D00923CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MP,YOR ADMINI5TRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: �qZ3 Date: � � Q � � Wi�REAS, the 1994 Capital Improvement Budget includes an appropriarion of $25,000.00 for the Youth Athletic Recreation Equipment Program (YAREP) administered by the Division of Parks and Recrearion, and WHEREAS, the Mounds Park All Nations School Playground project has received a YAREP grant of $5,000.00 as authorized by Administrative Order D-00892, dated March 28, 1996, and VJHEREAS, the Mounds Park All Nations School Playground project has been approved to receive additional grant funding in the amount of $3,000.00, and WHEREAS, the Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life - District 4 Community Council is the fiscal agent for the project, THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials, upon receipt of project invoices, are hereby authorized and directed to pay the Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life - District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106, the amount of $3,000.00 for the Mounds Park All Nations School �ayground project. C94-3S006-0882-3Q019 APPROVED AS TO FORM ,i .L� ,, � C�� �� �� Assistant CiTy Attomey Date _ �_ Depamnant Head N " " ° __-`f� �l AdminisffaRVe Assistant w Mayor Parks and Recreation )ATE INRIATED � �� �� 4/29/96 GREEN SHEET �- 36164 — INRIAVDATE � OEPARTMENT OIRE u CRY CAUNCiI __ JOhrl Wirka 266-6411 ��B� mC1TYATTORNE`! �CITYCLERK �A BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} RQM� a BUDGEi DIAECTOA a FIN. $ MGL SEfiVICES DIR. OADEfl MAYOR(ORASSIS Q Par�c R R P('7'p I T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �CTION REQUESTED: � t%�v',�'w�� Approval of Administrative Order Mounds Park All Nations School Playground Project ���( � 2 ���� _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ GIB CAMMRTEE � A sn�F _ _ DISfRICTCOURi _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEHVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWE#t'�/1E Q UESTIONS: 1. Has fhis persoNfirm ever worketl untler a comracff'�ot thisltepartin�E?��i� YES NO 2. Has this personNirm ever been a ctty employee? YES NO 3. Does this per5on/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current c'rty employee? YES NO F�cplatn all yea answers on separete sheet antl attaeh to grean ahcet PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV(W�o, What, When. Where, The Mounds Park Project has received a matching grant of $5,000.00 from the City's Youth Athletic Recreation Equipment Program and has been approved for an additional grant in the amount of $3,000.00. All program requirements have been met, and project construction wi}1 begin in June '96. Payment will be made in accordance with terms of grant. None Payment cannot be made. AMOUNT OFTRANSAC7ION $ 3>OOO.00 FUNDIfdG SOURCE CI B FINANCIAL INFaRMAT1�N: (EXPUIN) i ' ,° �;, ,. - n s.�-'---- ° r . � � F� � � RECEIVE{� - MAY - 81996 CITY CLER4� COS7IREVENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO acnwrvNUrneea_ C94-3S006 _ ____ d� � u t OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Bi3DGET SECTION � y � y,„�� �1 losephReid,BudgetDirector ��' � � CITY OF SAIIV'f PAIJL, 240 City Hall TeLephane: (6I2) 266-8543 Norne Coleman, Mayor IS West%ellagg Boulevard Facsimile: (612) 26(r8541 Sai+u Pau1, Minnesota 55702 MEMORANDUM �E������ � Aprii 18, 1996 TO: FROM: RE: APR 2 2 1996 7ohn Wirka Division of Parks and Recreation Joe Reid, Director � Budget Office Mounds Park-All Na6ons Magnet School YAREP request D4V. O� pARKS & RECREqTiOP1 • I authorize you to allocate an additional $3,000 to the Mounds Park-All Nations Magnet School play equipment project through the CiTy's 1994 Youth Athletic Recreation and Equipment Program (YAREP). Paul Nadeau, representing the Mounds Park parents group, recently requested the additional monies to help finance the completion of their project. His written request is attached. The additional funding will come from unallocated CIB Bond funds in the YAREP program budget. The current unallocated amount is $6,200. The funds aze to be disbursed in accordance with YAREP guidelines. Please let me know if you have any questions. cc: Paul Nadeau, Mounds Pazk-All Nations Magnet School Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Office • Mayor's Office - Budget Section H:\USERS�ENGEL\WPALES�NINDSPK.MEM Rpr.15 '96 12=26 .... ■ � � ��,1 N�r L�� UAU L ! PUBUC SCHOOLS Aprt{ 15, i 996 � � TEL 612-293-5941 P. 2 1�00q23 MOUNDS PARK ALL NATIONS MAGNET SCHOOL LIFELONG LEARN/NO 1075 EAST TWRD SIREET - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 551065750 -(612) 2935938 Joseph Reld Budget D{rector Offtce of tha Mayor Room 240, City Haii 15 W. Keltogg Blvd. 5t. Paul, MN 551d2 Dear Mr. Reid: dohn W{rica intormed me today that we have basn grantsd a$5,000 aitocation from the YARP budget to be used for play equipmenf for our school playground project. We appreciate this funding allocation, and look forward to breaking ground in early June. However, we are approx{matety $3,000 short ta cover the equ�pment costs, and are request(ng additfonal funding in this amount. Speciftcaily, we are requesting $3,000 in addition to the $5,000 granted funds for total of $8,000. We understand that certain unalfocated funds may be available (such as surplus capital improvement funds); we ask you ta oonsider the ad8itfonal funding in response to our successfu{ ysar of playground fund ratsing - nearly $20,000 this year alone. Combined with installation assistance from our buslness sponsor and the CIB funds, we are confident that tbis year will sse the installation of our iong awaited school playground. Wlth the additional $3,000, we w(11 be able to purchase the complete play structure. We thank you In advanca for your time and consideration, Mr. Reid, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. We appreciate your efforts In improving ou� schoolsl . Slncerely, ���� Paul T. Nedeau Community Liaison cc: John Wirka, Parks and Recreatlon Michelle 7hompson-Tuttle, Principal �ahn= ��� . ���,�ED � 11gg � Ap R . .� � c�F PA� nC r CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDBR � aa se i1' .:. •i ��°� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS, the adopted 1994 Capital Improvement Budget includes an appropriation of $25,000.00 for the Youth Athlefic Equipment Program (YAFtEP) administered by the Division of Parks and Recreafion, and WHEREAS, the Mounds Park All Nations School Playground project is among the projects to receive matching YAREP grants of $S,QQ0.00, and WFiEREAS, the Mounds Park All Nations School Playground project has satisfied all program requirements and plans have been approved and accepted by Saint Paul Public Schools, I.S.D. 625, and WH&REAS, Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life - District 4 Community Council is the fiscaI agent for the project. TABREFORE, it is ardered that the proper City officials, upon receipt of project invoices from the Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life, aze hereby authorized and directed to pay the Dayton's Bluff Center for �ivic Life - District 4 Community Council, 281 Maria Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55106, the amount of �5,000.00 for the Mounds Park All Nations School project. C94-3S006-0882-30019 4PPROVED AS TO FORM �/�/ ,�-��.z-u,c� 1 �., �;.�. . Assistanl Cily Attomey �ate _ t{ ) � �/ Depariment Head :��� � �,�� Administra�ive Assisisnt �o Mayor