263783 . . ��z�, t__
WHI7E - CITY CLERK ['� ((���,,,
PINK - FINANCE TT C�j111C11 'J���Q�
. �
in�cnce Ordinance N 0. ���S�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use
Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of
certain properties in the City of Saint
Paul, as amended.
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of th� Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, H�ight Districts and Rezoning of certain prop-
erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des-
cribed property from "C" Residence District to Conunercial
District, to-wit:
Lots 21 and 22, Block 2, Midw�y
Highland Park Additiony
situate on property located on the northwest corner of St.
Paul and Saunders in the City of Saint Paul.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval
, and publication. �
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �{'nstenserl '
o patzki Hozza In Favor
L ine Levine
ith Roedler � Against By
ra SylveSt@f
edes �edesCo
Mme. esident utle
Pfesid n HUrlt ,1UL 1 $ 1974 Form Approve y City Attorne
Adopted by Council: �5a�e �
Certified d by Council Secretary BY �
By �
Approve by Mayor• Date U� S 19 � _ Approved by Mayor for Submissi o Council
By 'Pusus� J 2 0197 By
��c�Fl ��
June 3, 1974
Mrs. Rose Ann Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the petition of Alvin and Ebba Jansen to
rezone, from "C" Residence to Ca�ercial, property located on the northwest
corner of St. Paul and Saunders. This property is further described as
Lots 21 and 22, Block 2, Midway Highland Park Addition
This matter was first heard by the Board of Zoning on February 7, 1974, at
which time staff recommended denial of the rezoning based on the general
position of the parcel and the shopping center 2'� blocks to the north.
Mr. William Essling, representing the applicants, stated that this petition
was presented upon consultation with the City Attorney's affice. He was
told that this type of spot rezoning was legal and is sometimes called
conditional zoning. He said what was proposed is not general commercial, but
a small dairy store. Mr. Joseph Jansen, also representing the petitioner, said
this dairy store would be a service to the peop�.e. Mr. Norman Wendt, managing
officer for the prospective buyer, explained the proposed operation, A
gentleman in the real estate business thought this would be a good addition
to the neighborhood.
Several neighbors appeared in opposition because of the traffic problems in
the area. Another said the shopping center is only a few blocks away. Others
were concerned that the co�ercial zoning might spread to the other side of
the street.
Mr. Maddox stated he would like to see an office building rather than this
type of use and reco�mmended denial of the petition. At the suggestion of
Mr. Rupp, the motion was withdrawn and Mr. Maddox moved to table the matter
until the developer contacted the Planning staff and worked out a suitable
agreement with the adjoining neighbors. The motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1
with Mr. Rupp in opposition.
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
v;'/ �� -�"ti"`'�- � / (612) 298-4151
� �
June 3, 1974 �(�l "
Mrs. Rose Ann Mix
Page 2
This matter was again heard by the Board of Zoning on March 7, 1974, at
which time staff said they still recomsnended denial.
Mr, Fred Kueppers, attorney for the petitioner, said the previous party
withdrew as buyer and the new prospective buyer would like to use it as
office space and a beauty shop. He said these uses would be allowed in the
OS-1 district proposed for this site. Mr. McGuire stated that the best
solution might be to recommnend continuation as a non-conforming use with the
understanding that it would be rezoned OS-1 when the proposed code is adopted.
Mr. Kueppers read a statement that was signed by a number of people saying
they were willing to have the property rezoned if it would be used as a
beauty shop and office space.
Mr. Weinblatt, representing the opposition, submitted a petition fram people
across the street. He said no matter what type of cammercial use is proposed,
it would still be spot zoning.
A motion aas made and seconded to deny the petition. While discussing the
motion, Mr. Bryan said he would be in favor of any solution that would fit in
the OS-1 classification. At the request of the petitioner, the motion for denial
was withdrawn and replaced by a motion to table it again to allow time to work
out restrictions. This motion carried by a vote .of 3 to 2.
