264721 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ���---���yyy{{{'''��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT .��� /�� 6=UE -MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Mayor of Thomas J. Kelley to the position of City Administrator� effective January 1� �975, is hereby in all respects ratified and approved. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza �_ [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Agaillst BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Co Date DEC 1 1 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney . Certif' a y Co cil Secretary By ���c� �,�,�,,�,t.Q.J Y ' 4Approv b ayor: D Approv by Mayor for S mission to Cou By By PUBLISHED DEC 21 1974, • Zb ���-. GITY OF SAINT PAiTL ��p�; (,��� OFI'ICE OI' TIIF_. MAYOB esease •ecaa�masse ���r��e LAWBE.�TOE D. COI3EN MaYOa December 4, 19'74 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I herewith transmit for your consideration a proposed resolution confirming my appointment of Thomas J. Kelley to the position of City Administrator, effeetive Janua ry 1, 1975. espe ed, AW E D. C EN Mayor Enc . 22 ����� P E R S 0 I�d A L R E S U P�1 E � December 1, 1974 THOt1AS JOHP� Y,ELLEY 111 Y.ellogg Square, Apt. 2705 Telephone: Qusiness (G12) 293-4431 Saint Paul , �1innesota �5101 Residence (612) 291-17G4 Personal Qorn: t-Say 4, 1926 i n St. Paul , t�1i nn. Health: Good Education � Associate in Liberal Arts Degree - Political Science � University of P1innesota - 1948 Qachelor of Arts - Political Science University of hlinnesota - 1950 Professional Experience Director, Department of Community Services - July 7, 1973 to present. A department which combines all of the city activities in Public I�ealth, Libraries, Parks, Recreation, Public Buildings and Code Enforcement. County Administrator - February 1, 1971 to July 4, 1973. Ramsey County, t•iinnesota. County population - 476,255. Ramsey County Auditor (elected) January 1, 1967 - December 31, 19E9. (re-elected) January 1, 1970 - served to February 1, 1971. Deputy Corr�nissioner of Finance - 1962 through 1966. City of St. Paul , hlinnesota. : . Assistant to the State Highway Safety Director, State of t-1innesota. 1960-1962. Elections Procedures Advisor in the office of the Secretary of State, State of h1innesota - 1958 through 1960. Edited tlie (1innesota Legislative ��tanual for 1959 - 1960. Informational Representative, i•tinnesota Department of tlighrrays, 1955 - 1957. i . , _ , _ . �' � � � �����:� Personal Resume - Thomas John Kelley Paqe T���o Professional Experience (cont. ) I�tajor accomplishments include successful efforts in reorganizing units of local government, reducing operating expenses, and serving as a means of effecting synergistic conbinations of local government resources vrith other resources in the corr�nunity, particularly with those availaLle in the academic and scientific corrrnunities. Reorqanizations_ 1 . City Government In 1966, in addition to my official duties as Deputy Commi.ssioner of Finance for the City of St. Paul , I served as Chairman of a task force which prePared a draft of a new charter for the City of St. Paul . This charter was presented to the voters and adopted in 1971. One of the principal features of the charter, which was put into operation in 1972, a�as an extensive reorganization of city government, includin� a change from tl�e commission form to the strong �ayor form of c�overnr�ent. Tl�e pri nci pal reason for accepti ng my present nosition as Director of St. {'aul 's Department of Community Servi ces �ias tl�e opportuni ty i t presented to parti ci pate i n a si c�ni- ficant manner in directing the changeover to tf�e nevr or�anization. 2. County Government The 1971 Leqislature passed enablinet legislation ���hich c�ave P,amsey County a �ireater degree of self deterr.iination than any other county i n t1i nnesota. I participated in: A. Initiatinq the study of our county qovernment and the drafting of proposals for the new role of our county c�overnment. Q. The t�,riting of and lobbying for the special enablin� legislation. C. Di recti nc� the establ i shr�ent and admi ni strati on of the ne��� county government in my role as the first County Ad�ninistrator. Reducing Qperating Expenses 1. Under my direction, the county offices of Assessor, Auditor and Treasurer ���ere com�ined into a single Department of Froperty Taxation. Tliis combination took place about two years ago, and a study was recently conducted to determine the effects of the consolidation. T►�e study shovred that services had improved substantially, rlhile operating costs �•iere reduced tf�rough �forceahadnbeen�reduced�by elevenmemployeeson of procedures. The �:ork 2, I also directed the establishr.►ent of a County com�uter center which replaced data processinq operations at t���o separate locations. The savings in equipment rental alone amounts to $200,000 annually, and the centralized operation has helped establish a corrnon data base for most county operations. . � . � ��4i.� Personal Resume - Thomas John f;elley Page Three Professional Experience (cont. ) Combininq Go�vernment Resources with Other Resources in the Community 1. �lursing Service As Rar�sey County lldministrator, I established a County PJursing Service �•rliich coordinated the services provided by a private nursing service with those provided by county nurses. 