263971 WNI�E - CITV CLERK PJWK� -FINAN�C'E �ITY �OF SAINT P�[T�. �o�cil CAN RY - DEPAiiTMENT BLU� -�MAVOR File �O. ���� � ouncil Resolution � p���tea gy , Referce:d To Cos�mittee: Date Out of Coaamittee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a. release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized a.nd directed to pay out of the Tort ° Liability Fund 09070-420-000, to: 1. Alice Brandt the sum of $300.00 in full settlement of her claim of damages sustained on or about October 16, 1973, as more particula.rly set out in a, communication to the City Council on November 8, 1973. 2. Steven T. Rose the sum of $165.00 in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about Ma,y 2, 1974, as more particularly set out in a � communication to the C ity Council on Ma.y 30, 1974. P ' 3. Thomas J. DeLisle, for the Delisle Company, the sum �� of $42.50 in full sett�ement of- his- claim of dama.ges " sustained on or about �anuary 23, 1974, a.s more � particularly set out in a communication to the City ;; Couneil on June 11, 1974. COUNCILIIII[EN ��� � ���� �: 'I�eas Chr'tSteEtseQ Nays la � Hoz�a � ' �evine Z+� Favor � Sy� Agai�st BY '� Tedesco President H�mt �U� 3 1 191`4 F�, by = �y Adopted by Council: �ate MCertifie ass by Council Secretary BY � ' f B 'A�nprov Mayor: Date � ��� �p�oved by�ayor f�Submnssioai to Council ;, BY SY PUBUSHED A�� 3 1974 � , - 26�9�1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 17 July 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES MEMORANDUM TO THE CITY COUNCIL CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' BY ALICE BRANDT, STEVEN T. ROSE, AND THOMAS J. DeLISLE FOR THE DeLISLE C�MPANY Claimant, Alice Brandt, requests reimbursement for medical bills incurred when she sustained injuries as the result of a falldown on defective city side- walk. Liability is on the pa.rt of the City. This office approves the settl�nent of Ms. Brandt' s claim in the amount of $300.00. Cla.imant, Steven T. Rose, requests payment for damages sustained to his vehicle when he was involved in an accident with a City Fire and Police Repair Service vehicle on May 2, 1974. Liability is on the part of the City. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Rose' s claim in the amount of $165.00. Claimant, Thomas J. DeLisle, requests reimbursement for , property damage at 1664, 1666-68, and 1672-74 Manton as a result of a sewer back-up. Liability is on the part of the City . This office approves settlement of Mr. DeLisle' s claim in the amount of $42 .50. � ,� � � - �` - City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121