��aeag. very �tx�u�y your�, City Clerk �'�� .�,.� _ ���` Y �: ' �: a � :`�� ��% ��S�19�� . . . � {+'7j13Jii���M3 � � � . � . . ''k7,_..i�a�6i e�. . . . fi-' � ��1 � - . . .. � . '��^ C��'� t���+' �AI�+7'� �'.E�.�.T� OL'FICE t3�� 7.�HE G3TY COIIi\''CIL C3TY H_�T.L AI\'D COURT HOUSE V1CT0� .�. T�DESGO S11I�T Yt�LTL. �IIP+,�T�SOTA 531fl� N3iCHAEL H. SIRIAN Counci!:nan Y�p�� b12 i �23-��31 Legislative �ide May 29, 1973 'i Mr. Albert B. Olson I City Council Recorder ' �86 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota I Dear Mr. Olson: I� This otfice requests that Mr. Martin Gallagher be notified �f the public hearing date far Council File Numb2rs 261022 and 2b1023 (both exter.d not�iicatiosz l.imits to 300 feet for public hearings; C.F. 261022 in rega.rd to vehicular offstreet parking an�d �.F. 26I023 in r?gard to drive-in and f3st food applicatioi�s) . Mr. Galla;her's address is ll97 Sherwogd, St. Paul, rSinnesota 55119. Tl�ank you for your cooperation. You�s truly, � �*�'�� Victor . Tedesco Councilman cc-Martin Gallagher .,�,.�:.,.-. _.. .. ._ . . _. _._ ._ .. _ w�� n ;��,� •�,:. �.� :r �_ �r `x . �� �, � y � .h, . �^. �a a�r�naaa _ . . . � ar as aa3a5e � . . r.'�..�� �I��^.T:�9G .'�' � _ . � y�` _ Hr:.= . . . � � Y4�'e �;` � .. . . . i �W�� .. . ' � . . ���� �� �'���T�, ��uz O�+'FZ�E t�l' '�.I�E CITY COU��IL CITY HALL i1itiD COUXT HOL'�3F VIC;CR J. T�DESCO SAZN� PA�TL. �IIti�ES�T_-1 5�10� MICHAEL H. SIR�AN Gcuzr_iiman Y H o N E s i 2 i �•�a-�}:3 i Legislative Aide May 29, I973 Mr. Albert B. Olson City Council Recorder 3��56 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This office requests that Mrs. May Pesina be notified of the public hearing date for Council File nutabers 261022 and 261023 (both extend notification Iimits to 300 feet for public hearings; C.F. 261022 in regard to venicular offstreet parking and C.F. 2bI023 in regard to drive-in and fast food applications) . Mrs. Pesina's address is 381 View Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours truly, i� �� Victor . Teciesco Councilman cc-Lirs. May Pzsina . ��a 1l � ���. � ��a .���t��� Yeas N� I�'JTT.:�R KON�PATZKI LF�'J� ��'���� ME�AI�H RC�EDLER T�,^l.3ESC0 � � PRESIi3E1ti3T (Hs.TI3�)