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WMIYE - CITV CLERK COI111C1I �s���� PINK �- FINANCE CANICRY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE -- MAYOR File NO. � - Y Cou e ti n Presented By LICENSE �0��3�rITTEE � '�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licen��es applied for bythe follo�+ring persons at the acldresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Fair�vay Foods, Inc. '-3�� Como lbods I�tI?P�'V B r:g���,:1.'.`:<;�5�;ene�+ra1 �, �► 5 Veh. " " „ �� r, Private Gas Pump" " " I�tartin Auto L�vei��y, �nc. 255 W. 7th �� '� 11334�� Su��gica�_ Service�Center� Inc. 508 Jacl-son �:ent.IIosp.&S.'�.vcui��3476" Pielron� Inc. 444 <'�t;�rater lst Veh. App.11640" „ s; 2nd Veh. " " " Ca,ramel Crisp, Inc. 5 �. 7tI� Confect. � '� 11754�' Pioneer �arage �, I:ppliances� Inc. 241 E. 5th �as Si:�. `'i' " 12148" r'�n�us Tiotel Corp. 1G5-71 \. Western �est. C-2 " 12289�� ,f +� Ci�arette " " " St. Paul tlut '�ruclti �:ast Proofing� Inc. 78S Univ. Gen.Ttep.Gar. " 12354" �;live V. Taylor 2?5 E. 4th rest. C-1 �� 12400" �t n C:n Sale Prialt r� +� ir n r� Off Sa'.e '.'.'alt " ii i' John J. I�.irchofi'ne�� 42a aibley Rest. C-1 " �-5�5'' ,� �+ Cigarette '' °' " 3suckbee Alears Realty Co. 255 ;. 6th ;�'k�. Lot 150 c " 12565�' „ +� �as �ta. 2P " 125G6" f; �� Cigarette f� " 't :';,mherst �r�iilder Foundation 855 �J« 7�;h �'mg. �; Lrd.S�e. " 12675" Joseph D. Pausche �J35 ��1. �sx Dale 2nd ��d D1r.Gen. " 1277Gt� u �+ t;rig.Cont. D '� �� r� „ �� �'irearms " " " it �� C1�1�@��:C it tt rt � Gim C:ee Itut, Inc. 767 S. Cleveland Rest. C-2 " 127$8" G & � Inc. 7�� University Tavern " 13166'� x`�ssociated Dry Coods Corp. 211Q �+E�ic� �'Z�ay. Grocery A-1 " 13].�l" ,r �� Confect. B �' T9 " �� �� Pest. C-1 �+ �r ir n �� ?:icycI.e ?;lr. " �' " i� �� Leaut3t Shop ,s �� ,r i� n �� n COUNCiL�[EN Yeas (��g�Nays Requested by Department of: �� In Favor LBY]!�S ��$�� Against BY SYLdES�R TEIJ�aCA ��� � Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secnetary BY sy Approved by liayor: Date Appcoved,by Mayor for Submissioa to Council BY �y � _ _ � ____ � �WihldYE -tITN LL£FbK ��� n(l��y��y *4RYMC -�Fd�d1A14{£ T�s �q —1h ' / ' 1 CANA�RY - DEPAt2TN£NT '���Y QF SAi��' 1 �L � r ^ �'�'�� � � � BLUE -MAVOR I'il�e �lJ. � - � Council s u on . �� Pteseated �y �, r � * � Refecred To Committ,ee: pa#e Out of Committee By Date Con�d. �rage 2 Theodore Guzman 248 E. 4th ��uc�a:;nner 1�:pp.13259Renewal Virginia ;chab�cI:�er 1338 �ayard Grocery �".