263765 WHITE - CITY CLERK 263�765 PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council CqNARY �OEPARTMENT BLUP- �- MAVOR File NO. �+ � �` o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Edward J. Alexa.nder has been gra.nted a Motion Picture Thea.ter license at 621 University Aver�ue in the City of Saint Paul by Council File Number 263652 adopted on June 11, 1974, and approved on June 12, 1974; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Public r'ng was sent to Edward J. Alexander by mail on , 1974, and received by Registered Mail , 1974, pertaining to a hearing to be held on , 1974, before the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, a public heari �; held before the Saint Paul City Council on a��3�q�' 1974, regarding the revocation of the Motion P�,cture Theater license held by Edward J. Alexa.nder of 621 University Avenue in the City of Saint Paul; WHEREAS, evidence was presented to the Saint Paul City Council pertaining to the conviction of an employee of Edward J. Alexa.nder of 621 University Avenue relative to the exhibition of obscene motion pictures at the premises so licensed; and WF�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council upon hearing the evidence finds amd determines that a.n employee of Edward J. Alexander of 621 University Avenue was convicted in Ma.y of 1974 of exhibiting obscene movies in violation of the Saint Paul City Ordinance and further finds that said conviction and conduct is a viola.tiox� of the �U[�CILMEN Requested by Depactment of: Yeas ��s ensen Na s Hozza y Levine In Favor Roedler Syivester A gai ns t BY Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date F Approved Ci c Certified Pas uncil Secretary� � Approved ayor for m C il Approved by Mayor: Date By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CFNARV -9EPARTMENT e�u�j -u�ioR File N�. 2 3`7f� � f � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 372.04(g) and (i) ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, tha.t the ]icense issued pursuant to Council File Number 263652 to Edward J. Alexa.nder at 621 University Avenue for a Motion Picture Theater be and the same is hereby revoked. COUNCILMEN R uested De artment of: Yeas Christensen Nays � � p Hozza Levine In Favor Roedler Sylvester Against BY Tedesco President Hunt �UN 2 8 1914 Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certifie ed Council Secreta� BY By Approve by Mayor: ate � 97 Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED JU� 61974 � _ - �- � 2b�3`�65 ' - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ROBERT W. TRUDEAU DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI O�rector DIVISION OF LICENSE & PERMIT REGIS7RATION ��cense Inspectur 202 Public Safety Bldg. 101 East 10th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 224-1896 NOTICE OF RE�TOCATION HEARING Mr. Edward J. Alexander Flick Theater 621 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. A?exander: You are hereby placed on notice that on June 28, 1974 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter, in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers on the 3rd Floor oi the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Court House, a public hearing will 3e held before the Saint Paul City Council regarding the revocation of the movie theater license held by the Flick Theater at 621 University Avenue in the City of Saint Paul. • At such hearing, the Office of the City License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul will recommend revocation of the ;, movie theater license issued to the Flick Theater at 621 University Avenue. The Office of the City License Inspector recommends such revocation based upon the conviction of Ber�ard Richards on May 14, 1974 for wrongfully, unlawfully and intentiona.11y exhibiting an obscene motion pictLre fiZFn, to-wit: "The Lecher", contrary to� Saint Paul Legislative - Code Section 476.01. It is the allegation ot the Office of the City License Inspector that the conviction of Bernard Richards, an employee of the Flick Theater, constitutes grounds for revocation