264608 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ,3/���
'�tUE -MAYOR File NO.
o ci Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
pursuant to Ordinance No. 13614, having been supplied with
reports by the City Forester indicating that Dutch elm
disease exists on trees located on the attached list, hereby
finds that such trees are a nuisance within the meaning of
Ordinance No. 13614 and directs the City Forester to proceed
with their abatement according to law.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Christensen COICIICturiit S@Y'V1C@s
Hozza In Favor
Levine �
Rcedler A gai nst
President Hunt
Adopted by Co cil: Date N OV � 9 1974 Form A rove City C rne
Certi#i�d�~a �by Coun '1 Secretar BY e
- �- �
Appro by Mayo Date Z O i97 Approve ayor for S ssion
By By
�I�BLISHED N OV 2 3 1974
�.. '� ��`��$i�
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Elousing & I�d. Autk�Qrity Res Your pr�perty @ 656 9-18-T�-�RY
6th F1oor � t�.�I. i�at'1 �ank �ld�. Arn�strong - Pos. � 811225
**,a�*�r*,ir,k -
Housing & Red. Authority � _.:Rg. s-Yodr prop�i�y � Ar+�'� � 14-T-74-RV -.
d�i1 floor - N.M. Nat'1 Bank Bldg. ` t�`�er `=- Pos.� � DT2�4
J. t�. Is a�ac Ras: #� t��6fl�9 tr�e �:s;`� tt�e 11-1-T4-EK
31.# Bartes Ave. . soutF�,P�Perty`�1ne.
Ge+�e TNeI l Pos. � D1812 Re: �`our property 18-3-�4-HC
30�' i�. &earge �t, @ 1554 Sush St.
: 14mos J. �hatupsky� Res Your pro�p��y 230 So. Dale 8-29-74-TK
` Montrase, Minr�sflta tree � t�e souLh property line.
Mr. J. Belkin �e: Chesed 5he1 Emea Ge�etery 9-26-�4-HC
1�55 Bc�lland 1bd0 Chrf�tte Plac+�
Jann Bassard fkad/dying trees, loqs d� brush 1Q-8-14-�T
7.97 W. Got�ge i n va�cant lot-1 et 8 - 61 ock 1
'�*�*'�****�'"�* Wdrrtn $� McOowell 's Sub.
N.` Gai�non PoS: � D��97 in th� ba�ck yard. 10-3-?4-/RY
868 Iglehar�t ;
Mr. Canr�on _ (l� t�ad tree in the back yar� 9-24-74�t�'
8b8 tglehart @ the-ea�L side of property.
R'arnsey Co. Parks � Rec. Re: Yaur property � No.� Ha�zel 6
2010_.t,►hi:te Sear Ave. Kim P��c�� - Code �26t# - 30 10-8-7�IkY
*+e*�ir�*��t,k* , ,
Minnesata Highw�► Dept. Pas. � 613427 - g18428 Re: Your 1Q-t-74-R�
6ax 20�0 - Df strf c� 9 Pr�pert,� ?5' e��t of Mar��m , 204'
3485 Nad�ey Rve. No. soath ��`��d�no.
�Co�, S'�,. Paul , Mlnnesota
Town & Coun�try Ci ub �2) D�ad'Elm trees �� tJ�e parki ng g=24,74-EK
2279 M�rshall Ave. lot next' t� Marshall Ave.
Mfnn�sota F�tgh�,ray tkpt. Pos. ,� 613419 - 81342� Re: Your 10-1-74-RV .
�o�c 2t�50 - District 9 property► � enst side of Joy Bros.
34$5 Nadley Ave. No.
�.._ St,,.Rau1 , Mi nnesota
*����,� �;
,,�� -'.. ;,
Mr. Chester Finseth P�.'�''�Q7-il- �'�48 - 17Q9 - 171Q iQ-15-74-HC
16t?4 Point Douglas t '
�, .,
. � .
, � ����� .
� "� �
(�rnan R� Morse ` R�: ,Yaur p erty @ 894 14-22-�4-RV : ,
387 So. lfictorta ° Rando�ph - F1 dead tree.
A.; £. .�onfara Po�. �D179� - flt�QO; tr�ee in 10-3-7�4-RY
2248 �'�fi� Clair the backy�rd
Dr. Auatin Pos. #C11i91 Re: Your property 9-5-74•RV
360 S�ermen back of 273 W. Tth @ east side.
�r**,�+�� ,
Harotd L. Rutchfick Re: �QUr property on Stewart 1q-1-74-RY
M. - 1st Nat'1 Ban� Bldg. Are. lots 4, 5, 6 Bl�ck 4
*********�*** Younqman b L.a�'s Add.
�1:' lundNalt Brush b�htnd qdrage. 9-3Q-74-R1r
2�31 Stew�rt
�t'. Paul S►�+ninary (7) pead e�m tr�es b (2j stumps 8-28�74-RY
2�'60 SunMn�t Ave. (n+ark�d with red)
�eto� Center ' (7) t�ad eim trees @ north end 9-27-74�R1i
3�� Ma�rshall Ave. _ of th� �roperty - Western & C�cordfa
JQl►n Gergd Pos. � Q1779 - D1781 - p12907 8-3�-74�RY
8��'3 Alta Ave. �e: Xour property - sauth of i02 10-4-74-RV
Inver Grove Heights So. Western Ave.
Ralph Bravo Pos. # 13�84 Re: Your property @ 9-26-7�-EK
634 Park St. 1�� Winter St.
*�r��*� .
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