262966 WH17E - CITY CLERK C�unCll 262��6 PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAITL ` BLjJE -�'fAAYOR File NO. olution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the portion of the Minutes of said Baard of Appeals and Review dated November 27, 1973, and marked as Exhibit A, and attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof by ref erence: Date of Board Minutes Case No. Pro ep rty Appellant 11/27/73 59-73-B 1640 Hillcrest Irving W. & Annette (Garage) K. Levine FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Register of Deeds COUNCILMEIV Yeas ��ler Nays Requested by Department of: � Konopatzki _„� In Favor Levine / Meredith v Against BY �mc Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �K IiuJ1'� JAN 2 3 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - . � Certif' a ed by C i tary BY By Approve M or: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBI.{SNED FEg � ��� � \ , - . _ . j1 EX fj�./!g 1_T � - _ �_ _ _ . _ _ .._. _ _ _ ... _.___. --._______---_--_� y . � � � 11/27/73 - ?'�eeting NoY 95 Cassette Tane No. 107 r � ��ICGE/� � T • , ) zs2 � ��6 ?�INUTES OF THE P�EE�'I'�1G ST. PAUL BOARD OF APpFA.LS A?VD P.EVIEj41 Tuesday, �iovember 27 , 1973 Count� Boar� P,00m 356 City Hall and Court �-Iouse _ 1 : 30 n.m_ P�E1�.4BERS PRESENT: D. Donal� ?Nozniak, Chairman Raymond n. Grove A4itchell i�1. Kamin P�irs , Estyr Bradley Pealce '�rs . ?�lorma Sommerdorf Arthur r-�. Tieso � James D. Voigt t•4E1`•1BERS A3SEI�1T: �1one AGENCIES PRESENT: � Division o.f_ �-Iousi*�g and Buil3in� Code Enforcement : ,. Ronald DeTomaso, ?�ousing Code� Ins,�ector ( ' Steve Roy, Housing Code Insnector � Richard �lmey, Building Ins�ector Dan Person, Builcl_inu Insnector QTHERS PRESE'_`:T: Thomas Stassen, l�nnellant for *'ir. Stens�ard Julius �+�ilens7;y, Anpellant and tVilliam �.T. '_Vicholas , F.ealtor, Rliod.es Comnany .?ose;�Ii 0"_`deill , Attorney for A,nnellant Levine Ed��rard Lafrombois , �'�pnellant � Steve DeCosta Doris L. Getsua, Executive Secretarv, Anneals Board. r•leeting of t?ie �t . Paul Roard of Anneals and Review was called to order at 1 : 30 p.M. by Chairman D. Donald �doznialc. _ _ _ _ _ _ . � � 11/27/73 - T.?eetina No. �35 , ' . ' S8-73-f�- -429-431 �'•1t . Ida- - Cassette Tane :`?0 . �107> Page 4 ' . ��,�`�� 6 ; Case No. Pronerty A��aellant 59-73-B 1640 Hillcrest (Garage) Irving !^'. �T Annette ?<. I,evine by Josenh 0'1Veill , attorney. "' SUBJECT : Renuest waiver of requirement under Building Coc�e 4J. 00 - 1 .C. with regard to garage extension. APPEARA�`ICE : �1r. Joseph 0'Neill , attorney for an�ellant . (" _ PROCEEDINGS : P-1r. 0'11ei11 stated that the annellant , t�1r. Tevine , was unable to anvear, . , ,S�J- 73-R--1640 Hillcrest ll/27/73 - rTeetin� No , 95 ' ' Cassette Tane N����� PaQe S , ' because of having been called out of t'�e city. M.r. . 0'?deill stated � that this case involved the matter of a corner lot on �?illcrsst Ave. anc� r��acalester St . He said tTiat tIlere �nras no sidewalk on �tacalester St . Exfiibitin� a diaaram, Mr , 0'Tleill nointed out the location on �iacalester and Hillcrest. He sho�,ved that as ?.