263686 — • ■ — �7�W7A'E - CITV t'LEMFK �,�x _+����.w�� - CITY (�i�' SAINT �ALT�. "�AN A'R Y -D E'P A Rt TT71'EN 7 ��,�� 263��� BLUE - MAYOR File � NO. CO �� R S tt0�'l p�+e�s�enteA �y LICENSE CONIMITTEE ��� R�e�e�d T�o Cowim�itt�e: Date C�a���o�C�a�it�t�e � Date RESOLVED: That Application M 15197 for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License No. 2691, expiring January 31, 1975, issued to Jack Cohen at 477 '+�abasha Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to James R. and Kwang S. Severin at the same address. TRANSFER Off Sa�3.e Liquor License � (Indiva.dual. to partnership) ��1�.'A �ffi9�� �+� Christensen'�s { Hozza � � �� Levine � � Roeciler _�� i �, Sylvester � Tedesco ` MNIe. President xunt ��N 1 4 ��74 j �►�a��� ���: � , ���� ��� ' � � � �� �. � � ���s.��rom�a �y � PUBLISNED �JU 2 2 1974 �636�6 Employees Waiver And Release To the Honorable The City Council of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota The undersigned, who are and, for a number of years last past, have been the sole employees of Jack C. Cohen, the owner and licensee of the exclusive off-sale liquor store located at 477 Wabasha Street, St. pauZ, Mznnesota do hereby acknowledge that they, and each of them, have been duly paid all wages due and owing them from said Jack C. Cohen and that the said Jack C. Cohen has satisfactorily and completely comglied with all contractual obligations pertaining to employer contributions to ern- ployee benefit programs, including, but not limited to, pension, hospital, medical, life insurance, profit sharing programs, vacation and holiday benefits. The undersigned do hereby further, jointly and severally, waive any and all City of 5t. Paul ordinance requirements for the posting of any notice by the said Jack C. Cohen with respect to any contemplated transfer of his said off-sale liquor license, including the pending transfer thereo£ from him to James R. Severin and Kwang S. Severin, which is presently before the City Council of the City of St. Paul for approval; and the under- signed, jointly and severally, do hereby further and forever release, dis- charge and acquit any and all persons, including the said James R. 5everin and Kwang 5. Severin, but excepting the said Jack C. Cohen, of and £rom any and all claims, �demands, actions or causes of action of any and every nature growing out of or arising from the employment by the undersigned, or any of them, by the said Jack C. Cohen at said off-sale liquor store. Dated: June 14, 1974. Ray J. ardeau �� � � Mike 5transky _ s E met Gaines , ,, 1 .. _ ��� � �� <J' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 14th day of June, 1974, before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared Ray J. Faiardeau, Mike S�ransky and Emmet Gaines, to me known to be the persons described in, and who executed the foregoing Employees Waiver and Release and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed., � � Q. `�i� • '„ � PATRICIA q. HOYT � l��. NOTARY PUBLIC- MINNESOTq '��.