263875 � WHITE - CITV CLERK WINK - FINANCE TT COUI1C11 2638►�5 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GIT OF SAINT PA V L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. y n il e l tion . Presented By LIC�NS� COr'�yITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenseu app�.ied f;r by the follo�ving persons at the addresses stated he and the same are hereby granted. Joseph P. Flahe�ty 177 �. �.�cchange Gas Sta. 4; ,:9,pp.1109G�enew Rehabilitation Center & %':ork "�hop of Greater St. �'au?, �nc. 319 Eagle " 11188" �est. C-2 C�ulf Oi� Corp. 584 1V. Gairview Bulk C�ii "t�e. " 11250" r� �^ Liq.I�tel `Dlr. n °� �_ n n 2 Veh. " " � IIolm & Olson, Inc�. 2n ':�. 5th Florist/Nursery '° �-�297" u u 1 Veh. rr ,. +r Zinsmaster Psalcin� Co. 97 �he,•burne Ibods T�IDPE L' " 11379" �; r� 13 Ve11. �r �r n �r �� ��x�i.vftte Gas 1'umpn " '' Fisher 1lTUt Co. 2527 ?!y�?iff Foods A�IDI'�T � " 11453" r �� 5 Veh. �r ri i� Crescen�; Creamery Co. 226 amitlz Ice Sreeun h1f�;. �� 11462�� �r �� 2 Veh. �r r� ir aam �';�. Ciresi Lowry r1ed. ��r�;� uld�. 350 St. Peter Rest. C-2 '' 11513t1 n �� Cigarette '� t9 " ir �� C1g.VI�i Oper. 2i•: r, ri n American �eaui;y i>.acaroni of I��inn. Inc. �5�? ''acouta Foods ?�P4=l �� 11663�� liutler tifg. Co. 1000 �erry 2nd Iid lQV Dlr. " 12A4?�� Clifton II. Fieward 978 N. B3al_e �:ard►aare " 12873�' Louis Goldman & hlortimer Silberstein 1E37 L. 7th �awnbroker " 12$87�� rr �' �+'irearms " " " G. �artusch .'kg. Co. 5G7 N. Cleveland i oods i�i��'��l B " 13055" �� '� 5 Veh. " " " Hoi+rard �raves c/o General Electric Supply Cc. 5�'0 iv'. Fairview l�t " ]_3�'��:�" n �� 2 Adcl'1 �� � '� ,' Canteen Corp. 2250 �Jabash Rery�.:. C-2 " 13301" Ftayvey i.'. Ruhnow 1202 N. Dale Gas �ta. 6F �' 13924" u +' Gen.Itep.Gar. n �� „ �+ 1° Cigarette +r �� ir Lenahan's Inc. 601-3 h`. ;:estern Tavern �� 14390" COUNCILMEN Reqeiested by Department of: Yea��istenaen Nays Hozza _� In Favor Levine Roedler � gy Sglvester Against TedeBCo �. President I�int Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT PALTL Council 2638�5 CANARI'' - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR Fl NO. ' Council Reso tion Presented By � �� �:^,' ' �'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 2 Ed��ard 111exander 1077 �ayne ��1ot.Pic. t";�p.�-�'5C�?..�?ene��u �, �� Confect. �; n +r n Lyle E. i!:o��ott 310 University Rest. C-�. " ?.!'585'" r� �� E�n �ale R;alt �� �� �' �� �� Off uaie P<alt �� �' " ii i� C:s'ocery A-1 �t �� �� ,r r, Ci�;arette '� " " Internat'1 Iiouse of i anca��es of Nunray� Inc. 2217 Hudson nct. .'�est. C-2 " 14626�r ir sf �i�arette t� �, t► Eleanore L. Gavin ��37 University �3eauty Shop " '-°''=g6;�'1 A.F..�. Seriices Inc. c/o Sperry Univac Plt. � 6��� �d. Prior 11+9 '� 14?OQ" r; 11 2G �dd'1 M °' �t rt '" c/o Sperry Univac Plt. ;-`2 3_J�!