-�. `� 13434�� �� it Cff yale 1�ialt " " �� ,� ii Clgarette " " " �Ite�� Co. Concord at Page Juniti Dlr. �° 13488" Ca,nteen Corp. 550 Cec��� �t. Rest. C-2 �' 135t�6'' Leonard DeBernardi 84(? tI�anpc�en �oods hIBP�I " 13530tP Calhoun Carpet �$�f F:�ervice, Inc. 3115 Iiennepine Ave. u. Carg�et �lr. " 13542" Vikin� Car �lasli� Inc. 11G9 Unitiersity Gas Sta. F3� " 13647�� P�ncL,ellan� Inc. 1505 A9arshall Ca�pet ��.x•. " 13691" I.U.C. of I��inn. 10�1 �=ierce I3utler �td. I`dstf.VP�r Oper. " 138G1�� Carl �,. I�:udeen 803 F`ront Ori�.Ccnt. :�� " 139?4�f ,� �+ �igarette " " " I��ontgomer 4Vard �. �a. 14�00 University Carpet Dlr. " =:-�"��="" DorotY�p Collins Interiros, �nc. 7C�10 I�'rance Ave. S. P�i�l�, �r '' 14123" Duane � i�elinont �piess 522 iV. Prior " " -r_�'`'-a" Kabobs� Inc. 1884 Cc;nr �est. C-2 " 14314�� r� 11 Cigarette " " " Aloren I:ou�.y w Anthony J. �oury, �Sr. 1...8� �. 7th Tavern " 12-�-32" Irvin� Serlin 1124 Payne Rest. C-u " I4�C5" Randall R. :te�i:e ���� `.'hite Bear T.V. P�1a�tcr '� ._�".-��89" Raymond Thomas 56? ut��yI.er ;,est. G2 " 14493�� , �� Tavern �t r, rr is �� �':'ff Sale A'.alt �� �� �� ir �� Ci�;arette " r' " N�rbert Garbe ` 243 Pd. �'t. �louglas nd. Gen.Re�.Gar. " 14515" Clayton Cluh, Inc. 6"i.5 University P.est. G1 �� 14551" �� �� Tavern " " " ti ►� Off S�?_e �:alt ri tt �+ {� �� Ci�;arette " " " i�apid Shop Corp. 1517 ;;h�_te �ear �rocery A-2 " ��'.:577" r� , t+ I�`rozen I�'oods " " " n �� �ff Sale I�Ialt " tq " ir rs �� ir ii COUNCtLMEN Yeas('�jg��NaYs 12equested by Department of: �� In Favor I�YIliE �� Against BY �YLVE�TBR T�D88170 ���` � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopteci by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A�roved by 11[ayor f� Submission to Council By 83' ___. -'.�.�� — - WHIfE - CITV GLERK ��A�yn�+.� C NA.RV -D@PA TMENT COUI1C11 �j������ BLUE -MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � - 1 Cou il R s ution Presented B� LICENSE COt�'��ITTE� Referred To Commi ttee: Date Qut of Committee By Date Contd. Page � ;�enry C. gandrich 718 5. Cleve'.�;nc� ronfect. B App.14584�eneti:al J. S�'. I�la:cer 6G0 i��. Nnell ing Gas Sta. 4P " �.�-5���" rr �� Gen.Pe�.Gar. " " " James D. Facente '.?G i�. 9tii �g. Iise. '� 1�62�"r" �lorthern Vend. aervices c/o St. Paui. �eminary Grace IIall 2260 Summit li�i" .-�'.��_6��" �r t° �_ :�dd�l �o n �r �r " c/o ut.P.aeminary Cretbn TIall 2260 Summit lh; " �-���`�'' I�arold �. �'.nderson 374 �. 7th ar°. " 146GS�� to .� 1 ��dd'1 �1 " " " Is'.aren Jean t�?andehr 145 TJ. Snel l in{; ��a��euse " 14669" Pause �nter�rises, Inc. 1415 i�hite Bear Gen�':ep.Gar. " 14671�� D.V..•1. �nc. c/o _nuben i^!. Carlson 1�6-5C� PI. Snellin� 1I�1 �' 14G75�� fe c/o ;"'art�way P:anor Nursin� Iiome 324 3i7hnson ;l�vy. " �� 14685�� ir +� 6 �dd'1 �: �� �� �� Eugene Schti�rartz 2019 �. Nfinnel�ha Grocery r�-ry " 1470?" n �� rrozen Foods " r' " �� �� Off Sa3e I,ra]t .� °; „ ro +� Cigarette r� ►r n Tom Pjic�,au�hlin 1980 �tillwater Crocery A-� " y-`':?