It was again heard on April 4, 1974. Staff reported that the proposal had been
changed so it will meet the OS-1 district restrictions and therefore reco�nended
Mr. Alan Weinblatt, Attorney for the neighbors, said they are still opposed to
this because of the lack of off-street parking and because it would still be
spot zoning.
There was discussion among the Board members regarding the deed restrictions
for this property. Mr. Maddox suggested it be referred to the City Attorney
with the suggestion that they reduce the percentage of floor space used for
office-service use from 50% to 40% and put same restrictions on lighting and
signs. He therefore moved it be laid over and the motion was seconded. Following
additional discussion, the motion was withdrawn and Mr. Maddox moved to recoa�end
denial of the petition. The motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1,
y�a,�.o� �rn- Y�c,���ex
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Zoning File 7607
� • , `'' �f-a
- ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"�� ���
Q�' A
� �i
Har�y E. Mar:kall o ,���������; a Albert B. Ol:oe
City Clerk and a` :':'tP:t' �.� Council Recorder
Counczl Secretarl/ �� � he
386 City HaIZ St.Paul,Minnesota 5b10$
January 22, 1974
Zoning Board
Grace Building
St. Paul, Minnesota
The City Council referred to you for reco�endation the attached
petition of Alvin and Ebba Jansen to rezone lots 21 and 22,
Block 2, Midway Highland Park Addition at the northwest corner
of St. Paul Avenue and Saunders Avenue.
ours very truly, ,--,
��( I
City C1 rk �
ABO:mj f
Attach. ����„�,,....�
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January 18� 1974
To the Co�cil
City of St. Paul
I have checked the attached petition of Alvin J. and Bbba M.
Jansen, filed in the matter of rezeni8g
Lots 21 and 22, Block 2� Midway Highlaad Park Addition.
The property is located on the Northw�sst corner of
St. Paul and Saunders Avenues
fr�a a pC" Sesideace Diatrict to a �'Com�ercial" Histrict, aad
fiad that.said petition ie sufticie4t.
Yours very truly,
G��� GU �_
aobert W. Trudesu - Director
Depart'ent of Finance i� Management Services
Re: %1459
c.c. Building Departmment
Zoning Board
Robert W. Trudesu
Frontage: l Ot�
Parcels 8ligible: 8
Parcels Signed; 8 or 100'x
Parcels Peeded: 6 or 66 2/3A
,,r,� '� ',j� ''��, '� � � �1�,,
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Alvin J. Jansen, Ebba M. Jansen and Mantor J. , being first duly
Hanson, & Dairy Home, Inc.
sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be
rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be
rezoned, which is described as follows:
Lots 21 and 22. Block 2 , Midway Hiqhland
Park, an addition to the City of Saint Paul
that affiant doea not have any legal or equitable interest in� ia not in the
act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1) year preceding
the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought
to be rezoned as described above; that affiant understands the word
"contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property sharing a common
boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public thoroughfares.
, - .
v' J, n n B`_..._ �%�-ern �s3
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' ' i Its Pres ident
Ebba M. a s� n
E r_ .�o±..r�� . ' ��. _, ^ � ���" � .�.i � �
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'..-.. .._. .. . .. .. . ...�..em . . .
