263941 WH17E - CITV � ERK �oun�li 2fi3941 PINK - FINANCE ..GITY OF SAIN�T PAITL.� t CANARY - DEPARTMENT � . . BLUE - MAYAR � . FilE NO. � , n ' R olution Presented By � Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEEtEA,S, The City of Saint Paul acting through its Valuation Engineer has secured an a�reement for the purchase of tha.t certain property described as follows; The north half of Lot number fifteen (15) block number one (1), Foundry Addition to the City of St. Paul, acc. The north half of Lot number sixteen (16) block number one (1), Foundxy Adclition to the City of St. Paul, acc. WIi7�l�FAS, The property described herein is necessary for the expansion of the Front Recreation Center improvement as approved by Ac3�ni.nistrative Order No. D-1119 dated February 19, 197�, and the price at which the property may be purchased is in the amvunt of $19,250.00, bein� a fair and rea.sonable price for the subject property according to the appraisal obtained by the Cit�r Val.uation Engineer; and W�I�',,A,�, The City Valuation En.gineer has reooz�unended the p�rchase of said property at the price stated above, as evidenced by his report submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the above described land, and be it F"URTHER RE50LVED, That the proper C3.ty officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to Mary Waldoch, record fee owner, the sum of $19,250.00. Said sum to be paid from PIR Fund Code 60000-501-000 (L-756o-�-),to be reimbursed from Fund 93772-�+60-01�+ and Func1 93073-�60-018. The payment to be made upon the City being fU.rnished evi dence of good znarketable �itle in the aforesaid vendors, and the total payment to be made upon tender by sai.cl parties of appropriate deeds conveying title to said property to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN � Yeas C��g��n Requested by Department of: Hun Ha� � Finance d Management Services opatzki Levine � �n Favor Director vine t,�� redith �� Against By "" ' S afka Sylvester �, T�isses Mm .Presi nt But��sident HuRt J U L 2 5 1974 Form Approved by y Att rne Adopted by Council: Date Certifie sse by Council Secretary BY By Approve by MaXor• Date Approved Ma or r 'ssion o Council By BY a��t�sHEa AU G 319�# J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ��j_�.jl�� Vcluation Enyineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ��y���� Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �� 2t6 Cify Hdl S�inf P�ul, MinnNOt� 6b10t To: Phil Zee From: J. William Donovan Date: July 10, 197�+ Subject: FRONT PLAYGROUND F�'ANSION Acquisition of proner�ies at �+99 Stinson Street and at 9�+�+ Alackubin Street The cited tiroperties are required as part of the subject improvement order. I have negotiated the purchase price for both �roperties, �and submit heretirith for your apx�roval and submission to the City Council, tvro resolutions authorizing the x�urchase pursuant to �he terms on the attached resolutions. I I I � I �'� �' I, J. WIL,�IAIA DONOVAN Valvation Enyineer ����� i ROY E. BREDAML, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 2!6 Cify Hali S�int P�ul, Minenof� 66102 Ju1y 10, 197�+ To the Honorab•le Niayor, Council President, and Members of the City Council Ladies and Gentleanen: The Mayor of the City of St. Paul by his order, Administrative Order D-1119, dated February 19, 197�+; and Final Order C.F. 25g1+8�+, adopted by the City Council August 18, i972, authorized and directed the Bure�,u of Valuations, Department of F`i.nance and Management Services to proceed z�rith the action necessa,ry to acquire the properties necessary for the expansion of the Front Recreation Center. Pursuant to such authorization and direction, I; in my capacity as City Va,luation r�gineer, have s�cured an agreement s•rith Mary Waldoch, i oianer a.nd seller of the pro�erty at 9�+�+ Mackubin Street; for purchase oi' her land for comuens�.tion in the amount of $19,2j0.00, which in �y opinion is a fair and reasonable �rice. Therefore, it is my recommen- dation to the City Council that it authorize the purchase of this i �nroperty in lieu of condemnation a� the said price of $19,250.00� as Inegotiated �•rith the oymer. I The property herein recommended to be acquired is more particularly � described in the resolution submitted hereVrith for your consideration �;. and action. I Respectfully ubmit� � _ J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer JWD:PW:lo cc: Robert W. Trudeau Thomas J. Kelley ',