263697 WH17E — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE �ANARY = DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL C011I1C11 26�69'� 9LUE — MAVOR , Fi1e N . � Council e lutio Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVI:D: That the application for T�:otor Vel�ocie Drivers at the addressec• �tated be and the same are hereby granted. �tichard Timm 3743 N. R1c&�night �d. App.14383�'enei:*al' `�i�l_iam F. Tyler 1267 CooIi Ap��v. �' '� 14384" �ilamn A. Burnstein 1.<.�0 landolph " 14385" Thomas �d. l�lylie 1389 �llbany " ����>��" ��illiam K. Zelle 1311 �I��tford " 14396�� Robert 0. Lange 317 Burlington '� 14398�� '�Jalte,:� ��. ��acDonald 1230 Ylewitt " =��'°:;`-,5„ Edward J. P�3aloney 8�?3',':. i�ayne '� 144-06" Leonard :4. �ammons 443 ,Ashland �t 14407�' 33arry E. 1�eaver 96 W. �".rlingt��n '' 14408�� IIarold F. ;.rilc�x �'�_5 Selby '� 14409" Robel°t helfrich 627 Ashland �f 14410�� tllfrec� ='. ataflci 5567 Hugo Rd. tisi�L " 14411" Rudolph II. Sax �21..1 g�omewood " 14412�� Catherine ;i. IIay�en 772 Tatum �' i4414" I�atricia A. Jones 400 fiiolly " i�.:�;`:_�.5" Richard L. �oaric�uez �50 Iyafifil " 14419�� Louisa 2ec�r�ian 450 ]Ganfil �� 14420�� JameN gi. �;�ilson 6526 90th St. S. Cotta�e Grove �� 14421�� Lester ��. I9ussehl 49 {�. Q�4abe1 " 14422�� William Vand�, 621 llth ��ve. No. �i.�t.P. �� 1�h2�-�� I�:ichael J. ��lorrissn 132 E. Deniont � 14426�� !�'illigam Brennan 1213 Iiague " 14431�� Franl: G. Pietracatella 743 Burr " 14438�� Lesley �olton 231 C1iff " 14439�t Petey� Olivier 845 d°T. County "�d. F " 12�40�� Robei•t �ieg 940 Frost " 14441�� Gordan Hurchard � 758 Lafond " 14442'� .`ayrnond J. Patoile 1654 N. Hamline '' 14444�� Dennis A. Ii.on:ce�. �.C)8G }�ork " 14445�� Latti�rence ��,nd��1e 2094 P�9arshall " 14446�� �;obez t Cadham 453 Ashland �' 14447�� I� C'_L',c..:.?. 11 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hr�nt Roedler v In Favor Itozza Christensen Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney A��y Council: Date Certified Passed hy Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council By By WN17E - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FiNANCE CO11C1C11 CANARV= DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. " Counci Resol ion ! Presented By :-ZC�iJSE COA�:ITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 2 David Ge-rr �.5!.? Sargent App.141152Renewal S�lvatore Tallarico 940 Edgerton '� 14453�' �ohn �3ohn 1176 Seminaxy �� 14454" .,arold t�'. Anderson 232 Charles '� 7_�;"�:55�� Thomas A. Sandberg 277 ��olly " 1445?" Earl G. i':nderson 265 Dayton �� 14460'� nobeit LeRoy Jones 169 Sherburne " e.�'^72'P Pobert Gordon 1307 ;dc�und � 14475" Alfred J. Fint:, Jr. 1140 E. Shore Ave. i' ?���:76" Stonie M. Hall �tite. 1 �_.indstrom " 14479�t Jules F. Jesmer 550 N. Snelling #5Q� " ?.�?4gC�" �°lildred G Charpentier 3.C?96 �. Cook �� 14485q1 Donald h�elby 1142 Cumberland " 7.��`E7�� Iie�•bert W. Spalding 2�'_2 �;. Atorton �� 14�941° �ahilmman Jones 997 St. Anthony " l�?-�'.n5'' Gary R. Lane 908 Case �'� 14496" Franic Lanzo 2068 �_i.ea1 " 14497�+ James Diebel 666 3rd ��ve. �>endota YFts. " 14498�� �rvin J. ;l. i�•Ianteufel � 476 Laurel " �?��:�9" FIenry � I�. P�.artin 301 Ravoux �� 14500rF �uane F. Lloyd 81 E. Curtice "' 14501�� Agustin Preciado 454 �3anfi� �' 14504�� James �ay�i ang 1521 Grand �' 14508�� Ga�e �;mack 689 �EX Laurel " ��?5_`��� Anthony H. 1�Iathis 813 University " 14518'� Harold rdacle�.�u 1968 E. Niontana " 14519�� I:enneth �iooc�y 2Q8 N. Western �� 14520" John �J. Jesmer Jr. 4138 Lexingt��n��horewview +� 14521�� llelmar �. Strehlo��r 830 L�i. �,rlingtc,n '� 14522�� Axel �. h•�ic�ell 566 Sherburne '� 14523�� Gordon Scott 1021 IIudson I2d. �� X�' X1452� Lawrence A. ?ogei°s i..i�,� ;7estern Ave. N. �' 1��26Renewal Edith A. Fi ench ���? `l. Larpenteur �� 14�28�� ?' bei�t nd e�o �� �+ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas C$&j31'�f�Nays �0� In Favor I�V:Q�E s���T�x Against By HOELiLEx TSDSS00 p�g3II�NT. H�IT Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted�y Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WM1�'� � CiTV C�6RK ���C�� PINK � RINANGE COIIIICll V♦ �ANAf�v•-l�@PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ` Counc 'l esolut ' n �t���11t�d �y i.,I"�'nti�� C�TWgiITTEE l�ef�cr�d To Committee: Date l�ut of Committee By Date Contd. Page 3 Charles i�;:. <etersen 128� Niles �pp.14540Renecval ;c�T��•ara T. F:arpen 418 Superior " i�454119 :�arwin �reeninger 1G19 Pd. St. Albans °� 14542�� Knox E. Stahe�. ?2�!:1 I.'aerrill '� 14523�� Carl �'. Nteiner 185 Star Circle Vadnais F�t�. �' 14544�� Gerald A. F�arte�s :,.9.i_S �oblyn " 14557" ?ichard Id. Yiaugen 1345 I�'a�rrin�;ton " 1�560" ;;;illia� T2. F�eterson 500 �dinsloea " '�'57+:," Linus L. �ienemann 6�+4 ',�. Iiyacinth " 14571�} �Tohn C. �wits 232 I�Iarshall " 14572" Joseph F. Leonard $�e <' �`:itkin A�linn. " 14573�� �ruce �. Carroll Jr. 49 E. I�anitc�ba " 14579�� Floyd H. iIarclt �:��3 Goodrich �� 14587�� Ralph �cha:��'er �81 Edmund �� 14598�� Ju)_ius �. Lee 6048 51 St. Oal�dale " '•-?:6�5n I-toward y. 3'o�ter 2192 '?�th St. Rosemount �� 14627�� Jerome J. Currier 831 13urr " ';.<?:��,��" Thomas l��ichaud 7�5 Stewart " 14633" Charles;ti�hr 180 cl. Larpentuer #31A " '�'6�5'� Jesse L. IDic%;crs;}n :;_5�6 Hace �� 14646�' Lonald �. Berge 1530 Fulham rr _t,",6:�:,.�r Blair T. Stalael 2220 I�:e��rill �� 14654�� Janes ;+:oir 5'. ;�. Albert �� 1465fi'� 1ri11i���� Q. Gerst 88 Arundel " ��'t59'� Ricliard Hoffman I455 r.�'. r:innehaha �' 14702►� Lee Cal�ring�;on 904 Dayton �� 14704�� �ierome Dinunerman 1�98 Dayton �t I47a5" �.xnie L. I:oti�a 2030 Oal:viedr I,ane P�qpls. �� 14711<< '_�aymond E. n'ordquist 2185 Iladdington t c�. � 14712�r James J. I�e���°y 8•�'5 �tryker �' 1�713�� Rober� ;�'alsh 1320 J'uliet �� 14714�t Ltiynn �,ahraditia 1264 Dayton �� 14715�� fIei bea t �. Chandler 1316 Van I3uren " �.