�S" n �r P,utcher' 's '� �� +i � +' Off Sale I�ialt °i i4 '� �� 's Cigarette " " " tdilliam F. "i�'uncaers 916 �rcade Grocery A-� " =�-�°:7«9" n �� Frozen I'r:;:c�s ,s �r �� �� n O�f�S�1e I`;alt �� �' �' �f r� Cigarette �� " " Carpet ;�air� Inc. 1630 t^lhite Bear Ca��pet Dlr. " 14743" i��. b. ;mith Tire & ?;ubbe.° Co. 2325 I'.ndicott St. Cigarette '' �.�762�� L. riartin Y3each 511 S. Smith 1A1 " 14?63" �r �� 1 Add'1 I�i �' ,� ,` I��ichael �. Jeanette 2��aggi 850 Forest �test. C-1 " 127G�.'" �� " On �ale P:alt " " " n n Off Sale t��:.t '' " rt t9 Cigarette �' �' '� cau�cnl.n�� Y��� ��� Regaested b�t Depatte�ent of: H07il�1 In Faeror r�v� aa�DI�R ��� Bx sn�s� � �►a�s�rr at�r �� a�a� c� ���� ��� e��i: �t� ����r� � e� c��1 s�� �► � Ap�,eowe� by li�-a��rou: Y�te �PP���T�or toe Snb�issioa to Camcil �Y � WHITE � CITV CLERK �^��^� PINN — FINANCE CO1111C11 �.`o �o CANA�RY —DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL v � BLUE —MAVOR File NO. � - � Council, esol t. 'on , ; Presented By LICENS� COhHI+�I � � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Con�;cT. .�age 4 A�ilton l�. Ischer 1�01 �bce at. 12�: Ap�.1477�8ene�:�a7 I}onald D. Carlson 132� ��. ;ose Beauty �h��,, �� 14798�' American tluto `rritn, Inc. 680 N. Snelling 1A3 " i�??9.;�'� Joseph Classen ?74 Fayne T.V. l:aster " 14800" kiabel Lggert �560 Payne Ldy//D.�. �:''.U.Sta. 14802�� ILicha��cl i�'. Peterson 1369 E. hlaryland Ci�a�ette t�,pp.14804�' Iiaroid _.a.�lberg 131� �Ihite Bear " �� a�3�5" ,:ed Oivl Stores� Inc. 211? I1udNon itid. �rocery A-2 « 1�812" '� " �utclxer �� �� �� �t �� Florist/�i'dux•se�r �' �� �� r� ,s IIardware n �� �r �� �� Bakery i3 ,� � ,� '` " C+ff Sale I�ial.t " " " tr r� i� i� n Cigarette I4ars�len I�uilding f�yain-;;enance Co. Inc. 317 Yort. S:in�c:=�:.� Cing. �� 14825�� Conveyor ;:,pecialtie.� Co. 1003 Corning Ci�arette f4 '_'�28�� Diane Liberty 77� �. amith �eauty Shop �� 148�1�� ;'oudry Apotheca�,yShop� Inc. 393 Pw. .,unlap Orig.Cont.D " 1�835" rr i� n t� rv Ci�;arette i�i}�h�. Tau Omega Fraternity 1500 En�e�vood �,' 11 1483G�+ Janssen's Su�er �air� Inc. 1218 Thomas G��e�ce:ry :;-2 '� 14838�� " " 1 utcher " " " �� �� Off Sale I���t1t °' '' '� rt �� Ci�arette �+ �� �� Ruth P��cCardle 1603 Ferrn,rood Beauty Shop �s ���-�7�`�" Tommie I�a.rrien 993 Selby Eeauty �hop �� 14873�► ilTOrth��est 4'ub:'. ca�:ions� jnc. 60 E. 4th Private Ga.� ��ump�� 14900�� Isabel �eia�eiu °369 James �;eauty Nhop f° 1�:��:;3�' Anton N. I�ase'ta.� �.?()1 :�lhite I3ear k lti " in-9f}='.+' " n 1 Add'1 i: , r, ,, Ceorge J. g3aines 11�:�_ ';;. Cool=_ Tree Trim �'��. V �' 14919r� iv �� ... �.dd'1 Veh. n �t n Hello �o�,xy, Inc. 7-9 ��i. ?th Rest. C-2 �' l�?9�C''� n ►, ,� ,. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yea�j$�� Nays �� In Favor L�Il1� $�� Against BY BYI,�:3TBR TBD�3IX� p�'�'� � Focm Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Meyor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHIYE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE COUIICll CANA.RV —DEPARTMENT GITY F SAINT PAZTL ���� BLUE —MAVOR File NO.