� '�. r;innehaha lh� '' 7_�:':70G" �i �� 12 �c�d'�. T�i t� �o ii rober�; tiontere 883 University Trailer Pentai " 14738" Larry I�. ;iedow 1673 �rand Grocery �`;-? �' 14822+� n �� �'rzcen I�'oods te �� r� �r �� �ff Sale I�:a7.t �' �� �� �r ►+ Ci�;arette �' " " �i ,o l;: " 14823n Patricia �►. ?'R`agner 987 fi;ii. 7th Rest. C-2 " 1�i369f° n t� Ci�arette �� �r t� Charles Rauchnot 86� ;�ice Gas Sta. 2P " 1�g7Gt° �� �� Gen.:e}�.Gar. " " " ' IIillcrest Country C'ub, �nc. 2200 E. Larpenteur tiest. �-2 " 15010�� �+ �� :arivate Gas Pumprt �� rr L.tWS.L. Corp. 2041 fiiucd�on �d. Rest. C-2 " 1501.���� �tobert Hogoboom 444-42 Se1by Ga� �ta. 3F " 15084" :A,apata Foods� Inc. 1960 Suburban :�est. G2 �t 15111�� �� �' Cigarette n n n East Nicle Iiardware� Ine. 89Q Payne Lc�y/?��C Plt. �� 15113�� Josc��h a illis 118? Arcade " " 15I23" '::awrence J. �,nthony 2185 Ford i��>�:y. Gas �ta. �P " 15192" r, �t t� �� f� COUNCIt:MEN " Cig.VTi ;.ner. �r " " YeasC11Y'iStensEn Nays �4�ted by Department of: Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Mme. Presid.@nt Htzrit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submissian to Couacil By By �+�+ir,E - c�rv GLERK ���,� _�����,�� G 3�� c�� ����•r ����. 'c°��a 2�3�'�5 ZANA�plV --DE'PA'PlTf41'ENT BLUE - MAYOR Fi1e �1'� . ' �G'oun�cil Resoluti�n Pm�semted � 7.TC��hLSr. �.�t�t��Im�r�.E Re��ea� T'a Caa�i;t�e: i3��� �aa��off�oum�itt�e � flat� Contd. k�age 3 ;�t. Paul Fostal �rnployees Coo�� Cafeteria 1$0 E. I�ellog� Ori�;.Cont. App.15195�eneEr rr �� Cigarette �' " " �°lilliar,i F. �.'aylor 812 l3erry Private Gas .u�g�" 15239�� George �:. Comford 1700 Grand Ldy/DC °i�-. '� 15258" Union Oil Co. 1;ivn. of Union Oil Co. 1089 Unir�. �:; " 15273" Suuu:7it �ianor Nursin� Y�omey Inc. � Pd. `Jestern �2est-Nursin�, IIome 152'75" ,; te I'ood �;�tab. :'.pp.�� n North Dale ?�layg�cunds P:. Dale �. t'LL�'�.in�tcn lI� " 1527G�� ro �"� 1 tldd�l I�; n �� tr Lc���T��°d �;. 't�ithers 544 Concordia Barber " �5���" T�torm's �utp :'arts, Inc. 839 Edgerton R�J ,�Gl.�lr. " 15306" Ralph �. rrausen 1785 Suburban �as Sta. GT' " 15333�� ,� +� Gen.:��ep.Gar. �r ,� r� I �i �� Ci�;a�ette r, �r �� �� i;heel Service Co. Inc. 265� Unive�sii;y 1�-� " 15343�� � �art '�ransit Co. 760 N. �'ric��� !. ,r,dd'1 2�i �' 153�4�r ' Schaal. ?;lectronics� Ine. 3158 snelling 1.ve. ;. t:pls. T.V. I��aster �� I5345�' Concord IIru� �C�:�. 17� Concordia Radio �, T.V.��ube ^�est.Dev. Ap�.153�t3�;enex+: Celestine P��orris 11�J7 Arcacle i'.�,seuse " 15361�� ABC h1o. Central Theater� Inc. 4�49 ��iabasha Ci�aret�e " 15376'� Claddia �",nn :,'endell 461 �l. 3.�ynnhurst I�'.tF�.FJeh.Dr. " 15378�� Lertha �;elisle 5�5 N. Snelling Cigarette " I.5394" COUNCiLl�[EN � Y�Christensen �a� ���� ��� �� Hozza � In Favor Levine , er a Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Mme. Presia.ent Hunt ,�UL 1 6 1974 F«. Ap�o�a by c��r Attos�y adQptea vy �n�ttcii: nate Certi ' as by Counci! Secretar�r B9 �7 i Appr by Nayor• Date J Approved by llayur fa Sabmission Yo Councii BY BYY � Puet�s�� JUL 2 0