�:7?6" i� n ��,.'1Q�1 � �����ff: '�� CHRI3TIII:t� � HOZZA I.gVIl� 6n �'� R�DL�1.t � 3YLV1�13T�R 4�t � � T�DE8�0 � PRSBIDBI�T 1�iT I �i�l th�y��nut�ti�1-: � �cmmm�'���B'� I (��FR�fb,y Q�utrriall�eiyy �3' ; �Y ��i}xrasv�e�ti�y.Wbanyerr: ��e ��'�3'��r`�iimm���m.�mc�ll �Y � � WHITE - CITY CLERK 2s�fi9'� PINK - PINANC� CANARV�- DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICll �LUE -MAVOR File NO. � Council Res lution Fresented By LICENSE COt�1tr9ITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contci. �'age �'. ahomas Iiulyas 835 Sinis A�p.1�1�19�?enev�•a�_ �obert Ehrich 133G Eleanor " '_�'7`:G" Christian Ftaze g�}5 .;;�h�_and " 14?27t� Clarence �:. �'�gcCuire 338 �Vebster �4 i._����H�t Bradley Nelson 13�a :l. i-�innehaha " 14729�� I��aurice �. r�`urner 2050 Delaware �� 14732�� L�.zar� �una 65 �1. � Geo���ge �� 14744�� Gerlad Romero Gran� i�otel �� 14746�� Robert J. :.�rantner 134 itar �X Circ-.e �� 14?47�t Robert J. i lair, Jr. 1561 St. Clair " �'%?_?=�8�� James Crew 949 ,�«gue �� 1�k749" Adrian J. k:e�tenhofen ?36 �lilson �t 14750'� Cr�ig Jones 145 Sherburne �► 14?51�� Joan ��. Pichards 4131 Geneva #120 TvTc�.�wt.I'. " 14752�� �'atricl, Chilefone 416 I3ay t� 14?53�� 2obert ;�. Bwanson 152 I�:ayfaar �c�. " 14755" Alson F. Dehn 1�_59. �d. Fiamline �� 1475G�� Y�X ;tephen F�ance 1985 l�iarshall Apt. 7 �� i=�_757" �11vin T. �,aY=�eur 1294 Thomas �� 14768�� +I�yne I.arson 677 Blair �� 147G9�� So�hie �"immerman 1(X�I�ilburn rr 1477p�r Orvi��;_e �_,i�b�;ott 341 ;1. Arlington �� 1�!-772" John A. t4eyers 343 ".1�.�.nut 't 14773'� �:rthur• :,. Arnsdor� 1295 Seminary +� 14775" ?.onald ;2. h�undt 316 2nd St. I�vo.ut.�. '� 14776�� tferle �-1. �stby 7197 $dgei.rood 73r. �� 14777'� ��ran,�: p:'. � llist:�e�� 5r3.°. Case �� 14778�� Gary L. &vurschner 253 tl. ?th �i 14779�� ;ich��d :iolland 277 Sherburne �+ 14?81�� James ':Tildenauer 52 �ont �+ 14784�� Julius i��. Grupp 985 Ar�le �� 14785'" Dennis J. I:ern 442 Ii'��nt '" 14786�� I.kuane G. Johnson 464 Dayton �� 14787�� �ds.•arc� �ehrends 555 Ashland �� 14788�� COUItIC�L.Ii�!El� Elegue�by Dcpartmeirt of: Yeas CffitIS'�lf��S �� f� Fauor I�EVINB R�DIBR �.gai�s.t �Y 8YLV8S9�R �S(� �s� �' Fcnm Approvect by City Attorney ?�dopte by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secret�ary � By A�pproved by Mayor: Date Approved by l�[ayor far Su�mission to Council BY �Y WHIx'E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council (� �+{ CANARY= DEPARTMENT -1 / BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �S„/�� • � Council solution Presented By LIC�"ti'SL C�:,'T1:�:T`i'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cantd. Page 5 Robert II. Iri.e 483 rl. Lawson Df�.�.���.��I?9�;en. James C. Pieper 14� '�ix°ginia x1pp.1�793Penewal Alden G. ".