262947 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1
PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 262��►�
. � - � � ouncil Resolution
Presented By - �� �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does
hereby authorize the City Planning Coordinator to obtain the
services of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff to
assist in the planning and implementation of the various
Development Districts, the services to be rendered by such staff
under the direction of the Planning Coordina.tor and in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the contracts which shall be
entered into between the City and Authority and as authorized by
the Ma.yor, subject to availability of funds in the budget of the
Planning Of f ice .
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas gutler Nays
Konopatzki In FavOr
Meredith _� Against By
�x Roedler
Mme.President B[lC3Bt HLtri't
Adopted by Council: Date
JAN 1 8 �974 Form Approved by ity tto
Certi ' s ed by Co il ary BY
Approved M or: Date � � Approve�,N�yor f Submissio cil
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By BY _ �_�_
Pu�wsH�n JAN 26 i91�
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Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen
and Members of the City Council
City of Saint Paul
City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
At our Development District Task Force meeting on Monday, December 17, at 3:30 p.m. ,
Mr. Coughlin, the City Planning Coordinator, outlined to the Task Force his proposal
for the staffing of development districts, both city-wide and, more particularly,
with regard to our development district number 1 . Mr. Coughlin indicated that the
concept had received the approval of both the Mayor and the City Administrator and
had been presented to the City Council in an informal session the previous week. A
copy of the memorandum detailing Mr. Coughlin's proposed approach to staffing is
In addition, Mr. Coughlin indicated to us that a corollary recommendation had been
made by him to have Mr. Simonowicz enter into a direct reporting relationship to
the City Administrator in order to bring the Mayor and Council into the closest
possible contact with the original formulation of development district concepts.
With regard to staffing, we understand that Mr. Coughlin is proposing that the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority staff be utilized under the contractual relation-
ship with the City, with the Executive Director of the HRA reporting directly to Mr.
Coughlin as Planning Coordinator.
Mrs. Slawik moved that the Task Force accept the proposal as presented by Mr. Coughlin
and the City for this kind of coordinated work effort with HRA. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Konopatzki and passed unanimously.
Given the time constraints that we are operating under with regard to major decisions
by companies within Development District No. 1 , the Task Force would recomnend the
expeditious approval of this proposal so that staff can immediately be assigned to
this development district to begin the detailed planning.
Very truly yours,
Arnie Joh on, Chairman
Development District Task Force No. 1
Monday, December 17, 1973, 3:30 P.M.
Development District Number 1
Present: Mmes. Shapiro & Slawik, Messrs. Anderson, Feder, Guthmann, Johnson,
Konopatzki , Ruschke, & Samuelson
Absent: Mme. Schweizer, Messrs. Mogol , North, Tedesco & Lanpher
Guests: Mr. Vince Coughlin, City Planning & Mr. Don Cosgrove, HRA.
First item on the agenda was approval of the minutes of the December 10, 1973
It was noted that Mr. Konopatzki was present at that meeting and not absent as the
minutes indicated. Also, regarding the motion passed to allow members of the task
force to send representatives to the meetings, it was intended that this be meant
for businessmen and property owners in the area.
Mr. Simonowicz was instructed by the task force to check out with Legal Council
whether task force members could appoint alternates to represent them at meetings
when they are unable to attend.
The minutes were then approved as submitted with the above mentioned corrections.
Mr. Coughlin then read excerpts from his memorandum to the Mayor. (copy attached)
He said the worst thing we could do would be to get into development districts
and not adequately staff it and not provide the kind of day to day well thought
out and sensitive input that is required. He said he did not want to duplicate
expertise with the tax dollar where the expertise already exists.
The task force asked exactly what position Mr. Simonowicz would hold in this plan.
Mr. Coughlin said he would be assigned full time to development districts and he
would get into a direct reporting relationship with Frank Marzitelli . The kickoff
then for any development district would be from the Mayor to City Council and the
Planning Commission's role would come later.
