02-1114RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council File # Green Sheet # o�.- ���y 113966 ��, Referred To: Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, the Mayor's proposed Department of Fire and Safety Services' budget for 2003 was reduced on the assumption that some radio equipment and 2 ambulances could be boughi in 2002 with paramedic revenue in excess of ihe 2002 budget, and W HEREAS, the 2 ambulances are bought on a replacement scheduie which helps keeps maintenance costs down, and WHEREAS, the ratlio equipment is on a replacement schedule, and W HEREAS, in order to fund these additional purchases, the Fire Department has identified an addi6onal $250,000.00 in paramedic revenue, and W HEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriations $250,000.00 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 of the Ciry Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 001 GeneralFund 05101 - Emergency Medical Serv: Fire 4070 - Paramedics Fee Current Budget 7,339,000.00 7,339,000.00 Change 250,000.00 250,000.00 SPENDING PLAN: 001 General Fund 05120 - Firefighting & Paramedics 0822-TrucksandVans 459,023.72 201,230.00 0851 - Radio Equipment 98,618.00 48,770.00 557,641.72 250,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE �T RESOLVED, that the City Council adopfs the above changes to the 2002 budget. Requested by Department of: Budget 7,589,000.00 7,589,000.00 660,253.72 147,388.00 807,641.72 Fire & af Services � By: Approval R om nded by Director of Fin ncial Services: By: /✓1 a �\�`� ' V L� Adopted by Council: Date �� , Z^ 104 �— � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� a- � � Appro e Mayor: Date By: � Form �rov t1 by City Attomey: By: • v ` Ap�OV�d Mayor for Sub �ss' I L----• � . _____ __ `� sePARTM�IT/OFPICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED FireandsatetyServices �1l6/02 GREEN SHEET Na 113966 x �°�� CONTACT �ERSON & PHONE . , iNmnvoa� . iNiTwtmn� � � - �� • - � �;....,,., - , . . . . , - . .,. _ . . . , Fire Chief Tim Fuller 228-6250 1 n��aremrronEC�oa_ 5 cm�vu� 0,,,�� ;�`� MUST BE OPf COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ,..- �anwnoxxEV �� ❑crtrn=°r ��+axeuugxv�ceswe._ �Fxantw�gxvixer� �,�,���,��„ n ' TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��� ' CfIONRE4UESTED � Approval of the attached Council Resolution adjusting the Fire DepartmenYs General Fund financing and spending plans due to , anticipated changes in the 2003 Mayors proposed budget. ` �RECOMMENDATIONApprove(A)orRejeci(R) PERSONALSERNCECOMRACTSMUSTANSWERTXEFOL40WINGQUESTIONS: t. Has Nis person/firtn ever worketl under a contract for this department? PtANNING COMMISSION YES NO � CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm everbeen a ciryemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO " 3, Dces ihis persoNfirtn posuss a skill not rwrmally possessetl by any curtent cM1y employee? YES NO 4. Is this person/firtn a targeted vendoi? VES NO ' � ' Fxptain all yes ansaeers on sepa2te sheet and attach to g�een sheet � :. INITIATING PROBIEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) ' �, Due to the proposed changes in the 2003 Mayor's proposed budget, the Department of Fire and Safety Services needs to ", purchase some equipment in 2002 that would have been bought in 2003. The department has identified $250,000 in paramedic ���w,' revenue over and above the 2002 adopted budget which could be used to offset the purchase of 2 ambulances and radio ", equipment. This revenue would provide the necessary funding for the needed equipment. ';.,ADVANTAGESVFAPPROVED , ' The Department o4 Fir"e� and Safety Services wouid b,�zbleto purchase 2 ambulances and radio equipment in 2002 instead of zoo3. ����������� RECEIV�D � ; DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � ��� � E@ �'��� , None. �` 1°TY ATTORNEY ,� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED , ' The department woWd not be able to purchase 2 ambulances and radio equipment. �,'� • TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $P�JO,OOO COSLREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � p�l+Cl\i�� - FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �/8fI0US ��, 2 4 2002 `, FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) - ` . ' . , IVt`i������ Vf FiCL