�."u�nid�e 580 N. � Gi�anada "' 14?96�� Lester I+1. �3roti�m 5'J.t. �ur�ess " 14797�� Donald Ix. C�aft 135 N. t�Vestern " ��'-��-7" Thomas 4tiood 24? I�ichmond r` ,�9-�ti��" Jacqulyn B� ��rt:ley 1696 Ashland " 14809�� �',cii�ard :_.. ,9eger 1276 dt��ndolpli " '-�`s��" Harry Cunningham 14? Vir�inia " =-�`-��"5" �lilliam �Iingsberger 161? t^�:�hl�:na '0 14819" Joseph �e:'.isi 2588 N. Fiamline " 14820" ��=aniel Shepard 1308 ?th St. 5.�. Ilpls. " 14821t' Gerald A. ?�'ant,o�� �'-8i �t. Peter '� 14839'' �,ranlc i.'. �ldeen 359 Fuller " �.�':3�iL1P1 l�m. D. Schwarting 235 E. 7th '" 1484111 Earl L. Y'ittman 896 E. Cool,: " '�`g!'-�" Daniel ;�rench 6? fi�. Jessamine t0 148�3�� James .o. ��acositiey 1470 Charles " 1484�" I3eZr�ar G. Stark 383 Colborne �' 1��845" Thomas C. Gilson 16G8 Dayton " ?%'��'6" iIos�rard 0. ile��e 677 Llair " 14847�� Robert �. �.ust 283 ��1. tv�aryland �� 14848" T•• 11 '.%1.��.C�.11 �:ilford L. Arbucl�le 1668 Dayton ! =�_ Paul d�. $laymal;,er 439 1�. Fairvie�v �� 14850�� Joseph S. �amslo�tiT 1G01 ;�iatson i1 14851'� �heresa F�. i:ecl:el 3949 36th �Ave. S. hlpls. " 1�552�' Robert Lehmann 635 CharlQS " 14855" ti�Jyllys �arnholdt 35?6 71st r. Inv.Gr.11ts. t1 �.�':�5G'1 F1mer �nnen 713 Thomas f° T-�'�Gt?'' Thomas G. ',ia�vi�ins <iBa :`.shland 3rd �'1. " 1486219 �Toanne Burchard G15 N. Grotto " ?.�':8G�'" Dennis J. �urnett 51� x�arrington " 1486��+ La�1rence �. I,attin 1�58 Yteaney " 14865" �l 1.te � :'G unzn n 620 Eush �� 14866" COUIVCILMEI�I ReQueste� by Department of: Yeas �I3'PSl�SBANays �O�ZA �g� In Favor RQI�DLER gyj,�rS�g Against BY �3Q0 P�S�T �fT Form Approved by City Attorney Fkdopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �v WHI�'E � CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CAIyA.RVb- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL CO1111C11 � ALUE - MAYOR File NO. ������ " Coun 'l Resolu ion ` Presented By --iC�I��SE COt-�4I � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 6 Richard I•:. ::'etersen 1755 Taylor �ipp.148G7Rene��al �rca�..�ar•d Lhtnke 1135 Iiubbard " 148G8" James N. Johannes 17G1 �eech " 1�!875�' E3��ory C. i:raft 11G York " 14878" i'iichae:'_ �. i,urphy 2425 12th �ve. S. i�:p�N. '' 14879" David L. l�;iiton 1247 �t. ��nthony �� 14880" ,rillaxd E. Schultz 1038 Burns " ���:�'�C'°5"' Gregory D. Rued 1528 Fua�ness " Z4906�� James +°�'. -_�utz 124? St. Anthony " 14907rB i�dancy Ann Ditty 655 ��1. Lar�en�eur " 14908�� Donald G. F:obertson 1093 Edgerton " 14909" SJi:�la.ar.; ';:. Rivers 1555 Lincoln �� 14910�� Joseph S. l�uger 926 Armstron� " '''s'�'-1-'' F•ussell Cunningham 571 t�ldine Y9 14912�� IIarry A. lle?�ez� 2�:!� �l. Rose " 14913�� P�.elvin ;`;. ��admer 183 Demar " 1491�" ';Im. L. AicDanield 7633 Unity ^10. Brooklyn P�. " 1�9i5" Lee t�b. �w'eiss 1598 Char:��e�; " 14916" Fran�. 'l. i�:ueller 10101 Clinton Ave. S. E�.00r�ing����n �_��17�� James Isaacson 1751 ;,�ieasant l4pp.14918�� James uahill 135 P1. titfestern Apt.315 " �..