, ������
��?'?�J`rE�s Czi THL� PUIII�IC F[z:I�R:iNG A�'t�RE THE �iRD f1F ZflNZ1�T�',
t�Iv THURSUAYa �iARCH 7., ?91j��� AT 3:00 P,�I�
PRESENT: t�'�T::� NOi�'(343� �te:zs;:s> Macicio�, �x�.i����_. Bry�n.�. a�a Rupg of the
nc�ard; i��a Er:�ckscr�a Ci4y Arc;Yi�tec�; Mr, Me�uire; se�d M�ss
2asea�hE�. ox �hp �'Iannii�g �e�artmeat Staffo
ALVIN Ab'.l3 iBF3y JI�NSu�+7 (76Q7;; : I� p��iC:�a� �o rezo�xe� f�c,m tPC►' Resid��ce
to Ccm�ercial;, pra��s-�y 1c�.:����� o�. taie uori-i�wes� corne� of S�a �sul and
Saund�:�s Ave�ue�
M�o t,�Gui.re gave �h�e s�.�sr' :ce�ar� �n ;.i,is m���er� �e sa�d �ttT� �t�er c�ras
�irs� cansi�aereci �,� �€2� ?'r�3j�u4zy �Iz, ��1x�t, mee�it�g� si�e �n�i'�:ioa��x decl��eci
�he propc�s�ci �.tsE �o �e a r?�ir�� s�or�� I�e s�id the ��ea ws p�o��os�� �.o be
zoaed (tS-L, n��f�c�--S��vice� c��a.c:� wo�lai no� al�o�a �he nraposed use u�der c.he
zo�.it�g cQd�� Th�.s x�L-�e� �r3s �ess�l �nd �ab3.erl for XuzLi�e� dis��us��.o�� The
originai s��ar re+commend4,t����z �y�� �� d���y �[?e peti+�iou� �ecause �he-re appears
�:o be no ct�an,.a,�s i�a t�.e eoa�d��ions S'aii'�tiL2CI3�L� ��ae p�tit.:zaL.�. ��.exe ;s no
c�iann� in staYs's s-ecam�nenc�a�iara
N'i�:� F�e� iii��Ers;: a�Lo�n�y �c� �t�� ���i�•:�oner-, �aid ��� �SUi�ldi�z� a.g su�;.ouudeci
ore ��xree �i.rles b;� ���a�:�nz�xs�sh Aexoss ��e s��cee� �r_a iC}� iee;: ac.x�� .^,,x� �ingle
famxly �we�.'i�zgs; He sa�.�! �Eze pe�i�io� �:r�as o��ce i�Ier1 �.�e�:aus� �:'ne nrospective
gu-rchase�. w:�r�#:�d ;:c� ogera�� � ��aify .��ay-��. �ut �t�.a� �t�� p�rw;�� l�a:� wi�t�dr�wn as
a bcay�i� �I�ere ys presen.�.��y� � �a:a��c�c€�a�v� pc���e�as+�r �ox �t�e t��aiLd�ng �'or u�e
�s s 3�e�ux_y sno� r�n�3 �sRoi����il= ���r ��ia�� .�p�ce� `�h��e f.s g��-�s��i; �ros�*s� i� ���r
t2 c��se
Mz'e ��cC`a�+_1-� sa:�c <� b�suf:; 4��� oz ��:tier p�rsortai s�rv:�ces coul.� be incli€s3ed �.n
s +1S-1 �e��p?.�:;, ��: raas n,�s �s�zmaz� �n�t a� �ess� SC�o oL ��ie st�.ucture wo�atd
�taee Lo �� rzs�c� ,�> �sfxi;=_� s;��;:e� i�e sa�;.� �Z�a� t�:e besL sc�t�taa� ��.�h� be �a
�_eto•�����ti eur�.�a��.�a%;_or� �� ..� �.zor��-�anfa��m�v�.� u�� wi�� �l-�e 4������stan�s,�g th�� ifi
c��uls� b� S��ar�cc� s.c� ;���� =:'+«n s�iz� pro�as�=� cocie is �cdc�����c� sn t�ia� �4�e ���c:ctu�e
cazt be �s�a o�? ��� �-��.e��-��? �bsis�
I�r� Maur_�a� s;:;i� v��sv ��; ��';�i ��_3l:?:�e:.:f�� .�_ �:as stt��;es�e�� t��ey �Q a��c,ss �he
Stit�� *.�€t� ��ts�Y f,��f� e��R�� .C1L".,'#3 :)i_ =f2CLiC3 ��^"v;.1 ss,
I•ii,. I�i��1�7� ,•�z� �.;;: ^c�c�r�. �ac� Is�era �kc4� ;:o �I� s�, F'e i.tzer< �a�d �z wsai�:ten
Sf;c'lf,:£i12�i�L ��..113L �'?c^s,^>. S"..�i'z[Ce ?),T �3 l^zt11T.1bG"�" C�li ;??3C"-j}Lf'. F�c"1�t�.TI� i:`C'a.�'.S7 CtiTE^,_:? 4JZ�.�.I.LT,.�+'� f�i? �'E'-u'V@
`t�lE' �rcp����� t'=�.`./,�:�z�?i1 ��L1 �:t�°�';};1C�?.'C�<a� L�7:��i2 'e:2f3 i2u�@l"S�t3TZa�it2�^ s_i�;�+� i 12k'_ �?1?��'3ild
t�c�u?d i�e :?sLC� �::�d ��:o �.��::�.� sEz�g anct �{��7_�:;: spsc��., T[:e only ���se� �wtt�y we�e
COtI�'Cl"T:t".t� [��ik.a2 ':ati_'",','C' 'i:i3E'. �sr3tJ?3ai.+3 f.'.Vs.�a;t� ".:�'1 :>i: , LtiLl�. ,c�LT�`�' ^ .'IF" �..v�`.