•-• DAKOTA COUNT'{ # My Comm. Expires Dec. 27, 1978 ■ . � . , CITY OF ST. PAUL 'Zb`�S�b ROBERT W. TRUOEAU DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI Director DIVISION OF LICENSE & PERMIT REGISTRATION �icense Inspector 202 Public Safety Bldg. 101 East 10th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 224-1896 June 1l�� 1971� Honorable _'-:ayor and City Council Saint Paul, i�?innesota �entlemen and �ta.dam: Jack Cohen and James R. and Kwang S. Severin make application for the transfer of Off Sale Liquor License iVo. 2691, expiring January 31, 1975, from the present licensee Jack Cohen at 1�77 Z�labasha Street to James R. and Kwang S. �everin at the same address. James R. and Kwang S. Severin also make application for Class D-Orioinal Container� Off Sale :�Ialt Bevera;re and Cigarette licenses at the same add- ress. This establishment has been simi.larly li- censed since August, 1972. Durin� the past five years, James R. Severin has been in the United States Pdavy and is presently em- ployed as service engineer for Picker i•iedical Products, 2797 Eabandale Blvd., La�;an, i"iinnesota. Durin� the past five years, Kwang �. Severin has been the manager of the Korean 1lillage in Honolulu, Hawaii and has worked as a waitress at the Seoul Inn, Honolulu, Hawaii, Very truly yours, �, � ' cense Inspector � �-�, CITY 4F ST. $AUL • , DSFA�IT QF FINANCE AND MANAGH�ENT SERYTCES 26�6C7s LZCF.N$E AND FERMIT DNISION 80BEAT W. TRi�U , . . : JQSEPH Fo CARCHEDI Department Directar L�cense Inspector ._, These statement form�s ar� is�ued in dupl3,Fate. Please an�+er a11 questions fuliy and completely. This application i;s thorroughly checked. A�,y falsificatfon wi.11 be cause for denial. _ Date Msv 31 19 ?4. l. Application for License (Lfcense) (Permit) 2. Name of applicant Jsme� R. Severin� 3. If applicant is/hae been a married female� list maiden name N/A 4. Date of birth10-9-46 Age 2? Place of b,irth St. Psul, Mi,nn. - —�--- _ �.�_ 5, . Are you a citizen of th� United States Yas �ative Yea Naturalized � _�� 6. Are you a re�gistered voter Ye s Where St. Paul .,..._,,._ 7. Home address 1661 Weatern Avenuei�St. Paul Home telephone 488•5?72 8. Present�•Bus�ne+ss addre�s 279? Eagaadsle Blvd.,Eagan g�iness telephone 454-5300 9. Including y.our present busine+ss/employyaent� what bus3�ess/employment have you followed for the past Pive ye�r�. Businesa/employment _ Address t'. '� RlWO��W . M BL61 'LZ '�ap sa��dx3 ' 1.1Nf10� t/lON`da �", tl10S3NNIW -���8(ld A?1VlON ���' lAOH "d d1�l�illfd ' . Y EI�'�fTICB Lt0�9B'�t�0[O� �Qij ■ E�OBa[tu�(q '��tlri0� A`8�8pt� ��t�qnd .t.zBa,Oj�j /� ,E'/ --�-r,y,-��,� .fiL Gt.�. ..�'�. ,,�"�."`�o .��p a�t�t3 3•t£ . �ugo�tdd{� �o a.rn�.�u8 � � r / am aro�aq o�. uso�sr puB paqi.�3srqng � � - c�� L_ , •an.=� �q o� wau� sa�►a�taq aq s:�a���eron aso�� o� gs pu� 3a�taq �iue uo���auo,�u� uodri pa�.B�.g u;asaq�. s.za��.ew agoq�. o� srs �da�x� a8pa�wocnt uMO e�u �ol en.t� ��r amss aq�. �.eq�. Pus ��oa.=au�. s�ua�uo� au� gMnux pus a�n�BC�t9�s s�q �u�.�eaq �uema�s�s 8u�o9aso3 au�. PBa.t ��i,au �su� ���o uodn s.�s pus srasiodap �uso,n�ss ,��np �e�.t 8u a '' ���enas •� s�u=er E3 � q �a��tjdd �o aan�eut8�g . - ( �Casm� 30 ��,uno� ' v L_.�._._ ' �S( t������t a� ���a�s •uot�ssado u� g� seauts�q au� uaqM sami� Iie puB fia� �.s st���'�3�0 �31�� �au3o P�B u,��a�,��� `a��i� a�t� �q pa�.aadsu�r aq �S►u srasr�m�a.td s�tu�, pue�sr.���un : . I 'Z£ 22. Li�t licenses which you currently hold� Qr �or�erly held� or may have an interest in Nc�.2� � ,.., 1 ...�.. � Z?. : N �4 23. Have an�y of the lfcen�e�s listed by you in No. � ever been revoked./ Yes No�_ If answer is ��yes��, liat dates and reasons: 24. Do you have an int�rest of any type in arq► other bugines�s or busineas premisese If ansaer i+� "yee" lf�t bu�iness� bwsiness address and telephone number. No 25. If bu�ine�� i� incoxpo�ated� give date of :[ncorporation rI/A 19 and attach cQpy of Ar�icles of Tneorporation and mfnute� of f�rat meeting. 