263931 �: _ _ ` . CITY OF ST.PAUL C E N . . ""' FINAL ORDER By File No. �i�� In the Matter of �'����� �� ����`� � � �� ��� 0� � �• �!'O� � �t. �'A �! �t. � d0 i�� �� 11l�"'�IC M�t'�� �i YM4�NMl� ..d s�ta..s+�t co +oo.r►1�1�+� •�i.a i.�►�t. '`�.. under Administrative Order ��� approved � ��'s �ly� 2 `78�I under Preliminary Order approved J�� � 197� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date JU L 2 5 1974 Yeas ChristertS�'�aYs J U L �,,6 �974, Hozza � Certified P by Council Secretary f�unt Levin@ In Favor By �� � Against Sylvester ,� Mayor p�6�►��o au� � �s�a . ����� � �..,..� ..±T.�,.������� � i��, s �,: �, ,.�f�= r���•.-�� ��. ��Ilif4'�, � � ,; ��, n� �. . Ii �` �°�� � i�-s:w--�� ,. ��x� � �� � t�� � ����� � _ , � �� �.:..._ . ��� �.. ��� � _, . �s�,�. ,.; , :�� ��,� `"``„�de�: '.���,: .r � s'.. ��r,�f4 Ninh� !.�ti�' +, ;`;" a�r''� �,« �� � ���, ���, � � '�a � �,.�F� �i .� �`,. ���. ���� ..+ras� ..'l� r��rtJw y i'�,�,?k���i�r: ar�� i _ 9�.��� � � li.Y:!xl:' .�..�� :xi:)�' . ; ; ' C�I 'r� o,�, �:i I �-•r P�LT I. ��e�� ' � � J � `-� � L�:��:� — c:tv c;��x �+a �1* �_ ?�ok. —.,rinance G�pt. ����1 : - Vi� � !. t n Cansry`����Pt- • � . 1�� { [.J A t)I'i'IC;l: O1' T7IL �L�1 OI2 14?` � ' � � 263"��`�� ' � AD;41iNISTRAT'IVE ORDER �� � AD�fINISTRATIVE ORDER, 7hat t+�� �ir<�::Lor of t:�:: ����rtr-,�nt of #'u�1ic l��'crr;s fs here�y authorized and ci: rccte� to' prepare pl�r.� , o�taic� surveys� prepare estiri�tes and investlgate t;,:� n��Lssi t�� Lo reco.�s��uc:�':�;�� s's�'��.�4if: on t's��s `.l�st si c'�� of QAR�: ST. fran �.c�^r St. to Sycar.ore St. an� c.'� �ti other �1ork vihich is necessary and Tncidental to cou:plet�� said i�::prati°er:;�nt. Th� �I ret[or of Finance and Nanage�nt Sorvi c:s is heteby �i rected to prepare the preiininary orcer and scii�dule t�is rattcr for publie hearing. :i-G}cit �'`��'�� � . �-",...,- . . . . C„ / � �� -� �-,-� � . APPROVED AS TO FOR�i � r �`� ,�. :_`,f _ - ,� f�. .� ,/-;_y Assistant City Attorney tl .j G 't:L�KS �artment Head' / . , Locai 1r:p�-over.�ent. - � v f 1 . l _ . ��`� r� . . , f ,� ��, . ,� . , . � �� _ .I � f . � . . • .' j-,.� ,, t �• '` -•: t �--. - P<2Te �dministrative Astisiani to bfayor � ���1� , �lT� p � ' � . O � � �� O . 4 i . • � ^ �W� �. O . ��� . , ':�i� ,7 � � � - C m � . CITY O � SAINT PAUL Capital of MinnBSa#e DEP�►t�T�IENT OF PUBLi� WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 tlay 9, 197�+ The Nonorable Lawrence D. Cohen Playor Ci ty of St. Paul �� Room 347 City Hall BUILDING Dear i�iayor Cohen : Attached is an Administrative Order for authorization to investigate the necess i ty to recons t ruct the s i dewa 1 k on the '.�les t s i de of PARI'. ST. f rom Acker St. to Sycar�ore St. Also attached is an advisability and desirability report for this location. ' This project wi 11 be assessed against abutting property o��iners at the set assessment rate for Residential A � B properties. The remainder of the cost will be paid by Public Improvement Aid funds. The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. I�'� _ � '� i '', Yours very truly, fi' .- i/ F. /� / 'YL( ; ����L'L"�.�G'��� ' L' �''r,��i' -ti � i Daniel J. Dunford , WAN/HNi/gh Director of Public Works � Attach : � . APPROVED: I � Frank D. Marzitelli , City Administrator �' '� '� ; '� � � c� ro� . ' M I.rti i ♦ .y • v � y J • , �W ^' ��� • � I +• ^` �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hal! & Courf House 55102 May 24, 1974 r Mr. Robert Trudeau , Director of Finance and �1anagement Services �oom 113 City Hail ATTENTIOiJ: Pau.l Desch � Dear Sir: Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attacned Administrative Order. The estimated cost thereof is as follows : $4.00 per ft. A � B Res. 5 ft. wide � 5. S pe r ��-�.� w i ae ��s.E omm. $6. 75 per ft. 6 ft. wi de C Res. � Corr�n. . � $1 .65 per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk C Res. � Comm. $1 .05 per lin. ft. for curbing for Res. A � 6 �•�hen integral curb and walk constructed. I Attached herewith are the following: � l . Letter to tlayor requesting Administrative Order. � i 2. Approved Administrative Order D-12g1 5/21/74 I . �� 3. Advisabi 1 i ty � Desi rabi 1 i ty Report. i ; � Yours very truly, � i - z . .. /�� � `�_ / � i n��.�2� -` G��eC�T,vLL-� _G zN _ I � �A`��;�-�`�', Daniel J. nford ; ,:'�; v , Di rector of Publ i c llorks � `�� 1►�'' . ?� rt ,� , i Nr/�r� �`L - �• i n j�._..� , , �-„ p� .�._, � . `,- C� Le tJ c�.{ ,' '-, �., �. � "?� �r' rn �'p�. GF ��� ��,'� ,:, ,,, ���x '�� � '�����"IN �' r.�, _ ��� :..7 � ,�� ,-. . r _ ._ . ; pl .. � � ,5�1 ,-,� �.f�, �!J' .: Sj�'l�lZ�� '� 4' �;'"` r.�' � � r , Q� ;�, I ' . - - `�� ����C�" ,. �"...�� t,,;•-, I �4�":f-.,,., �q�> k `�tf�JL��y �_�.,: . _ .. . � � � � -� � ��' �� 9 �/' District No. � V� u.S. Park St. - t�cker St. to Syca�-.ore St. This order �•�as initi �ted �y the Director of Public '.lorks as public necessity on the basis of 2 co���.plaints and inspection of the �•�alk. Thi, ��ai�; is ol� ;i le �.�ri t�i tree heaves , broken ti le , high joints , tripping hazards , :�atcr p�ac.�.��ts , ho���� �n tile and high longitudina) joints. The Enyineering reco�,�nendation is for approval of the order. (F;educe fro�� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) CT HJ RR JD � t� I � � . 'I