�acalester ran sotzth, the street �was 60 �eet wide with no sidewalks at �ahere the a��ellant re- sicied on tae corner. As the street trent down to the next block to Boland Ave . , '�?acalestex narrot,red do�vn to 30 f.eet . As r-lacalester Gt . follo�red �o�vn t� the next block, tfie street narrot,red down to 10 feet and then came to the location of the Highla�c� Park Elementary School . �Ie stated lie was nointing out that fact because it did become im�or. tant . �n describing t�e sit�aation, `1r. O�Neill stated that in Sentember, 1973, the apnellant, �-1r. Levine , decided to change h.is gara�e from a one car to a t�ao car garage . Because of P�-�r. Levine T s heart conciition, it was necessary to build`: an-_eye type door, in order to have a two-car garage. _ Mr. Levine received a nermit £rom the citv of St . Paul and nroceecl_ed. to start construction. Ne was almost 85% or 90o comvleted when someone from the city came by and sai�i, "I think you might be over the �ronertv line -- you had better get a survey. " � P�4r. 0'Neill stated tnat ��r. Levine , therefore , `�ad a survey made , co�v of �ahich r�ir. O�Neill tllen ex�ibited to the �oard, i,�?zich showed r�ir. � Levine's barage to be extending over the lot line , r�Ir. . Levine had contacted ��r. 0''Veill , �rTio in turn contacted the City A_ttorney' s �ffice . The City Attorney` s Office had advisec� ?�1r. O�Neill , "��ell , what you had f better do, considering t?�e situation with the street here ancl th� very `- . little use or nossibility of ever extending or ��ridenin.� t?i�t street , you cou]_d recommend for a vacation. '� � �1r. O�Neill stated that he did so and he exhibited to the Board �•�embers a copy of_ tIle �etition, wliich he ha�1 �resented to the City Council to show that all or the peo-�le who lived on the f.our corners had joined in this petition, because thev did not see it as any dif£iculty. r�4r. 0":`deill stated that he had tallced to the members of the Council when the matter ca.me before the Council , and they had indicated that while they were of a liI:elihood to mak_e a grant , the �etition for vaca- tion , tliey thought, would set a very bad nxecedent. They, therefore , had asked the City Attorney' s Office to meet with �-�r. �'?�eill to work out some 1�:ind of a per.mit for the lif_e of. tne garage. P,�r. 0'Neill stated that they tlien did meet and taorked out the situation and that the matter was still �ending before the City Council Public titi�orlcs Committee . P�1r. 0'�Veill stated that at the time that he had made �� application before the City Council , he had asked for a variance on the Building Code. The City Council had indicated that the matter was �ro- �erly a case f.or the Zoning. Board. r�r. 0'Neill then nre�ared a netition or the Zoning Board, and had sent in the ap�lication and r?oney for the filing fee . FIowever, the anplication ti�as rejected with an in�icatian that t�e pro?�er place f.or this matter was before the St . Paul Board o� An�eals and Review. � C , ' S'9-73-B--1640 Hillcrest 11/27/73 - I:leeting �o. 95 � • Cassette Tane �o. 107 - Page 6 � ➢ � 262�f b � "So , i�1r. Chairman and mer�bers of. the Roard , . what we are doing� today is asking you f_or a variance f,rom t?�e Legisi ative Btzilding Cod.e of the City of St. Paul , 4Q . Q0 - l , C. , �rhich nrovides under this Section tfiat garages loca_ted on tfie corner lots s�ould be set back for a distance o� at least eight �8� feet f.rom the si3e lot Iine. " �1r. 0'rIeill then nresented so:�e nictures of the area, and stated` that the Department o.f. Public Safety had also examined the matter ar_d indi- cated t?zat t:�ere was r.o safety problem. ?