263977 WH17E - CITY CLERK COUIlCll /V�y�� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTM � GITY OF SAINT PALTL � �� BLUE - MAYO}! File NO. � - o cil esolution Presented By � _ Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �, �r. atid l�ns. Sony 1�.11atte, a�nera vf proyerty lo�ated at 102' Whi�e Hear Aveaue, xhieh proper�y is to be aaqui.red by the Ci�y for the T�13.te Hear Avenue Bridge betxeen Jesse�e aad A�es Avanue, �le►ve �sumei�ted a cla�l.m far rei�►b�sr��ent for the cost oP a prl.va�e apprai.sal of �the sa3.8 property in aeeordeuce with Chapter 87B of the St. Paul Legislativ� Code; and W�AS, i'he Cityr�alua�tion ffiig3.neer has rec�m�encLed payment in th� �t of $1.50.00 for said ela3.m; nrn►, therefore, be it, �O�Y1BD, �hat in accordance xith 8ea�on �T8 a€ f.he �t. Pau]. Legis- lati,ve GoEie, the paroper City of�"3.csials are hereby authorized to pay to 3. !'. Latbnd Co. Inc., Bealtors, for servicee rendered on behalf of Mr. and l�. ib�y Millette, the avm of$1g0.00, �aid sum to be paid l�rc� the p�errmmnaaent Snrp�+ov+�ent Aev�olving luad 110. 600C�1 (I,-7'f�) to be n3�ureed ira�'Ca�nty Aid ?amds. � � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s Y 'i nt Christensen G �'f.nsr�ce ax�d ldana�temer�� 3ervices atzki Houa In Favor ROBERT W. TRUDfAU L ed th Levine U A ainst By AC 1�tiVb1►ector I� fka R�� g Dept. of ' nce$ M Se v. 1'@C Or e sco Sylvester By � Mme, resi ent But1�dGSCO AUG Q7�/ Form Approve y C t Atto y Adopted by Council:PfeSICI@D�tldUllt � ��� Certified Pas,sed"�Council ecretary � BY ..-' �_, B Approv .,by"'Maxor• Date �74 Approved y Ma ubm' 'on t ouncil I BY By � ; V pu��tsNEa AU G 101974 � �6�9�►� . � �3. 1 a.�}ond �'o. J�ne. i — 1904 MARSHALI AVENUE 6A5-9261 E.F,LA FOND,SR.,SRPA.,MAI. APPRAISALS o REAL ESTATE�INSURANCE REALTOR� ST.PAUL REAL ESTATE BROKERS SINCE 1936 ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 85104 , Julq 10, 1974 . ''. ]�re �F M�2$: Tnrv Millattg � 1029 White Bear .Avenue St. Paul, MN For Professional Service Fee: $150.00 A raisal of: Sin le Famil Dwellin PP g Y S At: 1029 White Bear Avenue � St. Paul, Minaesota i - � _ . _. - --- _ -:�-___ � _._-� _._.�,�..�..._..���.-.-��.--�--- -- _ _ _ , -- - -- , -�---_-_ ,.., _. . ,: 3 .. , �a � _ _ f . ;�'" �; , _ . . ,_ - �. �. +. . . t _ _ ... j G. , . _ - -_ ; . " = i . ; � • . . : � ( _ � - k::, y ' i � . � . . '. . . . . . .. . . ' � { . ' . . � . ... .. .. i.. - •.� _ , , . j • ! . ..�._ _ , #: �' � , : ' - � �'` � ! , : i , _ _ - � � � �� . _'. -:r. _ d: ' � ..R� � . . . . . e... .,. . _ i . ' _ ."_ ' . . . ' ..- .. . � . . �..� ' ' — _ , . . . .. ;`� � . ` ._ ` ' � .� ' .. � , ��, . . � . . � � . ' i . . . . '' . .�' i il • ' � � • � . �( • � 1 . � ,, � , / . J. WIL�IAM DONOVAN �9$-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L C� �►::'t voloatio� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �+����� 286 Cify Hali Sainf Paul, Minnssot� 65102 �: To: Phf.1. Lee ��: J. William Donova,n Da.te: J'ul:y 17, 19'�� Sub�ect: i�S$ BEAx A��IUE BBIDG� Claina f'or r�imbarsement for privat� ap�raieal o�' latad �dr. and D�s. Touy l�Li.11ette, rnrners of property at lE� �h3.te H�ar Avenue, xhich r ert is to be ac red Por the snb e�t ro ect hage �ubmitted P �'P Y 4�- � P � , a clafm fbr re3mbursement for a private appraisal of sa3.d prvperty undcr Chapter 8'�B of the 3t. Pau1. Leg9.slative Code. I z�ecc�m;end approval of sa3d clai�, and eubmit here�ith for �our approval artd au'b�missio� to the City Ccyuncil a z�soiutioa authorizing such pay�ent. � _�__ � �