26. Li�t all officers of the corporat�ion giving their names� office held9 home addreas� and home and busine+�s �elephone �►umbers: N/A ., .., ' 27. If businees is partnership� list partner(s) Addre�ss and telephone numbers: Name James R. Severin Addrees 166y We�tern Ave.Tel.No. 488-57?2 Kwang S. Severfn 1661 We�tern Ave. 488-5772 28. Is there aq,yone else who will, have an intez�est in this business or premises? Y�� If anawer is ��yes��� give ne�e� home addresa� telephone uumbers and in what manner is thefr in�terest: Jsck C. Cohen 2062 Marshall Ave. , St. Paul, Mina. , 646•5726 all of the assets o ea o +�a e uo s o e, i u g e e e n the lease,. He has only s security intereat onJthe furniture, fixture�, equfpment and �i�ense and merchandiaq a� collateral •�curity for monfes due him from u�. 29. pre you going to operate thi,� bu�inea8 peraonal�yYes if not� who will operate it: Naoie Home address Te1.No, 30. Are you going to have a Man�ger or assistant in th�;a bu�iness?Yelf an+swer is "yes�� give name and home addre�� and home telephone numbers Name Kwang S. Severin Ho�e addresa 1661 Vilestera Ave. Te1.No. 488-5T72 31. Has anyone you have named in questione 22 through 26�eve�r been arrested'?�OIf answer ia ��yes�� list name of perison� dates or arrest� where� charges9 convictiorus and sentence . . 26�6�6� STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) James R. Severin being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makes thi5 affidavit in connectian with application for '! Off Sale" liquor lieer�se �" fQf Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of S�,int Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for 27 years, 8 months, and is now and has been far the t3me above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he now reside� at Address , MinMesota. City or Town � . �� � -�---�.�.�, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of MsY 197,4. Ct�i'i,C-C.�.c�� ��. �G-��� Notary Public, Ramsey County, �Minn ta „ ,,�:. PATRICIA A. HOYT My C0111ffi18S1OT1 expires_��_ �;,�� ��� NOTARY PUBLIC- MINNESOTA t „ AKOTA COUNT'd My Comm. Expires Dec. 27, 1978 r : ::T.::'; ��' S?� .P:_�.�?, . '�� " . f rt .%..'�;t ��r� jr+•µ�•vn`, ,��` �'ina.nc;� and i�f!�nagement Services Joseph F. Carchedi •f'_%?" �.'`I,,S7,'�!; t)�:' Lt���r���. '< :'erm_t �.e.>�istration L1C@riSP, Inspector ?•_? 7't:}�'r:`. ��."''-�-.* �1_�1,�;. 101 ?'ast lOth Str�et -,�,� �.�;,� � .,."�:.zn:�;;r�a K51.�� , , � 2�3��6 ' i� i: � . , ;`;' . :s;.. T ,,:,� '�`�� _ .'� TT� 3: '� :)� r r:�rt0_�. LICENSE � , � , � '�'r��,�J�.1l.�..�Y�zt.._._______ _ �,�:.>=_:,,,.:�;; �d,�r::=.:� 4T7 S11�absehs Street, St. Paul, Minn. '-:.� . :=�ot: in*,�>res±ec� ir. any ;ra;;T in anu� o+.,�er beer or liquor license/N 5o1e owner ?<.r±�:.