262951 WHI7E - CITY CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COI1T1C11 BLUERY - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. 2 2951 _ ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul does hereby approve grant agreement between the City and the Governor ' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control providing the City with the sum of $24,998 .00 as a fina.ncial assistance for the extra burden placed on the City and its Police Depa.rtment as a result of the Wounded Knee trials moved to the Federal Court of Saint Paul, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute the said grant agreement or� beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul. � � COUNCILMEN Yeas �ep Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki _�� In Favor Levine Meredith �_ Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �pL H13Iit Adopted by Council: Date �N a c�, qg74 Form Approved by C' y At ney Certified P s by C unci cret By �� By Approv by MaXor: Date Approv Ma o u m� t uncil By BY PusL Hfo JAN 26 19T4 ' GOVEt�iti(�t'S GOh1��lISSIO;d ON CRIt�1E PR�VENTTOf� A��D COPJTROL �62 GFtA��T �GRE�f1�P�T, TITLE I SFC. 304 `��� ON`u1lI��,PS CRIf•IE COh��R�L Ai�D SAF� S�RcETS AC i OF 1968 � � PU6LIC L.A�! 90-351 - �UBLI� �Afd 91-644 Th i s �GREEM�tvT, r�ade trz i s d�y of 19 a� and be�wee� the State cT Minnesota acting by and through the � � Gavernor' s Cam�issinn r?� Trime ?re�eenti�„ and '';,rtro) �h�reii-�ai ierj � ea� ied the Grantor) anc! The City of St. Paul � (C��reinafter called the �rantee pursuant to authority granted by TE�Ie I , Sec. 30�+, Omnibus Crine Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, � P��tic Laws g0-351 and 91-�44 (hereinafter called the Act) and Executive �� Qr�cier ;�o. 3, May 27, 197I , State of Minnesota; and t�'t-tEKE1�S, pursuant to the Act the Grantor has been al located fa��i�y by tne Canited States Law Enforcement Assistance Administra�ion (h�reinafter caljed LEAt`-�} for use in the State of h�innesota for the - p�r�oses s�t forti-� in the Act; anu - WF{ERE�S, the Grantee has made apptication to the Granter for - ' a �ortion of such al ]ocation for the purposes and manner described in Gr�ntee's "Fsppgication for Grant", a copy of which is attached hereto �nd made a ,�ar� hereof ss Exh i b j t "A"'. �dJW, TncR�.FQnc, i n cons i derat ion of and i n rel i ance upon t'r�e mu��sai covena��s and agreem�nts contained herein, the parties h e r e t o d� �ovenant ar�� agree, eacfz for themselves and their respective suc- ces�ars and assigns , as foitows: : The G rantee shall perfocm and accompiish such purposes and j ac��vities us are specifie�l herein, as well as in Exhibit "A" and . the Statement o� Grant Award, a copy of which is attached hereto and m3�e a part he�-eof as Exhibit "B". ; ' The Grantar shal ] grant to the Grantee the total sum of . Twenty-four thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eiqht•- - - - - Dollars $ � ,998.00 , and the Grantee shall expend from uther sources � the� total sum �f Two thousand,seven hundred � seventy-eight-Dollars ($ 2,778.00 , which sum shalj be the total financial commitnent � of �he respectFVe parties hereto under this agreemer�f , and a�hich shali be distributed and expended in conformance with the policies, rules . ancf regulat;ons of LERA and Grantor. - ! �'he G rantee shall expend funds granted und�r this ac�reement on�y for the purposes and activities specified herein and in Exhibits "A" and ��B'�. The Grar,tee s�all be bound by aii the terms and conditions eor��ained in cx:�ibits "A" and "a". 41hen terms and conditions of ; Exftibit "B" are in confiict with t��ose of Exhibit "A" the terms and eonditions of Exhibit "B" sh�li take pr�cedcnce. G�an�ee sha11 �ttach h�reta, prior to submission, certified eopies of resolutions, or other auth�rity, by the appropriate governing bQdy or bodies as sh�ll legally authorize the execution af this agreement on be- half of the �rantee. . � Reaorts. Each Grantee shalj submit such reports as the Grantor sha11 reasonably �equest, Ter�anation of Aid. This grant may be te�minated by Grantor ��here it finds a substantia] failure to comply with the provisions of the Act or regu- {ations �ro�r::?gate� thereunder, including these granr conditions, or plan or � application o�liyations, bu� only after notice and hearing before the Executive ' . Committee of the Governor' s Cormission on Crime Prevention and Control . � Grantee agrees to comply with the generat conditions applicable to administration of grants under Part C and Part E of Title 1 , P.L. 90-351 , as amer�ded by Tet�e l , P.L. 91 -644 as well as witt7 the Special Conditions attached to and made a part of Exhibit "B". It� t��Tt�ESS 41NEREGF, the Gr�ntor has caused th i s agreement to be duly executed on its behalf and its seal to be hereunto fixed and the Grantee has caused the �arne to be d�ty executed on its behalf this day of � �9 GRANTEE: APPr�OViD: SY Canmissioner r,f H�minisfiratian By . Date � � Title ' - APPROUED AS TO �0�1 AND EXECUTtON FQRM A� �� �o= � - ��� �� THiS UAY 0F , Asst. itj�4fitbr�ey � .V� 1 g . . �t STATE OF MINNESOTA by and through the . GOVERNOR'S �ON�MISSION ON CRIME PREVEN- , . � TION AND CONTROL By - _ � A?TORNEY GEI�ERAL � � Title STATE OF M1NfiJESOTA � Date . �y Title . -2- .� � STATE OF MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GRANT I • GOVERN012'S CO^L�4ISSION ON CRI1�4E � PREVLNTION fli�,'D CON1'ROL PAGE 1 � — -- — — - -- - ------------.___—..___ ___ ,: — -i ' 1. PROJECT TI'I'LE DO NO'I' iVRI"I'E IN T'IiIS SP�1Cf; ', WOUNDED KNEE "Cf�[ALS Appl. Number �625�� � � � 1 2. FROG}tA�i UNDER IVHICH APPLICATIQN IS t�t�DE Date Received j NUIiIbE,'T�. T1tIC.': PERSONNEL TRAfNING. C.QUIPMENT AND Yl�$T� 1 2 � '+ i SALARIES E(�R OVERTIME � ' 3. BrGINNING DATE 4. DURI�TION 5. SPONSORING UNIT OF GOVEPu'�(�IEI�'I' ' DAYS �EC, 279 1973 �jU �A?�1�1� CJT. PAUL9 MINNESOTA 6. IMPLLI�IENTING AG�NCY 7. COUNTY OF SPO�ISORING UvIT 5T, PAUL POL.ICE DEPARTMENT - RAh75EY 8. CQNT'RCI' PERS0�1/PROJECT DIRECTOR 9 . AUTfIORIZED OFFICIAL �� jName W iLL1AM MC�iUTCNEON Name L. COHEN I I'itle DEPUTY CH[EF Title MAYOR I Street 101 �. lOTH JTREET Street �TH AND �ABASHA ! Clty ST, PAUL Clty ST, PAUL I State/Zip MIt�tN. 55101 State/Zip M�NH. 55].OI � I Phone 291_1111 Ex, 311 Phone 2gg.-�{p12 I------ — ( iFINANCIAL OFFICER 11. EQUr�L EI�IPLOYA4ENT OPPOR'1'UNITY COORDINATOR � � T;gi;ie- ROBERT TRUDEAU N$I112 �ON.