264577 WHI7E -CITY CLERK . � � � '�� � -� ��� � � � " '`'� �/645�7'7 PINK� - FINANCE � G I TY O. �� SA I•NT PAII L � ��Council CANARV.�- DEPARTMENT � BLU6. -MAYOR . Flle NO. � Co c l � lution �� , Presented By PATRICK J. ROEDLER _ ROBERT SYLVESTER Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The last State Legislature should be highly praised and commended for passing the far-reaching and progressive "Minnesota Open Meeting Law"; and WHEREAS, The intent and purpose of the Open Meeting Law is to require that government business be conducted in an atmosphere of openness and candor, and that all government meetings be open to the press and the publi�; and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Attorney General has recently interpreted the Open Meeting Law to cover nearly all situations involving elected officials and government business; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council has complied with the intent and spirit of the Open Meeting Law, including the opening up of Council DFL caucus meetings; and WHEREAS, Other governmental bodies have also followed the spirit and intention of the Open Meeting Law with the exception of the party caucus meetings at the State Legislature; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Saint Paul City Council strongly urges the DFL members of the Minnesota Legislature to meet the same standards of openness in government required by state law of officials at other government levels; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Saint Paul City Council strongly urges the DFL members of the Minnesota Legislature to hold open party caucus meetings in compliance with the spirit of the Minnesota Open Meeting Law; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be sent to all members of the Ramsey County Delegation and all DFL legislators. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensea-- � �ozza In Favor �Levine Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester �Tedesco �President Hunt p y NOV 1 3 1974- Form Approved by City Attorney Ado ted b Council: Date CeBrtified P by_C�ounci�.sgcre� � � BY y ba- ►� Approved by Mayor: Date A1�Proved with�ut .the Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council signature of the Ma,yor purst�aat to Section BY�S� �r� BY Que�►sH�o NOV 2 3 1974 V@�environ►uc�,�a.w... .,. .,. . _� '�: T,aCOD1LC O[C. in.• v •.•••,r--,-� - • ; � � ' , '" environmental coalition, sa�d there is a conc�ut also the ; � � ienfalists felt the stage for Tuesday s action for leaching�of�'copper 'and nickel sulfides, , : fear asbes'tos fibers may be present. .;`" �� ' � �+ ' last month when 'Gove said publiclx a t . ' ' ` r ` re-explo- ± rt �he AMAX proposal without the imp , `.�hapman, who unsuccessfully urged more p � ;c�uIiement.' ' ro osal could ; ; � ration monitorin�, warned the AMAX P p litigation �g along�with Mcrritt was Shirley Hunt;a , ! ,ber and chairperson of the EQC's Citizen's wha h has beer undersway forlalm st two years in feder� � t. . � �. ; �mmittee (CAC)). -Tt►e CAC has strongly_ : r, , ,� . , � -' � ; ation be preceeded by an:inpact statement. al court. _ ' � , . . . . � , ; � �,� � �.�taul �Jioneer �Jr� s , - � � ' �, , F�:{ �. � w , `� �`�\��.� ,� � - � � ,r ■ ...� • � �\�: �c� - `� . • •, _� r Ny ��\����;§.A5 �., ,/,�j ,��� �� � . � ''1. . �� :��c3� � W�ed.,Nor:13, , � �� � ���� �� � I.T � ,, : 4�����"�� � . \ � �� r �. ' ,: r . ,� � �a\\��'+C � ��?�- � .,. � . � : .-% s;.. . - i. . � . ` .t I . +� \a��@���.L���� , . � , . . . . .t �.•� � . ��� {. .F'` . � I 1 . .. +u�sc -.� � - . � - k a e . \t a � ) # .. � . - ' . � �. ` �a,� :.� . � � \\�\?�M � � �'�. r �. ' y, �� � l� � � ��' � � ' �� � f' �� �.�' � �-r�� t� +,� ' • . + . ' - � ., t 't '. :�� 1 �jl, . :�. .r � i�;` t' .k �� ,� .�.�: 1 r tE�i rtl ��.' �>+'-'.� I t . .t i '1 7 � �. k �. .r � .� �• '1�'' .. �t, j �.� ' �'�. � � ������ . . � ��� � �.� � � � . , .- . . ���, ; � � " . ' lan 'to hold � '"�.�z���.��t_ �' `' `` " �,r DFL` legislators �should said ' they. ,p ; �'� � ''�ByB'ruce R Nelson ,. - irit.of their � closed G a u c u s e s this ,_ • �abide by the sp �,eekend �� ' � \ � �\ x� a ; , �������`�`� � 'Staft Nr�iter :�. �. . - ,. own law. ,.,, � •.,.: : , - . , � . . , , _ �� �� � Coun- • .� ' � �said °'closed - , ������� �,.