z...L�.., i� u1' ^��?.� c3:"S�7'�.`'T1GT2�`
r,c�ne�s a�outac{ ���zc �ax-r���rYy,
:'�., �21'_3D'rliii�:,= �'�^:3:'s?:iE.'P_i.:�.?::;� p£?C�3�.C"-.. T.v�i� �iT.c^ �.Yt U��i2SA�.:?_L3i2 1:J f:i2� �°E�:':aa�i�v; st��mi�f'.ed
r3 �32t.`�.��UI's 'e'3'CL`=I i.:'tl`'. �u'4j��•.': *.y".2O i1.�7f? a3C°"C!;�;i :'�?.�°.. 5'a`'.:C'E?f�'�`:� "�'�T� caii�3 S?t..�.i�£.'� 9 ;3?e'i�
i�:�i.c���r�� c,:iexe ��.�,� u3.�y�-.oc� cs� �t�i.� ;���:_�.a.s3�. ��si�em '�x� ;.aic's. k�e par�s.�ulaL'iy
�egsrQS���s :�:��<, a�� �S:'�. P��c� �r� TS�a �n3 A�sN �orw�.tz c��a� �.s.Y�� ar� c�gpaa�te sydes
oi 54c�r�de,:s, £�c��i� as:�oss �:., Faa4� �<,,�z�c�n �ti�-cr� the pro�se��:y.• �ie s�id ���_s �.s a
p�i:iric� s,� s���ec� �u� ��ri .��zo�.��g.� �''ic�� is �o oL��� c��nne��i�� zo�i�g Fsith�.0
. ��° ,�P+�j��
A1vin an.c� Et�b� ,7��:;en �7�,G7 j �age � March 7., 1974
s reasonabL� cizs�arece� He sa�.d c�Et��:her �.t ��ould be for � b�auty shop ox ror
a d�iry store �r �ny cs�hnx Ce-.�mz�rciat �.se �icf� wauld g�n��:ai:e heavy t��i�ic.;
they felt �t�e proDE�rty u;as a.nappropxia�.� :€a� suct� Co�exr:��ig usc, mainly
b�csuse rhere ia �o othe� Ca�vnerc�a� u�e 3ri the ar�a surraunding st anci al�o
because �z.'--" . : .'. _ ".;� i;t�e area tzas served as a residentiia9. area fox new yo�►g
Mr. Lester Leonarcl�ox►;., 911 �Fi1dQ�� s�id i� they were to z�ezone i� Cammercial.� ,
it would be a wedg;e �u x��zoning oc�� ti�rtoi� rzeighborhood Cvmmercial and m�rching
casld move in�
I�r., A4addox s�id h� c3idn't chi,�S: it would be out ai Iine i� �:h� dev�loper u+oald
be w��.I.L�.ng to �eE� �.�i�h �he City A�i:ox�rs�q and ttze �taxf ;��.C� LTb3:t'. ()lt'e�'. a r�5�.ri�tive
canvenanC�. �o t�e �nople �ou1� b� pz'o�ected� rather S:Iaar ��a.r us �o :°ezotfe this
or reject i�,
�'��c� Ru�p sai.d �ven if the ��w Zoxtir�g O��inan�e were adop�pd a beau��� �F2op by
itself woc}ld �o� �tec�nieatl.y c�ua2iSry� i!� sn �S-1 Digtri�.i , :i� wotald still be
E'1 i]:OI2"'CQIlYb2':i]I.73£�* iSfi{:'„
