263722 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK � FINANCE 263`722 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL CO110C1I BLUE == MAYOR File NO. • esolution Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Robert �elson and Tom Connolly be and hereby are granted a permit to install and operate a used car lot on property located on the northwest corner of Bates and East 3eventh, more particularly described as folldws: �> Southerly 100 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 5, Lyman Daytons Addition; � all in accordanE� with re�ised plans dated Received April 30, , 1974; sumject to the coadition, that said permittees, and their suec�s�ars and mssigns, �hall make due complianc� witl� all applicable provisions of m�anicipal ordinances, at�te statmtes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. . COUNCILII[EN Requested by Department of: Yeas ���Nays $�� � [n Favor � x4EHLER � Against BY �YLVES�R �St'7� p pgg�� � JUN � 2 1974 Form Approv by City Attomey Ado ted-b ouncil: D�te Certified P ouncil Seccet�,ry BY " Appro by Nayo Date 4 1974 Approved by Nayor for Submission t ouncil BY B3+ PUBUSHED JUN 91974 ' � BOi�►RD �OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT�P�UL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR June 4, 1974 Mrs. Rose Ann Mix City Clerk Roam 386 City Hall Dear Madam: This is written in response to the application of Robert Nelson and Tam Connolly for a permit to install and operate a used car lot on property located on the northwest corner of Bates and East Seventh. This property is further described as follows: Southerly 100 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 5, Lyman Daytons Addition. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on April 18, 1974. Staff reported that the site is presently occupied by a filling station, Staff recommended approval of the pemnit subject to conditions set forth by the Traffic Engineer. A motion to recaa�mend approval of the permit, subject to review if the exits are changed, carried unanimously. Revised plans received April 30, 1974, meet design standards. Sincerely, o��'''� �`-/����d�` „� DAV ID RON MADD� Secretary, Board of Zoning DRM:CLMcG:mb Zoning File 7620 ;��.. I`�'`' � �`°� ��� � � 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 .. � , • ' . � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ,. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT �b'3��� (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Application is hereby made to'� or reconstruct an existing (cross one out) install and operate a new � �� ��ir `"�� Indicate type such as Used Car Lot, Parking Lot, Fast Food Restaurant, Drive-In Facility, Excavation, Health Care Facility, Residential Facility (Fraternity, Sorority, Boarding Home, Nurses Residence) Capacity of parking area: �� Z� �� S �S�- ' - 7� �-' C'-o't�i�.t �� 1- �' `7 �` � r � *Location �, Legal Description : �,���"w� /pd �/' � '-`'.�" � � dZ 3 `2�-�-�-� (Lot, Block, Addition) � ��.��0 .s f or (Miscellaneous Description) Applicant's Name : �a'�� ''��/n Home or Office Address : �6 S � , 7 � � Phone Number . � � / �� 3 Z— Ci FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, �1�` o��'� � .� — � 7 �� (Signatu e) (Date) When signing for the applicant, complete the following: Address . Phone Noa : When completed, file three copies of this application foXm, six prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility and the appropriate fee with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Sa�tnt Paul, Minnesota. Fee rates are obtainable at the City Clerk's Office, telephone 298-4231. Gi� l� �� � � U � � *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. �' 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second Sts. ��Af� Q � 1974 cirr ��H���r�cvc; ,�� Z-3 7/73 aul,������ ZO�IIt�G FILE = __ ___.