��C?NES�. �l� � T1tIE; DIRECTOR OF FINANCE - � Tlt.l@ AFFIRMATIV� ACTION OFFICER ! Street 4TH AND WA6ASHA Street �Ty ANi]J�WAg'°�SHA CltY ST, PAUL. � Clt.y ST. PAUL� MINN, � State/Zip M LNNESO'('A 55101 State/Zip M INN. 55101 Phone 298-4012 Phone 298-4288 12. Have you received support for this project through the Governor's Crime Commission in the past? O Yes OO No If yes, indicate grant number(s) assigned to previous grant(s) awarded for this project: 13. Does the sponsoring unit of government maintain a written Equal Employment Opportunity Program? ( X) Yes ( ) No 14. The appropriate A-95 Clearinghouse was notified of the intent to submit this application on (date) : �_ _._ ___ _._. 15. Application i�s made for a grant under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (PL 90-351) as amended (PL 93-83) in the amount and for the purposes stated herein. Funds awarded pursuant to this appZication will not be used to supplant or replace ftmds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for law enforcement � and c.�imx_��.justice purp ses �y��y��. � :-� �� �_��� � �:� �,��°'" �� "-�,.�---�� January 7, 1974 ! :,:� .�n. .._N , SI '�1,A�'URE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL DATI: SIGNED i I , + GCCP�,C Form 3 (Rev. 11--i�) � STATE OF MINNESOT� APPLICATION FOR ACTION GREWT . - GOVERiv'OR'S �OM`i•1ISSION ON CRIME PREVENTION AND CONTP,GL PAG� 1 I1�STRUCTIONS 1. Project Title. Enter a descriptive title9 not to exceed SO spaces . Confiinuation projects must retain the same title used in previous years. 262951 2. Program Under t9hich Application is Made. Specify the number and title of the program under which you are seeking support. Consult the current Grant Program Information booklet for program descriptions and eligibility criteria. 3. Beginning Date. Enter the approximate project beginning date for the grant period cov- ered by THIS application. Allow for an approximately 60-day processing period from the date the GCCPF�C meets to determine grant awards until the proiect beginning date. 4. Buration. Specify the anticipat�d project duration in months for the grant period cov- ered by THIS application. This application may cover up to a total of 12 months. 5. S�onso.ring Unit. Enter the name of the state agency ox Iocal governmental_unit that will admini.ster the pxoject as d�rect subgrantee of the GCCP�C. 6. Im�lementing Agency. Enter the name of. the agency, unit, or organization tl�at will Ue responsible for the day-ta-day operation of this project. 7. County of Sponso.ring Unit. Enter the name of the county in which the Sponsoring Unit is located. State agencies and-Indian Reservations need not complete this iten. 8. Contact Person/Proiect Director. This should be someane who is 3cnowledgeable about the project and may be contacted for further information. It may be the Project Direc- tor or acting Project Director if one has been selected. 9. Authorized Official. This is the person designated by the sponsoring unit of govern- ment as authorized to enter in�o �binding cor�nitments on behalf of the sponsoring unit of government. Fox units of-local government, this person must 'be designated in the Resolution of Sponsorship, page 14. 10. Financial Officer. This iS the persAn designated by the sponsoring u.nit of government to be responsible for fiscal matters relating to the project, including accounting, fund management, verification of expenditures, and financial reports. 11. EEO Coordinator. All sponsoring units of government must designate a person to be re- sponsible far submitting Affirmative Action reports concerning staffing patterns for implementing agencies within its jurisdiction as rec{uired by the GCCPF,C. Such reports will include but are not necessarily limited to applicant flow, recruitment, selection, and placement of personnel. 12. Grant numbers are located on the Statement of Gxant Award for previous grants. 13. All recipients of LEAA assistance must comply with the Commission's Affirmative Action policy printed in the Grant Program; Information booklet. In addition, sponsoring units of government Gahich have 50 or more employees and have received $25,000 or more in LEAA funds since 1968 must maintain a written Equal Employment Opportunity program. If the sponsoring unit h as a written EEO program, so indicate in the space provided. If tllis project is funded and the sponsoring unit meets the foregoing criteria but does not have a written EEO program, one must be developed as a condition of funding. 14. Applicants must notify the appropriate A-95 Clearinghouse of intent to apply for federal aid. Clearinghouses are listed in the Grant Program .Information booklet. 15. The person designated in Item 9 as Authorized Official must sign and date the application, • � � STATE OF bSINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTIOV GI2ANT GOVERNOR'S C1:��IISSIO'�I ON CRIME PREVEN'TiON AND CONTROL PAGE 2 –�-------! PROJECT TITLE 262J5� , ST, PAUL POLIGE -• WOUNDED KNEE TRIALS I - i SPONSORING UNIT IMPLI:h9LNTING AGENCY CITY OF ST, PAUL ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMF_NT � 16. PROJECT SUi�t�lARY (See Instructions) �HE PURPOSE OF THIS PROJECT IS TO ASSFST THE CITY GF ST. PAUL WITH THE FINANC[AL BURDEN PLACEa Oh! THIS CITY AS A RESULT OF THE WOUNDED KNEE TRIALS BEING MOVED TO FEDERAL � COURT OF S7. PAUL. IT HAS BEEN ANTICIPATF_D THAT 7W0 TO SIX THOUSAND VISITORS THAT HAVE AN INTEREST (N THE TRIALS WILL EE IN THiS CtTY FOR VARIOUS AMOUN'CS QF T(ME DURING THE hEXT SIX MONTHS, TfiE PRESENT MANPOWER OF THC ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT CANIVOT ADEQUATELY PROVIDE THE NECESSARY SERVICE FOR A DETAIL OF THIS MAGNITUDE W[THOUT PAYING THE ASSIGNED PERSONNEL OVGRTIME, - � I I ,I _ � / ' 17. BUDG�T SU�AIARY AND COST-SHARING PLAN a. Personnel . . . . $ 18,104.25 b. Fringe Benefits . . . $ � c. Travel . . . . . $ d. �quipment �. . . . . $ 4,944.31 e. Supplies. . . . . . $ 1,567.25 � � f. Contracted Services . . $ 160.00 Federal Request . . . � 24,998.81 i Construction . . . . $ � � g' I h. Other Direct Costs . . $ 223.Q0 � i. Indirect Costs. . . . $ Non-rederal Share. . . $ _— � Total Project Cost . o $24,998.81 i � � �— – , � � ' : . STAT� OF ;�1InTNESO'1A APPLICATION FOR ACTION G�NT GOVERNOR'S CO;�iI�1ISSI0N ON CRIME PREVENTION AND CONTROL PAGE 2 INSTRUCI'IONS The information pr.ovided on this page is needed for various reports issued by the Governor's Com.mission on Crime Prever.tior. and Ccr.trol . Enter the project title, sponsoring unit, and implementing agency in the blocks provided. 