� � ' The'5t. Paul CitY ass a The resolutior strongly ��olerrian w�s�����h �,�,$�; cil,is expected to p ur es the�DFL members :caucuses are "somepl��� �����"����` �f r� � resolution today chastis- g sla- to leti yo�tr hatr down over t�:; . �`� ��'�����'�h �� � the DFL caucuse"s in of the Minnesota Legi ���������i\�x _� ,� ing, ture to ''meet the same issues and personalities." � � , , � .� ���.,, 3 the state legislature for Standards of openness in r $ut Roedler disagrees: , I ������ ��� � � holding closed meetings, , � . � overnment required by . „We Were electefl by the ' �; �.������;;�, �,� , ; telling them, in effele�s� � state_,law of officials at � ���Y .. � � m S� F . practice what they g ." other governmental levels, 'public to serve the public , � ur es DFL and we apPropriate public ������ � �'` k late. - .- and' strongly g � '���� " `x�;�"� j ' , Councilmen P a t r i c k members of the Minneso- � money, ln buildings owneb ��ar�:�',�,�Q a�`w � , , R o e d l e r and Robert ta Legi��ature ' to hold . and.'sustained by the p `�';`,r` `� '��� y�, sylvester,'• both DFLers, open parry caucuses in lic, so I guess we are pub- , , compliance with the spirit lic,"he said. . - ; , � � rid e finished two � drafted the resolution of the open eeting law." Roedler and Sylvester ; • --� �raf�ic. . ' ltiiesday afternoon after �. ,,. , . , � , ey Neale Van Neis _ learning�at the House ` �gislative'caucuses,— , also noted that the major- ; � •.;an� Sen e DFL caucuses Where members , chart ,' ity caucuses in the legisla= .�i� —=----' � _ ��plan to cont�nu�meeting , party strategy and .fre- ture are similar to the one in private.,.. �! :���'� :j. � quently discussp�rsonali-, fn the St.Paul City Coun- , ' ; All seven St. Paul coum ties �: .have historica►ly, cil,since all of its mem- � . >�� , � �ilmen ' are l�emocrats ,been closed .to the public bers, voting orie:way or ! ; • the'othe'r, are�ble to pass ` i � � � � ,: and even when they meet -' and reporters. �'-•< " � legislation.' . � - � n R. Irvi n e h o u s e _ ,as a c a u c u s t h e i r m e e t- g u t t h a t p r'e cedent was_ , ;. : . � Rya�1 Ave: as a �ngs are open; Roedler broken last. week when :���re have' a Iarge ma- , nity center, and said. � - ' Senate-R e p u b 1 i c a n s, jority right now, locally : ; � �. age house at 59 Ir- . , � � ' o ened their cducus to re- ,. and nationally;" Roedle� � rk as a fourplex. "It doesn t cause any p said.' If we ar�'going'to , ;, orters. Newly elected �� , , problems for us: It's not P "�ader, � � Park Associates embarrassing or uneasy Senate Minority` � maintairi trust �.and re- eferred by tl�e resi- i cuss ublic matters Robert' Ashbach say� he Spect the e 1 e c t o r a t e } �1, t o d s_ P l a n s t o .c o n t i n u e `with � p l a c e d i n :u s .then ��e . ; � because it a l low s in public," Roedler sai d. .�P � � K, � ital un[ts to be sold � ��gesides, I think the pub- such open me�tlrjgs. �•� �r,,c<:should operate orr a�co.n- ' ;i •�� �dominiums should � � I ar ke t w a r r a n t. The � lic expec ts us t o c o n d u c t H L e a d e r�Ni holas�Cole- People na America a re f e d / 4 �� nts also li ke t he a s- � �our affairs in pu b lic... , " i t y . o � "" with half tru t hs an d i � �s'plan'to use about What has Rocalcr and n►an an d Hous e'M a j r►ry , u p I. a r t i cularl y Leader Irvm Anderson half kno�vledge " . �_ �using units for, el-` ,Sylvester ' s p , _ �"' °'` ! _� • � residents. � steamed is that the legis- � � t;��'��;�� _ �. �` ���„�"�s`���. f ,, , � assed ��an open .1�,� i , �' �� •; ' _� �� � � , planners satd that', lature p ��.�, � : � �< �_ g for the elderly meeting lay�v which, ac- � ��,� t¢ ' �.` .�. �° ; i not be •Irvine cordin; .to an attorney ,,,� ; the � general's �inter�retation, ; �r ��. ; �"`�� � � S goal.They say . � . . „ " most chronic prob= requires party caucuses i �` . �` ��� ounger �' is attracting�Y to be open tu the public. � ���3��,� ' ��`; ������ . t j , e wl�o move to fhe But the majority caucuses , �; �� ., ' �� ��' � �bs in�tcad of places. in both houses refuse�t� ,_tt ,',�.�a� Ms; ., � �`^�" .� y .. . , . as Ir��inc Parl. : �. .. �ect publicly. � �, . '�� s'�'� � : '"�� �, ' , �G°� as k,.'` � �`�r��;E: . . -- e Oha+�*e house would , plthough the legislalure , � ` communttY thc o en . ' ' +;.�� .. ^� �''` �sed as a _ ;S excluded from P , „ . . . er by Irvine Fark As- meeting law, Roedler and ROEDLER � �� SYLVESTER . �+,�s, whi�•h �ot low 5�,��.�,St,,r ar�ue that the . . , ,r. «,,,•;_ — �--- � . � ,