�4r. OtNeill also state�J. that he thought �•4r, Donovan in the EngineerTs Of.fice , had felt that it would set a bad �recedent and their of.f_ice had made a recommendation to the City Council t�at t�e original petition be deniAd. P�r. 0'�•1eil� , hoi�iever, tliought tFiat tFie Council was of the mood that they were going to grant the petition if i��r. O�:�eill could work something out with the City Attorney' s Office . P�Tr. 0'Neill summarized his �resentation by referring again to the ex- hibits for the Board' s exar�inatzon -- the certificates of surve��, the petition wi.th the signatuxes of the neighbors , a man of. the area, and pictures of_ t'ne garage and premises and the streets� involvAd, incluciin� the nictures ta�en by the Executive Secretarv o .f_ the Board. i�7r. 0'Neill said he £elt the chances of the widening of r�acalester St. �,rere a minimum. ?-ir. 0'Neill state;i that �?r. Segal of the City Attor�.ey 's Office �acl sent Izim a letter w?�ich he thouc�ht containe� most ?.ikel.y what the Council intended to do on the nroblem of tfie garage being on � � public pro�erty. The Ie'tter state� that the Council ' s: nerr�ir could �: . , provide permission and authority:" . . . are hereby granted to the o�•aners of tlie subject nronertv, to install and maintain a �ara�e as located on the pronerty on plans a�nrove�. b� tfie Dent. o� public t{rorks , that the permission and authority� to maintain a garage within the nub�ic street . right-of-ti�ray, . t�rould continue f..or the life of the nresent garage , and furtlie for the condition upon tl�e City CoLincilts retaining t?ie ri�ht to revoke t.ie permit at any time i.he nublic necessity would reauire� upon nrior written notice, thereto, t?�e owners of the property , an onnortunity of a }iearing. It is co:iter�nlated that the permit would not be rev��:eci un- less the nublic necessity required the use of the street for widening of T�iacalester St . In that event , the owner of the nronerty would be required to remove the gara�-e at his own cost an� expense. " r?r. 0"�1ei11 said he guessed that t;-�at likelihood ' =- -- - ��rould be very very remote. �4r. Dan Person, Cliief Buil_ding Insnector of the �uilding De�t. , stated he wanted to clarify one statement : That is , that Building Ins�ector, I��Ir. Amey was out there , anci had renorte�. that�`the garage �vas almost " done:` ?.Tr. Person said that was not true , that tne garage slab ha.ct not even, been noured : yet when ��r. Amey '�ad insner�ted the garaae nroperty. ^�r. Amey• told the owners that it was built/o�er t?�e nublic nronerty. H�wever, �he owner continued to build there even after t�eir cl_e�artment iiad told him that he could not do so. :�1r. Person said tI�at he could verify his rertarlcs with Inspector Amey; : and P��r. 0'Neill stated he would have to have his client nresent also -- � � that there was a disnute over that matter. T�r. 0'rJeill stated t'iar it was on Sept. 23 , 1973 , that the nermit was obtained fr�m the P>uil.cling Dept . , and it �aas in the first part of r�ovember that notice was received � 59-73-B--1640 Hillcrest 11/Z7/73 - ?�eeting ?�TO. 95 � Cassette Tane ?�to . 107 � � � �a�e 7 2���'�� �� that the o�Jners might nossibly be over the nronerty line. ��r. 0'Neill stated he did not lcnow i�a?Zen that certificate of survey i,ras da�ed, but it was shortly thereafter -- on the 21st of_ ?�lovember , 1972 , that thev ti�ent out and got the survey. Chairma:n Ydozniak aslced Building Inspector , }'erson , if the city rec�uired a plot plan of garages to be submittec? for nermit nur�oses . r.2r. �?erson stated no , that the city did not have this rec{uirement . Chairman i+lozniak commented that it might �e because they tiaere too expensive to obtain. Building Inspector Perso�. Said tnat nrobably t?�is was one of the problems tI�at they had. Peo71e coi�l� go to tFle Ruil�ing Dent. and ob- tain a Building Permit , ho�aever, they did not have ar.y idea where their lot lines were and they got a �ermit , and then t?