263659 Wk11TE - CITY CL6RF( . .� PlNN * FINANCE (j��Y QF ..�. AINT PALTL �O�'�� 263659 CANARY - DEPARTMENI NLUE - MAVOR File NO. • Ca nc 'l Resolution Presented B� Referred Ta Committee: Date Qut of Cammittee By Date 4JHEREAS, The Department of Police has issued the herein mentioned registered bills; and ��1HEREAS, The amounts have been determined to be uncollectable; Pd06d THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City Saint Paul does hereby direct that the herein mentioned registered bills be hereby and the same are cancelled: 3-6296 $ 964.06 6-00667 583.78 �f�JKC�,l11Ert ! ��� a�: 1Feas ChristensenNiaxs � �IX Hozza Police �47@�X Levine � ��� ��X Roedler , . ��7�hK Sylvester � � �` � ����e�ee�o- �� v�. rr�iT�'co �N 1 1 1974 ���e,� c;�x � ��d �x c �'' t: � � � CectxEi. �ouacil � � � 1 � � [�tav 1V�yor: �� Ag��v�l��� t�C`�eal � � �.� JUN 15 1974 � i � 2s�s�:� , ' _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 21 1Kay 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES M E M O R A N D U M RE: Registered Bills 3-6296 and B-00667 Registered Bill B-00667 - Sheryle Ann Olson The City has settled the Olson claim against the City in the amount of $500.00 (see attached resolution.) Ms. Olson should not have been billed as a result of this accident. Registered Bill 3-6296 - Lester Howell Please examine the letter of April 23, 1974, to the Police Department accountant for the reasons for cancelation of this bill. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 �l..JE - NIAYOR - - � ..;-x _ ___ . -_- , . . � �� Council �esol�tio� � 263659 � . . �� Presented 3y ' }` � � . Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committe� By . _. Date - RESt�i.�ED, �hat upon execution and d�livery of a rele�se in full tv the City, i.n a form to he approved by the City Attarney, the proper City officers are herel� ae�thorized aaci dire�cted to pay aut of the Tart _ �,iabflitp. Pt�sbd 0907�3-424-0Q0,► tc= Sh�ryle �,n,a t3lson a� . Peter Pa�.os�, her attorn�ys the -sum of $5�0.�4, in full - settl�t of �heir claim of damages s�stai� on vr _ _ � _ abo��t D�arch 23, 19?3, -as .�rr.e p�artit�tlarlg set oc�t 3.0 a _ c+am�aicati� to �e City C:ounc�il aa april 4, I973. : - ; _ . _ -''�. , . ; ; � _�--- - ���,,;� ;. � ' � � ; i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��_. Nays Konopatzki '`� In Favor Levine Meredith ' Against By � �ettl�' Tedesco tilme.President�_�� . it tttirn �it� r� � .��7.9 Form pprovedb ' j , �' � �'� � j Adopted by Council: Date � �' 'S � ` ` � � � , r' ,��� - (..i`f --�=� Certi �e sed by C '1 y � By ���` f � ���/. �`���'�� .�. '___- ' l By .-� ___, ..;� � - Approved by`Mayor-`€'o�m2ss#�b fiou��, Approved by May . Date , ' ; r�-��_ _ By ,` �: 1 � � _ ..t * t �`�= By _ �. , � �. � � . 2s�65,9 A�ril �3 , 1974 A-ir, Robert Chermak . Accauntant _ Public Safety 3uilding ' l0i E. lOth Street _ Saint Paul, t�iinnesota 551(ll • _ . Re: Registered Bill No. 3-6296 - �964 , Ob Lester Howell Our File 5-72-OC80 �ear �•ir. C3�er;zak: Upon reviewinv this fil�, which jvas sent to this o£fice far collection on July 23, I970, we h�.ve determined that t:ze billing shau3d be can�e��c:. State law xe�{uires tliat a venicle rave bath a ref� i��rT and siren operating in order to quality as an emergei_;.y vehicle. The police vehicle in this case l�.ad orily the red liglit in operazion at the ti,:�e af tne accident and thus dici not qualify for er�ergency ���3;.icle status . l�Je therefore ]iave the nolice •del2icle illegµliy enterin� the intersection against the rec? I ight. Un the basis of the above, litibation s•rould prove fruitless and tlie billinp si;oulcl be canceled. Very truly you�s, ,�1IC�i��L J. �11NNACONE Investiautor Pi3I :c