Mrs. Slawik moved that the Task Force accept the proposal as presented by
Mr. Coughlin, that the city have a coordinated work effort with HRA. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Konopatzki and passed unanimously.
Mr. Simonowicz mentioned that most of the property owners had been contacted in
the area but one of those who had not been contacted was raising a question of
constitutionality of the law that they propose to operate under. This is the
first real opposition to the project that has surfaced. A subcommittee of three,
Mr. Mogol , Mrs. Slawik and Mr. Simonowicz were designated to meet with the
opposition, listen to them and answer their questions and see if the problems
could be worked out.
Next, under old business, a subcommittee was appointed to pinpoint the particular
problems concerning the Open School and find solutions for them. Appointed on this
committee were Mrs. Shapiro, Mr. Samuelson, Mr. Guthmann and Mr. Anderson.
� .
.A time 1•ine was requested from this committee on the relocation of the Open School .
Mr. Coughlin responded that the one aspect of land assembly that would not lend itself
to precise prograrr�ning was relocation, and that if relocation is to be carried out
sensitively, the timing must remain flexible. Ultimately the decision on when to move
ahead would rest with the City Council and the Development District Task Force.
There was discussion on setting up a timetable to identify problems of relocation for
the area, perhaps until February or March.
Mrs. Slawik suggested maybe the boundaries of the development district could be extended
to include an area that could be used by her company to relocate and have enough room
for parking also. Mr. Simonowicz will meet with Mrs. Slawik to discuss these problems.
The next meeting will be January 7, 1974 at 3:30 P.M.
. f � . . . . � - � ' . .
�. . • - ' '
FROM: Vincent M. Coughlin �
SUB)ECT: RoIe of Housing and Redevelopment Authority with regard
to District Development Legislation
. DATE: December I0, ..I973 .� , . � • . , ' .
I have been reassessing the role of the Planning staff in light of both the
budget reductions and the informal indications of concern that I received
trom a number of sources regarding the sweeping scope of the program originally
proposed. I have now arrived at a number of tentative recommendations regarding
what l consider to be the functions that this department can best perform in
providing the Mayor, the Council and the Commission with a planning direction
during the coming year. An outline of this modified and drastically scaled-back
•work program is attached.
However, any consideration of the optimum use of the limited staff must take
into account the role that the Planning Department can perform in the imple-
mentation-of Development District Legislation. As you are aware, ever since the
legislature passed this enabling legislation last Spring, I have assigned one of
� our most competent and experienced planners to this program to the virtual
exclusion of any other activities.
Reflecting on our experience in presenting the Downtown Development District to
City Council on November 23, it becomes obvious to me that the continuation of
our present approach to development districts, with a one-person staff and
"donated" talent from other departments and agencies, is not a workable alter-
, native. In assessing the strengths and capabilities of various departments and
agencies within the City, I have concluded that only the HRA possesses the
�equisite staff skills, at the present time, to successfully carry out these
p rog rams. _
Recently, et the request of the Executive Director of the HRA, I discussed with
him and several of his key staff inembers the possible role of the Authority in
the carrying out of these programs. Durirg the session, the HRA staff pointed
up the following factors:
I . The HRA Executive Director and staff are more than willing to accept direct
. supervision from me, and whatever advisory boards ar�e created in the detailed
planning and execution of any development district activities assigned to
2. At the present time, HP,A, despifie serious staff attritions over the last year,
still possesses the requisite skills in the areas of land acquisition, iand
421 Wabasha, Sairt Paul, Minnesota 55102
. . (612) 298-4151
. , ,
__. _ __ . _ _ _._.�._..�,,�
Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen - 2 - December 10, 1973
di.sposition, land use planning, business relocation and family relocation,
demolition, project design, project engineering, administration and
3. Despite the fact that there have been numerous discussions on the future
role of HRA, the steady erosion ot skilled professional staff is continuing
and will continue until and unless a definitive understanding is reached
between the City and the HRA as to their future role. In this regard, HRA
is also considering a significant staff reduction commensurate with their
reduced level of funding expected next year. �
4. It was further pointed out that HRA continues to receive the revenue from
a one-mill tax levy which is specifically designated for those planning
activities which are not reimbursable by Federal funds. Consideration -
might be given to using some of these funds for maintaining present key
professional staff and contracting out for special studies as needed.
