264716 . . ,. ` ` �1����s City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. Office of The Director of Finance .. BY � REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. �� , ; , : _ , � ' In the matter of the asse�sment of b�nefii� �os�and eY„Pn�� f�� --- ��'` a--�-- --- - � �____._.-......-__-�---------__ __._ '��s' , . � � � � Constructing a public storm sewer in Howard Street from Ea�t Fourth Stree' to Wilson Avenue; in Conway Street from Howard Street to Tower Street; in Howard Court from , Howard Street to an easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, over, across and through that part of the Northeast• 1/4, SouCh- east 1/4, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, the centerline of said ease- ment being 15 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly lines of Lots 1 and l6, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1; in an easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height Rec,reation Center property on, over, across :..,,.� and through that part of th� Nor.theast 1/4', Southeaet 1/4 Section 35, Township 29 North, Kange 22 West, the centerline of said easecnent being 15 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the Nor.thwesterly lines of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition ! No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west litte of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1, from Howard Court to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue from an ! easement, to be obtained, �.�ithin the Conway H�ight Recreation Center property on, ' over, across and through rhat part of the Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of Section 35, Township 29 Nortti, Range 22. West, the centerline of said easement being 15 °feet North- westerly of and parallel to the Northwesterly lines of Lots 1 and lE, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from WiZson Avenue to the west line of Lot ,; 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No, l, to Hazel Street; in Peder.sen Street from 290 feet South of Wi�son Avenue to Wilson Avenue; in East Fourth Street from Winthrop Street to Pedersen Street; in Pedersen Street fr•om East Fifth Street to Conway Street; in Conway Street from Ruth Street to 4$0 feet East of Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue from 480 feet East of Yedersen Street to Hazel Street; in Hazel Street from Fremont ; Avenue to Old Hudson Road; in Haze2 Street (produced) from Old Hudson Road to Suburban Avenue; and thQn outletting in that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Nor�hwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, lying Northerly of Bacchus St. Paul Hills, Bisanz Brothers Battle Creek Terrace No. 3, and Hazel Street; also that part of the Southwest 1/4 of Che Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, lying Southerly of Suburban Avenue; in Pedersen Street from Suburban Avenue to Burns Avenue; in Burns Avenue from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street; in Burns Avenue from 100 feet East of Hazel Street (produced) to Hazel Street (produced) , all to be known as _ the PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, (5-1434) ..,.�.�. ,..�.,...i.ia i va�L;o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ BQGi E174..1� Charge to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P8�Ck8. �ept... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1y.70.0�UD ........................7.204Q.-.4b.Q....................................... $ 5tw7'066.15 Net Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,S Said Director further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ 257,913.03 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attaChed, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated October 29, 1974 Robert W. Trudeau Director of Finance a�d Maaagemen t Serviees � . City of St.Paul CO GIL FILE NO �"� ��� ? .. RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By � .'!'�� � File No. � In the matter of the ass�ssm�n��f_h�nef`� �nst and PYnPn�� f�r -- --_-.