I��Y, c�cGui_re re�d c�-E�.a� a OS�I L�lstri��: 47QLtZ(� �nctud� in �t�e p�npa�ec� Zoniug �ode�
tfx. B�yan ma�3e a �,�a�_�.aA �� �-eiara�end r3ec�i�t ox �[z� rezc,�.ing, �i3ci bir. �iaddo�
aecondpd tli� iaotier. . id�a��e d3.�cuss3n� ii�e �o�ion �o �len.y the rezQning-. l�ir.. �ryan
said �ie �s�s ��a:�ns� �cc�or,ir.�; Y:his proper_t}r �.o Cv�escci�i, i�ut Fte wauld be
fmvo�-�uie �o �azy �iud of �o?.u�:to� �caat woi=.Id fit t�.� fi�S�l of �he proposed zoning
l�s<. 2�TpF sa�.�l �:� vieti,Rd t��?�� .ir� a spo� ;o�i.n� �vea �IRO�tgh i:[:�e u��e h�s changed;,
and !-�e c�id:�'� s�e �r.t��a �.hey- zo,ild �r, ar�����rcg r�_�3e� �ta�n deay i�ae �ewf.4:ior�,
�!'r. Ki��serr. _�azd `':��: c�a�:l_a ��nc�:���-�gr� an al�.e��r��:iY�e mai�.o�. ���ic;i~ �acsssi�ly w�ulc!
�£ �.O �.'tw'� 3i: ()t;��,', bfl �::C4c'ai: �}'!�'S2 i"i?S�'s"7.Gl:�G23S .:dilJ.C� b? kiOYi�G.-'Cl �i't�: �13i� c't F.lO�l.Oi!
j3�3SiG �� F•liC[:•"i4C� :!��:i??� ={:7�'y T''CC3�� c'tt�:::��Sti 3.t ciLlG CGI;vLs'1tC�itit} Ii:su' c�j3?3�'OVi� �C1 ��'�G
CALy �Gou�:c?.i i.� i=i�c. ��:�a`.��e�t^:���!s u�er� �vL�ch�*3,. He v.naci ��: �,�u ��:ny� ir aoca wp
Fri�.1 h� jJl2i.: 2T7 C}�3�'�ti?.Ci.: W�IEK"E T,?(.-' �a':�1� ne.L�� 't�G-' 8�.�ltStJ�'� �:!; dSC� �J();s? ��_"`v c^ t:�31?.1�:; t0
�2i: 3t rC�O�.V?�a b�?i`7%£' '_�'t�: i:l."i�4' C`OtliiF�:�D.
MY, �'ii£sC?CCX ;,.^2C; 5.; ��:� ;)G�:i�7�tL�L.'�'� riut�.'a_!' il?V� }3C.'@�3 fF? L?VU� 63� (?',��?'��1'-�{� C�FZ.�.Z37.17
T:�1C fyili°7_i^E? ifS?::i7.t:':i.t3F'i.5 C��= �:�lE'. �Y':3�?U,il�-'v (ti�.5`.>1 O?_°�J.Ltlji2ti:� �iE?' �tit7'c.).�.t:l �18VE' �II3fi° F3
TTO�Zf311 LCy :.:�?JZC-?- ;ic S�?�C? �'iE::F't� Oi? CC;?"!:rc.i:afie:iOii �s�gc,'.Gie�f.':i ��2!'. �C�?"+.5 cji1� ri3G �P��L20II"
E':'5 A'��_@z' �t?<.".e_ :`,aRi;r Let;, t32 Gs?c:.Ot�t�tel3 i.�'bla r't.^.'1"�.C)':! 1:U CjP_rtj , T!.£' :;�1!� �',° �a��ts�.t� �iSe
4J'i�.LiYA? t:0 si7_L'��1CfY'�siG 'd'"<' tif-'i;:l`;i14; i.:0 c'C*.n i3i.�'s1:i.OZ� CC� ��t2y �� �t'T�}� �:F3:tt:� Lair k��G:tY 8
�of:iorc �o t_t+��3.E: .