-�r ,t��kfi�l�er_ Director o„ Orficer of corooration (If an oi'�'icer, �i.v� Orf'1Ce �eld) Co-signer of note Loan of money List t'-ie i��^��s an� address�s (if r�arrierii �ame of spouse also) of all persons, cor�or- aticr„,� �artn�rstiins, associat,ions or or�aniza�ions which in any *aay have: a. � mort�age interest in t,he licensed premise, � }�- b. P. s�curity interest in the licens�d �remises, license� or furnishings of the li.censeci oremise, Jsck C. Cohen c. A oromissory note for funds loan��d for the operation �f the licensed �remise or the purchase of the lic�nse,from applicsnt to Jack C. Cohen d. Financially contributed t� the ��urchase of the premise or the license i.tself�_ NR e. Any other interest either d'zrect or i�<1S.rect, either financial or otherwise in ;he licensed premise or the license itself, �one Attach a copy hereto of any and all docurients re.fPrred to in thi.s af£idavit. St_�t,e �f Minnesota) )SS . Co�znty of t?amsey ) _ Signature o.f applicant James R. Severin being first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affi.davit bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof; that +he same is true of his o�un knowled&e� except as to thnse matters therein 7tated upon information and belief and as to those matters he bel.ievPS them to be true. , F Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31st day of Msy 19 ?4. Signature o applicant TC=�(� �,cz ■ ��otaxy Public, Ramsey Cou. ty� ;�Iinn pqTRICIA A. HOYT T'�V �om�nission expires � '�� '4 NOTARY PUBLIC- MINNESOTA s ' DAKOTA COUNT'� �.t..:� 1978 My Comm. Expires Dec. 27��� r . , � ���'"� �� S�a �PAtJIe � _ . .: ; , . . ����� �� ���A��� ��� ����►� ���� 2536�6 a�a�..N�E �� r�..��r n�zsi��v ROBI� 4�o TR�EA� : , ,. . . _ . JQSEPH �'o CARCHEDI �&�a�°����� ���°��x9� License Inspector �'h��e �t�,t�a��n�t ��a°e� a�� �����d �.� s��ap�.�c��t�a P�.��,�e an�ser all..questions fuliy and �mmp:��ic���o �h�.�� ���vlie��;��� �� $�a�a�a�gh�.�' �Rr��l��dlo Any f�;Y�ification will be cause f��° c���nx��� ����Msv 31 ' 19 ?4 3.o App�.:����acaxt ��?� T.icenae _ _ , �__�__�(L-i�ense} (Permit) �. ��e �� �ppY��an�t Kwang S. 3ev�rin ' ' 3o If �p��.i.c�n� �.s���.� Ya���a � �a���.�d f�aq�1�9 fla�t an�fd�n name Kwaag S. Hwang 4e 1�te �f �a�u°�;� 8-23-44 A� 29 �'1��� of �irth Seot�l. Ko.rea _ . �e Are y�u � �catnzera s�f th� �Fra���s� ,�a���Yes 'Natia�� 1Vaturalized Ye� /97/ — —.--�_ 6e Aa^� y���r a a���gst�a��� �����°_�_�fh��� `?o H��e �c���� 1661 Western Avmnum, St. Psul f�ome telephone 488-5??2 �e Pa��c���a� Ba���a����s a�d��s� N/A� — Bua�iness telephone N//A . 9. I�a��.ud�n� ��ax� �a�����a� ba;sira��s/�a��]to�n�sa�9 what bu�fnes�/employment have you f�11�t��c� �m� �?�� �a��� ���rc� �*�a�r�o . ���i����/es��s���m��� ,aa....a.. , x � �ao sa��dx� 'wwo� RW SL6T 'LZ' ''•�,... A1N f10� t/10�1d4 V10S3NNIW -�Il8f1d �avioN :,.. ��;-.c ste.t�dx� uo��e�tmmo� ,A� .u�oH �e di�ialvd * , � s o��r �B�.uno� .���rm'� ��t nd' ;C���.oH � '� 7a i►L 6� ��T 3° `C�p 3oi£ gt�t� �us��jddy� 3o a.=n� S ' � " , am asa�aq o� usohsr pug paq�t.x3sqng� •an.=� aFCI u�, mau� ea�a�Xaq aq esa��.�a ��o�� o� es pag 3a�rtaq �ltce ub�t�eaao�u� uodn pa�B�g uia.=eq�. ��za�.�.siu agoq�. o�. arB �.daaxa a8paie►oit� �►o e�q ��� mn.t� �� �mse au� �g�� Pug `3oas'aq�. ��.ua�uo� au� sMOUx pus arn�.su8�s �r�q 9uF.xsaq �.t�aa��s�.s Sec�a9asoa aq�, psa.= ggq,aq 3.�. u�so uodn sA'�s pu� saeodap �uso�►�e ��np� ��rxF� 8u��,1 II�,��esS •g�"us�}I �uea�jddy �o a.xn� FS .. . � " , ( aasrm� �o .��,ttno� SS( (g����f� �'o a���S •uo���.�edo u� s� s�r��rs�ci au�. uau�a sram��. ttB pu� �ae �s srtB���t�ao a�.t�_,�aq�o pue �;�aq b.t�;� ��a�jod au� �q pa�.aadsu�r aq � sas�ma.zd e�q�. �u��.�.�epan +-- ."-'."T.�.r..`—`�"� _ I •Z£ - � � ' r �, .. � . : . .. .. , . 