16. Project Summary. Provide an aUstract of your project, covering only the period pro- vided for in THIS application. Describe the major features of your project, e.�. , project objectives, what wi11 be done, and who will do it. Applicants for con.tinu- ation funding s}lould summ�arize progre�s to�,lard the previous year's gaals, and identi- fy major changes in project focus: 17. Bud�et Sununary. Transfer line item totals from the detailed budget, pages 8 through 10� Swn items a through i ancl enter the total project cost in the block provided. In the block entitled "Fed.eral Request" enter the amou�it of federal (LEAA) fu.nds requested in THIS application. Refer to_ the Grant Frogram Information booklet for maximum allowable federal contributions to individual prejects. In the block entitled "Non-Federal Share," enter the total matching contribution from all sources to be applied to this project. Refer to the Grant Program Information booklet for minimum required matching contributions and the cost sliaring policy a- dopted by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control.. �- � _ / • � � • -- • , • � •� � . . . 1 , . STA'1'E OF T4INNESGT'A APPLICr�,TION I'OR .4CTION GI;A�dT GO��I::Z;�'CR'� COyI�fI�SIO;v ON CRI��1E ' PRLVI;N'I'IO\ AND C^;'d'TROL PAGE 3 � 18. PROI;LI:i�i S'fA'i'f�i�N"I' (See Instructia�:s, 2s2�51 ; THE CITY OF ST, PAUL �/ILL. 13E THE HOST CITY FOR THE TRIALS OF SfX IND(AN LEADERS CHARGE6 WITH { A VARIETY Of= CRIMES AND EXPF_CTS AN INFLUX OF� 4COO — F)OOO SUPPOE2TCR5 TO BE PRESENT IN i THE CITY DUR2NG THE TRIALS. A MANPOVJER S{IO:TAGE OF SWORN F'ERSONfJGL E`/.ISTS Vd17HIN TH'c STe PAUL POL[CE DEFiaRTi�/iENT ! . !` i WH(CH PREVENTS US FROM COMMITTING AS MANY OFF[CERS TO THE EVENT AS WE ANTICIPATE BEING � NECESSARY, THEREFOREo THE OFF[CEF2S ASSIGI�ED TO THE DETAIL WILL BE REQUIRED TO WORK � � OVERTIME SO AS NOT TO DEPLETE OUR REGULAR PATR6L ASSIGNMENTS 7'O A DANGE.ROUS LEVEL. OVERTIME FOR TNESE OFFICERS ASSIGNED WILL BE PAID AT THE RA7E OF TIME AND ONE—HALr F'GR • PATROLMEN (G5)� AND STRA[GHT l"iME FQR SUPERVISORY ��> AND COMMAND PERSONNEL �L�. � I � � �_ I � � . � � It �� -- --"'--.'______.J STAT� OF 1�1INN�SOT.4 APPLICATION FOR ACTION GRI1N'I' • ` GOVERNOR'S C011�'�4ISSION ON CRIME PP.EVENTION AND CO;dT:OL PAGE 4 19. GOALS. List the effects, results , or impact the project is expected to produce on t���� � pro�lem specified in Item 18. State your primary goal first, and list your other ���,:�?_=. i in decreasing order of importance. Clearly define the meaning of key terms. TO MAINTAIN AN ATNiOSPHERE CONDUCIVE 70 THE SAFE AND EXPEDITIOUS M04'EMEN7 OF LARCE GR�UPS OF PERSONS W A CONCENTRATED AREA OF THE CITY, - � I I • / 20. OBJECTIVES. List the major efforts or activities your project will undertake during r.he period covered by THIS application in order to achieve its goals. I., TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE PATROL COVERAGE (N THE AREA OF 7HE FEDERAL COURTS BUILDING WITH - SPECIALLY TRAINED OFFICERS TO MINIMIZE THE POSSIBILITY OF DANGEROUS SITUATIONS DEVELOP►NG, � L. TO PROVIDE SURVEILLANCE OF ACTIVISTS tF THE SITUATION ESCALATES TO WHERE WE FEEL THIS IS NECESSARY. � - � , ( . STATE OF MIPdN�SOTA APPLICATION FOR �lC'I'ION GRANT I� ' GOVERNOR'S COD4MISSION ON �RIA1E PREVENTION AND CONTROL PAGE 4 INSTRtICTIO;�dS 19 and 20. Goals and Objectives. This section should be completed by all applicants (netia and continuation) in the format r�queste-d. I GOALS should be expressed as the effects or resul.ts a project is intencled to produce on the problem identi.fied i.n Item 18, Problem Statement. OBJECTIV�S should be expressed as major efforts or activities to be under�aken during thz period covered by THIS applicatian to achieve the goals stated in Item 19 . Exami�les of efforts or activities that might be included as objectives are personnel to be hirecl and/ or trained, serl�ic.es to be provided, numbex and type cf clients to be served, contracts or arrangements to be made wi_th other agencies. In writing both goals and objectives, the following guidelines should be observed: a. Each goal and each objective should express a single idea. Use as few words as possible, without sacrificing clarity. b. Use words which connote pxecise meanings. If you are uncertain whether tlze meaning is clear, define the term as you are using it. c. Define the desired impr.ovement or proposed activity as specifically as possi- ble. Quantify where appropriate. Identify the tar�et area to be aff_ected by the project. Specify the time frame in which anticipated results er proposed activities are expected to occur. If goals are expressed in terms of in- creasing or decreasing an existing condition, specify how an increase or de- crease will be determined, e.g. , relative to a base year, relative to a projected. increase cr 3ecrease, in aLsolu�e nun�Lers. i _ - - . - - - - - - - _ _ , _ _ _, - - . ,-- _� _ . _ _ , ,- _ � - ,_- � - _ -,_ � ,: �: -.- � . ;� _ ._ _ _ _ __. . .. _ - - . .. .. � _ .,. - - - - , _ � ,. . , : . STATE OP MINNESOTA � APPLICATIO�� FOR ACTION GR,�NT � GOVERI`�OR'S CON�IiSSION ON CRTI�4E I PRLVENTION �'D COti!TROL pq�� , vI 21. IVORK PROGREIM (See Instruct�.ons) 2�255� THE ST, PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS DEVELOPED A UNIT THAT W1LL DE PERMANENTLY ASSIGNED TO THE WOUNDED KNEE TF2IALS. THIS UN17 CONSISTS UF 1 CAPTAiN� 1 LIEUTEtYANT9 F) SERGEANTS AND �LrJ PATROLMENo THG UN1T WILL BE SUHDIVIDED ►NTO WCRKING TEAMS OF 1 SERGEANTo AND J r—'ATROLMEN, f1N ADDtI'!ON TO 'THE ABUVE PERSONNE4 WE ANTICIPA7E UTIL(ZING �.2 [NDIANS TO WORK WITH THIB UNIT TO ACT AS A I_{AISON BETWEEN THE INDIAN:> AND OUR PERSONIVEL, THE 1 TO 5 RATIO OF SERGEANT 't`O PATROLMEt� WILL PROV[DE THE SUPERVISIOrt WE FEEL IS , NECESSARY TO AVOID MANY CONFRONTATIONS TFiAT CAN DEVELOP !N THIS TYP£ OF SITUATIONe � I � i � I I STATE OF bSINNESOTA �PPLICA'I'ION FOR ACTIGN GIZ��N'I' GOVERI�OR'S CO�,'�4ISSION ON CRIAIE PR�VENTIOti A�D CONTROL FAG� 5 I:�S'1'i:UCTIONS I 21. lti'ork Program. First year appl.icants must acldress all of the points lzsted belok�. ( Applicants for continuation funding must address point e, Lut n�ed address etl�er points only if tlley �aere not incltided in the previous application or if there are cllanges in the information provided i.n the previous application. . a. Provide an overvie�a of the general approacll or strategy you have selected for attaining project objectives. Briefly justify the selection of this approach over alt�rnative methods you have considered. � b. List all staff posi�tions to be utilized in this project. Specify each positi_on title, e. g. , project director, counselor, clerk. Provide a clear description of the duties assigned to each position. _ Specify whether. each position is full- ^-� time or part-time. c. If consul-tants are to be utilized in this project, clearly state the responsibilities of each individual consultant or consulting organization. d. If an advisory body other tllan the sponsori.ng wlit of government will be involved in the conduct of this project, clearly describe the role of such a body. e. 1'his point must be addressed by all (new and continuation) applicants . Provide a detailed �aork program for the time period covered by THIS a��plication. The work program may be in chart form. At a minimum the work program should: 1) Itemize specific tasks to be undertaken to achieve project objectives. 