PINK _ F,N„N�E .,('jITY OF SAINT PAUL Council- � !�
lLUERV- MAYOqTMENT Flle NO. ��,^.��r�..��
Council Resolution "+`�""
Presented By L�ONARD W. LSYINE _
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEltEA3� i! hs• bees det�rnatoed tast Lak• Como has bKOw�
�tenai��l� pollutsd dae to coataa�issdoo br 4torea wst�t ra�t-oti; aad
� WHEREAB, Lake Como and thv bet�tdfnl park wrht�h sarrounda
it ar• the eaost widely as�d psrk io the stste� and
WHEREA3, citisens fro�aa the co�unity arouad Laks Conno as
wett as t�e luietropolitan �pes Spsce iofos�natio� Project have recomrnanded
. thst imanediats sction be taken by th� Cit� ol St. Paal tv protset Con� La?ce
,� trom turtber deterioratior►, so therstors
BE IT RFSOLVED. thst this Council csli• npon th� Dopartaieat
ol Corrimunity Services to prepare plsas detailia� thcse things aeees�arr to
preserve aad perpetuate Lske Coaao a• one of onr City's most precloua
resources. snd
BE IT FURTHE� RESOLYED, tha! this Conncil herebY declare•
ita iatsnt to coanmitt aacesssry re�oorcos to the iasprorecneot ia the qnsllty
oi atl t6e lakes in S� Fsiil.
` �COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Cbsi�t�ss�pays �
Hosss '
S�a�ne In Favor
�°�1i= b Against BY
S lrester '
Adopted �uC.'13iiwcHteside�t Date
� JUN i 8 1974 Form Ap�oved by City Attomey
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By .
X��}(,�C�C1���Q��C Annrn�T�,� Wity��Lit thP Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couacil
Si�nature �f the 1'�av�r Ai�rsuant t� B
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