263695 WH17E - CITV CLERK COIIIICll 263695
�LUE " -MAVOR File NO.
ouncil Resolution
Presented B
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOL�ED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve Agreement with the Independent School District No.
625 whereby the School District will provide computer services to
the City relating. to fina.ncial accounting, personnel/payroll
processing, vendor checks and other related computerized applica-
tions requested by tl'S.e City' s Department of Fina.nce and Ma.na.gement
Services, the Agreement to commence as of Janua.ry 1, 1974, and to
continue until termina.ted either by the City or School District
upon 180 days' written notice or at such time as ma.y be mutua.11y
agreeable. � , ,;.
Yeas �IS'�S�NNays � Rcquested by Department of:
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ygV�g Irr`Favor
xO�DLLR ,J � By
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�i�ll��� J U N 1 8 1974 Form Approved c� Att y
Adopt�y�p°�c�� T eGO
Certi€ied , s by Council Secre ary BY
Approv Mayor• Date � 4 Appr by ay on to Cauacil
PUBIISttEO J i 974
� � 26����5
T`HIS AGREEMENT, Made thzs day of , 1974,
by ax�d between Independent School District No. 625 of Saint Pat��:,
Minnesota, and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota;
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is presently obtaining the
computer services from Independent School District No. 625, and
the parties now intend to continue this past practice in the form
of the following written agreement; and
WEiEREAS, The City of Saint Paul presently does not ha.ve the
computer equipment to provide the desired computer services and
Independent School District No. 625 ha.s both the equipment and staff
capable of providing this service to the City; and
WHEREAS, The Czty of Saint Paul desires to continue to obtain
the computer services from the Independent School District No. 625 „
as this meets the present needs of the City;
NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants
hereina.fter expressed, the parties h.ereto agree as follows: -
Independent School District No. 625 sha.11 provide computer
services requested by the City` s Depa.rtment of Fina.nce and Mana.ge-
ment Services related to financial accounting, personnel/payroll
processing, vendor checks and other related computerized appli-
cations to the City of Saint Paul. Such services will include,
but not be limited to, all applications and services rendered
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during 1�73.
The School District will charge for such services, and the
City agrees to pa.y upon prescntation of a monthly billing at the
following rates: :
1. Charge for computer time - $60.00 per hour of inetered
2. Cha.rge for operator - $7.00 per hour of inetered time.
3. Charge for programming - Actua.l salary of one pro-
grammer ana.lyst. (The current salary for this
position is $51.85 per day. )
4. Authorized overtime - Any authorized overtime of the
above programmer analyst will be billed directly to
the City.
5. Keypunch operator - The equivalent salary of one
keypunch operator will be billed to the City. (The
current rate is $29.05 per day. )
6. Keypunch machine - An equivalent keypunch ma.chine
will be billed to the City at the rate of $77.00 per
7. Fringe Benefits -
a. Insurance Benefits - The equivalent cost of insur-
ance benefits for two individuals will be billed
to the City. The current charge is $51.63 per
month per employee.
b. Pension - The District will bill the City at the
rate of 10.5% of the above salaries.
8 . Forms and supplies - A flat charge of $100.00 per
month will be charged for stock forms and supplies.
_ The total billing for the year 1974 will not exceed $65,000.00.
2 .
Rate adjustments to this contract can be made subject to the
_ mutual �rritten agreement of the Director of Finance and Mana.gement
Services for the City of Saint Paul and the Executive Director of
Business and Fina.ncial Affairs for the School District.
This agreement sha.11 commence as of January 1, 1974, and sha.11
continue in effect until such time as it ma.y be termina.ted by
either party in accordance with the terms and provisions of this
The City of Saint Paul ma.y termina.te this agreement 180 days
after notice by registered mail to Independent School District No.
625 by the City of Saint Paul.
Independent School District No. 625 may terminate this agree-
men.t 180 days after notice by registered ma.il to the City of Saint
Paul by Independent School District No. 625.
This agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agree-
ment between the City of Saint Paul and Independent School District
No. 625.
Any modifications of this agreement sha.11 be in the form af
a written addendum.
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Owned software developed for and used in City applications
will be the property of the City of Saint Paul.
� rX.
It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto tha.t all of
th� employees performing services under this agreement shalZ be
considered as employees of Independent School District, and sha.11
not be considered to be employees of the City of Saint Paul for
purposes of benefits including, but not limited to, severance pay,
health and welfare insurance benefits, retirement credits, Wark-
men' s Compensation coverage or other benefits normally considered
to be employee fringe benefits for any regular City employee.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto ha.ve signed this
agreement this day of , 1974. .
C irman
� reasurer
C er
Approved as to form this
day of , 1974
Approved as to form and execution
c o0 oar ttorney this � day of , 1974.
Sc oo Board Attorney
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Approved as to Form: � CTTY OF SAINT PAUL
Assistant City Attorney , yor
Dir. , Depa.rtment o inance
and Ma.na.gement Services