22. List licenses wh�ch you currantly hold� or former�y held' or may have an int�reat� � in _ lt�^*+� � � , �� v �,� 23. Have an�► of the licensos listed by you ia No. � ev�er been revoked/ Ye� No� If answer ie "yes��, list datea and �ea�onas 24. Do you have an iatere�tt of any ty�pe in arqr other busineas or busines� premiseso If anew�'r ie ��yes�� li�� buainess� buBirtese addres+s and telephone numberm No 25. If buainese is fncorpora'�ed! give date of incorporation N/A 19 and attach copy of Artic�es of I�nco�poration and �inute� of firat meetinge 26. List all officers qf the corpora�fon giving �heir na�es� office held9 home addre+ss� and home and buain�s� telephone nu�bersa N//A 27. If business is partner+ship� liet par�ner(s) Addres�t and telephone nunber�s �1a�e Kwang S. Severin Addresa 1661 We�tern Ave.TeleNoo 488-57T2 , , , , . James R. Severin 1661 We�tern Ave. 488-5TTZ 28. I�s the�e anprone elae who w,ill have an intere,e�t in thfs bueiness or premiaes? ye� If an�wer i� ��ye+���� give n�e� hove addre��� �elepho�e numbers and in what manner is their interests_�sck C. Cohen,. 2062 M,sr�11 Ave. � St. Paul, Mina. , 646-5726 a,�l of the as�ets of aaid off sale�quor store, iacluding the lessee's intereet in the leaee He uus only a security intmre�t on e furniture. fixtures, eqtiipmeat snd licen�e snd __ ��,.,,,.��. , mercLsndise aa collatersl amcurity for monies dae him from u�. i n i i r � 29. Are ypu going to opexate thie busine�ss p�a�r+aanallyYes_if not� who will operate it: NAm@ HOIYB address TeleNOo �. Are you going to have a Manager or aseistant in thfa busine�e�If answer i� "yee�� give na�ae and hpt� adcaria+ws and hose telephone number t Na�aeJamm� R. Severin Hc�me addrees1661 Weatern Ave. TQ1oNo, 4$8-5772 31. Has at�yone you have named im questiona 22 thrnugh 26�ever been arrestedNo If answer. fa ►�ye�s�� �.ist name of p�r�on� dates or arre�t� where� charges9 com►iction�s and �entence �s��s�gs STATE OF MIPdnESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Kwsng S. Severin , bein� first duly sworn, doth depose and say that �he makes th�s affidavit in Gonnection with application for '! Off Sale" liquor lieense (" Off Sale" malt beverage lieense� in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; tha�t your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for years, �p months, and is now and has b�en for the time above men�ioned a bona fide resident of said State and that � he now resides at 1661 Western Avenue � Address St. Psul , Minnesota. City or Town ��lr'�ti'�"""`�1 � 5--��.L�-=Z.�� Subscribed and sworn to b�fore me this day of Msy , 19�4,,,,, �::�-u`�� Cl� Notary Public, Ramsey Coun y, Minnesota , . My cornmission @XP1rG8 , PATRICIA A. HOYT . �� �, Y PUBLIC- MINNES6IA '��1,.' DAKOTA COUNT'� My Comm. Expires Dec. 27, 197$ x � / � . .;)...��b '�:" J!�• •.�t�_l�T_ }-. �, f. rl ...:<��;1 -�� �r��-;•�n`, .�r =�'ina.ne��� and ��:�na�ement Services Joseph F. Carchedi .,".'?" y,Si.r}Y? O': ����'='i�SC `t ��TRllt �P.t�lStra+�7.OT1 I,1C@T1SP, Insp�ctor ?._? '1.},,; ��` °�,,, =1 ��,;. 101 rast lOth Str�et ;s ,,, ='a:�.?., ` a_�����:;c�a K510� _ , ,; ,,. , , . i � !.. � ;::.' . �:�� ' ,,,�� ``' . 'i•TT� -?:� �t G� rT:�r�E?R LZCENSE _ :zF' . ;-,�.;.^r�r�; Kwang,�S. .Severin .�� "jfs=_n.:s, ad~ir:.�:s 477 Wabasha Street, St. Paul, Minn. � ?_��> ;;�c�a intere:;'�ed ir. any .�as� in an�� ot�er heer or liquor license/� Sole owner ;'a_r±.r.:�r _�,toc'..cYiol�er T)irc�c�or rr 0�'ficer of corporation (If an o{'�'icQr, �i,vn orfice held) Co-signe-r of note Loan of money List the r�?