2) Provide a timetable for completion of eacll task. 3) Identify each staff position to be assigned to each task. 4) Indicate the proportion of time appropriate staff people will devote to each task. � Notes : a. It may be helpful to provide an organization chart summarizing lines of re- sponsibility for conduct of this project. Include advisory bodies and con- sultant positions, if any, in this chart. b. Do not identify position titles with individual names at this point in the grant application. Specific staff are itemized in tlie next section. ' • _ , ! ' ; STATE OF b9II�NESOTA API'LIC�ITION I�OR ACTION GItAti'l' ' � � GOVERNOR'S COi��9ISSI0N ON CRI;�1E I � PRCVENTION P,:'�D CONTROL pA�F 6 ; .� -._---__..___�.__J _._.- '.�-- .. _ - ------._'_--._- -_ . .__.y ' 22. STAFF �N'D OTHER RESCURCES (See Instructions) 2�2951 , � � � + SEE NO, 21 j ' ( , � i i � i � -- I � ; ; � I i i � � � � , ; � ; STAT� OF ;�1INNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GRANT GOV1�Rrd�R'5 COii?,iTSSIOV ON C.ZIME PREVENTICN AND CONTRGL PAGF. 6 INS'I'RUCTIONS 22. Staff and Otlter Resour.ces. 26255� '1'his component must be comnleted for alI first-year applicants. Applicants fox I continuatioii funding should com��lete any secti�n for whicr� the r.equESted information has not beetl provided to the GCCi�,C ox for whicil updated information is available. NOTE: Recruitment, Selection, and other staf.fing practices must be cansistent with the Commission's policy on Atf.irrnative i�ction printed in the Grant Program Inf�rmation booklet. iahere staffing patterr�s indicate a significant underrepresentation of minor- ity groups or women, the applicarlt will be rec�uired to include a detailed Affirmative Action plan setting forth proceclur.es and timetzbles for correcting the underrepresen- tation. a. Clearly describe the process used to recruit and select project staff, including individual consultants, if used in the project. Procedures for selection of con- sultants must be consistent with procurement standards and procedures printed in the Grant program Information booklet. b. R'here specific individuals or consultants have been identified to fill staff posi- tions listed in Item 21, provide the follawing information for each position to be filled: 1) Position title, name, sex, and race of person identified to fill the position. Use the following race classifications: a) Afro-American b) American Indian c) Oriental d) Spanish surnamed (Latin /lmerican, Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Spanish ori�in) e) Caucasian � � 2) Experience and educational background of person identified to fill the position. 3) Name, sex, race, and reason for rejection of all other candidates for the posi- tion. Al1 job application materials from both successful and unsuccessful ca.n- didates should be retained in the grant applicant's files. c. bJhere specific staff have not been identified at the time of application submission, indicate qualifications for each position. Requirements must be directly related to job performance expectations. d. Describe the nature and extent of assistance to be provided by agencies other than the implementing agency or spon'soring unit of government. tiVhere the cooperation of such agencies is essential to the success �f this project, furnish hard evidence of their support, e.g. , specific referral agreement. e. Describe the achieveMents, experience, and other activities which c{ualify tlie imple- menting agency to conduct this project. STATE OF TiIi�'NESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTiOU GRANT � � GOVERNOR'S CO;�L�9ISSION ON CRIME PREVENTI�N AND CONTROL P�'�GE 7 __.�_____--- _.. ._-- 23. DATA COLLGCTION (See Instructions, 262g51 THE UNIQUc NATURE OF THIS PROGRAM DQES NOT AC_.LOW US TO PROJEC7 THE RESULTS OF TfiE EVENT PRIOR "�O ITS INITIATION. THE PRE.-PLANNIIVG STAGES INVOLoVE THE INCORPORATION OF ESTABLISHED POLICE PROCEDURES AND ESTtMATES OF BUDGETARY 17EM5 THAT COULD E3E ANTICIPATED WtTHIN THE LIMITED PLANNING PERIOD„ . � 24. ' COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION (See Instructions) Is a comprehensive evaluation component included as part of this grant application? ( X} No If no, proceed to Item 25, A decision to exclude an evaluation component as. part of this application will not jeopardize consideration of your proposal . ( ) Yes If yes, you must contact the Project Evaluation staff of the Governor's Crime . _ Commission for forms and instructions to be used in developing an evaluation component. These materials must be submitted with this grant application. � STAT� OF A1INN�SOTA APPLICATION FCR ACTION GRANT ( GOVE12.'�?OR'S CO�iMISSIO� ON CRII��SE PRI;��EN"I'IQN AND CONTROL PAGI: 7 INSTRUCTIOtiS 23. Data Collection. i�ach application must contain a data collection component that will enable project staff; monitors, and evaltzators to measure whet}ier stated goais �aere achieved. -The data collection design must specify the kinds of data to be collected, and ho� and by whom tlle da�a will be collected. At a minimum, the fol).o�aing q,uestions must be addressed for each project goal . Appli- cants for continuation funding should update prcvious years' data collection designs as necessary to provide the requested infoxmation. � a. 1ti'hat specific data �vill be collected to determine whether the goal has been attained? Applicants for coiitinuation funding who have developed forms for recording the data should attach copies �o this application. b. l�rhat is the specific source of the data to be collected? E.g. , your own records, police records, another agency's records . If the source is other than your own records, d.escribe arrangements that have been made to gain access to the data. c. tVhat procedures have been established for collection and retention of the data? E.g. , who will be responsible for collecting the data, with what frequency will the data be collected, how long will the data be stored, who will have access to records . Note: A9inimum data collection requirements for certain projects may be established by the Goveriior's Crime Commission. You will be notified if any of these requirements apply to your projeci.. 24. Evaluation. Comprehensive evaluation goes beyond data collection. It includes devel- opment of a complete evaluation design, with concern for sampling problems, appropriate control groups , detail of ineasurement, and methods of statistical analysis. Applicants are not required to incl�tzde a comprehensive evaluation component with their grant application. Applicants ►aho do not wish to include a comprehensive evaluation component �vith their grant applicatian should so indicate on page 7 and disr.egard tllis section. All applicants should be aware that priorities for evaluating. specific projects or groups of similar projects are established by the Governor's Crime Commission. Even though you do not include an evaluation component your project may be selected for evaluation. If so, you will be notified, and assistance in developing an evaluation component will be provided. Applicants who desire to build an evaluation component into their projects are not necessarily precluded from doing so. These a�plicants should so indicate on page 7. and consult the Project F.valuation staff of the Governor's Crime Commission for appro- priate forms and instructions. These materials must be submitted with this application. ' STATE OF MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GR;1NT � GOVERI�'OR'S C0.�1,�4ISSION ON CRIh9E PREV�NTIO"d AND CONTROL PAGE 8 25. UETAILED EUllGET a. PLRSCNNEL ({��ages and Salari�s) Annual % of Hours Position Title Salary Time Per week Cost to Project -��tE — 1 CAPTAIN � - 17,927.00 � 100 4.5 � � 344.75 1 LfEUTENANT 16,510.00 100 4,5 317.50 6 SERGEANTS �4��V�-F.�O 1�� 4.5 1�632.�� Z'rJ PATROLM GN 333,840.00 100 4.5 � 9,630.00 �-----�'----------------- --------- ---�-- -----'----- -----�'------- 12 AIM PA7ROLMEh! N/A LOO AS NEEDED 6�1HO.00 Personnel Category Total $ 18,104,25 b. FRINGE EENEFITS / Type of Benefit Rate Base Cost to Project $ Fringe Benefit Category Total $ ( i � ' � , STAT� OF TIINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GRANT � GOVEW�'OR'S C0�'L'viISSION ON CRI;�1E j PREVENTION AND CONTROL PAGE 8 INSTRUCTIONS � 25. DLTAILEU BUllGET -- GENEFt�iL INSTRUCTIGNS. 'I'IiA budget should cover tlle period for which I grant funds are requested in THIS appli.cation. Refer to specific line item instructi.o�is i before attempting to completE this section. Budget figures should be show 2�2��� the nearest wllole dollar (no cents) . Proposed expenditurES must be consistent with cost allowability principles and pracure- ment standards and procedures printed in the Grant Program Information booklet. a. PERSONNEL (Salaries and tiUagesl . Do not �.ncl.uc�e consultant positions in th:is section. The �ersonnel budget should take into account changing demands for staff during the course �of the project. For first year projects in particular, budgets should reflect � time rec{uired to hire r.ew staff, Applicants are reminded of the Cor,unission's policy that i� will not fund projects which are designed merely to add personnel ar other�vise expand programs �ahich are clearly the responsibility of state or local governmeilt, 1) For each position listed in Itein 21 (t�'orl: Progran) , provide the following informat-ion: a) P'osition title� � b) Annual salary rate (Sllould be based on both present salary and reasonable anti- cipated salary increases during the grant period, if any) . c) Percent of time person is expected to devote to the project, e.g., 100%, 750. id) Number of hours per week "percent of time" represents, e.g. , 40 hours, 30 hour.s. e) Project cost, i.e., total wages or salary to be paid to the person during the per- iod covered by THIS grant application. 2) Sum 'personnel costs and enter the category total in the block provided. , � b. FRINGE BENEFITS 1) Itemize each type of benefit separately, e.g. , Social Security, retirement, health insurance. You may wish to consult the project's sponsoring unit of government for information concerning appropriate fringe benefit items and costs. 2) Indicate the rate for eaCh ty e of benefit, e.g., Social Security, 5.85% of salary; Retirement, $16 per month per employee. 3) Indicate the base to which the rate for each type of benefit is applied, e.g. , So- cial SecuriYy, 4 employees @ $10,000 per year; retirement, 12 months x 6 employees. 4) Supply the cost of each type of�benefit for the period covered by this applicati.on. 5) Sum fringe benefit costs and enter the category total in the block provided. ( I � � I ° � STAT� QF I�IINNESOTA APPLICATION POR ACTION ��1.'�''I' GOVERI�OR'S COt�'�NIISSION ON CRIME � PREVENTION AND CONTROL PAGE 9 'l5, DETAILED BUllGET (Continued) ; � c, TRAVEL (Figures based on official tra�rel reotilation ofo ) � . i ( Type of Cost Rate Base Cost to Project � ' - -- I Mileage N/A $ Air Fare Lodging r9eals � Other (Specif.y) Travel Category Total $ I d. EQUIPMENT (See Instructions) Item Quantity Unit Cost Cost to Froject �-ESSINGER MODEL LrJO BASE STATION 1 �.69.�� 16J.a� I MESSINGER MODEL lOJ HAND RADIOS � H 130.00 1�OHO.00 �ASE STATION ANTENNA MODEL M-LZ7 1 30,31 30.31 A.NTENNA CABLE RG 8/�J 2OO FT, 40.00 40.00 MARINE RAD105 [-IAND t-IcLD l0 366,5� 3�665.�V Equipment Category Tota1 $ 4,944.31 e. SUPPLIES (See Instructions) Item Quantity Unit Cost Cost to Project GAS 2,000 �A� .43 � 860.00 GREASE AND OIL � i2,cJ.00 MINNI CJTREAMERS . 1 '�J 3.95 59.25 35 M M F��M 25 1,00 25.00 SMOKE GRENADES 25 �,5� 212,50 BATONS - � 50 4.50 225.00 SONY TAPE 10 ROLLS 5.56 55.60 FELT MARKERS __ lO .49 4.90 Supplies Category Total � 1,567.25 1 STATE UF MINNLSQTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GRANT I, GOVERNOR'S COh4I��ISSION ON CRIME � PRF.:VENT'IOiJ AI�'U CONTROL PAGC J INSTRUCTIONS ___' _+ 25. llET�ILED BUDGET (Continued) � c. 'TRAVEL. Travel costs should be based on the best estimates of the applicanto State agencies must use state travel regulations. Local units af governm.,nt must adh�re to local travel regiilations. In cases where no formal travel regulations exist, state travel regulations apply. 