- . � c - ' Co n 'l Re o tion Presented By LICENSE COIiA9ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 5 I.ello ;�olly, Inc. 7-9 �V. 7th Gff. ;a�.e 2ialt �3pp.14920Renevra] �� '� Ci;arette " " " W. k�. �haw Lumber Co. 217 Cor�o .la�:�d����re " 14921�� John :Iagen 755 iW'. Snelling l�i " i4953" ��art �ransit Co. 730 T�I. l��rior 11�� '� 14955f0 ut. Paul Colle�e Ciub, ��.t"+:.U.�1. J9C� �umrnit Catering � " �.4957�' Cyril J. ��ioode��ard �25 ��ar. ?�i;h �'arber '� 14958�' �tephen Capiz 1689 �tice Beauty Sho� " '<^�6�:''' Stanley IIa��.ala ?77 Payne �en.;:ep.Gar. " 1�971�� Cathae :;. 1�dendell 953 Benhnll ,r.:d. Aitr.Veh.;;r. '' 14981" Davic� Y;. d�olst 1195 Colette " �� 14988�' �'�elen Anderson ?49 N. P�Iilton hlasseuse '� 14991" hars. �lanc�� LaPointe �' " " 14992�' IIarvey FI. Gaie�e � Gilbert Schwindel 1852 Grand ��crUer 1' 1�000�� Gris�vold Coffee Co. 300 Industrial Blvd. Ci;.�J;•: CDper. 2�; �' 180Q1" � ,r ? Add'1 A� n r� t; Geraldine IIasten G13 Grand I�iasseuse t° '�.5�'Cr3" Sweeney Cleaners, Inc. '.�1U �. 5th I,dy/DC P.U. uta.'s 1�004" Jane Gc�en.:a�.d 1984 �tillwater �eauty Shop rr ���,��5r� Jerry E. Trusten '.�-;.6 Grand �� �� 15008�� Lodge ;}AO L.O.O.lI. 1795 E. ?th �est. C-�} " 15009�� Delores T�.loa 7�.{3 P�. Snelling �iasseuse " a.51�rx.6�� Fmma IVorton Residence 67(� �I. ;,�obert lT�: '� 15020�� �� " 1 ��dd'1 P�i �� rr �f ilancy ,'.nderson 740 N. Snelling I�iasseuse " 1.5C�21" Capitol Optical, Inc. i� �. 7th Optician �� 15022�� ;imon Aaaestas 160 Duke t�tr.Veh.�r. " 15p24�� Donald �. i'orin� Jr. 680 Cherokee �� �� 1503111 ianiel Seivert 702 Cherokee �+ �� 15032" y itter Beauty Enterprises� Inc. 441 at. ;:-eter l�t9 �� 15033�' �:obert ��emp 1340 Thomas Con�ect. � � 15035" ri tt �; r u Ci��trette Capitol Op�ical, Inc. ��5� University Optician �� 15036" r- *.� �t ti COUNCILNEN Reqnested by Department of: Yeas��`��Nays �iI1� j,gy� [n Favor I�O�'D�ER g�Yyvgg� Against By T��C4 �$� � Focm Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Coancil: Date Certified Passed by Covncil Secretary BY sy Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Nayor for Submission to Council BY BY WNIYE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE (� (` ^���yyy CANAJZY — DEPARTMENT (JITy OF SAIN PAUL COUIICll �)� I�■ \� QLUE — MAVOR r�/ a,j LY File N 0. � ' il e lution � Presented By LIC�..NSE C()2+�1ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page G Susan EI�ine �oeltl 145 �d. Snell ing I�i4..