------. . - - Constructing a public storm sewer in HoWard Street from EaSt Fourth St�eet to Wilson Avenue; in Conway Street from Howard Street to Tower Street; in Howard Court fram Howard Street to an easement, to be obtained, Within the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, over, across and through that part of the Northeast� l/4, South- east 1/4, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, the centerline of said ease- ment being 15 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly lines of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun itay Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue , to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1; in an easemenC, to be obtained, within the Conway Height ltecreation Center property on, over, across and through that part of the Northeast 1/4, Souttieast 1/4 Section 35, Township 29 North, � Range 22 West, the center.line of said easement being 15 feet I�orthwesterly of and ' parallel to the Narthwesterly lines of Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from Wils'on Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. Z, from Howard Court to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue from an easement, to be obtained, �vithin the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, ' over, across and through tliat part of the Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of,,Section 35, ' Township 29 North, ct�n�� ?_Z West, the centerline of said easement being' 15 feet North- westerly_of and para11e1 to the Northwesterly lines of Lots 1 and lE, Block 4, Sun _. Ray �errace Addition No. 1 and extendfng from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun ���ny Ter?-ace Addition No, 1, to Hazel Street; in Peder.sen Street from 290 feet South bf Wilson Avenue to Wilson Avenue; in East Fou�th Street from Winthrop Street to Pedersen Street; in Pedersen Street from East Fifth Street to Conway Street; in Conway Street from Ruth Street to 4�0 feet East of Pedersen Street; in Fremont Avenue from 480 feet East of Yedersen Street to Hazel Street; in Hazel Street from Fremont Avenue to Uld Hudson Roaci; in Hazel Street (produced) from Old Hudson Road to Suburban Avenue; and then outletting in that part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, lying Northerly of Bacchus St. Paul Hills, Bisanz Brothers Battle Creelc Terrace No. 3, and Hazel Street; also that part of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, lying Southerly of Suburban Avenue; in Pedersen Street from Suburban Avenue to Burns Avenue; in Burns Avenue from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street; in Burns Avenue from 100 feet East of Hazel Street (produced) to Hazel Street (produced) , all to be known as _ the PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, (5-1434) a ��� �' r� �- v � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date DEC 1 1 1974 Yea�hriStellse(�aYs Cer ' d Passed Cou '1 Secretary 0 E C 1219 4 Houa Hunt � Levine �In Favor Rcedle� � $ylveste� Against Tedesco Mayor PUBL(SHED DEC 21 ��7� • ' 1 � �/ L.EVIN �3 ROHLEDER LTD. � ' � � � AZ'TORNEYS AT LAW 620-621 COMMERCE BLDG. ALBERT D. LEVIN ST.PAUL,MINNESOT.� 55101 KENNETH 1.ROHLEDER TELEPHONE 224-3341 OF COUNSEL ABa�64 December 9, 1974 �eo E.STENGER City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: On December 11, 1974, the City Council will be holding a hearing to adopt the assessment for the Pedersen-Third Relief Sewer System. This is to advise you that we represent the owners of part of Lot 13, Block 20, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3 and part of Lot 11, B1ock 20, Battle Creek Heights Plat 3. On behalf of ssid owners we request that this assessment as set forth in the letter of the Department of Finance and Management Services dated December 6, 1974 be spread over twenty (20) years. This is a substantial asaessment and is in addition to other assessments against this property which is heavily taxed at a time when vacancies are of a considerable problem. We will be unable to attend the Council Meeting and have therefor written to you to make this request to have the assessment spread over twenty (20) years. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, LEVIN & ROHLEDER, LTD. ��; , � . � By ��E�t�'�, ,'�f ��_;';�- � `f°; ADL/ssb , � � � � „��,�����' �f���� ; Council P�i1e No. �64514-8y Dsvfd,E.' I�ozza— In-the �tter � the a�easatient of' berie8ts, c�t aad ex�penae.