of a movie theater license pursuant to Cha.pter 372 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Section 372.04(g) grovides that it � shall be grounds for rescinding of a motion picture theater license upon � showing that the licensee, owner, manager, iessee, or any of the employees of the licensed premises has been convicted of a municipal ordinance violation pertaining to the sale, distribution or exhibition of obscene ma.terial _ . _ � „ ,. .. , v 2S3'765 s � Edward J. Alexander . Page Two � relative to the operation of a motion picture theater license. This office recommends revocation of the motion picture theater license issued to the Flick Theater at 621 University Avenue - for violation of Section 372.04(g) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. You are hereby advised that you have a right to be represented at said public hearing by a legal counsel of your choice or a representative and that you will be allowed to introduce evidence, to present witnesses, and to cross-examine witnesses presented hy the City of Saint Paul. This notice is given pursuant to Section 372.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Yours truly, Joseph F. Carchedi � - Saint Paul License Inspector � � . cc: Mr. Edward J. Alexander , 2511 Chestnut Avenue West Minneapolis, Minnesota � Ma.por Lawrence D. Cohen Members of the City Council ' ._. .. . . - - ; . . - . . . , j _______.__ . _ .___ , � SENDER:As:rn��/ol�e�rsslrrNlo�s . es o1Mer sfd� '�' PLEASE FURNISH SERVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BL� • (Additiona!abarON ssqrirtd fo►tku�Nroicw) + Show address ' a peiiver ONLY ; ❑ where delive�ed to�addressee ' i., � RECEIPT Recelred f6e a�aier�d arfiele deserlbcd belew:. �c�sh�o No, NAT R M Of ADDRESS [�ust,rwsys e.�n.e u� � • , � CERTIFIED N0. 1 2 NATURE OF AD RESSEE'S G T.IF "� 1NSURED , c ; �TE DEUVERED SMOW�WH DELIYEREp (p�ty 4/n���a�inciKde ZIP Cods) � /Q 3 O r------ ,. , ,,_._ ,._.._ ___ � __--_ _._._.__� _ --- -- - , SENDEIi:Bi sure�l►6llow insfrueiioas os ofGer sidc PLEASE FURNISH SERV�CE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (AdfiilCoxial ehaYpee required for theae aervicze) ❑ Show address Deliver ONLY where delivered ❑ to addressee Received the anm6eRrsd arfiele d�seri6ed below eecisre�o no. SIGNATUR OR AM OF ADDRESSEE(Must e►way:be rrned r�� CERTIFIED N0. 1 ' /�� L�C� �'J 2 SIGNATURE OF A SEE'S AGENT,IF A Y INSURED N0. DATE DELIVERED SHOW WHERE DELIVEREp �p�y;f r,q,«i�a,ul inc��de ZfP C�� t � 1 � 3 . . .�.�__ 26 s''1�5 . , y..�. , � � . �� .� :.,,; , `� -r: t. \� A �� �,' ,in riwao�;�;�1�,+ `:� ��3�-i-,�"a:�i'" j✓�� _9 ' ;:r�: ifi., •r.. CITY OF SAINT P�E1UL � OFI�'ICE OF TIiE CITY COUNCIL � CITY HALL A2�D COTJRT HOUSE SAINT PAIIL. bZINNESOTA �5102 PHONPS 912 �398-E289 PATRICK J. ROEDLER SHIRLEY M. GEER Councilman �une 28, 1974 Legislative Aide STATEMENT OF PROCEDURE The Saint Paul City Council convenes here this morning as the licensing authority of the City under Chapter 372 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as it pertains to motion picture theaters. The matter before us is a request made by the City's license inspector that the motion picture license of the Flick Theater, also known as the Flick Cinema, located at 621 University Avenue, be revoked. It is alieged that a violation of Chapter 372.04 (g) and (i ) has occurred. Specifically, it is claimed that an empioyee of the theater has been convicted of a violation of Chapter 372 pertaining to the sale, distribution, or exhibition of obscene material. It is alleged that Mr. Bernard Richards, an employee or claimed employee of the Flick Theater (which is aliegedly owned by Edward J. Alexander) �vas convicted on May 14, 1974, in Saint Paul Municipal Court of exhibiting an obscene film entitled, "The Letcher." It is my understanding that Mr. Pau7 McCloskey of the city attorney's office will act on behalf of the license inspector's office presenting evidence before the Council on this matter. I wan� to emphasi�e at the outset of this hearing that the Committee will only hear evidence regarding the following points: � 1. Whether proper notice of this meeting was given to Edward Alexander. 