�ey would nroceed tivith their construction. Then all of a sudden they would tind out that they �aere over the property line and it did create a r�roblem. "�Ir. Person stated that in one family or two family c�wellings the basic contractor was reqtiired to be licensed for doin� the work. Jn this event , A1r. Levine , as a fiome-owner , si.gned t�e ?�ermit , �icked un the permit himself, and insQdoina , ?�e assumed the resnonsibility of the garage�being in the prop�r place . The licensed mason contractors in these instances , iaere aware of the location on the pro�ertv ?�rhere the garage itself should be. Hor�rever, r�4r. Levine , took this resnonsibility himself when he tool: out his own buildin� nerr�it. �_ '4r. 0'Neill stated that he was sure that such was true , and that was - tlle rea�on that the Board of �npeals was set un for the pur�oses of tal:ing care of such situations wnich do develop on a hardshi.n basis . !�1r. 0'Neill said he tieas sure it ti>>as l���r. Levine' s responsibilzty and that ti•ras why they were before th� Board of Anpeals , because �1r. Levine Urent ahead and had it done. Perhans , if there had been a masanxy contractor or someone else , that ilould .iave been done the other tivay , but unfortiinate- ly, the citizens could not always knotv all the rules and re�ulations. Hopefully, that was �rhy we have the Board of Appeals . There Ueing no further discussion on the case , Chairman '+!ozni�.l. asked for a motion on the matter. r�r. Kamin i�10VED that the variance be granted from the req_uirement under the St. Paul Legislative Buil�.inn Goae , 40 . 0� - l . C. 1�1rs . Sommerdorf secon�ed the motion. TT�?� T40TI0'V i��AS Cr1RRIED. TfIE VOTE : Ayes 7 ; Nayes 0 ; llbstentions 0 . At t:�is .noint , Chairman T'lozniak had to leave the Boarc� �.leeting, in order to attend another meeting . He asl:ed T;Zr. Tieso to tal:e over the Chairman- shiP for the remainin� time. r � ' ,f I - � i � J G � i � � , '� � � �s.�W � �`..'r'\ `�:`���f?�«,�� �,�'�`c ��!'\ r s �„�. �s\R � �� � ,�� s 4- ������� `�\ -�.y- ,�.`��� � � - _ 1�;=�� .. .� , . _ ��F;�-�: -� �. � - .; ,� � �,. _ � � �� ooa �; , .. �. ` b � � � Y.`s.. - . II. y_. . -- . � ... -, r t . . :� -_.. ^ '�� _. � ^ �� ��,,,,,�,��.,ai� .i.. � _ ' . ' �i -- - . . . 'i. - . . . . . � . . . ♦. .. . . .. � . . � � . � �i.�.�w`'=`L4�a;+����°�;,j�>���,�'_. v ^3-., Y �. � 3. .':' �j `+s'+f�p`ti�''�'/� ��/�t�.� � _ . � �.�,���: ��..� ��,. ��y.�,� =,_ .". :._��l�i1a.,'��'.�r�' ��� �� --a`re^"'�_r... 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REGULAR 51ZE COPIES � � � WALLET SIZE COPIES � For your convenience 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENTS : when ordzring copies, indicate the number of 8 x?0 ENLAP,GEP�1cNTS , , copies desir2d in the - � appropra±e box for the . size(s)you select. 35mm S�IDES P558A•1 5/70 Print°d in U.S.A. _ . . ' AN ORIGINaL �OLAROI�J� LAND PHOTOGRAPH . . SUBJEC�'.Sq-73-t3 DATE li��-7�73 , � . NAIViE ��,s.e - . AD�R�SS_l�O�r !�t(IcrNSf--Ga.-c;.SN -Vi�`.r-�n.Yr+�cK4/(ey � ' REuULAR SIZE CO'IES i ' Vs�ALLE7 SIZ�COPI�S:,_ j ' • For your convenience 5 x 7 ENL4RGEh",4NTS . . svhen orde;ing::cpies, - : indica:e the numb2r of copies d�sired ir.the 8 x 10 ENLARr,�,���c��T� � , appropnaia box for the . � size(s)you s�iect. 35mm SlID=5� � . . � P558A-1 5/i0 Printed in U.S.A. . '� . . - . �\ .� - �' ; � � ..�., i. r -_ �.�� f �'�.�... 