______-- ____� BOARD.OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION April 18, 1974 ' . Plat Map ���63'722 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 • passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7620 l. APPLICANT'S NAME . Robert Nelson and Tom Connolly 7447 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appesl � Permit � Other 923 3. PURPOSE . Install and operate used car lot 4. LOCATION : Northwest corner of Bates and East Seventh S. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Southerly 100 feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 5, Lyman Daytons Addition 6. PRESENT ZOIQING: Commercial 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapzer: 60 Sec"tion: .05 Paragraph: f 8. ST�LFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 12, 1974 By: CLMcG J A. HISTORY: A permit for a filling station was granted in 1940. An application for a permit for a used car lot was pending for over a year as part of the property was not zoned correctly. This file was closed in early 1974. B, AREA ZONING: East Seventh Street and Maria Avenue frontages are zoned Conunercial. The area south of E. Seventh and east of Maria is zoned "B" Residential. North of E. Seventh is mixed "B" Residential, "C" Residential � and Heavy Industrial, C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans received April 30, 1974, meet design standards. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 121.42 feet on E. Seventh and 100 feet on Bates for an area of 12,1�+2 sq. ft. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site contains a filling station, F. AREA CONDITIONS: E. Seventh Street is developed cotmnercially and residentially. St. John's Hospital exists on Sixth and Maria. First Lutheran Church is on Eighth and Maria. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recouanend a Approval Q Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays . Moved by . Norton X Norton June 4, 1974 X Cochrane Date of � Seconded by• Willits X Willits Hearin � X Bryan g� • Secreta"ry's remarks: . X Rupp June 5, 1974 • Council Action: � Date: ������ t�;3.TdLT'��� OF '�I-iF �'UAi�±.(; diE.A�I13G 3EFt�FiL Tiir �A� �I' �DN�IeT� fiN ���Lit",,SDA�'. A�IL i8;, R.�74� �T 3:Q0 �,l�i� }":2E5rr'�: M��S� �.iori:cn �tzd C:o����r.�z r,e3sx� .. tdill�_;:�. Br.�;an Er_d �?t�p� c�� . ,._..._......_ tlt� �'���c;; N�„ ;d�:ictt��sr.,� �itz� �.�i:��n�y; t�fr� Z���i2�.re .. ��:�d t��s� �2c�3eL.t�:.�� �E L[1f PI.�r�?.r�.;�; i3eprs?��.n�e�?� 5���:c:. Rn�ER"C t�T',�7�S«N �iI�� `rt�ir: Cf��I���f.:L�' (?f�+,?'Q j ; [�� �a�S�I�.c:aticsn �o�° � �e�+n�i: cA `in���t� a�d �p��:��e ry u:�ee� c���r i;,�_ .��. prQ�a��i g7 �a�s�.ed c,n ���� �.c�-�i,�r��¢ cari��x o� }3u�.��- ��sl Ea�� ��t�r�iY�. . A�r. �.eGi��.rt ��;*e �.i�� �t;��� x��pc,t� ct� tE�is �a���r� ��° :�a��.l s �e:r,rtit f°aa � filling :=�.ai::�c.-an r�a� ��s�xir� �.�.3 ���c�., An a�t�1i���.�.o€�. rerf � g����n�� :i�:• a u<3ed i:�:. :zoi� =��s ��t�din�, p'�� c�v�.L � ����r a� p�r� c�:� �1i:� arc������• ,•��� re�►� �c���d cQr�ee�::3-y:� T::�S sile war ay�.ob�� :�_� ���:ijr 4.g��'r.. H� �af.� swt.•�� �_� �"I�f2'``t' c�;.'Z'ES::i"a �.:ia�2 SCY'�'2� iPE3T1� �t#� j38i_`bC�i:� :fiLi:i�.���f OT J��, .�d�t13�:i- ".1".f'l'� :i:l'g:f: as pre��n��y o..�:�pied 'nf� a �i�.�.�r�� s�ca��c�, �� saia t��P.� Z't°��::�y.r: �>a�in���� �.t'iit3:4.C:"s'��$ H ??�?"L't1c72C�T[a:. i:���' Jd�.G".s:fle:L C�7�.�.