263896 WHITE - CITV CLERK COU21C11 ���8�� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL '�,, BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � cil Re olution ,,,�.. � iPresented By � ' Referred To omm'ttee: ate Out of Commit e ` ! t . WHEREAS, a well known local sports writer has "teed" off certain women golfers within and about the City of Saint Paul and in articular "Putter Poised Hunt" aka "Club-to-Club Ruby�' aka Council President Hunt; and WHEREAS, said Council President ha.s acquired a reputation as an exquisite gabber and fantastic card player, and now wishes to establish her prominence on the tee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Council wishes its President well in proving her superiority in the upcoming battle of the sexes at Keller Golf Course in spite of any sneaking suspicions this Council may hold to the contrary _ _ , _: ,� . COUNCI[,MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ChristP.nSBtl. Nays l ��a '�J [n Favor Levine ROed�� � Against BY Sylvester � �`„�,, _�,� Tedesco w��K�N�� President Hunt� J U L 1 9 19 74 Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date • Certified se y Council Secretary BY • Y . Approv by ay Sub sion to uncil si�ature of the Mayor, pursuant to Section 6.0 n-f' �F:lh� ('!i i�v ('!hs�ri-ar B}I � PUBLISHED ,lUL 2 7 197