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NAME t.ItVIYb ADDRESS l��Fo HiNcr�st--Cna�o� � Vtc3w �ram �l(crey� t qnd �at�lesFrr w�+N t3 itcnQ Atre ir br ee�.d � '. � • R£GULAR S!ZE COPlES WAILET SIZc COPIES For your convenie^ce 5 x 7 EI�JLARGE�IE�VTS • when ordering copies, , � indicate th2 numb2r of g x 10 ENLARGEMENTS copies d2sired in the appropriate box for the ' � size(s)you select. 35mm SLIDcS � ' . . P558A�1 5/70 Print�d in U.S.A. . A� ORIGI�JAL POLAROID� LF,+VD PNOTOGRAPH . .. - , sua�ECT��3—� oar� ti �i/�3 . . . , NAME Lev��,e ' ADDRcSS I6�Fa (�illcrrsf--GarayG -- Vi�w -��-,.n . • � . . � �io��� a[a/esf�et ' ' i - � REGULAR SIZE COPi�S t� � r . _ . 4Vr1tLET SfZE CO?I�S i . ' - For your corvenien:�e 5 x 7 EiJLARG�;�,tENTS . , vrhen ordering copizs, � indicate th4 num�sr of copies�esir�;:l in the ��!O�NLAP,GEAiE�i7S ' apPropria;e box fio;the - . � sizefs)you sei�ct. 35mm SLID�S . P558A-1 5/70 Frin!ed in ���.S:A. . - : , � . . � , . . `� _ r�eeting No . gs - l=-- - - li_/27/73 _ - - _ ar,� ��.�?�,. � " � . :�� . �� � � 11/27/73 - 1.�eetinQ No, g5 .�' ,� i'g-73-1�- -�2�-431 �-�t . Ida-- Cassette Ta?�e :`SO. �1073 Page 4 � • _ . ; 2�,,�c�� � � m , � n �.- - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - on Case rdo. Pronertv An�ellant �e 59 - 73-B 1640 Hillcrest Gara ,e Irvina ?'l. � the C � ) �T �lnnette ?.. Levine ro- by �Tosenh 0'Veill , attorney. tion �� SUB,7ECT : . the -- n Renuest tivaiver of requirement under Building Code 4'J . 00 - l .C. with �t re�ard to garag� extension. APPEA�RA?`ICE : �� �Ir, Joseph 0'Neill , attarney for an�ellant . PP�OCEFDI�;GS : � !�-.:- . . r-Ir. 0'�Jeill stated ttiat the anpellant , T4r. Tevine , was unabl� to anvear, -- * � �' - v~�-- . � -73-R--1640 IIillcrest 11/27/73 - I�,leeting '�TO, 95 Cassette Tane '�o. 1�7 � Page 6 � � ° . 2���fb ��So, ��1r. Chairman and menbers of. the Roarc� , . �shat we ar. e doir.g� today is asking you for a variance f,rom t?�e Le�is�ative �i;zilding Code o�' the City of St. Paul , 4o . Q0 - 1 . C. , �!hicIi �rovi�es under this Section that ga?-a6es loca_ted on tIie corner lo±s shoul_d be set back for a disrance o� at least eight �8) feet f.rom the si3e lot line , " �1r. 0"�Ieill then nresented some nictur�s o_f the area, and stated that the Department of. Public Safetv had also examined the matter ar_d indi- cated that there was r.o safety problem. ?��r. Otrleill also stated that h� thought '�-�r . Donovan in tY�e Enc�ineerTs �ffice , had felt that it cti�ould set a bad �recedent and their off_ice had made a recor��nendation to the City Council t�at t?se original netition be deniAd. �`ir. 0'"leill , ]ioi•rever, thought tFiat ti�e Council_ i�ras of the mood that t�ey lvere going to orant tFie petition if i�1r. 0�?�eill could worIc something out with the City Attorney' s Office . P1r. 0'Neill summarized his �resentation by referring again to the ex- hibits for the Board' s exar:lination - - the certificates of surve•T, the petition with t'�e si¢natures of the nei�hbors , a man o� the area, anci pictures of t'ne garage and premises and t3ie streets involved , includinR the �ictures tal-en by the Ex�cutive �ecretary of the ?�oard. i•1r. 0'Neill said he felt the chances of the widening of_ rlacalester St . �vere a minimum. ?-1r. 0'rdeill stated t}iat ?�r . Segal of_ the City Attorney ' s Office �acl sent .Tiim a letter j�;TZicIi he thou�ht contained most 7 ikel_y � i�r�at the Council intendeci �� c?.o on the nroblem of the Lara�e bein� on `� . pix�:lic pro�erty. The l�tter stated t,'iat the Council ' s�. *�err�it could j�Y•ovide permiss_w_on and auth�rity:" . . . are hereby granted to the o�aners of r._,ie �ubject nro�ertv, to install and maintain a earage as Iocated on the pranerty on plans a�nroved b;r the �ent . o� P�_iblic 1!rorks , that the r�ermi ssion and authority to �naintain a Qarage �•TizIlin the nub�ic street , ri�ht-of-�;ray, would continue for t?