264719 WH17E - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE CANARY -•DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COl1t1C11 � BLU£ - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Mayor of Roger A. Mattson to the position of Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services , effective December 10, 1974, is hereby in all respects ratified and approved. COUKCILMEN Yeas ; -Nays Requested by Department of: Chfristeasen Ho�za �_ In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester � Tedesco President Hunt - oE�+ 1Q7^ Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou Date �, � .P,�— . Certif' sed Co cil Secretary BY �'m � �° '� �— By , Approve b Mayor: ate Approve Mayor for Sub ssion o ou By By PU81��SHED DEC 1 � �974 � � GITY OF SAINT PAUI. : . or�icr: of�� rii��, rc�YOiz �- a s,ao�� s��r�� e e�eeeas�se +� s�eos _ e LAWRtiNGF D. COI3Ev MnYOa December 4, 1974 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I herewith transmit for your consideration a proposed resolution confirming my appointment of Roger A. Mattson to the position of Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services , effective December 10� 1974. Respeetfully submitted, LAWRENCE D. COHEN Mayor Enc. 22 � � , • �� � . . f�I ti`.1 V�!C f � 1 i • � , r ' � ' ���'`���.� RESG^•i� . ` � � Y �a,:�e Roger Allan �fat�son Hciciress 2480 -I�Torth Dunlap Street . • . • � � Roseville, ;�finnesota 55113 Telephone 484-5849 • • i . PERSONAL DATA � A�e 43 (Bor.z Nover�ber 2, 1928) ; fleibht 5'10" ' � ;VeS ght � 188 � Ha�.r � � Blond � Eyes Blue � Nationality American (Scandinaviazt Descent) � ; Health . Excellent � t•4arital Status Married, wife Janine (age 40) i Far.ii ly John (14), Priark (12:; and Jan Beth (10} �iilitary S�ai.us 'Honorable Discharge, U.S.N.R. � . ' Church �ffiliation Roseville Lutheran • � EDJCATIO�i DATA ' }iioh Scl:ool . Graduate of 1�lilson Hi�h School, S�. Paul, � i�finne,ota, �la�s nf 1946 • Cc�:�lege Graduate o� biacalestex College, 5t. Paul, �linneso�a, Cla.�, of 1953. Bachelor of ��c.ien�,e Degree in Business Ad��.nis�ration - . �rd Putilic P�la�ions, Minor in �.ifl�.r,za?.ism � «nd Adver�isin,.4 � Gr�duate School Attend tY}e University o£ blinnesota, Graduate ' School., I�1in,-�eapolis, Minnesot�. as a candidate � for Alaster of Business Ad.�,inistra;.io;�. (Even- _ ing Ni.B.A. Progra�+) Also, graduate courses comple�ed� in Public AcL�ainistra�ion and Public Health. _ .. �5�:t, a e. :._ x ._,... _.»._,,. . s d . �^_ .;-' . ""'*'#c'-tRV'fi1.3S°°,icr7MVM.^1ir,�s�. .+rus..,..,"..,, ' ' ,. . � . . - � ���.o,.. ... .o�,.�. .� ..,.... ,.... ..� ws- ...,,-..r.ar�,..v+r+x . :�. . . . . . .....».r ,«...,�.. ,....>:.,,, ... . .. ^ ��� `�� . _ • Addend�_�m to Resume' Name Roger A. Mattson l�ddress 2480 North Dunlap � Saint I�aul, Minnesota 55113 • ' . Tele�hone 612-484-5849 ' P�R.SONAL DATA Age 46 (Born November 2, 1928) Hea.gh�L � 5 feet, 10 inches 6•yeic�ht 195 pounds Eyes • Blue Natioiiality Arnerican (Scandinavian Descent) }ieaJ.!:h �Excellent . . Marital. Staf�us Riarried, wife Janine (aqe 42) Far�ily John (1G) , Mark (14) , Jan Beth (12} EPIYLOYhiEi4`i' DATI1 (subsequent to Resume' submitted in February, 1973 - see C.F. 260595) I���r.i) , 1973 to Piesent Budget Dir.ector City o£ Saint Paul, Minnesota Fc�bru�ry, ].973, to Administrativc Assi.stant �pri1, 19'73 Ofi'ice of the Cii:y Admini.strator Saint Paul, Miniiesota , . . i)e�c�mbcr. �, 1974 :,,,..�w ..M.,, . ..,,. .._ .,._��.�,.. .,.�.-„ . . ... . . �...ee'3,�:,:..,:s.. .s_-..-r•-E`,.,�.T+,.c. s-,,...�,..,..'�'°y,..naw-,..,na.�r:,.�,�;. e� r.�i�� �z .r,•^er�-":�� �-�=mm;..«,y� ... . . • . �.:..z ':8�p?'?" .-. . ..�^f^^.�'s: vr . . . . . . � . . � '�'�.. . . . . . . • /�"v�;:�:� ' � ' ��'�d�.9 I�IISCELL�4\EOJS DATr� A��oca�ions Asst. Scoutnaster, Troop 297 B.S.A. • Member, Aational� Lu�heran Co���aission • , • on Scoutino Co-Chair,aan, Roseville Lutheran Church , Bui lding Cornr:fittee � � . Photography -- Free Lance Commercial Job-Related � Associations Licensed hursing Home Aclministrator � � Nie;,iber, :�linneapolis Chamber-af Co�n,uerce Manage�aent Develop;�ent Co�ittee • hlember, In-Plant Print Man3geTs Association � � Member, Building Owners and b;snaders �'lssn. r4ember, biinneapolis Postal Users Council F.1�iPL0Y�IENT DATA � e1��ri 1, 1970 • � tr� c�resent Crest V:iew Lu*_hera.l Hone, Golurabia HeiGhts, � � Ninr�esota . .