262971 WHITE — CITY CLERK �� �� ���262� � PINK — lsINANCE COI111C11 CANARY — DEP TMENT GITY OF SAINT PA.LTL BLUE — MAY File NO. �' � C u Resolution � l�� � Presented By \ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Richard Coverdale, o�aner of the subject real estat�, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as : Lot 11, except southerly 100 feet of thereof, Block 1, Lake Park Addition; that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor to relax the front setback requirement from 33 feet to 25 feet so as to accommodate a house and detached garage, subject to the condition that said appellant, and his successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipa�. ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas gu�],gp Nays ]� � Konopatzki ., In Favor Levine , / Meredith �✓ Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �E H41rit Adopted by Council: Date �AN 2 3 1gZ4 Form Appro d by�ty Attorn , Certif' d a sed by Co il S ary BY , - � By � Appr ed by M o Date Approve y for Submission to Council . � g By P,UBUSHED FEB 8 �974 � ������ BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR December 18, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of Richard Coverdale to relax setback requirements on property located on the south side of Midway Parkway between Arona and Pascal. This property is further described as follows: Lot 11, except southerly 100 feet thereof, Block 1, Lake Park Addition. The Board of Zoning heard this matter on November 15, 1973. The staff reported the appellant wishes to relax the front setback requirement from 33 feet to 25 so that a house and detached garage with sufficient maneuvering may be constructed on the lot. The house to the west has a 20 foot setback; the lot to the east has no building facing Midway Parkway; and the houses further east have a 33 foot setback. Staff recommended approval since lots with only 5,000 square feet of area ordinarily have alley access and since the requested setback would be an average between the house to the west and houses to the east. The Board of Zoning voted unanimously to recomm�ended approval of the appeal. Sincerely, � � �, ,, ���z�f �� �.���'� / � DAVID RON MADDOX ( n��) Secretary, Board of Zoning DRM:RR:dr Zoning File ��`� � �°�.. ���� ��-� 7 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 , ;BOARD;OF ZO�tING REPORT A:]D ACTI0:1 November 15 �9,3 262`�`�1 � . .. : .. ..' :� ;. .. : •.'�.. 4,: �"' '� : ��• l�cting�"tinder Legislative� Code Chapter 60 ,thru .64• ,'1at.Mep ��30 �� � ' passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. � 7567 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Richard Coverdale 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE . Relax setback requirements 4. LOCATION . South side of Midway Parkway between Arona and Pascal 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 11, except southerly 100 feet thereof, Block 1, Lake Park Addition 6. PRESENT ZOI�TING: "B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Paragraph: i 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: November 9, 1973 By: DGW A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. B. PROPOSAL: The applicant wishes to build a house and detached garage on the subject site, in order to allow adequate space between the house and garage for a turn-around area in the driveway. The applicant wishes to move the house closer to the street than would normally be allowed. C. NEED: If the home is to be built with a detached garage, the space for the turn-around is necessary. If the turn around is the size indicated on the plan, the house and garage can be arranged no other way. D. PRESENT STANDARD: The house next door to the subject site is approximately 20 feet from the street, while the rest of the homes on the block are set back approximately 33 feet. E. VARIANCE: The required setback for the site in question is 33 feet. The requested variance is to allow a setback of 25 feet, which is 24% short of the requirement. F. AREA ZONING: The site is bordered on the north across Midway Parkway by "A" Residential and a small concentration of commercial zoning. To the east, the site for the home for the aged is zoned "C" Residential. The remainder of the area surrounding the site is "B" Residential. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is presently vacant and fenced. The lot is slightly lower than the lot on the west. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The site is located in a residential area occupied generally by newer homes. There are two homes for the aged within a one-block radius of the site. The home on the west boundary of the lot is set back approximately 20 feet from the street. The lot to the east of the site is occupied by a small paved area used for parking in conjunction with an adjoining residence. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend , U Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: - Yeas Nays December 18, 1 7; Pioved. by ; Maddox • x Norton x Maddox Date of � Seconded by; Willits �. Willits Hearing: . _ x Bryan �' December 20, 1 7; Secretary's remarks: x Rupp � Couticil Acti.ni::� 26���� , MfNUTES OF TH� PUE.GTC HEAAING B�FU&E THE BOARD QF ZC�NING aN Tf�ilRSDAY, NOVEMBER i5, 7.973, AT 2:00 PoM, PRESENT: 1�L�neo Nortan; Y�iessrso M�ddoXn Wiilits, gxy� and eTupp of [he Board; Mre Ericksan, Ass�to �ity Architect; Mr, Ryan, Mro �lilheZ� and M�s� Bsrri�ult of �he Piunntn� Department Staff� RICHARD �OVE1t�ALE E7567�: !1n appesY to relax s�tback requi�cements on property located an the south si.de af t�idway Paxkway between Arona and Psscalo Mro Ryau shot+red a si�e A�.an fo�� the house and the gasage show;tr�g hd� ft caould look with the setbac�c relaxz�t3on� and also wittiout thi.s retR��t?��� H� said they wr,nt �to rel�x it frron� 33 feet to 25 feet so �s to i�ave raaneuverzng a�rea far the garage o He sA a.d tite garage cou1� be cnoved ta ti�e ea�t os the hause desigr� cauld be ch�ng�d, but soving the garage wouZd a�eaa less gre.en space, He sa�.d �art 7_o�s witih only 5000 squ�re feet h�ve �Iley access, He eaid the hause ��:o �t�e wes� only has a 2Q f�rQt setback anc� �lxe �flt �rs �lie east has s�a bui�ding csn zt� he sa;d ttte staff �ao�Id recc�aend apt�rc►�r�l ot the relaxa�io�i� Mr, Maddox ruflved t�.ey �eco�an�nd approval or th.e apge�l., The �qtian was seconded by Mr� Willits ar_d was caxr�.ec� unantzuausly� Se�bm�.tied by; �1,pgs_rpved �y• ttoger W„ Ryan Wils�sra Tio RuP�,, 3r„ city clerk _ . ,` ��^s��,_ ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ��,�'> �,,y� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES • �� ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 December 7, 1973 File X1422, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Ch�ers of the City Hall and Court Aouse at 10:00 a.m. on Deaember 20, 1973 on the application of Richard Caverdale for permit to relax aetback requirea�eats on the property described as follows: Lot 11, except southerly 100 feet thereof, Block 1, Lake park Addition The property is located on the south side of Midway Parkway l�etween Arona and Pascal Street. For further information, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha SCreet, or telephone 29$-4151. Ta caoply with the City Charter, the Departmeat of Ffnance is charged with inforaiiag you of this public heari,ng. If you have aay questioas, it is recommended that qou attend this public hearing to affoxd you the opportunity to make your viewa, both pro and con, knawn to the CiCp Council. ROBB1tT W. TRUASAU DIRIDCTO� . . � r ` . � zs���� �. : � .��� �����. � � c� I � ,���*��ri���;e tc �y!9 �otui tTie Gi ` . in !he maLter'_� �Cover- dale, lusive, �9t. Code. for 131� t i ' lrements dn ��� P Sts. �tr',��=1i.7.� � � �� . . . 2�25�"�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINfSTRATOR FRANK D. MARZ{TElLt TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen -1 FR: Frank D. Marzitelli - { � ����, � RE: Variance in Zoning Code, Lot 11, Block 1, Lake Park Addition : I have reviewed the above referenced resolution and am in agreement with same. Your approval and submission to the City Council for action is recommended. FDM/ca Attach. City Ha�ll, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 ..�..._..,.,..._ .... ..• • � ,' V 1 I{�� • V � L��'7A� �� �II�� �� �� �� r� A' � .�. ,:.�:s � � � . � � �5 � (� OOOOO OO � � P; � ' � ;I I�� I � �a �e� � s o . , � .�.. , """ � . ��,v .� �.r__ i � � � – � ' � , f _,_, ^ ;--�a y i I � 4 s , ;� • : �, l�, :���� S �I�I ,;�; i �' r`,f`, - �: --'= ' '� ' �I ' t i= 2( ,� :, ^ . , , , . n v v ^0' OO �. . �5 ' • - � � � �— � .� o �, . . .� �•° I I IR lY vwAr .R . , , ��• ,.... ... ... rdsP�TAC � ; . � R ( � � /� R ' ' ' �� O . Q O � 1 i ' � v ��I ' .t • � -t . - }-- Q O O F- o � 1-' ' � � �_ . ; � � � � p ^ � � -�- --�? o o fi � P. o. � � . o � Y- o 0 -o-. o o - � � �3 . �o O �' , -O' 's � � - S�FtI �LDS AVE. I � . 5 0 � ' -- - �F • 5 O ' ��►. — Q �" -�Q- �@ . � � � -- 0 — - : 5-Q � p Q 1 ' - O O � " � : Z- p p p ' � � ` " � O � O 0 P $ STORA6E �. w � �. � � - v — • ' _ : . � � � �' LL! ♦ - _ _ w �, � , � I . � �8 � o t� 6 � �i I� � _-----� � � �I O � 'I' (� 5 I I 3 v � HONY � ' � V � . . ��E� ���� APPLICANT _Central Baptist Church LEGEND '� "� ZONING OISTRICT BOUNDARY PURPOSE Relax setback requirements � SUBJECT PROPERTY O ONE FAMILY FiLE NQ. 7568 � TWO FAMILY �}- MULTIPLE FAMtLY �ATE November 1, 1973 i O • , n COMAAERCtAL L �CA�E� !"= 2Q�J' IVG'RTH � � � iNDUSTRIAL SAINT PAU� PI.AN(dtRlG BOAR� V VACANT .. _. .— --�__..�_ �