1) Indicate whose travel regulations gcvern travel expenditures, e.g. , State of r�inne- sota, Kaansey County. Z) Indicate the rate on which each cast item is based, eog. , 10¢ per mile, $12 per day, $15U per round trip. 3) For each cost item� indicate the base to which the rate is applied, e.g. , 300 miles, S days, 3 trips. 4) Sum travel costs and enter the category total in the block provided. d. EQUIPI�IENT. Include in this category all purchased tailgible personal property havil�g a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $300 or more per unit. Refer to cost allowability principles and procurement procedures and standards printed in the Grant Program Information bookiet. 1) List each equipment item, quantity needed, unit price, and cost to project< 2) Suin equipment costs and enter the category total in the block provided. � , � . . .� _ .. e. SUPPLIES. Include in this category all tangible items that z,�ill be consumed during the life of this project. Also include tangible items having a usef�l life of one year or more and an acquisition cost of less "than $300. . � . 1) List each type of supply, quantity needed, unit price, and cost to project. 2) Sum supplies costs and enter the category total in the block provided. , � ; . - , � � STATE Or b4INNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTIOV GRr'1I`TT GOVEKNQR'S CONl�4ISSI0N CN CRIb1E PREVENTION AND COIvTP.OL PAGT 10 25 o DETAILED BIJDGET (Continued) f. CONI'RACTED SERVICES ������ Type of Contracted Service Rate Base Cost to Project DR. R. HOBAF2T 160.0� � 160.00 Contracted Services Category Tatal $ 160.00 go CONSTRUCTION (See Instructions) Type of Cost Cost to Project Remodeling • $ New Construction Cor.struction Categcry Tctal � h. OTHER DIR�CT COSTS --I�There Applicable-- Item Quantity Unit Cost Cost to Project TELEPHONE � 150.00 A�R PHOros 36 1.19 43.00 RENTAL OF ARMORY FOR INSTRUCTION 30.00 Other Direct Costs Category Total $ 223.00 i. INDIRECT COSTS--Category Total $ j STATF. OF ?�1It�?NESOTA APPLICATION POR ACi'ION GRArv�T I GOVER?�OK'S COi�'��1ISSIGN OiV CRIi�iE PREVENTION !�,\D CONTROL PAGE 10 II�`STRi!CTIONS 25o DE'I,I�ILED BUDGE'I' (Continued.) f. CONTI2ACTED SERVICES, 1) List each type of service to be provided by consultants utilized by this project, e.g. , survey research, curriculum developrlc:nt, systems design. 2) Estimate the rate to be paid for each typ� of service, e.g. , cost per hour or per day. Rates r,�tzst be consistent with cost allo�tiabziity principles contailled in tlle Grant Pregram Information bookleto 3) Indicate the base to whic}1 the rate will be applied, e,g. , number of people, number of days or hours. r 4) Using the r_ate and base figu-res, estimate tlle p?•oject cost of each type of consul- tant service. 5) Sum contracted services costs and enter the category total in the block providedo �o CONSTRUCTION. "Construction" includes tlie erection, acauisition, expansion, and major repair of new or existing buildings or other pl�ysical facilitieso Special matching rec�uiren�ents are imposed on constructioii projects. 1) Applicants who are eligible to request construction funds should enter the costs of remodeling or new coristruction separately on. the l.iiies provided, Furtller breakdowns of construction costs must be provided in the budget justification section. 2) Sum construction costs and enter the category total in the block provided, � h, OTHER DIRECT COSTS. _. 1) Itemize all direct costs not previously listed, eog.,-space rental, telephone - : service, minor remodeling, leas?ng of ec�uipment, 2) Provide a cost estimate for each itemo 3) Sum the other direct costs category and enter the total in the block providedo i. INDIR�CT COSTS. Refer to the Grant Program Information booklet for principles governing the allo�vability of indirect costs. If indirect costs are claimed, enter the total indirect cost in- cluded in the budget. < . ' � STATE OF A1I:v'I�1:S0:'A APPLICATION rOR ACTION GRAIv'T . GOVERIVOR'S C0�'i'r�1ISSI0N 0� CRT_h1F. PREVE:�'TION AND CONTROL PAGE 11 26. BUDG�T JUSTIPIC/�,TIOti. Explain budget figures as requested in Lhe instructic�ns for this item. I3egin your justification here and add as many pages as necessary. PERSONNEL; THF AMOUNT FOR SALARY FOR THE ST, PAUL POLICE DHPARTMENT IS FOR OVERTIME PAY FOR OUR UNIT BASCD ON AN ESTIMAT{ON OF 4.CJ PER WEEK9 PER MAN, TFtE SUPERVISORSt SALARY IS BASED ON ThiEHR REGULAR ftATE, THE PATROLMEN RA7"E FOR OVERTIME IS TIME AND ONE HALF, ^CHE �CyISO,OO ALLOCATED FOR THE AIM PATROL (S BASED ON PAY(NG THIS GROUP �40,00 PER MAN THE FIRST DAY. ALL THE FOLLQWING DAYS THEY �NOULD BE PAID �25.00 PER DAY. IT IS ANTfCIPATED THAT THE AIiVI PATROL WORKING WlTH OUR PERSOP:NEL WILL ELIM[NATE CONFRONTAT(ON THAT WOULD OTHEI�WtSE DEVELOP, EQUIPMENT; THE RAD10 EQUtPMEfJT IS NECF_SSARY TO MAINTAIN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE AIM PATROLMEN AND Td ALLOW TFiEM TO HAVE COIVTACT WITH OTHERS ON THIS NETWORK. SUPPLIES; SELF' EXPLANATORV. � �ONTRACTED SERVSCES; L'[?. HOBP.RT�PROV:^ED SEldSST:VITY TftAt^:l:v: FOr PGRSONIVGL AS�SIGNED TO THIS UN(T. � - OTHER nIRECT COST; �ELF EXPLANATORY, � _ I . � STATE OF MINNESGTA APPLI�ATION FOR ACrION GRAN'I' � GOVERNOR'S C06'�tISSION ON CRIA4E PREVENTIO�I AND CUNTROL PAGE 11 INSTRUCT'IONS 26o BUDGET JUSTIFICATIQN. At a minirnum, this section must explain the budget items specified below,. Clarifica- tion of other budget items may be provided if the applicant wishes to do so. ao PERSONNEL. Explain how.the salary rate for each position was determined. Provide evidence of at least two instances eahere the propased salary is paid for equivalent positions and employee qualzfications in your area. � - , b. TRAVEL. Expiain the relationsliip of each cost item to the project, e.g., i,f _confer- ence expenses are requested, explain the subject of the conference and its relation- ship to the project. c. EQUIP�IENT, Explain why the proposed Equipment is essential to proper conduct of the project, Provide evidence that pur.chase -is -more feasible than rental or leasing of the equipment. Include cop?es of specifications, if appropriate. - - . _ da CONTRACTED SERVICES. Explain why propased consultant services cannot or should not be provided by project staff, Explain how the estimate rate was determined. ._ For each consulting organization, if not pravided elsewhere, indicate the number of people to be assigned to the project, number of hours per