264567 �,b �5� � C:��lYk Nu. �7—� Dssid H. � ��t t�?a t1� Detition'oi aw�s�e n.�R+�c. t1r! aSr rishts �'���xs v�d"�tinusaa e All t�+t�art of the atr rights ov r the E. � of b'nellfng Avenue a�- ��e�nt to,the$.33�og I,ot 18 all of , i 17 and the N 50.18' o! f.ot 18, ; a11 l�h �ilock E, Boulevard Addition and lqiaa between the�aue�urEace at eleva�i.on 882 #eet �nt� the��piane ��ce at elevatfon 187 teet�City of aul Dittum. and all tbat pRrt qf the,pi� riaht� over the N. 1' of �elby �6,venue a� widened ac�;jaee�t to th I� 1' the S. 10r.of Lote 1�, 19 e�'i� the � ly of I�ot 20, all in Bloek E, Boulevard Addition and � .betweeu the P)an� surtace at evation tOdF Peet an�d the plane aurface At.elevn�fton 287 feet,Gity of 3t. Pat►1.�aLUai; subiect expteaclq to ths lollowing con. ditions and reservatlone; � 1. Zfhat the vacation be eub�ect to� all the terma 8nd cop�tions of Ghepfst� ot the 3t.Paul Legis- lativ8 Code,as axaeaded. 8. That in the ea�eat the etructure, Sne�ttg�an�d.3eiby Ave�es ashall be reutioved and not i� rebuilt rvlthin oae year.or in the event of aba�do�t o�t�eep ld stxuc- tuse� tYe va(r�ttoRt c�' t�►o�e por. n't�¢e!t �12��f►���d�by Ave�' - au13 at�� aiid ffie pr�operty �Rerised°these#a sq811 Tevert auto-, aiaticallY to the City of St. Paul. , 3. That the.Ii�ifie y,S�+a�e Bank,•ita St1Mi8800T8 OP rt�pigri8. aaa�detena�e�ty M'St. Pnuti from any and all damaRes, cla3ms, jud8nf(s�ite flr Ruite that arlse or a►aY ariae,aut ot th(e use of the I air a�ig.bta vacat�� herein; th fore; #tt¢ 7�itierty 8tate Bank� sueceasore r ass9,Sne. sha11 dur' . the life of'the s�cture containe within s�hc saia�v asr nghts, maixttait►�public Ifab�ty insurance - in a:nout►ts ote�n,o,t�less than': for � On�;un�rlred Thousan��Dollars (�1U0.9U0.dU) fol�Pach person Three u u nad r e d Thoueand bollars t�300,000.00) ior eqch,occurrence; prny�r� damase to the exteat of Ose StutdTed Thou6aiid Dollars ($100,000.0@) fa eingle accident. i S�d publie 11a�i3i�y lnsutanoe shail � coat8lri cOnt�7�1 liability en- � dqroem�t sb as�o Drotect tha City , af 8t. Paui and'cball turther eon- t taia provS�l�is that it may not be canceli�d, ex t uDon SO daya I wfitkea soti�ee�ereof to the City '/ � of 3t, $aul'.QOp sra oE s91d fneur- �ce qoliC�es shal'1 1xe.ke�t on,ffi� with the @Aepartment of Finance and M�aagement Servicea. ! 4. Tfiat t�e petitloner being th�I,ib- erq' �tate Sa�, aY to the City the sum of �.�s cwmpensa_ tion for the vacxtion: 8. Tl�t,tdxe getitioner p,rovide the City�vfth a bond iti tho athount of 85.0OO.OU. ��by the Council Novemtier 12, ADProved Navemba� 79, if74. (Novemher 18,S97#) � ��,";�,��"�w�;i� *, �� ��,��� '� ,� � F � ��_.�._..t �,..:+sX.. . . �::��.. .