^��s and address�as (if r�arried, na!ne of spo��se also) of all persons, corpor- ation:-, �artnershins, ass�cia.+,iflns or or�anizations which i:� any �aay have: a. A mort�;a�e interest in the ]_icensed premise, /V l�r b. A securitu interest in the licensed �remises, license� or furnishings of the 1i.c�nsed nremise� Jack C. Cohen c. A promissory note for funds loanc�ci fo.r the operation �f the licensed �remise or the purchase of. the lic�nse, from sppl���t to Jack C. Cohen d. Financiall.y contributed to the nu?'chase r�f the premise or the license itself�� � � e. Any other interest either �?zrect or i�di.rect, either financial or otherwise in ;he licensed premi.se or the license itsel.f,� nane Attach a copy hnreto of any and a11 docur�ents referred t o in thi.s affidavit. �t?te of Minnesota) )SS , G�unty of t?amsey ) ��(.L(L]'�j� �5 �-���(��7�[�� Si�nature o.f applicant Kwan� S. Severin being first duly sworn, dep�ses and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin� affi.davit bearing his signature and kn�ws the cont2nts thereof; that the same is true of his own knowled�e� except as to th�se matters therein �ta.ted upon information and be7_ief and as to those matters he bel.ievPS them to be true. �u�r�cribed and sworn to be_fore me �,�r_y,� � ���,��-�.� tr�is 31st day of M�ay 19 ?4• —r— S gnature o.f applicant ��C-C�. (./T- (vv.G ?tamse� CpU?lt M1ririeS0 . � pA7RICIA A. HOYT 'lotary Public, .l Y� �'rV �:TrL>'�11.SSlOT1 expi.res k " � NOTARY PUBUC- MINNESOTA �• DAKOTA COUNTi 1975 �1y Comm. Expires Dec. 27, � • 2s�68s St. Paul, Minnesota June 11�, 1971� James R. & Kwang S. Severin 1�?7 Wabasha Street To the Applicant: Your application for licenses has been approved by the License Coimnittee, This favorable action means that you may now complete negotiations for transfer of title to property and proceed with improvements you may have in mind, You should now go to the City Clerk's Office, 3`36 Court House, and pay the fees required for licenses listed below. You will receive a blue receipt, which you must bring to the License Inspector�s Office, 202 Public Safety Building. The licenses will be f ormally granted by the City Council when all require- ments of the Police, Fire and Health Inspectors have been met. LICENSE CONIl�fIITTEE D-Original Container $ 15.00 Restaurant, Class C- On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt 15.00 Ci�arette 12.00 Total $ 42.00 � N,Bo If you are applying for Malt Beverage licenses, please read carefully the "Regulations Governing the Sale of On and Off Sale 3,2 Malt Beverage". Violations of any of the regulations will be cause for revocation of all of your licenses. 11-19-?3 �'af �' �.ae ��('vo a b-/..i-J�! � \ ��3 b �6 c�TY o SAINT PAUL .. • � APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. (TAb form muK b� All�d out In �ddlUoa to the aDDlicatbn foren�nd �worn�tat�me�t requlred bs �e Livuo� Coatrol Commialoner o[th� State o! 1[lane�of�.) Name of Applicants James R. 5everin and Kwang 5. Severin Aroe 27 and 29 Residence AddreaA 1661 Western Avenue Telephone No 488-5772 Are you a citizen of the United States? Ye3 Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or businesa of similar nature? No .. exce=t_Kw��g �_ �c�vc�rin ma_na Pr� r�haro+ When and Where? about 1970 to 1973 in Honolulu, Hawaii , If corporation, give date when incorporate� Name and address