���2��-" Carlos De�aa c�a 65?. ?;odd �d. �' 14925: �)hilip :.. Zis�{ovsky 571 Van Buren " .��^�2G" Gary 1�;1. Foss 1478 Yoi�l: P7 14927�� Robert Lee Cttc� 85� � Ashland " 14928�� �3anie�' J. Lunzman 1513 C. Klainert 1° i-'��9" Virgil J. Fall�:enstein 3566 Jls1; Court �;ew �ri�hton �' 14�J3Go" Jack I�g P��cGee 91? �aytr.m 14 14931�� David «. �lixscn '.��:�5 y. 4th at. So.St.�. " 1�932ea Percy �. Smith 1193 Portland �� 14933�� I�anie._ C. 0'Donnell 235 1�nn r' 1�"9�j�^','F A9ichael 0'Donnell 1315 �',:��t�.and '� 14935'� �ic�iard`"�o�inson 530 �ariOOnne if I�9��'� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ����Iays �ip� � In Favor I�V�E xp�yg� Against By SYLV�.S7'�R T�D�8C0 Adopte� Form Approved by City Attorney ��:� Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By �pproved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By _ — . • - WMI�E — CITV CLERK PINK �- FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � ��'3�'�� FAaIA,RI�— DEPARTMENT �BLUE — MAVOR File NO. ' Counc ' Resoluti n Presented By r ���"T�� COt�fitITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 7 Richard L. idelson 208 L. Dale ;o.St.P. App.14935"?enewal Terry I:archio 1111 h. I�amline " 14g40t1 ;?ick L. �uttz 503 Lafond " 1:"c��=�-r° John j�,T. �,4ne F���1 P,. Snelling �r 14942�' ;alph P. Iieatin�; Sr. 912 Paa>: �' 1494311 Anton I'icker 1066 Iiz�e�_cvood iP 14944" Ostoald �eaudc,in �64 �ayton " 14945�� Jar�es ::. �Cukas I35 N. �tiestern " :-��`3�'6" Theodore S. Fisher, Ji~. r'.G�S uherburne " 14947�� Vernon :�. I.o�varsch 927 h�larion �� 14948�' �,:'ilfrid Hilger, Sr. G51 Elfelt " '.�i��.�" Bruce i:intz Z366 Juliet " '.�'-95G�" David �urr ?9? Tiaryland " w-�'_�SIfP Tom �9icl�lace 607 York " 14952�� �ert C. Iiughes 45 S. Lexington " '.�9�6�°t Bernard Black 1056 Laurel '' = '�J-6�-�� Robert �V. Ilartne��, 2113 Ca,rroll '� 14973 �teve .',. PSeckel 586�Sherburne '� 1�&974''' �'atrici� 0'Neil 2114 geffersc�n " 14975" , �lilliarz J. ;_'antelis 138 E. Rose �� 1�976P9 Joyce E. S�h�vartz 305 W. Cottage { 14977�� Edward Steiner 191 F��iaxi_le " 14978" James �itzgex�ald A�Sinnesota Hotel �� 14979'� I'rank J. Chane 1186 IIague '� 14980�� Mar�� muin��n 1814 E. Hyacinth �� 1g982" viane Roach 788 C�larles " 1g9��" Jar�es �°�eat, Jr. 2896 James �'�ve. S. hepls. �� 14984�f I�yichael `;right I�te. 1 Waverly �� 149S5" ��`rancis L. Piette 711 PuedFwr�'l '' 14986�' Steven B�ythen 356 N. Cleveland '� 14987" u:aymond Nordin 2310 Fillmore St. Pd.i.. T��:mis. �� 149$9" Kenneth Timm 12?6 t�ilson " 14994�� I�omer� i;riley 1053 Sherburne " 14995�' immie 1'oun 917 Da ton " 14996�� �, S C�j�s��a Requested by Department of: � $o� � � LSVIl�E In Favor � ROEDI�R ' � SYLVE3TBR �_ Against BY � • x. x:e �si en o ,� � �'�� Fo�m Approved by City Attorney A cil: Date �ertiSied Council Seccetarp BY � - . ���K �x�. �t� � Ap�oved by ltayor for Snbmission to Council � BY PUBLISi�ED 2 4