iir� Brysn s�i�hdn:E�« ��;; *.ea�:iai2 �o cieny ar�d c�?��a.�ed �.2 to a c�otia� �o table , :� >
Meddox s�co��<=ec� �:i�e c�a�.ifln tra or�er te.� �ai.ve f:he a��lican�. the u�pcexi�emitcy �o
c�oxic ai�t th� re3i:r.���:Lo�s wi.�h tfra C;i'�:y �t�a�r.ey aad t�:�ize :�^ta:�u=_�g staf�, He
s�id it �hea:e i_s ��?�e sox* cf a core'�Ii�� r�.�y}e �h� Ci.�y �1��€:as�r�e}r s�o�.tld a¢��:e an
opinir�n. on �hw n�sndc�z�::ox-���.� 48" 6:OI2r.�I.Y3.£3t18I tiee„ Tlte c�.�ssers �F��n coc�ld wcraze up
r�aith scs�iei�ir:g t[tn'� �.� go��.g �.a �e 1��.ar eo 4i�1.� p�opeAt;y c�uic be p�� �a use
�fe�o�s� ct*.s:�gir�.� th� zc��?in� c�:dn�, T:se ac��i_an �o t�bl.� ttits ma�t�r :so� �t1 day�
W8$ C87�IX.E'� Otl � 3 �O .� 1!O�:e�.
Submitted h5�: Approved by:
�ha�les Zv MeGufrc� W�_l.iaa�a H� Rugp� ,�;_ ,
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BOARD OI' ZONIIv'G P�POP.T ANll AC1'ION April 4, 1974
� Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 Plat Map 16 .
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971.
1. APPLICANT'S NAME , Alvin and Ebba Jansen
2. CLASSIFICATION . x❑ Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other �������'
3. PURPOSE . Rezone to Commercial.
4. LOCATION . Northwest corner of St. Paul and Saunders Avenue.
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 21 and 22,. Block 2, Midu�ay Highland Park Addition.
6. PRESENT ZODTING: "C" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section• .�6 Paragraph: '
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: January 30, 1974 By; CLMcG �
A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated January 18, 1974, the Director, Department of
Finance and Management Services, declared the petition sufficient with the
owners of 8 out of 8, or 100%, of eligible property owners having signed the
B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for thi's site.
C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be a beauty shop & office
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 100 feet on St. Paul Avenue and
approximately 90 feet on Saunders Avenue, for an area of approximately 9,000
square feet.
E. PROPOSED ZONING CODE: The area is proposed to be zoned OS-1, Office-Service,
which would not allow the proposed use.
F. AREA ZONING: The area west of St. Paul Avenue, north of Montreal is "C"
Residential. South of Montreal it is predominantly "A" Residential with
some "C" Residential. The east side of St. Paul Avenue between Saunders and
Montreal is "B" Residential. The remainder of the area is "A" Residential.
G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site contains a building which had been used as a post
H. AREA CONDITIONS: East of the site is developed primarily with single family
dwellings. To the west, it is primarily developed with apartments. A shopping
center exists three blocks to the north. '
-� • -
9. BOARD ACTION: To Reco�end � Approval a Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays
Moved by ; Maddox June 4, 1974
Norton X
Seconded by: Willits
X Maddox Date of
X Willits Hearing:
Secretary's remarks: X Bryan June 5, 1974
� X Rupp ' � Council Action:
. Date:
, ������
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AREA ��,�P
APPL{CANT Alvin and Ebba Jansen . LEGENO
PURPOSE Rezone to Commercial
aarE February 7, 1974 i7
• �► n Ct3MMERCIAL
SC,��E: �", ann' �ns�ru ♦ T� � iNpUS�Rl4�
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� City Clerk,'�Room 386 C1ty Mal1 %C�
City of Saint Pau1 , Minnesota DATE• January 4, 1974.