� Yor con- struqtuig a pubSic stornn aea*�er ia Sow- ard Street triom �at Fourth Street to Wi]son Avenue; in Conanay Street from Hbward 3treet tp Taaver Street; in Hi�vrard �Court fra{n Hmvaici S�treet ta an easexnent,to be ob'tairted,within the Coavvay Seight ReCre�t n Genter pmp- erty o�, over acrqaa d through that part,of!Ehe l�orthelast $, Southcast ��, �ectwn 9R, Tnwnahi North, Rart�@ 4�St, t�e ceate line oi akid� ease- m�nt bein�' 16 -� i�arthaiarterly o! and puatlel to IIhe northweateriy lin�es af E,ip�.1 :,t�nd 18 �kock 4, 6un R�v Terat�c Additima �►T6.. 3 �ad e��nding frbm �ilso,p Ave�u e to the west }ine o!,Lot 4, B1dCk 3, 9tut Raq Terrace Addi�lon l�o. 1; in' an�!eesemen#, to be alr6ained. within !the Cetnway Iieight Aeyreation Center-praperEy on, �v�r, aeross s�u} through� that part oi:the Nbrth�aet�3'�. �out�Aet i's Seetion"36, T.ofivuahip 89 North,.liange 22�Weat,the canterllne of 4aid easeanenti be 1S feet No�hwesterl�Y of and ,paialle to the NorEhweeterIy lines of Lots 1'and 18, Block 4;Sua�ay Terrace Addition Idb. � and,e�cte fm�c► Wi]&on Ave- x�ue to the westhli�e of I.qt 4, Block'3, Sun Rav Terrase Additiop �To. 1, from IioWBTd Cdurt' to,�fJYlson Aveuue• in VVilson Avenue frbm ai�.eaqement fa Be bbtained. v6ithia '#h� Con.'waY �ig�tt R�creatlon Center pra�erty on, ov�r across,and tLroat�h 'f.hat Aart o� the Northeprt i ,sou ea�t;a of BectLon�6, Tavvnsktig�No R�ange?.�West;xhe centes]ine p# sa1 �asemenrt ,bei� A6 fect North�CVeaterl ' oE and ,paralle� to the PForttLwesterly lines o! Lota 1 aad 18, Bl'oek 4, 3un Ray �errace Addition No. 1 and-extendf�g Pram'PVil�on,Ave- nue to the�avest 111�e of Lot 4�Bkkik� Sun Ib�Y Terraqe Addition 73eze1 Street; in �eder�en Street`�rom 290 feet Soutty of_Wf�laon, Avenue to Wd�on Avenue; ia Ea,�t !'ourth $tr�et trom .Wlsvthrap .�tzee�t to Pederaen Street; in Pederaen $treet fro}�, 1Gast $1!°th Street to Coli�way Street; !i}Con.- vinaY Street irom;Ruth SLreet-to. 480 feet East oR Pedeir�eu Strieet; in e- Lpont Avenue,fr� 48p feet Has�of Pedersen Street Ca HiazGl Street; in FEazel 6�tx�e�t fram P'reme�nt Avenue bo Old�udson Road;;iri�zel Street (,pro- duced) from Okl Sud�ox►Road to Sub-. ui�ban Avenue• a d then outletYing in that Fart o2 rttre�rtHweet'�,a of the. No�. west }4 v� Section 2, xownahip �ly of Ba�cs�hu�e.�t��,�t��ill�p,8 sa�nz Brothers �Hatt2e Cretk T'eirace fiPo. 3, and Hazel 3treet:�al�o tha�t�art of the 3a�thwest 3' o# 'the 8wuthw�est 34 of section 36, 1�ow"a��� i� � North, Range ?.2 West, lyln�$ satrtherly of Sub�nban Avext�►e; in Pederaen.Btreet irom Sub- urban Avenue to $urns Avenue; in �uras Avenuefro�Pedera�3treet to Ruth S^i`reet:: in E� Avehue #rnm 100 feet E7ast of �tTee�t (produced) to Hazel 3trc�t rodqeed) all tfl be kr�otvn as the �SIRD ff�E- I�IIF7P' S�VI�8 {$-1434). wnder Intermedlary dsr 9S7i9TS, appr ved A4arch �8. � 'Pselixrtin+u'Y �er 2b783�1,aPpro d�nuarY 28, 187fd,Finpl Ordrr:�i8�'d3, approved�,�,pril•27, 1�'7a. The a�e�ent o bet�efl�. cost and a exDena� far and ea�neetion w�th the 8bove imProvem�'t haVing been I rubrrliited to tY�e Ceuacfl, and the' Council havfng conaidered ea e and :��una ttae saia e�ea�snent�ti�aGtory, tberefore, be it -Reeolved, That the eeid ases�nent #re �ud the eame is herebp in all res_yects� approved. Re�alveti H'urther: 'that a publlc hearin be•had om eatd seees�rme�nt on the � e�o]�e��at the h o o c oc�A.Bd.;!ii tlfe ouncil ChAm�e;af the:4"neirt FIouse and City thet thue C�mi�loaar lty of St. PauI; o!Ftnance give t�otiae'o#�ald m a,as required.by the �harter, atatirig n sairl notfee thp tiitie and place o! hearing; the nature of the imprqvement, and the amount s�seseed sgai'nst the 1oE or lats,oi the �particular o�pner to whom the notice ls dfreCttd. . !lle No. 178�5. �,�doPted by tL�Cout►ci�No�re�lb�' 1, A�proved Novaa�er 4, IYT4, � (N»vamber 8, �1974) i 1 � LEVIN �3 ROHLEDER, LTD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW = M G20-621 COMMERCE BLDG -.;rrn� I��iW��Sill..�l� ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA SSLOI .-�^"""� � . i �•r ` ��T - City Clerk City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,�;..�,�.,:,:_ ...�..,.A..__ ,..�.-�--. ,�.-��-�, .,:«:__...>_' -.,m.__ -,,��-�_ --.. -a"` =- ---� _...__ _. .�. ... :. . - - ..,. ._ -- ,, >_:_.. . ___ - -�_� �_ - - :.�..:� ___ _ -�.._y�_. _ � . _ y. �,�,--��_ ____ ___ -�,.o�.,.�..—- �>.F_..__ .