2. Ifealth ttaintenance Organization While serving as County �dministrator, I directed the establishment of a i�ealth maintenance organizatic�n for county employees. This project required t�vor{:ing with a number of community organizations, includinc� the �:amsey County P•ledical Society, hledical and Educational Research Foundation, Qoard of Commissioners for Ramsey County Nospital , Ramsey t�ospital Staff, Ramsey County Qoard, employees' organizations, and other health maintenance organizations. 3. Training Programs for College Students I inititated an internal career training program in Nrhich as many as 50 undergraduate and graduate students are working for the city and county on projects which contribute to their educational experience. The colleges and universities of the State have worked closely ►vith us in utilizing our intern program as part of the require- ment for graduate degrees in public administration and urban affairs. I serve as a member of the Advisory Corttnittee for the Department of Urban Affairs of Plankato STate College, hlankato, hlinnesota, and have become a consultant member of tfieir faculty where I conduct a graduate seminar in the Department of Urban Affairs. 4. Energy Resear.ch I am the faunder and president of Urban Laboratory, Inc. , a non- profit organization which coordinates activities of public and private agencies v�ith resources available at the University of ��linnesota. t,le are presently redesiqning the energy systems in an older home that was obtained from the Department of flousing and Urban Development. One of the features of the home will be solar heating. Technical design as v�ell as the actual construction is being performed by faculty and students of ti�e University's Scl�ools of Architecture and t�9echanical En4ineering. • ,, . • ' �6�/�� Personal Resume - Thomas John Y,elley Page Four f•iemberships . I have served as: Chairman, Legislative Committee of the t1innesota County Auditors �.ssociation. Chairman, Legislative Committee, Council �G, a state-tvide organization of American Federation of State, County and I9unicipal Employees. Del egate to tfie Trades and Labor /lssembly. � f1ember, Trades and Labor Assembly Legislative Committee. Secretary, F Local 597 State Capitol Employees. Received withdra��,al card f rom Local 8, City and County Employees ���hen el ected Audi tor and �,�as i nel i c�i bl e for membershi p. ��iember, Qoard of Directors, tlinnesota Association of County Officials. Special Advisor, Intergovernmental Relations Committee of the f�1etropolitan Section, League of 1linnesota t�tunicipalities. t�ler�ber, Qoard of Directors, hligrants, Inc. Flember, P,amsey County Citizens Committee for Economic Opportunity. t-lember, Eoard of Directors, ilinnesota Comnunity Action Council , Job Training, Inc. �4ember, fioard of Directors, St. Paul Cauncil of t�rts and Sciences. t�tember, Intergovernr�ental Information Services Advisory Council . t�ember, Coard of Directors, t;ational Association of County Administrators. Representative of Local Government on the Funding Advisory Committee of the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. and am no��: President, f4innesota Chapter, American Society for Fublic Administration. F1ember, ttetropolitan Par4:s and Open Space Commission. r � " • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI December 10, 1974 � ������ Niayor Lawrence D. Cohen • City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Cohen: I hereby sui�mit to you my re�ignatioii as Saint Faul iity Administrator to accept appointment as Minn�sota Highway Commissioner. This resignation will be effective January 1, 1975. Although my employment as City Administrator has been a relatively short one, twenty-five months, I do believe that the re�tructuring of City government and the delivery of City services, as anticipated under the new charter, has progressed in an orderly and effective manner. Thank you for having afforded me the opportunity to serve the people of the City of Saint Paul. I have considered it a privilege to woxk with you and your administration and I offer my best wishes for your continued succe�s. Respectfully, � / � j 1 �� � � J rank . I�arzit l�.' City Admini�trator cc: Councilman John Christensen Councilman David Hozza . Councilman Ruby Hunt Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman Patrick Roedler Councilman Robert Syl.vester Councilman Victor Tedesco Rose Mix, City Clerk FDt�/al City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � �O �=:'� �� . . Cl_ �,� 7� . � F:_ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss ~''p ) CITY OF ST. PAUL ) � '..'� ,s� I. Thoma.s J. Kellev ' � do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions ��=� of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as �itv Administr�tor �_' of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ;x ability. �: �>. F` Sworn to and subscribed to before me this ?n� day of J�,nu€�rv 19� `' � ♦ � City Clerk � �::. <. ,;�,,'-: ,�> ,},,.< f ,� �y� � b}Mk' k �fP 4 � �'� 4 Y .�.If i �I ..