263920 � �N�KE .. i1NA CE�K C011I1C11 CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL , BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �� � - - ncil olution Presented By �CENSE CC�TTEE � Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date 'i RESOZVED: That Application M 151�08 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8621, expiring January 31, 1975, issued to Donald J. i�axrone at 111-15 W. Sixth Street, n be and the same is hereby transferred to Char-Heck Enterprises, Inc. at the same address. � r TRAIJSFER Qn Sale Liquor Establishment (Individual to corporation) COUNCILNEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ChristensenNays � Hozza � In Favor I,evine Roedler Against BY , Sylvester ��� Mme. Pre s i de nt Hunt J U L 2 3 1g 74 Form Approved by City Attorney Adapt�d by Gouacil: Date Certifi s by Council Secretary BY �, • Appeav by H4a Date 74 Approved by Nayor for Submission to Council E�r By Pi1BUSHED �U� 2�' 1�74 .���i v� � '� ` � ���� �� ��. �,���-� - _�� �. � � . ���� �A �h � : 1��P�I��s.�'IC) `F��Z "{)�I S.AL�." L�C�U�� I,I���i���� ` �� _ � � � c.��.-��- ,�-�� �.��.�� �. , J a��a;�c�D� r��,_ _ ; , . , � F Nam�of Ag�pl�:;a�µ�._...Edu�arr: Chatp.nti�r � : �4 �' : , -- �,�-�.-...-_-__.._.....�.� ; ` '' �3e����nce Ad3.�aa 2�23 i�.. Indi�r ��ay, No. St. ??aul , 777-2661 � �� �r< - Tel�phone 1'a�. _,,,..._ -� '�� �� - .Are,-ou a citizers of th� d7nited Stat2.s?- ves � � _ � � � � ' . �.. .�,` � Have yov evar �een engaged in operating s ealoon, cafe, soft drink parlor, os bueiness of similar aatur�'t . �. , > � � : . I :, _ rn : : �,a F. � �'r'�en aiid wt.ere? ` ' , ' - , _ � :. , If co:�orat?on, _ve name sud general pur,�ose of corporation �H�R'HECK ENT�RPRTSES, �P1C. � � � g2n�ra� business purposes . _ _ � t:v E, . _ _ :. _ `; °� � June 10 1974 , � V3'hen incorporaLed. ' - `� if ciub, horv long has corporation owned or teased quartera for`club�ieriibers? �� � _ Ho�v many merabexa7�� - � � �., . , . � .,-: - , �. I � ; , . R { � . Names sr,�addrpsses of a11 officars o!corporation.-and name and eddress of general mansger....: .....:.. ` ;? .r �� � ' �li�lti,Edc�ard Churpentier, 2423 F. Indian Way, `-No. St Paul � � °."" " ' �. � �cbert 13eck, 17?1 E�ward'Avenue,"°St Paul � - ` � 0 ,�..� 5ally Charpent�er, 2423 E. Inc�iar_ Way, No. St. FPaul .� � r �. `� � . . . , . � . �Y � �.. . .. � . . . ' . :� � � . ' . � '. .. ... ,. . . . '� . . . � S �, g, , Nrun� and �ddresses af 5tock,�olders: '. .,,.' ` � r� Edwar� Charpe�tier, 2423'E. Indian Way, No: Sf. PauT; ' -' . • ; .- , �Y . Robert Fieck, 1771 Edward Avenue, Stc Paul � , � ��. � :: �; Ssi��-C-pa��ea�3e�;-���3-E:-���}a�c-�?ay,.-A1a.--Btc-Pan� " ; . Give . , _ ' a � �,� name of surety compar,y whiCh will write bond,if knawn W. A. Lana „ .: ` � Number . ` Street : Side . Between Nhat Croee Streeta Ward _, , � I� _ ". � .;,. y ,a .. _ _ . � _ - � � 111 W. 6th St corner 6,�h Stieet `Washin��on Street �� .. . _ _ , . � _ . :.: _. , I � ,. _ . , , _, . „ , • < � . . -. . . . _ .:, � . , ��, , _ . - - �� '� �� . . .. . - - �`�' How inany feet from a.n academy.;college or univeraity (measured along etreets)Y fes . 3 mi `� •._ '� : ,, � . . : ' Haw inar,y feet from a church (measured along etreeta)? � blocks �` ' � How manV feet from closest ubIic or ' � � P PES'och3$1�rada or high schoolV{measured along.atreets)? '3 'kilocks ; ��� -'..; ;.. '� .' �.�_NazflB Of�CIOS83t SCh001.—gc c tim=t i nn.: �`� � � . `:�' ,. �.: .,.� �" �, : �. . � - - t��� How are Fremises classifie3 under Zoning th�nancei Cor:unercial � -� ~ f On ahat Hoor locat�? cr�uncl flc•�r - a rPPt 1PVP1 ` � ' ° ~ ... 2` � " � Are premiszs owr.ed by yo� or teased?-leased �� 1��gpve name oY owner Runian Properties� Inc. � = " If a resiaerant give eeati�g cap�city? 13 0 - ` . . , ; �, - , _ . 'i � If,rotel, seating capacity o: mair. dini-�s roor.n? , ' Cive trade naa:iP Staa� Door - , ' E �� , - Give belo�v Ln�nar.�e,o:nam!�er,or other deACription o! each'additional room in which_liquor ealea are intended: _ } � . � . , �' � . - ;. ' f, _ . NQn� , � , .. � . m , , «I� . . -- � -. � °� , J� ' " r _ !� ,:z � � ��. � , � ... � ., . � ,' ' ' _ -_ � . % ' ... . .. . ... , . ,, �. - . ... ; .t� '...: . .:.. . : . ' . "_ . .'-' .; '-` �. . , f -,� ' - _�� ;�� , � ('i'La ivta:mi;icn sbosa mnat bQ ai�w foi hotela am!�eetAnrants �vhfeh„n�e more than one room tor Lanor ealea) ; � None - - _, . .,- � , �. ., � •., How maay ga2s�roczns in hotzll � � • � , � � _ _ " .` : . '. , Itiar.:e of resi�en�propr.'ator or�aaager (reataurant or hatel) � ` � ' �� . � ` = � ,� •= Gi�•e n�,-��s a:c ad��esaea o#threa bueinesa referencee: '� � � , ;�• g. Su;��tit Ilational Bank of S�: Paul, 205 �lurora Avenue, St. Pa�:l , ' � � "� F` ,_ 2 r:obert R. Weinstine, W-1781 First National Bank, St. PauT : ;.