263690 - � w�l���. --- WHITH - GITY CLERK 263690 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council GANARV -DEPARTMENT File NO• BLUE -� MAYOR Co il es lution , Presented By ISCENSE COIvII+2ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Frederick �. �olton currently holds Sauna License No. 3091, expiring December 15, 1974, at 57 W. Seventh Street, and WHEREAS: He has recently formed a corporation known as Bolton Investments� Inc. with Frederick C. Bolton holding the offices of President, Secretary and Treasurer and Frederick C. Bolton being the sole stockholder and he requests that the license be changed to read Bolton Investments� Inc., therefnre, be it RESOLVED: That Sauna License No. 3091 issued to Frederick C. Bolton at 57 W. Seventh Street be and the same is hereby changed to read Bolt�n Investments, Inc, at the same address. (Change of name of licensee) COUNCIL�tEN Requested by Department of: YeasChristensen Neys Hozza Levine In Favor R�edler � Against By Sylvester Tedesco M22�. President FiUi1t Fonn Approved by City Attomey Adapted Dy Council: Date ��N 1 � �JT4 Ce ' ss by Co�ncil Secretary BY �.� Approv Ma D�te I } Apptoved by i[ayor for Submission to Council By BY PuBUS�t�n JUN 2 2 1974 sTa� oF�nvxESar�, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• ��-�°�-t��l %� � � a� �, deposes and says that he haa read the foregoing application and e the conteata thereof, and that the ssme i� true to the best of hia knowledge,iniormation and beliet. Subecribed and sworn to before me thi ��� day of 19�� � , � Notsry Public, �ia�e� ;Min)n.�-----�-------- .,"..},' -.Jh'�1<.�.i11�'�.i-1 I�:�. JLIN My commiesion �p i 'vV �I.1 irea �„�,�7p,,� ,�; � Pi edi '.'"sey C� ,nt�-, ��1,� � ""w,..! h��� ,^,:r n�i�;i�n I�rt:s, , �r,'' .� Q_��.� '•, 1 ';£i STATE OF MINNESOTA, �- as. -� ..__.__. _. .. .,_ ,,. _, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, being Sret duly eworn, depoaes and saye tha� th� Of .. .a CO?pOTS�OII; that hsa read the foregoing application and knowa the contente thereof.and that tLe ea►ne is true to the best of ]rnowledge, information and beliei; that the eeal afSxed to the foregoing inatrument is the corporate aeal of said corporation; that said application wsa aigned, aealed and �� cuted on behalf of ssid corporation by authority of ita Board of Directora.and said applicstion and the execution Chereof is the voluntsry act and deed ot said corporation. Subacribed and sworn to before me thi .dsy of 19 Notary Public, Ramsey CounL•y, Minn. b�y commiasion expiree.....__.�...._._..._...._._... -' ,� P� ��7. sd �_ F � b36 9/ � �_2��.��r CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATI(�N FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No Name of Applican � • ��--M_—�� 8esidence Addresa � � + � . Telephone No. a � � Are you a citizen of the United Statea? Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, aoft drink parlor, or buainess of similar aature? When and where'! If corporation� give name �ad �eneral purpose of corporation When incorporated? If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? Ho��� many members? Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and addresa of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . . . Na�nes and r�ddresses of Stockholders: Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known u Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward �60 : ��,✓E-Av� : �'�i9-s� : ��s� ; ��-,v�y G�Juh�//�-ei� � . . . ; � How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (meaaured alon streeta) ? /���� �L:3'4'K How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? — How zrxanp feet from closeat public or parochial ade r high school (measured along streets)? � Name of closest achool. How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? � � On w•hat @oor located? !_�/� --- -------- . Are premises owned by you or leased? �(�i��� if leased give name of owner If a restaurant give aeating capacity? /� If hotel, seating capacity of main dining m? Give trade • � p �'z Give below tna name, or number� r othe des�i tion of each additional room in which liquor salea are intended: J (The iaformatioa abo�e mnst be given for hotela and restaurants which uae more than one room for liquor ealee). How many guest rooms in hotel? . Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaura�t or hotel) Give namea.and addresses of three busine ref en . i. � � 2. � 3 THIS APPLICATION MU$T BE VE�tIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IP' CORPOR,ATION� BY AN OFFICER OF THE COBPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THI3 APPLICATION; AND THE SEAI. OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE