263976 WHITE - CITV CLERK 'COU11C11 26�9►�6 PINK � - FINANCE � GI�TY F SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTME BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � u o t on .* Presented By � Referred o Co mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHIIZEA,S, Raymond F. Cich, owner of properties located at 1601 East Ivy Avenue, which property is to be acquired by the City for the Prospexity Heights Recreation Center Site Expansion Project, has submitted a claim for reimbursement for the cost af a �rivate appraisal of the said property in accordance with Chapter 87B of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the City Valuation Engineer has reco�nended payment in the amount of �150.00 for said claim as evidenced by his letter submitted herez�ri.th; now, therefore, be it `RFSOLVED, That in accordance Vrith Section 87B of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the proper City off`icials are hereby authorized to pay to Parranto Bros, Inc., Realtors, for services rendered on behal.f of Raymond F. Cich, the sum of $150.00, said sum to be paid fram the Permanent Impr•ovement Revolving Fund No. 60000-501-000 (L-7559-�.)�nd to be reimbursed from Fund No. 93772-1+60-013 and �.i.nd No. 93073-�+60-019. ,. ,�... p, • � ��.�-� ����� COUIVCILMEN �i Requested by Department of: Yeas unt �%����ensen � Finance Mana ement Services patzki Hozz� In Favor L ine Levine edith �r,,,, � Against BY p fka gy�v�ter Director ��� ed co desCO Mme reside t Butl-�$ Adopted by CouncilPreside►�a�Ut1t AUG 1 1974 Form Approved by Cit Att ney Certified Pa� Council Secretary BY � r By � Appro by Mayo • Date Approved y M r b i t uncil gy By PUBl1SHED A��� � � T� �s�s�s J. WILLIAM DONOVAN �9$—�J312 Valuation Engineer ! ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U l ', �►:S't val�afio� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS :ed c�+� H.0 � Ssint Peul, Minn�e 55102 �OS , �o: Phil Lee �'rom: a. i�Tilliaffi Donovan Date: July 1.8, 19'�'� Sub�ect: PH03PffiTY EBiGS'�w R��ATIO�f C�T�R �ITB �LPA�uIOT PROJI�C� '�, Claim �br reimbur�e,�ment for cost cf private appra3sals at 1641 & 16t)7 B. Ivy Avenue ' A claim for reim'burae�ment xas reque�ted by crMners of the cited praperties, ; Mhich properties are reqnired for the �ub�eet improvesne�t order. I subanit, herewith, for yaur approval and su'bmissio� to the City Ccr�acil, txo resolutions authori�ing payment of said claim, pursuant to the condit- ions on the attacheci resol.u�ion. < i .. ' � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN �6�9"76 2�_�31� Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 266 Cify Hell $eint Paul, Minn�sola 5b102 Ju1�r 18, 1974 So tbe Eonorable D�ayc�r, Couacil Pregident, and l[e�bers of the City Ccn�neil Gentlewen and ltadam: Raymond 1�. Cich, rnmer of property loeated at 1601 $ast Ivg Averiue, srhi.ch property is to be a.cquired for fi.he Prosperity �Ieights �ecreatic�� Center 3ite Expana3on Pro3ec�, has sub�itted a claim for th� cos� o� a private appraisal of sa3.8 laad. i'h3.s claim �►as submd.'tted p�t to 3ectioa 8'tB of the �t. Paul Legislative Code, Rhich provide� ior such reimb�zr�ement. 2, in my capaeity as Taluation �ngi�aer, do recanmend to the Cauncil oP the City of St. Pavl that it authorize payanent i�n the amaunt of $1�0.00 on said claim. aespe¢t su ted, i �� , J. William Donovan Taluation Sngineer JWD:P'�TT:lo r � � , � , �.�,� . 2639`76 �' 'nc./reaitors • appraisers • consultants 1202 commerce building st. paui, minnesota 55101 - � ; telephone (612) 224-1341 May 31, 1974 residential sales/2767 hwy. 55/454-1341 pICHARD M. rARRANTO 'i L [. (PET[I PARRAN7�7 Mr. Raymond Cich 1601 East Ivy Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota Re: 1601 East Ivy Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota I FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICEB RENDERED: . � I ert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150. 00 For appraisal of above captioned prop y �4292 _ _ �_.._ __ __.... .._ �. ;__ , � . . . - i � � ;- _ , � � , . f �� ' � � .�� . � . f , - s � . � . . � � ♦ : , � - f . ' ' �. _ � • � . ` - , � . j P , � . � f � ' k '• � �I � , t �