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the LegPsiative Code and Minnesota Statate
�2.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several
descriptions of �eal estate situated within 100 feet of the tatal co�-
tiguars descriptions of reai estate held by the ewner of the reat asta.te
to be rezoned or by any part.y who has purchaserl or is purchas•Ing any such
contiguous property vrithin ane (1) year prec�ding the date of this petition,
such property including tbe property to be rezoned, hereby acqutesce; and
we, ths awners of 50�', or more of the frontage to be reciassified, petition
you� Horwrable Body to rezone the folla+ing described property:
HIGHLAND PARK, an addltion to
the City of Saint Paul (89T St. Paul
,,,% .
from C Residential 'iistrict to Comne�c}ial District, for the pu�pose of
instai l ing end operatir�g,:5the fol lowing: .,
,.�; �,�. , . .
, , . . < ,.
Record Owner S�i `i�at�uce4� ; Lot' � Bixk Addition
;'; �' ,; 5 ` -` E 1jr ''feet 2 Midway Highland
City of Saint Paul By; - f Lot 20 park
I IMidway Mighland
� Sa+unders Apartments, Inc. By;� % �' ,�,7,8 an � i Park
--� _;4.e�t.o
Midway Highland
,fHarriett �slty Co�any By:' ����''//////G � 10 and 11 1 Pa�k
� ��n • T��r��+�.� �� �
(/ Wi 1 l iam Vol kawicz-and Eva � �
�� � ��"�� Lots 1 2 3 4 5 ) 2 Midway Highland
Wolkawicz - 8/10 interest � Q .,�����-- 6. 7, 8, the�SE:'ly�) Park
x�'' 1/2 of Lot 10, a 11 of)
Mi ldred i rene MloTkawicz •
�/ ��,�� ��� � Lots 11 12 13 14 )
1/IQ interest � .:,15,16, 17� 18, 19; all)
of Lot 20 except the)
�Joseph ltenry Woikowicz �. SE'ly 20 ft. theraof,)
1�10 i nterest i� � a i l of I.ots 23 and )
' 24)
. � and
The t�r►�ly 1/2 of Lot) Midway Highland
10 and all of Lot) 2 ` Park
� ST E 0 M I NNE ,;�� F. t .,
� ss. .�,. �.:,, �� g��a t3�` "� � E�
,�, ,.�� .:,�_�
COWrTY 0F RAMSE �-�''°.'' ,. ` a ' -
�. . � __ .--------------'--'
�� being�first duly sworn, deposes and
states that he is t person who c rculat the within petifion consisting of 2
pages; that the parties described above are the oMmers respmctively of the lots
placed in�sdiately foilowing each naaa�; that each of the parties described abo�r�
is the, ovme�r of property which is wit'hin l00 feet fran any property owned by aff iant
� � �.�" l� �1� �1 t�+ WJ F ._
��' � �s p. �,�.i �Q,�� � : �
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Sairrt P�ut, Mlnneso�� : � .
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or sold by affiant within one (l) yaar preceding the datm of tfiis p�tition whicM
. is contiguous to the property above described; that none of; the parties da-
scribed above has purchas�d or is purchasing property f rom �ffiant contiguous
to the above described pr+pperty within one (1) yea� of the date of this
petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners 1rt the presence
of this afftant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Ad r�SS: 828 Minnesota ng
Telaphona No. 224-4818
Subscribed arrd sworn to before
me this � day of Jan. �� �
��I� �
Notary P ic
. 1l�D�Cl�R�` �1 RuR
N�he�► 1�1�illlfr �+e+t'q�, Minn.
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