�. rta:ninis��ator of this 122 bPd �l:�t';ed care � r.srsing facility which is accre�:ited by �he JOiI�T' CO'.•L•fISSI0�1 0� HOSPITALS. Cres� ' • . , ' VieW is also �Izdicare and ►,4edicade certif_ied, �, . and is ah accredited agency of the Lutheran � Church - M;ssouri Synod. � Administer the tatal physical, social and � spiritual prograsa for the Board of Direc�ors. • � Prepare and execute tne �budgetar� and related � fiscal .pro�rans. Establis}i the policy, p2a�s and proceclures to facilita�e the opera�ions. Plan for ar.c� ussis� the a,�licar.ts and ��:`i.c:�t: � . i.n t1►e ;:clr.^_:e ;C.'I1t10I15111T)S o� cateGorical aids t«:l l�e�lti� c�re �ro;;rans ava.ila�lc u�der cou�lty, state and federzl a�e;�cies. Pro�o�e and direc� �nublic relatio�s p rograns in tne " hor.e and co���munity. • ---_...... ...... ...,...�.i,�a.�a. �..�. �,�;1,U,�ncl LU.tiction . ,-. , - _ ru 11iUVl�IC �t'Cicicnt org�.r►iza:.io:� a.�d st;.f�in� . for courdinatio� by and dcle�ation to the ,� ', � , fol lo:�rin� cicpartncnt hcads : �� � � � � � ������5 , 1. Adninistration 2. \ursino Service � 3. Social Service ' ' 4. �'hvsi�al I'la�.� . 5. Dietary � � '6. Pnysical and Speech 'I'herapy 7. Occupational T'nerapy � • . �_ �S. Housekeeping " . 9. Laundry - 10. Volunteer Auxilliary Septenber, 1961 ' � to :�Iarch, 1970 Luthexan Brotherhood Life a.Zd Healtn Insurance Society, Minneapolis, l�finnesota " Manager of Adninistrative Services. " Organize, Plan, direct, coordinate and , contr�l the following func�iozs of �he Admini.strative Services Division: . A. Mailing and r�ssenger services. B. Offic� macnines and equipnea� services. �. Ihiplica�ing and copving ser�rices. D. Stock roem, supply and warehouse servic�s. " E, Office pi�nning an3 design services. F. Forr,is design and control sezw-ices. G. ' Telephone communications ser�,�ices. . Eacli e-� the a�ove functions involv�s the � rnanip�il�tion of marpower, machines and . . . r:�t���i;.Is. Impleu��ntation is z.;:c�:�g�ished by d.el�oation to Lhe �ssist�n,: .��,z:�g�r �r.d ' - . �;•ro su�Pr�tisors. The r�sponsibili�ies i�cl�:de � . prepaz�tion of procedures, requisitioning of - equipment �and �aterials and the direction of p ers o:�ne I. ' ' bianagerr,ent rel�tionships are generated in three areas: � (1) Inter-departr.�ental; (2) Intra-depar�nental; (3) In�ra-Professional. Aspec�s of coordir�ation, control, research of systems and salesmanship are the pri�ary re- _ sponsibilities ti�hich �ne manager must ini�i��e and ad�inister. ' _ '' " ' • 0 � `�� ��}��.� • •. . � . • . '? _ � - • ���l�� As Cnair��n of the Lutheran Bro�nerhoo3 Buildin�; Co:;�;�i��ee, it �as ny duty to: Develop, pl.n and coo�`dinate the Building � � Program involving the 1.5 rillion dollar two-story addition to the ho;�e office building in downtnwn biinneapolis. Develop � and coordinate a co:��pany-wide survey ar�d . analysis to deternine space needs projected - � annually for ten years. Prepare and present . a corr�prehensive Building Report for Board � • . action. Select the architect �nd gezexal con�ractor and de�ernine qualifications th�t � sub-con�ractors rnist meet. Review and approve all phases of plan developr��n� and speci�ic�tion , Analyze and coor�inate all phz.sss of cor.s�ruc- � tion �ith the architect and general contractor. Develop and plan the scale� Iajouts £or space allocation and direct the moving process. . Caordinate the interior furnish.inos, equiprent and decorating. Survey and allocate tre ��r�re- r.�use space needs in otner proper:ies ar.d - coordinate the nana�ement o� �nis space. Na;�age other buildings and prope-rties leased � � throagh the invest�en� opex��i.,n�. Czcenber, 1953 � I ':.� Seyte�ber, 1961 State of tiin:iesota, Depar��ent of e,dninistration �T.ate Capitol, St. Paul, �fi:ln�so�a. � P���dget �ivision Analyst and Er.a.�iner (4 years) �S a:i ��.Zalys� for thz Budge� Divis�.