263974 WHITE - CITY CLERK COII11C11 � �6�9�4 PINK - FINANCE BLUERY+MnEYAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � .- Council Resolution Presented By � ; Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to Project No. LW27-00284, Crosby La.ke Park, � a co of which is attached hereto and made a art hereof chan in the PY P � g g scope of this pro,ject by deleting the comfort station, with no change in the � total project budget. � . ;� � COUNCILMEN N Requested by Department of: Yeas unt Chrrs�fensen / Planning/Grant-in-Aid P ogra ; no tzki NozZ� 4p In Favor ,� ' � L � e Levine / l � �/Jr - � Me dith ��r V Against BY' S ka Sylvester d co � Mme.P esid t But��eSCO Preside Hunt AUG 1 ,g74 Form Approved by C y A orne Adopted by Council: �ate Certified e, by Council Secretary BY i By Appro by Mayor• Date � � Approve May on ouncil � By BY ' �ueuswEe AU G 10 19�4 ; ,, i . �ia�iiY-�a:ia�._�___ _ _ _�.._.. .__... __ . ...�-_.._. j:. . r �' ' . � .��\V��� '�MOFFICE OF LOCAL AND URBAN AFFAIRS MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY • CAPITOL SQUARE BUIIDING • 5T. PAUI, MINNESOTA 55101 • iMONE �612) 7�1•3091 RECEIVED JUL 2 4 1974 .GRANT•IN•AID PROGRAMS July 23, 1974 Mr. William Q. Patton, Coordinator Grant-in-Aid Programs 918 City Hall � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: LW27-00284 - Crosby Lake Park City of St. Paul Dear Mr. Patton: Enclosed is a copy of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation's approval letter of the Amendment for the above designated project. Also enclosed are two copies of the Amended State/Local Project Agreement for signature by the proper officials. Please return both copies and upon execution of this agreement, we will forward one copy for your files. ; Sincerel..y,, � (� ! � � •� 1 � , � � :������ ��1��� ;' ti� � J�mes J. Sol Director � Of�ic� of Lo 1 & Urban Affairs � � /dl Encl. AIJ F(�Iln� nnr�r-.n�ri �niiTV C�nni r�vrr, ,-_. .. ,-, . s : _ :� .__. _ . ._ .....___._..__,�_ .s ..� _ _ _ _ _ _ . . � . _ . 2639�� STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY OFFICE OF LOCqL AND URBAN AFFAIRS AMENDMENT TO LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT � Citv of St. Paul � Local Unrt of Government Project Amendm�nt M- R70'� pLW 27-00 284 GroGbv T.akP Park Pro�ect Title � This amendment to the Project Agreement No. M- 8703 Crosb La �I , y ke Park is hereby made and agreed upon by the Director of the Of�ce of Local and Urban Affairs and the City of St. Paul pursuant to the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, 78 Stat. 897 (1964). �e City of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota, in mutual consideration of the promises made herein and in the Agreement No. M- 8703 amendment, do promise as follows: of which this is an That the above-mentioned agreement is amended by adding the followine: The comfort station is hereby deleted from the project scope. Due to cost overruns on all other project items, all project costs will remain the same. In all other respects the agreement of which this is an amendment and the plans and specificutions relevant thereta shall remain in full force and affect. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this amendment. APPROVEn. COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT BY' For City of Saint Paul Title: city, Village, or County ATTORNEY GENERAL BY Mayor or Chairman(name and title) STATE OF MINNESOTA Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen BY: Date By Title: Clerk or Auditor(name and tiile j Approved as to form and execution this Director, Department of Finance & rlanagement Dat2 Services day of o 19 . SEAL AFFIXED STATE AUDITOR � r ' NOT ENCUMBERED ` � STaT� PLANNI�G N Y By: g ` l't_ v�`"� ��� �-,_-,_� Y — -� D1te ire�tor, Office'+of LQcal & Urban Affairs \ ,�.�, ` 7-23-74