person per day to be spent on the project, and a �breakdown of the eontract price by major cost item: If not provided elsewhere, clearly describe the pracess used in selecting consultants. eo CONSTRUCTION. Provide full cost breakdowns for each phase of construction included in this upplication. Cite_ specifications to be met, and include any estimates or quota- tions received� fo INDIRECT COST. Explain what. is included in the project's indirect cost figure, if any. Indicate the rate used, and specify the base to which the rate is applied. � , . , . i . , .. . I � STATE OF 1�1INNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GRANT � GOVERNOR'S CO^�fISSION ON CRINE PRL-'VENTIOI� AND CONTROL PAGE 12 27 e COMPLIA;;CF, REQUIP,Er;E�dTS. a. ASSUMPTION OF COSTS. Federal regulations and Commission policy require that state and local units of govern- mert demonstrate willingness to assume project costs afLer a reasonable period oi federal assistance. Describe steps taken to secure permanent funding for this project. N/A � b. COMPLIANCE LVITH EQUAL ENiPL0Yb4ENT OPPORTUNITY GUIDELINES. Has the sponsoring unit of governmant been cited for noncompliance with provisions of the Civi1 Righis l�ci of 1964 as amended? ( ) Yes ( X) No If yes, attach a brief explanation of the nature and outcome of the citation, e.g. , status of negotiations, settlement, agency placed in non-compliance. Specify date of action and participating agencies. � c. COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966. Will this preject, if funded, result in a change in the c�uality of the historical, architectural, archeological, or cultural character of any property listed in the National Register of Historic Places? ( ) Yes ( X) No If yes, explain the anticipated effect of this project on the prop- erty involved. d. COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM RELOCATION AND R�AL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICY ACT OF 1970. j Will this project, if funded, result 'in the relocation of any person ' or persons? ( ) Yes ( X) No If yes, attach an explanation of the type of relocation that will occur as a result of this project. ! _ � , I . � � STATE OF b1TNNESOT.A APPLICATION FOR AiTION GRI�NT GOVERNOR'S CO��IISSION O:vr CRibSE PREVENTION AND CGN'TROL PAGE 13 27. COMPLIANCE REQUIRED4ENT�ontinued e. COAIPLIA1vTCE IVITH Tf�E NATIONAL EN��IRONMENTAL POLICY ACI' OF 1966. 2629�� 1) Does this project involve any of the following actions? a) Construction, renovation, or modification of facilities? ( ) Yes ( }�) No b) Use of herbicides or pesticides? O Yes ( X) No c) Use of microwave? O Yes (X) No d) Research or technology which may lead to application in the future of an action �ahich would significantly affect the environment? ( ) Yes ( >(} No 2) Applicants cvho respond "Yes" to any of the foregoing must attach an assessment of t}ie environmental consequences of the proposed action to thi.s application. The assessment may be in the form of a documented negative declaration that the proposed action will not have a significant impact on the environment, F�There the proposed action will significantly affect t}ie environment, a detailed envi- ronmental analysis must be submitted as part of the applicatiun, however. Refer to the Grant Program Information booklet for the specific information to be included in the negz*i�.�e �?eclara*ior., and fer procedures to be follotaed in cases where an environmental analysis is required. 3) Applicants whose projects do not fall withi.n the categories outlined in (1) above, but who believe their project may significantly affect the environment are encouraged to submit environmental assessments as outlined in (2) above. � 28� RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP. Applicants from local units of government must submit a resolution of sponsorship signed by authorized officials of the sponsoring unit of government identified in Item 9. The resolution of sponsorship form is provided on page 14 of this application. State agencies are not required to submit a resolution of sponsorship. � � STATE OF P�tINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ACTION GFtANT GOVEFrdOR'S CO�,'.�1ISSION ON CP.I�IE PREVENTION ANU CO?�'TROL � PAGE 14 --RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP-- ` This Resolution authorizes C�r,r oF S�-a PAUL to act as grantee for the (sponsoring unit of government) project entitled: Sr, PAUL Po�tcE - WOUNDEI� KricE TRIALS Whereas : Sr. PF u�Po�.�cE DEPARTM ENT is submitting an application for (name of implementing agency) funding Of: WOUNDED {�NEE TRIALS j (title of project) H'hereas : S-r. PAUL Po��cE DEPARTMENT has requested (name of implementing agency) C,-,-�r oF S-r PAUL to act as grantee for this project; (sponsoring unit of government) N�w, therefore, be it resolved that C�-rv oF S-r, PAUL (sponsoring unit of government) act as grantee for W UUNDED KNEE TRIALS ititle of ��oject) and administer funds on behalf of S-r. t'AU� POLICE DEPARTMENT (implementing agency) for the period from 1 / 8 / 74 through 3 / 8 / 74 . (pro.3'ect duration dates) Be lt resolved t}lat LAWRENCE COHEN - MAYOR OF CJT, PAUL (name and title of official(s) authorized to act on behalf of the C,-rv oF ST. PAUL �15� (are) hereby authorized and sponsoring unit of government) directed to execute such an agreement as requested by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control to implement said project, if awarded. 1 ------°�--.,,� , :,`�: � !e�'� `°—\�_, � , } .�.o...-x"� r �[ �°�.,�- l . �� _ . 1 ' I�J ! �� . .'_. _ .. '`?s C" �' ..�` R�,;;:°,a�M�'[�,�'� Attest: :, ; '� .- (name) tz'�horized signature) `""°"'�- D[REGTOR OF FINANCE � � MAYOR OF ST, PAUL (title) (title) _ _ , s•1 r�r�. ��;� ;�,,��:�:s�;i r� ., :.: .: � ... . � . � - GC'11'l:l:`�OJt'S CC`.�i.`�;I�>].0.`� 0`i C1�Ii�il; X Ori �inal ❑ Rev�.si.on �f � , P1ZL•�'l:iv"fIO:�` Putit) .CC\T1�OI, � �� _ � Uate Grant ��pp?'ovcd: Grant humbcr: � Pursuant to autllority of t}�e G��u:�bus Crir�c 23p9715173 Coi.i.rol ��id Safc Stxcets Act of I96S January l0, 1g74 (P.L. 9C�-3511 as an�ended, the Go;�ernor' s Gra.it:ce: . ' � Com��ission on Crin�c� Prcve�tz�n :3r.d Control The C i ty of St. Paul _�_� has appi-oved thc UranL indic�ted. �j i`�ti; � Continuati.o:: Year. : ` , � � Tit1e of Project: 4lounded Knee Trials . ,2�j29�� i ' i Im�lementin;; AQency: Cit of St. Paul Police De artment � Project Director: (Name, title, address, Financial Officer: (Namc, title, address,' tele�hone) 291 -lltl Ext. 3] 1 telephone) 298--4012 . � William McCutcheon Robert Trudeau Deputy Chief Director of Finance 101 East lOth. Street . � 4th and Wabasha � St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 _„_ Grant Per.iod: Total Lengtt-r 2 Months _ Fxom: 1 -8-74 Through: . 