5. Of primary concern to the HRA staff are the present loose and disjointed
attempts to receive the input of individual HRA staff inembers in the
packaging of development districts without any clearly assigned division
of labor, delineation of responsibility, or supervision within the HRA
Based on this discussion and consultation with others, and on my own personal
knowledge of the HRA staff capabilities, it would be my recommendation that
� we "farm out" the, detailed p .roject planning and project imp(ementation
activities to the HRA with the Executive Director being directly accountable
to me and any Development District Advisory Boards subsequently created.
Clarence Simonowicz would continue to be assigned primary coordinative respon-
sibility with an emphasis on the formulation of the original concepts relating
to development districts. It is at this stage that I feel your personal input
is particularly crucial .. �
One area of possible concern would be the role of the HRA Board in this program.
To assure continuing input by the HRA Commissioners, it would be my recommenda-
tion that consideration be given by Council to the appointment of the two HRA
Board members, who are also members of the Council , to all Development District
Advisory Boards created. Further, in order to insure adequate input from the
Planning Commission, I would recommend at least one, and possibly two, Planning
Commission members be assigned to each of these Advisory Boards with the
criteria for their selection being residence or place of business within or in
the general vicinity of the contemplated development district.
Finally, with regard to the sequence of activities as outlined on the flow chart
� attached, I would like to discuss with you one modification which would be that
you make the first recommendation on any Development District directly to Council
with appropriate staff support from this department. If this recommendation is
adopted, I would visualize the following sequence of activities:
1 . The prelim_inary analysis by Mr. Simonowicz of this staff for presentation to
Frank Marzitelli and me; we would, in turn, recommend it to you.
, .
� Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen - 3 - December 10, 1973
2. if you approve the general concept, you would appear before Council stating
that the preliminary proposal warrants further consideration and recommend-
ing its formal transmittal to the Planning Commission and staff tor further
development and subsequent evaluation.
3. Simultaneousiy with the referral of the concept to the Planning staff and
Commission, an advisory board would be tentatively designated.
4. At this point the Planning Coordinator would refer the matter over to the
Executive Director of HRA without contract to prepare the following:
a. Cost estimates �
b. Relocation Feasibility
c. Financing plan
d. Illustrative site plan
e. Retated studies
5. The HRA staff, upon completion of this work, transmit its findings and
recommendations to Frank Marzitelli , me and our staffs for comment.
6. Once our approval has been secured, the matter would be transmitted to the
Planning Commission for their review and recommendations.
7. Only after a favorable recommendation to Council is forthcoming from the
Planning Commission, and Council approval and the creation of an advisory
board, would a formal contract be executed between HRA and the City pursuant
_ to the joint powers agreement. This contract with HRA would assign overall
responsibility for the detailed planning and execution to the HRA Executive
Director and Planning Coordinator, wifih HRA playing essentially a consulting � -
role to this department and creating a direct reporting relationship by the
Executive Director to me.
These are my preliminary thoughts on the question of the role of HRA in
Development District Legislation. I feel , in any event, that it is necessary
at this time to define precisely what role, if any, the City wishes HRA staff
to play in this program. If you feel that this recommendation warrants further
consideration, l would suggest that we discuss it with Mrs. Hunt and M�.
� Konopatzki to determine its acceptability.
• Since one Development District Advisory Board has already been established and
the creation ot a second is imminent, 1 would like to reach some firm conclusions
on this matter in the immediate future.
. • �`7 � •
Planning oordinator �