�e life o E the nrese�t garage , a�� furt: for the condition upon tlle City Council ' s retaining the ri��it to revoke t'ie per.mit at any tim.e �'ie nublic necessity L,�ould require, unon nrior tiJritten notice, t�iereto , t?�e qwners of the �ronert�� , an onnortunity of a hearing. It is conter:nlated that the permit iaoul� not be revnl:ed un- l�ss the nublic necessity reQuired the use of t?�e street for �aideni�g of ��tacalester St . In that event , the o�vner of the nronerty T+IOl.IICl be rec{uired to remove the �ara�e at his own cost an�? exnense. " r?r . 0"�leill said iie guessed that tzat iikelihood - - -- - �rould be very very remote. i%Ir. Dan Person, Cliief Bui]_ding Insnector of the ?�uilding ne�t . , stated he wanted to clarify one sta.ter�ent : That is , that B�iilding I�s�ector , - P,1r. Amey was out there , an� had renorted t�at � the garage �vas almost "' c?one :' ;-ir. Person said that was not trt�e , that the garage slab ha.� not ever� been noured yet when '?r. Amey ?�ad insner�ted the garaQe nronerty. ��r. Amey� told t?ie owners t'�at it was buil�/over the nublic nronerty. H����rever , the owner continued t� build t?�ere even after t�eir cle�artment ;iad told him that he could not do so . '�ir. Person said that he could verify his remarIcs t�ith Insnector Amey, : and I.1r. �J'Neill St�tP.C� �12 would fiave to have his client nresent also -- � . that there was a dis�ute over that matter . D�Ir. 0'rdeill stated that it was on Sept . 23 , 1973 , that t�e nermit i-1as obtained �rom the Building De�t. , and it ;ras in the first part of r�ovem�er that notice was received . � . .. � . . . .: . . . � ,.. - �. �'�. L:'.:� � . 1 � IlatP. ��- .. _ .: .;,.. .. .. _. ...:.���. : --B--1640 IIillcrest 1] /27/73 - ?leetinn No. 95 • Cassette Tane '�Io . 107 • �'a�e 7 �����" _ ��• � that the oiJners might nossibly be over t?�e nronerty line . �ir, �'Neill / stated he did not lrnow ��r?ien that certificate of survey rras dated, but f' it ��ras sIlortly th�reafter -- on the 21st of ?�lovember , 1972 , that they tiaent out and got tIle surve;�. � Chairman �`Y'ozniak aslced �3uilding Inspector _ Person , if the city req�iired a nlot plan of garages to be submitted for �ermit nur�oses . "�Ir. nerson stated no , that the city di�.l not have this rec{uirement . Chairman �,iozniak com�ented that it might be because t}ley �aere too exnensive to obtain. Build_ing Inspector Perso� said t'nat nrobably t?iis ��Tas one o� the nroblems tI�at they had-. Pe�-�le co��ld. go to tTle Ruilding Dent . and oh- tain a Buildin� Permit , hoTlever, they did not have ar.y idea cahere thPir lot lines were and they got a �ermit , ancl then they would nroceed i�rith their construction. Then all of a sudden they would rind out that they t,rere over tlie property line and it did create a nrabler�. *Zr. Person stated tFiat in one family or two family dwellings t�le basic contractor was rec{tiired to be licensed for doin� the w�rlc. 7n this event , AIr, Levine , as a home-owner , s i.gned the r�ermit , *�icked un the permit himself, and insodoinQ , �e assumed the resnonsibility of the garagesbeing in the pro��r �lace . The licenseci mason c�ntractors in t?�ese instances , were aware of the location on the nro�ert� ?lhere the garag� itself should be . Ti�u�ever , r�4r. Levine , took this res?