2. Whether Mr. Alexander has a license to operate a motion picture theater at 621 University Avenue. 3. Whether Bernard Richards was employed by the Flick Theater and was con- victed of exhibiting obscene material . The city attorney'S office has advised me as license co�rnnittee chairman, that the ordinance we are proceeding under is presumed to be constitutional . �.-"��-= � � � 263�65 . - z - The chair will confine these proceedings to relevant evidence, as I outlined above, which will either justify or not justify the requested license revocation as specified by this ordinance. The chair will rule out of order any discussions • - regarding the effect of pornography, moral or religious value, or constitutional rights. I request the cooperation of those present today. I am sure everyone here can appreciate that �such issues properly belong at hearings concerning proposed legis- lation or in a court of law, not at a revocation hearing. ---- �- � Th2`proceedi�ngs 'thi s morni ng are bei ng taped to preserve a publ i c record of'al l' � `-� `�' - testimony and any action taken regarding the matter before us. I would like to request that all persons who want to testify before this committee sign up, listing their name and address, so that we can assure a fair and orderly procedure. I would also like to outline the procedures we will follow. The city attorney's office, representing the office of the license inspectar, will present relevant evidence tending to show whether the licensing of the Flick Theater should be revoked pursuant to the ordinance. Af.ter that presentation, the chair will allow opponents of the revocation to present any relevant evidence tending to show whether the license should not be revoked. 4 . ' = ° -_ : : , ' � • �::��I��,� �-o��z_� � �� , 8 263'765 . ,. .: , STATE OI� M INNESOrI'A Couaty oi Rar.�eey �e. ClTY OF SA[MP tAUL I ..........-•-•......................ROSE MI%................._..... .... .-•----�--._....City Cierk ,.. o� tlie City oi Saint P'wat. Mlnnwota do hareby certU�► tbet : h�ve comyared thd ocesca.�d oopy of Couacll Fil�No...........2b.���.................. a�adopted by the City �ouacil--•--...._.........June.-11-•...............19_....74 snd epproved by the Mayor__.-••.......................J!�e..l�.............._..19.....74. with tbe original t��ae�sot oa 81e ia �y oQlce. y.c•.- - ..................•-•---�•-•---•-----�-•-••-•-•---._._......---•---•._._..........._............_..._.........---•.... ... . . ..................... ....................................... ••--••----........••-•--•- -•--...._. .. ................... .. .._.............. ...........................••-••••••--...._..............._...._..............---•....... . ........... . . .. ........•-•-•-••-••••.---•...................•--................._.._........._.....__............_._......... .......... ..... ..................•---••---•.............•---.............._............•--............................ _................ ... .........................._......._....._....................---........---.................... ..... ........_........ ...... ......._....__..--•-•••-....---•-•......................................................•---._..._...................--•-•- ... ......_...............•---..............---._................._.....-•-................---..........................-•-... . . ............................................................................................................................ . . ..........................•••--..._......_................._..._.............................................._......-•.... . I further oertify that �sid oopy i� st we and correcc copy oi a�iu o�laal aad t6e wbole t6ereoi. WITNRSS my haad and t6e�eal oi t6e City ot Saint P�ui. Minn., tW�.-----...�A-th..............d�7 ot•-•--•---•-••---... ..................,..... ._A. D. 19.. 74 . ....,... ..... .... - _ ty Cterk PIrIK � FINANCE (j I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Louncii �p���-� CAN�AY -OEPwwTMENT •�ue - M,►row File NO. � . �� Cou ' cil R�solution �65 �# � , ;� �63 Presented By ISCENSE COMMITTEE , �.