�. �YC' }.?E�c^:5';:�!:j% 8i?.Ci �.i3e�^'� R .Y'C'�a3°i: e:0�'t�_tE?::E u�h�e�. ,�;c��s skxould he 3.t��rs?.ted:. �re �dd���s.a�? �.�e�3. �iop� ��:�u�.c3 �z� p:��c�ed 3�.OL�.Q� f:gS� C'<?:��: �3��f'. C� t�7f.' j]i.'{}�w7'4;7 'L':C �1 12�j's7 c3��.E.Tc::G7:i`; �ii�_�.C. F.++:lC:t:��>3k-t�, J�i3f:�';} �S"�fE�t�U�. �tl' . ::C:3'wXt.r.f:�.�' li<?3 �i":31�'.?� �':f'.:��' S>w? T:�:i��. k:Cfi:t��l� G7?.E''3 Gt`,;? �'fc'L;t3.1Yf_"�"tT,�t7 O'L ��.:.e �].'lt,�}:r3_s:; .}'.'_1�:C?2f?2'a`-. vt.e'!:t}: ��'£..`C�:'i1Rit?at�C�f�?(.� `��?t31.`�Vr3�. rJ'�: e:SA.?7�. F,�23ICc�.4: �t°,. �;O�t2O�.�iT :s3:ta� �:�i;.'�r �.3I1:? COfli::tfl@(�i %.C4 �ilt: 8Zi 4?Ll¢':iY'':r�U::^c L^�2?r�C! �:ti�.�, �Ye.:f.'4EiZE?, �Irs_ i�o:�<::�� ��T;vc�� �+�L�° i-�e!��:;�-:?c' En�:�oaa'� o� �:l;E pg;.�:�t. �v��sjr�c��_ ��_� r�:Fi��a �.•� �i� Tw'r'{,il'LS Y��J C':"t_c?�'!�C' �.`._:3 t��i.^i?.. 1,i;Li !'��o�;G °:U k.�L-� 1�.+...d:ti , 1�;, '�V'��.�x.�:2?� ':i£:i:�i}(��C� ::�?G iT.Ul.i!3;3 F3Lr� ?.L E`,:3ti"'Lf��'(.�i it32:3'f72x1'seJiF.ii?�• 'ti�3! �� ;?� :J". �• .3''.l��. �. a ., ' �iTS�i'�C)�`:?'E�, �i17 0 i,•�6'r"�i:2,�'':; i_ ['"•L.�rr.<:�.�c? lR?.',i_$7,?:� s'f iZ.i:::}74} :3%� . , � �/30 � ` City of Saint Paul, Minnesota �S�p6 i�` APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT " (Please print or type) v?"a�'7� �� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk [� Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse �V3�22 City of Saint Paul,, Minneaota 55102 Application is hereby made to ��� or reconstruct an existing (cross one out) install and operate a new ��� Qfi�ti a� Indicate type such as Used Car Lot, Parking Lot, Fast Food Restaurant, Drive-In Facility, Excavation, Health Care Facility, Residential Facility (Fraternity, Sorority, Boarding Home, Nurses Residence) Capacity of parking area: /� �-"�� *Location : ���� ' �y/f'�—s.T -��pll'y�����i 7'���`'�_�1`� Legal Description . (Lot, Block, Addition)� ��� �-�%�'G'� l 02 a' � ) ��— or ' .— � (Miscellaneous . � c�✓ ��� Description) � Applicant's Name : ,,,���� �— � � Kcatia-•or Office Address : ��3v � `���y�=� Phone Number : ��J� �--��3 'Y� Ffi'R/BY THE APPLICANT, ,��- - � � - � 7 � 7 Y (S gnature) (Date) When aigning for the applicant, complete the following: Address . Phone No. : When completed, file three copies of this application form,_aix prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility and the apprppriate fee with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Houae, Saint Pau1, Minnesota. Fee rates are obtainable at the City Clerk's Office, telephone 298-4231. *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. So�ith aide of Main St. between First and Second Sts. Z-3 7/73 APPLICATION ..��, `'�i(/!.� �a:! y � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 2s3'722 ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 24, 1974 File R1482, Page You are hereby notified that s public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Gourt House at 10:00 a.m. oa June 5, 1974 on the appZication of Robert Nelson and Tom Connolly for permit to inatall a used car lot on the property described as follaws: Northerly 100 feet of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 5 of Lyman Dayton's Addition. The property is located on the northwest corner of Batea Avenue and Bast Seventh Street. For further fnformation, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabaeha Street, or telephone 298-4151. To complq with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of thie public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend tihis public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROBERT W. TItUDEAt1 DIRECTOR