262976 � WHITE - CITY CLERK t � ������, PINK - FINp.�CE COl1r1C11 v BLUE��- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. CA File G-73-0106 cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Lease Agreement between the City, on beha.lf of the Department of Community Services, and Cha.rles W. Werneke, providing for the lease by the City of office space at 1211 Randolph Avenue� Saint Paul� Minnesota, for the West Seventh Youth Service Bureau, at a monthly rent of $150.00 for a period commencing Janua.ry 1� 1974 through July 31, 1974, and providing for renewal of the Lease by the giving of thirty (30) days' written notice, and the proper City officers are authorized to execute said Lease Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul� to be cha.rged to Fund No. 33060. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: W � rector,�inan'ce and Manageinent Servi ces � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �,r Nays Konopatzki � In Favor Levine � Meredith � Against � BY �cx Roedler �' Tedesco Mme.President � �t JAN 2 3 1974 Form Approved�by City torney Adopted by Council: Date � � Certif' ed by Co 1 etary BY By Appro ed by M y_ : Da Approv by f iss on to C uncil By BY PUBUSHEb ��� .�- _�..,-...... � Ki��[w-otvis Go-.M�wwc�•uuf � � ti� i";. 1533 —LEwB=--deaer�l lorm p. � +�lGfjig �nattt#urc, .M�r,n�..._._-�.s,�t.. _..._... �.. ..a�y of._._....J�.-_....._..w._�1 �. +C! erQeke .d. ����V by c�d betiaesn.__...Gk1�t��i...�,l�...Id[.....:ML.._._.. ... .__..._._..�___...... ._.._.........__.. . ......�......_. _.... ...._...........................�i�.......o.�.�.�........P.iiu"'�.""" ---..__..__...._..-------... g ......_. ......._.. --. , p�i.ty of th�Rrat pa.rt, I.�aavr__..., and..._..................... ................_.........._.............._....._...�..._..__...___......___...�........_..__.... t •-•........._.... ..._._.___........_..._.........._...................._.._..._........._...._._. ....................................._............parEy of tlie aeoawd p�rt,I.e+see---..., �. �...._...._._.._.. witrtt�tittiJ. That tlu ea,id party o�the firat part,in arnaid�eratian of t,lea rents and eo�a�t+. , e a �,�dRd Lst unto the iaid pa.rty of tAe aeoand part, a�d the � l��arter�nen.tioned, do......�Demiae, � e - o trie r.t tl�a rottow- � a�id yarty o� the ieoond pa.rt dv�.. hereb�j hirt and take f�+ans tha aatd PartEl � R Pa�� i,��deacr�sd prs�r►i,aer, rituated in tha Count�j of..._..R,�4....._._._.................._. .._..._....._................,a�d 8ta,tt of 1 � � ; . vcz: ........_lrii......................................, � � pPfice a�p�oe 2oc.ate3 At I2I1 3�d=1Fh St• Faul. ! � , � � i � � � � � � �� t�o �abe anD to �fot�. The above r+enttd pr+��a unto th�� Leaaee....., ......_................_..........._luira and S @�r, ;.TG�Tt Ii8 tG7' �Iu , a,ui,��ta, ror and durin¢the f ull term o ............... ........................:, . .._...............................�T �, r irs,. �_n. ,��.... -7Q �1� �;� 47 • a �^...... ... 19............, .....-....... .................................................................... _......_.da.y of..._ .---....... _.........._ _.........- , � _.......... ... _ _. J r � « _ _ ._ , ,. � , ., _ __ , .. ^ ..�i..t�.iC�. i:::....iJ.�n..1.u.r..Y�..ji... � . - � .. .�L..... �-J .1... . _.._...... . 1�-=��--1�-�sa._�.�...s:..;.. e.�:�....,.t�..r� .� ..� � �. ... ,, . � , ............ a�.. au...addi�ional....six..�s�nth--per.�od, 1 __ ,. . � ........................................................... .................................... �. .. --....._.... ._... � , 8 . • a8 ren� or tlte above m,antio�ced prem- � i d�d the ear.d Leaaee.._..a�ree_.... to and ur,th tha aauZ Lesaor...... to PaU r � ..........................._............_....:.. DOLI,dRS : , .............................................. . I e�u the �u.n�.of _... ... ..._ ,�_ �,�,j:)�... ...... .......... . .... _ � � � � .,._ �..� _ _^L� o� --_� .. ._�� .. ___ _ : ._..ao _ r' % - -" ._�... �;:�'��l� .� �_ � ��.v . '. _ _ - . .,_�� ��.,� � ,_ ?_��v ..r i�1 C 1 li J �.-il.1 1. � J� �1-� _ i _. .. .:V � . tI .. .._... � ... .. . ' '_� ... _ "_ .. . .�.� .. .� - � O . 1 . I ! • � . � � r � i , � � i} � . � � _ .. . ............for and durin�th.e full ter�n of thas Lea.se � . . . .... .. ..... ................................................ ,� I .�nd it is f urther agrud by and betwr,en tlu pa.rtiee ad follawa: That 8hould the said Lessee...... fail '� ; to make the aboie mentianu� paymenta aa harein apecifltd, or to po,y the rent aforesazd when due, or fail ' � to ful;�ill any of tlu cot�cnants herein conta-ined, then and in that oa�e it ah,a.11 be la.wful far the said ( . Lt�aor. to re-enttr and take possession of t1u aboie rented p�'e�niaea, and 71.aI�Z dnd enjoy the eanu with.out � auch,re-entering uorkzng a jorfeiture of the renta to be paid and t}u coarn.a.nt8 to be performed by tlu eaid ! Ltasee. f or the f u I Z te rm o f thzs Leaae. ( t � .?nd the 8aid Lessce ... also covanant. ... and a.gree..�. to a.nd u�ith the adid Leaaor ... not to aasiQn th.ia i Leaae, or underlet the a,boi�e rentul premiaes or any part thereof, without first obta.intng fhC turitten constnt � i of tlr�said Le.ssor _., and th,at .;C�yuzbl, a,t tlu e.zpiration o�tlu ti,me a.d hcrein recited, quietIy yield and '` j aurrender the a foresa.id prem�ses to th,e eaid Lessar _, ............_luira and aa8igna, in a8 ¢ood eon.dition and j ; � repu,ir ax when ti:,.�;,.took them, rea8onable ut,dr and tear a,nd cl,amage L y the elerrunta alon.e e.roepted. � , . . f : ' .�nd tJu said L�ssor . do��cor,�enant fhat tht said Lessae _ , en paying the �nt and performr.ng fhe i 1 • � } . w _ . �� _i _�t '-,7 —' �.. _.,....,,,.1,1., „�..i ..�.iof��i �ni•s �n)i7 n�r� on ii17i tj70 Ai77l� (�0717L�tI,l� T)lP�.LlrJ ..... S .