of all officere of coiporation, and name and addresa of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold Names and addresses of Stockholdere Name oP surety company which will write bond,if kno �,-ry � �� Number Street Side Between What Cmss Streets ^ Ward 477 ' Wabasha ' west ' Excha.nge and 9th • How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)Y 5 xYile� How many feet from church (measured along streets)Y 3 blocks How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade achool (measured along streets)? 2 blocks Name of cloaeat echool Assumption How are premises clasaiSed under Zoning Ordinance?- commercial On what floor located? lst If leased, give name of owner—�=Tos enh a l�e rn. Tr_ Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? exclusive liquor store How long have you operated present bueinesa at present aite?- have not--Jack C. Cohen has for abou� 2 years. Do you now have an "On Sale" non-intoxicating liquor license? No. (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an oflicer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application lorm and informat�on must be veri8al.) Ieauance oP license is not recommended. i''��� '� � DatP� �9 �C./,l,ICL?�7�i _� �.�..lo/7,s��. Licenae Inspector. APPLICANT. � �3 � a° ca p .c � •°' °' tw o N '" ,� �s •� I � I a� .� o � �: a�i �, '��, �. N aa C,� .r�.' � � '! � � e0 � -. -� -� -. � � �•T� � � p� Cd O oei v obi d � � '�'� ..�'� � -� C� � 'J'+ U � � Fiy � C '� -� o" � ��".. � ��'.. `". � �� � � m > 'z3 � .. o •a o D. .o t� � �i °J .v �d r,�, � o V y :� m fsr � `L G� � � [�- � '� +� 3�+ � a � a, � � c ° � � a w n y � o, a � „ zy � "� w b � � .� o � � a� � N . � � V > O � .� ° °' � s. � U � ' � � '''' '' t` � "'C � � "x � � "� o vi '� "" � � � ; � o � u� � � � � o � o y � � � � � � � � � � "'" p � � °"' ►�.1 � � � � � '�7 O � ,1� � C� � b ry� t' � � � � � � � � '"� � � 4�-� � N •� �71 W V �+ � b4 N � Zy e � O O O O � � � a , � � � O V � ( .� �i � b r�1 Q o � � � � o � ` y o � � � � � � a � � � � a � d '-' H "� a --. � b � �s � � � ° �, � E, � � � � � � � a a � � � � o '�, W � '� a� � � 'ti � d ° � .� �.. � � � � � �. � � �?� � v�w ` .N � o �-�+ � c�a m , a � � �'-F,,,, U O � � � Z � a o � � � N :� °� o , .`'� � .� .� cd � a � .�b d �e � � � � •� � � � � , � � � � z 0 V o ni ,o � +� a� N v1 O H ~ A '� � `"� � a w 'S "� � x � � '�o .-� '� a� a O •� a+ �.. °' �" ° M -. -. -. -. abi a� � •° t,�, .-, � d V W -'l-� � ,.q cd.� �3, o c� W i+ � a a . +� � -►' •-� ca .+� •�' � � w p, � c a ��. � V � � p�xr ¢ Q .�i � � � A M Q a A � � y ��� .� � � a v � [-� Q++ *+ �'� or� ,O `+ � � d cV m ,� '� UI t,�„i � � -u� m v�i ''d R � O � � � � ': c� "' � i� � .�" � �F' � �+ ZS � ;.' y V� � �'. <d � Q � •� d y := v � � ..r'i �a v � � � .�., U • .c� 'C7 N 1.� �y Q L'"� i7' � � � �y ,� � d� R�� � �' � O � ~RA+i � y '� ° 0 � �� � � U1 � d v �I �F-1 1' ' � �- v V] � � � � � � � D�'�, G � cC � ,LZ � � y � .� � .� � � e� � � i� C�,b •p �"m �i b -� � b � +� N F-� 4-� a' � ,.� �i G' �' 0 a .o � w � C!1 0 w •� Rf t�i eF.� O Vl cd y � '=3 � � ,�..� � �" '�" . � y � � � � a� U � M-+ as c � a, E'' �..� r, � p., � o ��Y z t!� � °� .�N' � .,°� � � � E '�•^� "[ °'.d r�i� � � .� � [ � � `� � � � � � .� '� W � � ^ �' � '-' U W a U1 'rJ � .° t� � � +��+ V1 � '� ia' y � � � ,[ O' � � "' ��.y C o y a� ❑ ro w� � +, a� x+ p � 0 � � ., . � •� �'a �Y y�. 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