�ansibility him�elf when Iie tool: out liis Oi�rn buildin� �err�it. � _ 'ir. G';�e�i?�1 stated that he laas st�re tliat such i,�ras true , �nd t'zat was � tlie -reason that the Boa.rd of �lnpea_ls was set un for the pur-�oses o� ta':�:�g care of such sit�aations i�r'nicai do develop on a harctshin basis . ?tr. � '?��eill said he 1Jas sur� it ��ras i��Ir. Levine ' s resnonsibility and that ��ra.s �.Jrly they z�rere before the Board of Anpeals , because �ir. Levine ��rent a'��:;�ci and had it done. Perhan� , if there had been a masonry contractor 01� so;nEOne else , that lJOUld hav�� been donc� the other tvay , bur u?zf�rtiinate - ly , t'.�� citizer�s could not ali,�ays knoiJ all tlle rules a~�d re;�ulations . Flop::fully , t�at was ti,rhy we have the Board of Appeals . Thcre being no further discussion on the case , Chairman '.�rozn�al_ asked for a motion on the matter. ?�r . Kamin ��tOVED tha* the variance be granted from the req_uirement under the St. P�ul Legislative Buildin� Co��e , 40 . 0� - l . C. I�1rs . Sornmerdorf seconded the motion. TTi�' Tt�TIOV Z�111S Cr��'_'.IED. TFiF VOTF : �iyes 7 ; Nayes 0 ; nbstentions 0 . At this .noint , Chairma.n l'lozniak had to leave t�ie Roard .�leeting, in order to attend another meeting . He as':ed �1r . '?'ieso to talce over the Chairman- ship for the remainin� time. . , � � oS T. P� .0 L .S QR R� OF /Q PPEA LS /1N� E vi�1,v _ � , � _ /E' / /17/7. �-�- -s'9 _ 73 - G� � �� �o H;���,�5� ,��. _ g�,,.Q p� 262q��6 � . -- - ___ _ _ __ __ _ __ O f . � • __ ; - - - --� � y� � � �,� t� - - ��'� _.�.---� � r���.�; � �_,,,�.- .`�_-�, - �� ~ � . n� � :.�... ..�� � _ -.�"` ° �.-- �, �-� � _. x �.., - � -- --- -_:.. � �"`- - ._ _,,,,, ��.-.._ k � ,�,,,.,.:: �.�, . � �'-�' . �.,+�: x �_._�:.� -.ie, . . }. 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I � n:cGULriR SiZE LGrI:�7 � . � ' I 4,J:`,;_!_Er SIZ�L'0^I��! + � For :�our conv�n�enc� 5 x 7 ENLAP,��?i?�_?!TS� ,,vh.�;, �rderin;;conies, � in�icat2`h�n��:nber of � cc � des�red in tne 8 x 10 E;d!ARGEPA�NTS aP;�ropriai>box for:h� si_�i;)�ou seL�t. 35mm SLIG�S ' , ` � � P�5cA�1 5!70 Printnd in ?�.S.n. , AN C�IG(�`;,�,L P�!_,A�O!J' Li;"iD �H�TCuRAPH SUa��C� S� -Z3-_c"3-___-------oa.T�_ /l�z7/7,3 . .. . 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I . _ �5.—__� , N/AI��T SIZc COPIcS�,__; For your convenia^ce 5 x 7 �NLAR:�civ1"ti i?;_ � when orderin;cup:es, - � indicate thz numo?r oi copies dzsirad in the �x 1G ENL,4RG�i�1cNiS � appropriate box for±ne � � - siz2(sj you selzct. 35mm S�iu=S . P558A-1 5;70 Prirt_cl in U.S.A.. . � � AN ORiGIiVAL �'OLA'O1D�' LF,�;� PHJ i pGRA'H • �. � , - SU�JEC'�i_��_�_ ___ �qT� ll 27I73 .. . . � I�ni�:�r �@YiTC - ADDR�SS_�6�o ��tllcrasf--Gczra e — ���w � ' — -----�---- r�m • � -- . r �oh___i��(c�.d_ 'IGCClPSf�r � . --- -i---� - � - ;�E�ULAR;�IZE CO"ricS�, _ � r � . � i • . • 1�aJh�!cT SiiF�;r.`-'i�Jf,_i � I � ' • Fcr;cur ron;en:�r:e �x 7 E"vLF•' �„-n � U ._ 'T, �:�h.n o � ,�:� � �s, � �� indi t,a r i r of � � . � '�PI _� _ i I� .�i� .. ;1;)ii�iL1F r�D.IE.,�irj!_ � • . , dJDIJ�:r�d�?r�^�J'! ID�ih° ' SIZ�i�S)yC'J S�i9rt. � . .� . ' - . ��3T�7 ���U'._JL____� . . P5�3A-1 5/70 F;i�:;e: i,; '!.S..A. • � � ' ,� . ' . � � �c �� ;� � January 25� �974 Mr. Robert T. �ibbona Reg�ster of Deeds Room 155, City Ha�l St. Paul, Minnesota D�ar Sir: Transmittad herew�th is s certified copy of C.F. No. �62966, ratif�r�.ng a�d approving the action of the T3oard of Appeals and Revie�+ pertaining to praperty at I.6�0 Hillcreet� owned by Irv�.ng and Aru�ette Levl.ne. Yc3uara v�ery trulY� City Clerk J� Attach.