��,(.-� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID: That Application M 1I�503 for Motion Picture (Under 750 Seats) license ma.de by Edward J. Alexander at 621 University Averrue, be and the same is hereby granted. A�L�I COUNCILMEN � yeas Christenseri�Iays / Re9n�sted b3► D�Partment of: Hozza (-•� I,evine �`'' In Favor Roedler Sylvester .. Against By T�� ����;��� JUN 1 1 1974 F«m Ap��►�a�► c;c3► na�y Certified- Couacil Secretary . BY Approv li�ayo pate N 2 1974 Appcored !iy Nayor foc Sab�ission to Cwmcil BY � �BtisHm JU1V 15 197d � p ;�'�3�3Q 1. • gT+A�'E OF h1INNESOTA - 263��yNICIPAL COURT �� COUNTY OF RAM3EY City oi S� Panl CRIMINAL REGISTER-Misdemeanore NATURF, OF OFFEN3E Dat� A�R 5 ��l`� �9 va . �� C�_�..� F�P� � . . � Hon �'�►!t{HtrU rUf�i(S� � Judge. t �� . The Defendant . w��arrested by <� ' ' a police officer of the City of St. Paul— nty, and brought before thia Court, and charged .u��--��—lab--o' `r—�--�;rt�— upon the oath of Q �� �D.y� with having on the y c3ay of ' ,.A.D., 19� , in said City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of �, wrongfullY� y . . _ unlawfully and wilfully commi�ted the crime of� ��c.��_ `�-��-- � ' .QP�.� ; . r . The Defendant , having been duly arraigned� entered a plea of Not Guilty-'nc� ' p�es; whereupon��— C_. � � � . C �iAY 1 3 19T4 ' �-4-�' � (?.�} �� �-�. �'-L..���. i,^���Y Z 4 1974 ALt1,ir �,. :..,,r►��ERI --� �U,c Q�-�- �" 91�-�-�-�F . �p � l � ffV1ENCED TO 5..���'e° �O� - .., , .- ...� . ':'�':,.< <;,SF�R:QC' • 4- c- j �";:D ��i�. r:...,_.. . . � , ' • , s . : . .. , ., "i1F.' J — /�(- 7J � ��y 7�. � � -- ��¢ ` �OZ-�-� - - — � � � I �'�/ � �-1 �`� �t�� �� Q �►�,., a��-. 91.��-��QQ�. � � ' .� �,v, --- > > � `ti 1 ! 1.� ' � ,� .97q �:L�. :� �►. ,�►n�citiERT — 1��—Y..�� — ���- -� �2y • R.E.BUSH1iVSKl.Clerk of the Municipai Court, Ciry d �; SL Paul, County of Ramscy, Stztz of �iinnesot� , does hereby certify ih�; t�:a ai:�c:�� instrumst�t is a trae and carrect cory e�ii;� e;i„i:;ai cn file andat . �ecord�in my of��ce. �/ ['.�t2�tfiis�_,, �t,l,�� „1�-�—•�r�—.i9?/ . R. E. SUS�-�li�f�K{, Cls�;;L� ;;:::��:c���I C�urt _ 8y f f ile Na.,,.�s�?3�� . . , . ��, � 263'765 State of Minnesota Municipal Court COUNTY OF RAMSEY X??�PC�'iP/CITX OF RATNT PAi1I. The State of Minnesota To the Chief of Police. or any Police Officer of thexTok�g�dCity of Saint Paul — - , or to the Sheriff or any Constable of said County: 4,026, WHEREAS, Arthur Mathison BEING DULY SWORN makes complaint 5i5 to the above-named Court and saqs� � " that on the 2 � day of Mareh A.D., 19�.., within the corpora.te limits of th��/City of Sain� Pa��l , in the Count of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, then and there being, did i�rrongiullp, unlawYully and intentionally eshibit an obseene motion picture Yilm, to–witt "The Lecher", , � : � r_; �a� � : .� St. Paul LegisTative Code Section 476. 01 (in violation of the charter and ordinances of said city) ��ga��[t����in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State of Minnesota. WHEREFORE,compla.inant prays that (a warrant issue for the apprehension o� said offender (and he) be (arrested and) dealt with accord- ing to law. NOW THEREFORE, in the Name of the State of Minnesota, Yon, the said Chief of Police,or any Police• Officer of said�bbi�la�fCity of saint Paul or the Sheriff or any Constable of said County, are hereby commanded forthwith to apprehend and ar- rest the said J�hn Doe and bring him before said Court, to be dealt with according to law. Dated at the �tidkzg�/City of Saint Paul , t � 2 da� A ril A.D., 19�' . , , ��`'�%� �� , �-ii/i_ R. E. BUSH�?;Si(t, Cletk of the Prlunic'�al Court, City of JUDGE OF'MUNICIP�, COURT Si. Paul, C�l< ;�;� ef Ra�,-�y. S'�`. of f,;i�nesota does h�reby c�r:�`;� i;:z` `;:� ,...__..�� i:��trument i;a troe a�w c��-...� c�;�;� c� i;:_ �-i�;.^.�i cn iife anG of recor� in r�:,� c"i�:. r.•.�tc� ;,., _� � , �; ��-�-� 19?� - R. E L;;:. :+. .,;i, ",.., .. ...�,,: `.��:: Gcurt Sy �s c�:c� .. -�r�W�Y �;�e No. � �3 3 G � �