�n, I ' � . . - • �,ras responsible for conducting s:.udies of the . � � ' _ � • � orbar►ization, methods �nd procedures of state � ' � departnents and aoencies. The responsibility � : involved coordination of my studies rlith in- ' £orna�ion .available through the Bu3ge� Exam- � iners �o determine feasib�.lity or practicality of specific administra�ive operations. It included the use of natnods of flow charting, actual on-the-job analysis and intex-pre�a�ion � of �he investidation results, as c•:ell as super- vision of tne installation a.nd follow-u? o: � reco.��:,endec. ac�ir.istrative proc�dures. :,.��ho3s " of ��ork si�:�plification are uscd to grcat exter,t to deter�ine thc udvantages or disadvanza;es lIl all procedures. . .' • � . �j• r� t , ° /.�: •.� � . . . . .� . . �' . Supervisor of Docu.;,ezts (3 ycars) � C��:f���� Specialized ad�inistra�ion a,-�d supervision - � of �he Docu.��nts Section, Departrent of ' Adnir.istration, t•rith respor.sibility ar.d cor.trol c;a: tne r..a;ir.� a.,..: �' _�ribution � � � o� all publications an3 rzports of the � � Sta�e Aoencies. . Ad;,�inis�rate and supervise the periodic , publication o� all rules and re�ulations . of State agencies filed with the Secretary � of State. . . � � • / l/'iV� !(J • , �c:�ectea Re�erences '� ' �►-. . : . - . ��'f �.I� . ' •Royer A. Mattson � 2�-2� i�orth Dunlap S�reet Roseville, Minnesota 55113 1 . Merton Dresser Telephone 332 - OS11 Vice President � Midland 1�?ational Bank . Minneapolis, Minnesota � � (Crest View Lutheran Home Board) • 2. ,Tames W. Krause � Telephone 332 - 0211 Senior Vice President � Lutheran Brotherhood Minneapolis,� Minnesota � . Pdicholas D. Coleman Tele�:zo:�e 22? - S391 State Sena�:or Colesnan Advertising . �� 206 McColl Building ��. Paul, Minnesota 4�. Feter S. Popovich Telephone 222 - 557.5 �ttorney at Latv ' M.i.rnesota Building � �t. Paul,� Minneso�a ' 5. Re�r. Reuben G. Groehle.r Telephone 4£38 - u�F 1 �E.ii.vr Pas�or . R;,sev:.11e Lutheran Church i:�.�se��ilye, riiiinesota . . � � , _ . . � - . . r'v• ' �. )� � ' ' w-t � � '•� � MEMORANDUM ��� �_!�� ,' . �- � � � - January 2G, 1973 To: Members of the City Council From: Frank D, Marzitelli � ��� City Administrator � 615 City Hall Subject: Duties of Administrative Aide , ' The function of this einployee is to be responsible for major are.as of organization, methods and procedure, operation of all departments of City government. He will direct and prepare program studies, analyses, and revisio:is of all phases of organization structure, personnel procedures aiid forms relative to the various departments and divisions. These duties will include the follo�ving: To study. and prepare analyses of departmental operations, includi.ng organization, wurk flow, layoit, forms, functions and c✓ork coordination. � �� prepare comprehensive recommendations for the improvement of organization, personnel, manuals, f��rms, charts and other r�portin� systems or devices. To meet with operaLing of£icials and discus: problem� involved in t:.eir operations and revi�w recornrr��nd�.tions of procadures and methocis to be used in correctin€ such problem�. Ta rl:rect the installaiion �f ne�v crga�:ization and o�erating methods and pro:edures. 7'�� revie-w drafts uf ne�v �r re���sed procedures and forr�s, subrn�tted by op�ratin� depa.rtrnEnts �:_-��a n;al:e re�emznendations for efiicient anu efiective use. To direct personnel assigned from operating departments in the e�°fective use of inethods and techniques of job analysis and work simplification. To prepare manuals, procedural bulletins and related forms and charts to corroborate analyses and recommendations. To prepare periodic status reports for administrative review of . long-term projects. . . c � �� Y � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ' ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss � CITY OF ST, YAUL ) I. Ro��r A . M3tts�n do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as Director of the Den�rtment of Fin�nce � M�n��-�rnent services of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and + ability. -_—� ___� Sworn to and subscribed to before me this ll�h day of D��PmbPr 1974 � / �j `1 Cit lerk � � . � t �