263904 WNIYE - CITY CLERK , ('� � PINN - FINANCE �ITY OF SAINT PAITL CO1�Fl ���9v� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR F11E �O. Co cil es ution ; Presented By LICENSE COAIEe3ITTEE � L `,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That license�r�a�p7 iec� f�-;r by the following persons at t ie a resses s a e e an e same are hereby granted. Rug�ed �;ent�1 �:`u�� Inc. 888 I"d. Dale I�c�y/�:'� Plt. Ap�. 9558F�:e�.� James L. & �erarua i�=. iDiller 175 I��etro Sq. Blc�g. nest. C-2 " 12684" „ �. 4n Sale hSalt �r ,• ,� �� �� Cig���ette i' �� " Patriclt f��er•�ens 2052 St. Clair Carpet :vl-r. " 13806I�e`v Qtto Cro��field 629 Aldine Ctrocery A-2 " 135+�9" r, �� Frozen 8eats " 1° " i, �� Cigarette '� " " �r n Off a�ie i'i:alt �� '� r� C�reetings Unlimited 366 ��ac�uta lfi�: 'f 14616P�Te�^� a`�'rar�: idicl�erson 733 Grand &3icycle D:.��. '` 14?21" Charles S. �efsu:�a ).56!a: y;ngle�vood Food Veh. '� 15I�5" A.V.A�;. Tnc. 1889 Fairmount '� (2) " 15282�� I;ary Leth �3ommersbach 1284 t�. 7th tiasseu�e " 153491° Gary A. Youn� �.6�:."� �. Gth St. P=ipls. I�itr.Veh.Dr. " ��15431NeE� E11vin Q. A�larcotte 785 University ����.D 5 " 15434I�e�v John F:irchoffner 1133 E. La�+�son I�ftr.Veh.7`�r. " 15465" T.C. Novelty �Co. 9549 Y'enn Ave. S. t�a�l.s. I�:.T� 5 " 15471�' r� +► h�°.I3 � �' I5472�► tt t� A1AD 4 " 15�]7�'i,r James J. Kurhajetz 596 Van Buren 1�1tr.Veh•Dr. " z52�G�" David L. Dennis 14�O? Centennial Dr. Roseville " " 15�81" �arl L. �vanson 1868 Dayton l:tr.��eh.Dr. �� 15483�� James :-:likner 1913 I�'�organ Veh. Fed. " 1548�=" Patrick Guider 2105 Cornvay i•:�r.Veh.Dr. �� 15485" COUNCILI�EN ��t� � ���� �: YeasChristenseA K�ys Hozza Levine [�t Favor Roedler � Sylvester Against �' ��� President Hunt �UL 2 3 1974 F� �►��� � c,� att� Ac�opted by Council: Date Certified Ccnancil Secretary BY c - �i,,, B App by Ma . Date A�ro�ed by Msya €o� s�gs�ou to Co�u,c�l �Y �' PUBLISHFD JUL 2 7197