��euse r;pp.15038Renec,►al Ca.therine P��a.r�tin 1C " " 15039" Ritter �eau�y i:,nterprises� I�c.754 S. Cleveland Peau�;y Shop " 15040�� i�iiller rrug, Inc. 2309 Como Cigarette " :�.SC�<7:��� Oakland Cemetery �'.s:�n. ?5 ^. Sycamore Private �a� x'ump�� 15042" Hi Lo ,•:,ervice Stations� Inc. 399 S. ':;abash�, Gas Sta. 4P " 15C)4�'y Vitcing Electric Su�ply, Inc. 5�� �roadway Ci�arette " 15046�� �ernard J. Harringtnn 747 1V. Fiilton Ci�arette " 15054" �llen L. i�alliday 145 N. unelling h�asseuse " 1.5065" J. C. �itchoi; 121� :�andolph 13arber " 15066�� Jerry ;�;. Y3urley 395 Grand I�ttr.TJeh.:�r. " 1506811 Joy L. ?�iddle 1415 Thomas " �� 15071"� EergeY�s <°.uto City� Inc. 120l� Sd. 7th Ciga��ette " 15072'� Clinton J. „'.nderson 8?4 E. A;aryland Cigarette " :5(�7�'>'� Gate�vay G�ass Co. 889 Fierce x utler dtd. Cigarette �� 15074" <.nderson l��iachine Co. 2631 University " '� �5t�75" Borchert Ingersol3� C:�. 2�f�l University " " 16Q�?6�� Con�;inei�t�l Oil Co. 2121 Uniwes�sity " " 15077" I�'red Hage�•:�ti om c/o Continental Oil Co. 2121 Univ. lr� �� 150?8" ;ocony P�lobil Oil Co. 606 Vandalia Ci�arette '� 15079�� Speea t'-Lac Products Co. 97C, ;�aymond " t1 15080�0 N. 3y'. i�ell relephone Co. 426 N. I�'airvie�� Cigarette t� 15081�� Internta'1 �'a.ssn. i�:achinists Union Lodge ;;'-77 1399 �ustis�� �� 15082'� `?obert L. Hogoboor► 44�-42 Selby �i: " 15083�� u ri 3. �`..dd'1 i�� �� �i i� Wm. Danie� FIa�+rn Jr. 1615 N. St. �.'bans �•.tr.Veh.Dr. �t 15096�} i�1.�5.:'. Co. 825 Rice Cigarette " ;.5=^;C.'6P1 Donald Lee I°:noeg�l.e �2�4 Calumet A�tr.Veh.Dr. °i 1510��� Tamara Jo �lenn 75� �;. i�linnehaha �' " 15116�� Doro�hy �caanmahorn 613 Grand Alasseuse �� 15119" �,;icky D. Burr �97 E. i�2�zry?ancz ,:tr.Veh.Dr. " 15127�' �3anzes �Ja�ner 764 Tatum �� �� 15128�� i'aul S. I��ordorsl�i 1320 t^l. iiinneh�h�, " 15131�� ��,-�c af ";, n it tr COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas����Piays �� In Favor I�V1pB R����R Against By '�D��CO PRB3I�' HF�9.' Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Qate Approved by INayor for Submission to Councii By By NMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C011ilCII !� CAN0.RY - DEPARTMENT GITY O� S INT PALTL /� C-D n �LUE - MAYOR File ��J. �v' 1�■ w� � � Counci soluti . ,� Presented By LICPI��E COI��IITTF.� ,,- �,, Referred To Committee: D+ate Out of Committee By - Date Contd. Page 7 Hall �'�nciel sc�n � Nordehn� Inc. 354 St. �eter Cigarette App.15138Itenevral ?;:.abe�t C'I:eefe� Jr. 1918 i'c��:��=.«nd i�Itr.Veh.�:�r. " i5i57" Janice 'Ruth Trushet�,�i.i :'�:84 :y. 7th t�iasseuse " 15165'� i�:innesota Luniber �� 19rekcing Cor�. 9�5 N. Albert Cigarette 'i I5�_73�� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen .� Hozza ,� [n Favor �,ev i ne ,7 :?oedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco hime. �aresident Iiunt �UN 1 9 1974 Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified se Council ecretary BY � Yf Approved Mayor• Date 9 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � ����ue�is�� �UN 2� �9.7