02-1088�<�'- covrrcn. F�.E sr b'�. - lD8'� GREEN SHEET#: 203299 � Presented $y: Referred to: Committee Date: a� 1 WHEREAS, the City df Saint Paul has applied for a Ramsey County Soccer Pariners Program grant for the acquisition of 2 land for soccer field construction at the Jimmy Lee Recrearion Center site; and 3 4 WHEREAS, said applicarion was submitted as authorized under CF 02-301, adopted April 10, 2002; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Board has approved a grant for $175,000.00 to the City of Saint Pau] to acquire land, and 7 said land will be used to construct a soccer field; and 8 9 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, 10 that $175,000.00 is available for appropriation in the 2002 capital improvements budget, and said 2002 budget, as heretofore l 1 heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby further amended as follows: 12 CURRENT AMENDED 13 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CIIANGES BUDGET 14 CO2 - 2002 CapiYal Projects 15 3H035 - Jimmy Lee Soccer Field Land Acqmsirion 16 3507 - Ramsey County Soccer Partners Crrant 0 175,000 175,000 17 0 175,000 175,000 18 SPENDING PLAN: 19 CO2 - 2002 Capital Projects 20 3H035 - Jimmy Lee Soccer Field Land Acquisirion � 21 0881 - Land Acquisinon 0 175,000 175,000 22 0 175,000 ] 75,000 23 24 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements as 26 may be necessary to accept and implement the proj ect on behalf of the Cit}� ��*�� ���� ��� r"iy r �f�QAt C1f1R17'11lFm sieiahr�.i I��' �' �"_` tdatel �/� _ a... and recommea�= ap�.-�,� / Requeste�� ���� . �,{ _ •' �c Division nf Parks and Recreat�on BY� 4 ���• ///�9�1.c--�-,[/ Adopted by Council: Approval Recommended by Financia] Services Director: Date: ���.a1�-e�0�� BY �/�ff� !�� f`�'f�'' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i Date: n �iF Q JW31f2esolu6ons, AOS, Green Form Approved by City Attorney By: �pptov ayor for 5ubm�ssi ,$ .�i1ti'l.C�fi� Socce� Acq. ResoW6on.xls Pag ' of 7 ,o.' .;' . .. . w �y � �:�� DEPARTMENLOFFlCHCOUNGL � " Parks and Recreation � CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE ' TimA ness 266-6423 ' v MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE): PAGES: 1 INITIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBER:� �� 203299 � / � /, y�I'jIAfJDA7E 1 DEPPRTMENTDIRECTOR •p(�/ 7� 5 CINCOUNpL 2 CIN ATTORNEY � 6 qN CLERK 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. ��� 7 O.F.S--ACCOUNTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSSTAN'1) l•T � � 8 OTHER:PahsandReGeanon n of attached resolution authorizing the proper city officials to accept and set up a financing and spending plan for a grant of from the Ramsey County Soccer Partners Program. (Approve (A) ar Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE A STAFF O45TR4GT COUNCIL MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. Hasihepersonlfirtneverwo�ICetluntlercontraMforfhistlepartmenl'� OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No OTHER: . 2. Has ihe person/firtn ever been a city employee� OlHER ❑ yps ❑ No 3. Dces ihe person/firtn possess a skill notnortnal PQSSESSED bya current cityemployee� ❑ Yes ❑ No Exolain all ves answere on senarate sheet and attach to areen sheet �TING PROBLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORTUNITY (WPO, What, When, Wbere. Why): City has successfully applied for and will receive a Ramsey County Soccer Partners Grant to assist�in the acquisition of land for a soccer I at the Jimmy Lee Recreation Center. r NTAGESIFAPPROVED will receive reimbursement for acquisition costs, up to $175,OOOAO. IF APPROVED ����� 1 ' k �jg+ �, � s `.� � e �' ,, '1' ld �� �; �, � —� — �, � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �, Land will not be acquired for the constructio� of.a soccer field.,:-�-� °�` � , � fi;:. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION� $"175,000 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (Check One) ❑ Yes Q No SOURCE: RBIIISEy COURCy ACTIVI7Y NUMBER: CO2-3H035 L INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) ' , G3FMtQNW3V2eso/uGOru, A0.s. Green SheetrVimmy Lee SwcerACq Res. 6reen Sheet.zls Page� 1 ot 9 , ,