263970 WHITE - CITY CLERK �1((�� ���{{{(� PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 �h_{��r, BLUERY -MP�yORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. Vv V � o n ' solution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�I�EAS, examina�ians fmr the positions cf "Env3.ror�mental Flann.er III"and "City Plann3.�g Re�eareh Analyst III" are being scheduled, and WF�REAS, it is dee�n�d in the best intereste af the City t0 extcnd cm�petition t.o p�raons living outside of the City; nt+�► therefare, be it RESOLVED, ths�t the residence req,�3.re�ents icr sc�ission to these examin�atian� ss pr�vided in 5ectian lOD of the Civil �ervice Rules sre hereby wa�ived and extended � inclnde residence �f the State of l�innee�ta only fcr the first exami�atian for pEnvirrormaental Planner IIIp and "City PZanning Researeh llnal.y�t III" to be held f�llc�w3.ng the �ssage ot' .this resolution. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Mm6.Pr48 Nunt �o�,ep�t��r Hoz� [n Favor Levine �e�rec�it�-Christen�en (� Against By ����� Tedesco .�����.s�� sylvester ��� 3 1 197� Form Ap rove by Ci Attor y Adopted by Council: Date . Certified s,ed b ouncil Secretar /' BY By �X'�'�? - Approved Maxor: ate A Approved Mayo n Co cil . ��t By By vu$��sWEn AU G 3 1974 . `�> �6�9'�0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI Juzie 20, 1974 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor Rooan 347 City Hall Frama: Frank D. A+.[�rzitel].i � City Ac�inistrator � Roa� 365 City Hall Subject: kesolution to �raive City residence require�ments for the exa�ainations for Enviromaental Planner III and �ity Planning gesearch Analyat III and provide tha.t app].icants �i.tb a�ix months' residence in Minnesota may be aecepted. Atta,ched herew3th is the resolutica xhich xe respectftiil.ly request thst you present to the City Council for approval. Att. City Haal, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55�02 .. , r � ,,.,r � ' . . ♦ .� � - _ 'YE�' �" _ � . � ,� � �*�`'*; r: , , � . ,���i �.-: ► .� . � ` t��. . • ` ... # , . , �, . � ' ' .. , . : � . ' . ' _ __�.._:_.__--_...;�v 1.. - . . __ _ ..- �, � _.. , . � �.�.._> . - - . .. � _L _ . . . . __ . - _ _. . . .. ' .�:..F.� . . .� ' . � R '.y. .d . ' . . � `'.:.Ib . .. . ., . � . . - y ` t �� . . ~ _ EHVIROffi�lENTAL PLAN�x III . '4, � �. . _ � ,;�- , CITY PLANPII�G I�SEARC'H ANALYST III , : _ -. �� � .. Thia reeolution providea that the residence requiremeat !or the :�, sbove-mentioned positions be raived and that applicants �+ith six • � �onths' reeideace in Minnesota be accepted. _� : . - �� ' Both of these positions reqnire extensive profe8sional and " - . superviaory city planning experience. � - � �, ` Since there are few people svailt�bie xith the type of educstional � ' and expeMence background, it is deemed in the best interests of the � �`°� City to extend coa�petition to persons living outeide the City. � .. �`,�� • � , ��� ` . . , ' "� Do not detach this memorand� Prem► � the resolution ao tha.t this information � � s will be available to the Ci ty Council. � � � _ ` u � � , (6-20-7�+) . ��.--...,. - - -- - --�-�--- - - � _ - -- -- --- - - - - -. _ ._T_.. .,_ .. : ._ ; ,� , - - ----___y.___.i ,.......,r:._. � . . • , � �y� . ��;- � . , � �- - �;* . � * . :s:>t: � ,�, . . �� .; . ' �..� , �::�. . . ._ �. _ .. �'i� � ' ' � � . .. - . . . .. . . . - � " ��: 5� ..,�. _ . R . . . . . . . .. � . . . . . . � � . k♦ , ..o . . . . . �. . . '1C�1. � �i' . . � . / . .. .. �. � . .. . . .. .� ' . . � � .. . _ . ,� � :�� . . . . . � . .. . . . . , . � . � � .. .yl-`;�. . .. . �� . . . � . � . ,s f , .. . � - . . . f � . _ . . . .. .. .., . , �, . . . . .. . _ l . -.�� �..� - . . .. �. � 7;,� � . �. . . . ,. ' �. M, . t .�.. � . ... . . . t �t �,.. ' . Y � . �. . � � .. � � � � . . + � . �1 _ . ' ������� J� i f 1 � June 20, 197�+ � i, � .�:_..�..��..��.�..; ;� To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen, M�►yor �\�����`��; Roo�n 347 City H � �� Fromr Frank D. Ma� elli Ci�,y Adaain�s ator � Ftcaom 365 Cit�, .u'.�%'` Sub�ect: ReSp���• o waY,v�City residence r�quizement� for t , examina� ns �x ,'nvirQnme�nt�1. PZannsr III and i,�y Plsnnir� e�cear� Analyst III a�n�l provide that �+plican�ts wi eix montt�s' re�idenee ii� P4innesata ai�y be accept , �,.,..._.,,,v,f ``'��.__.�%"i i Attac:�td hdr,d'wi is the x��ion which we reapectt'ully r�que�t thst you pre��� to the Cit�� Council for a�aproval. � �� � , �' ,��,, ,�,, Att. • � ' ����L ��� zzz 2�6���� CITY PLAI�IpG 1�SEARCH A�ALYST III Thia resolution provides that the residence requirement Por the above-ffientioned pc�sitions be waived and that applicants xith six months' residence in Minnesota be accepted. , Bc�th of these positions req�ire extensive professional and � St�pervi�aory city glanning experience. ' Since there are fev► people available with the type of ed.ucational and experienee background, it is dee�aeci ia the best interests oP the City to extend coanpetition to persons living outside the City. �I � Do nut dete,ch this memorandun fro� the resolution so that this information will be available to the City Council. � � (6-20-74)