3-8-74 Eudget : SOUIZCE OF SUPPORT Line Item C�S�3 IN-KIND • � . Personne I I Ar10UNT OP ALVARD: $21 , 1 ?9 Coj�sultant �� Pederal $ 2!+�998 Serti�ices f! ��'��_ Travel State $ -0- -— -0- Equipment �[ZA`J"I'EE CONTRIBUTION ' 4,g44 - - . Cash $ 2,77$ -Ccrtrstrnetsen i ,330 • Supplies - In-Kind � -�' Other 223 � Total Terminal Input Date: $27,776 AFFIR�IITIVE ACTIO� POLICY: This agency has aareed not to dis�ri.minate in hiring practices on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, or national origin an�' 31so has agreed to ta1�e affirrative action to recruit minorities and �tiomen into em- playment. It furth�r tias agreed to transact business only with firrls who Iike�aise agree. T}ie Grantor ��ill not reinburse the Grantee for any expenses, or fractions thereoi incurred fol�c�c�rind issu3nce of the Statement of Grant A�ti�ard unless and until the Grant Agreer:°�� �pursuant to Title I, Sec. s04 of the Or,uiibus Cri�e Co;itrol �r.d Saf� Streets .'1ct of 1g�S, P.L. 9�-�51 as an�nded) has been dul}• approved and si�ned by or for the appro�_iate regresentaiives ot the State ot �tinn�sota; namely, the Corunis- sioner of �'1d:ainistr<tion; the Attorney General , the Governor's Commission on Crirne Pre��cntion a:.d Control, ar:d the State Auditor. Special CondiLions: TI�is grant is subject to ar,d conditi.oned upon acceptance o� the� _ Srecial Conditians ntt�c�ied }ie�-eto. SIG\ED. � , ��,� . � � � Date:��� /`���� � .�.`'e 46r, ��,.,�_y.�''��.. � r�a��t_� ��.a�:i��istrator - . M— . � � " ' � SPEC I/!L COfdDIT10!�S This grant Es subject to the C�neral Conditions Applicable to Ad��inistration of Grants Under Part C a�d Part E of Title 1 , P.L. 9�-3;i , as amended by Title 1 , P.L. 91 -b44. In addition, this grant is co�ditioned upcn and subject to compli - ance with the folia�ing Special Conditions : 1) Duratia� of that part o� tne pro_ject which is supported by this grant is limited to the grant periad speciiied in the Statement of Grant Awat'd for this grant. �xpenses :ncurred by the grantee after the last day of this grant per-iod are not reimbursabie with funds from this g;ant. Obligations incurred during the c�rant period must be ] iquidated no ]ater than ninety days af�er the last day o� the grant pe�iod in order to be reimbursable wi�h funds from this grant. State and Grantee matching contribution, . . both cash and in-kind, must also be obtigated during-the grant period and expended within ninety days after the end of the grant period. 2) Grantee must begin operation of the project within sir.ty days after � . execution of the Grant A�reement for this grant. Grant�r rEServes the right tc� terminate the grant for failure to comply with this condition. 3} Grantee �must notify the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control of any deviation fror� the approved project budget. Oeviations • resulting in a change of 15i or n�ore in_ any iine budget item total must have preor approval of the Governor-'s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control . Any increase in personnel compensation paid to an �ndividual over the amount or rate specified in the approved project budget must have prior approval of the Governor' s Co�n�nission on Crime Prever,tion and Con- trol . T�zis condition applies �o expenditure of state and Grantee matching eentri���r:or. as wel ? a� *t, f��'�.•� l fu;:d expe;►:;i tares. �1) All expenditures of funds and contributions of in-kind match charged to this grant project must be supported by properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, receipts, or vouchers evidencing in proper detail tE�e nature and propriety of the charges. . / 5) Grantee agrees to provide the proportionate share of the cost of this grant project in the form of cash and in-kind contribution as specified in the Statenent of Grant Award. Grantee cash contribution shall be proviced in the form of a sum appropriated by state or local governnent or private - agency fQr the purpose of sharing in the cost of this grant project. In the event that the total cost of this project is less than the amnunt of . the appresved budget, the amounts of federal , state, and grantee cash support of the project will be reduced on a pro rata basis. �b) Grantee cnust submit a f inancial report for each calendar month of the g rant period to the Governor' s Commission on Crime Prevention and Control by tl�e i 5th day of the month fo] i a•r i;►g the per i od of the report. A f i na 1 financiat report must be submitted within 90 days after the end of the grant period. 7) Grantee must s�abmit a narrative progress report for each ca]endar quarter (whether �vhoie or partial) within the grant period by the 20th day of the month i`oilaKing the period of the report. A finai narrative progress report must be filed within 90 days after the end of the grant period. 8� Grantee wiil notify the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control of any change in Project Director or Financial Officer for this grant project. . � . � • � ' . . . , � � � 2s�s5� s��ta� cU�,�� ����,s . _2� g� Tl�e aud i t: �taff of t}�e Governor's Cor��mi ss ion on Cr ime Prevent ion ane� Con- trol �vill condu�t an audit of this grant at any tim� they deem necessary both durir�g the pr'o_ject grant periad or aftei- project com�le*ion. Full coaperation by t��e yra�t:ee with the audit staff is mand�tory. . � tQ} Grantee ��ri i l be requ i re.d to f i 1 e the attacl�ed form 1�bel ed Aff i rrnat i ve � Action Report with tF�e Equal Eniployment Opportunity Officer of the Governor 's Commission on Crime Prevenfiion and Control as soon as hiring has been co��pleted (�ar,imum time allotment is 60 �ays) . . Failure to comply �{:� tt� this req�rirer7ent for each position opened as a result of Lt�is gr���:: (each time the position i� vac�ted) wiil result in b�'ead� of c��tract and consequent stoppage of funds. ' . . ]E} Suuject to FCelly Pian frequency, power and antenna restrictions; subject � to atj . radia guidelines anci subject to ca-npetitive purchasing. 12) Match will be provided by grantee in the form of overtime paid to Police � officers and/�r salary paid to AIM patrolmen. 13) �Jo y�ant fur�ds v�i ; l 5c us::d fer the purchase of Baton= or Smoke Grenades. . - / ,