� �___�._...._ , . � � s' .i 3`L'r�c�lev �ta�e ;3ank, Fridlev • .... . , ; ' � 3';ti �;?�LI^A'�'Ii�3V 11��iS`�' $E Y�RP�IED BY THE APF]GICANT.'AND IF' CaRP0�3A1'�ON, BY � � , ,, '�'� r,:� z�'�'�: �: 1Ii� COtZPfliit!t':flN DZJLY EIUTHQRIZEA TO MAKE THI� A�PPLiCATI�J2+1; A2vD 1 . '; � �� �� , - �JL � �` ° � Tr-'E 5;.�.��t;�T;i�:C��P�3r A3'T�3ai IiE A'I'.i'A4."t$F:D: � � � ' ` k�.: ' , ��� ��'��� '���',�. .. _ " '� ,. ` . . . � .:._ .. �, ;. � � ��-= . �� �� � � . -, .� � � a , . ; . . :. � � �.� _ _. .. ,, �. ., _. . �_ _ �. .. , . �, � �. . _ w� � � 63 � 2 ° �' CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR �.ICENSE �r -'�'� � �7�G n-- I�-r�- � '�^� APPlication No.� Name of A lican ��dward Charpentier -� . ��, 34 PP * .� i Besidence Addresa 2 4 2 3 E. I nd i an WaY, No. S t. Pau 1 . Teleph�ne No. ���-2 6 61 Are you a citizen of the United Statea? Have you evnobeen engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, aoft drink parlor, or businesa of similar nature? When and where7 If corporation, give name x�ad general purpose of corporation C-H&B�HE►CK FNm .RPRISE . N . eneral business ur oses When incorporated? u 4 if club, how long h�s corporation owned or leased quarters for club m�mbera? , Ho�+- many membera 7 Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ' Edward Charpentier, 2423 E. Indian Way, No. St. Paul Ra ert Hec , war Pvenue, t. Pau �ally J. Charpentier, 2423 E. Indian Way, No. St. �aul �� Names anrl t�ddresses of Stockholdere: Edward Char�entier, 2423 E. Indian Way, No. St. Puul Robert Heck, 1771 Edwarc� Avenue, St. Pau� Sa��p-E�is�ger�tie�;-�4�3-E.--��e��ar�-Wap;-Pde.--&t.--Pat�� � Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known W. A. Lang � $�f'a }�e �u�e-f' , �t Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward ���' : 1 111� �� W. 6th St.� corner ' 6th Stre�t� Washington Street . . . ; How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along atreeta)? 3 ntiles � How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? 2 blocks � How zr�an� feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along atreets)? 3 blocks __ Name of closest school. Assumption How are premises classiSed under Zoning Ordinance? Commerci�l On whdt Hoor located? �"round floor - street _leve? Are premises owrced by you or leased? leased if leased give name of owner uunian Properties, Inc. If a restaurant give seating capacity? 13� If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? Give trade ������ Stage Door Give below tne name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: None (The iutortnstioa sbo�e mnat be givea for hotels and reataurants which use more than one room for liqnor aalea). How many guest rooms in hotel? none . Name of resident proprietor or mana,ger (restaurant or hotel) � Give namea and addresses of three business referencea: Y. Summit National Bank_ of St. Paul, 205 Aurora A��enue, St. Paul 2 Robert R. W�instine, W-1781 First National Bank, St. Paul 3 Fridley State Bank, Fridley THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THI3 APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOSATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE �, _\ � � STATE OF MINNF.BOTA� COUNTY OF RAMBEY, °8• �� ���r bein� Srat du�► sa►o�e�a� deposes and eays that he haa read the foregoing applicstion and lmowa the contents thereof�and that the eame is true to the best of hia knowlecl�e�iniormation and beliet. Subscribed and sworn to before me this..._._..11t,hw_day of 19_Z4 ,:, ° /�� Notsry Publi � ,4 ALEN r My COt13IY118810I1 87Cp �' �� bOTARY PUBLIC- MINNE80TA My Comm.Expirea July 23,3950 STATE OF MINNES� , " COUNTY OF AAMSEY, 88' Fdward C4iar�entier � ------ ---------------.. -�--------- bedng 8rat duly aworn, depoaea and eays that hP ;s. th�- prnsic�nt ' of C�3AR-FIDQC II�I�RPRISES. IlvC. �a corporation; that he haa read the ioregoing application and knowa the contenta thereol,and that tbe same is true to the best of h�G ]rnowledge� information and belief; that the sesl af8xed to tbe foregoing instrument is the corporate aeal of said corporation; that said application wss signed, eealed and ez� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directora, and eaid applicstion and the execution Lhereof ia the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. - . ,. Subacribed and aworn to betore me thf 11tY�ay o f June � 19 �4 _` . Notary Publ' ,� y - LINDA KAY REOALEN My commiasion exp' "'j�....�.4za�c.�a�i�.- ��N N e a et. n� RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm.Expires July 23,1880 lt M